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  1.                                 TIGER/Line(TM) Files 1992
  3.                                        Appendix D
  4.                                  Standard Abbreviations
  6. The following text, standard abbreviation, or short abbreviation may appear
  7. in the feature name field or the landmark feature name field.
  10.                       Standard       Short         USPS        
  11. Feature Type          Abbreviation   Abbreviation  Reference  Spanish Translation
  13. Academia                 Acade        Acad                        S     Academy
  14. Academy                  Acad
  15. Acueducto                Acued        Acue                        S     Aqueduct
  16. Aeropuerto               Arpto        Arpt                        S     Airport
  17. Air Force Base           AFB
  18. Airfield                 Afld
  19. Airpark                  Airpark      Aprk
  20. Airport                  Arpt
  21. Airstrip                 Airstrp      Astrp
  22. Aljibe                   Aljibe       Alj                         S    Cistern
  23. Alley                    Alley        Al             ALY
  24. Alternate Route          Alt          Alt
  25. Apartment                Apt
  26. Aqueduct                 Aque
  27. Arcade                   Arcade       Arc            ARC
  28. Arroyo                   Arroyo       Arryo                       S    Creek
  29. Autopista                Atpta        Apta                        S    Expressway
  30. Avenida                  Avenida      Ave            AVE          S    Avenue
  31. Avenue                   Avenue       Ave            AVE
  33. Bahia                    Bahia        B                           S    Bay
  34. Bank                     Bank         Bnk
  35. Basin                    Basin        Basn
  36. Bay                      Bay          B
  37. Bayou                    Bayou        Byu            BYU
  38. Bluff                    Bluff        Blf            BLF
  39. Boulevard                Blvd                        BLD
  40. Boundary                 Bdy
  41. Branch                   Branch       Br             BR
  42. Bridge                   Bridge       Brg            BRG
  43. Brook                    Brook        Brk            BRK
  44. Building                 Bldg
  45. Bulevar                  Blvr         Blv                         S    Boulevard
  46. Business Route           Bus Rte      Bus
  47. Bypass                   Bypass       Byp            BYP
  49. Calle                    Calle        C              CLL          S    Street
  50. Calleja                  Calleja      Cja                         S    Lane
  51. Callejon                 Callej       Cjon                        S    Narrow street
  52. Camino                   Camino       Cam            CAM          S    Road
  53. Camp                     Camp                        CP
  54. Campamento               Campam       Camp                        S       Campground
  55. Campground               Campgrnd     Cmpgr
  56. Canal                    Canal        Can
  57. Cano                     Cano         Cno                         S    Drain
  58. Cantera                  Cantera      Cant                        S    Quarry
  59. Canyon                   Canyon       Cyn            CYN
  60. Capilla                  Capilla      Cplla                       S    Chapel
  61. Carretera                Carrt        Carr                        S    Road
  62. Caserio                  Cas                                      S    Public 
  63. housing
  64. project
  65. Causeway                 Cswy                        CSWY
  66. Cementerio               Cemt         Cem                         S    Cemetery
  67. Cemetery                 Cem
  68. Center                   Center       Ctr            CTR
  69. Centro                   Centro       Ctro                        S    Center
  70. Channel                  Chan
  71. Chapel                   Chapel       Ch
  72. Church                   Church       Ch
  73. Circle                   Circle       Cir            CIR
  74. Circulo                  Circ         Cir            CIR          S    Circle
  75. Cliff                    Cliff        Clf            CLFS
  76. Club                     Club         Clb            CLB
  77. Colegio                  Colegio      Col                         S    College
  78. College                  College      Clg
  79. Condominio               Cond                                     S    Condominium
  80. Condominium              Condo
  81. Convent                  Cnvt 
  82. Coulee                   Coulee       Coul
  83. Country Club             Country Club CC
  84. County Highway           County Hwy   CoHwy
  85. County Home              County Home  CoHm
  86. County Road              County Rd    CoRd
  87. County Route             County Rte   CoRt
  88. Court                    Court        Ct             CT
  89. Courthouse               Cthse
  90. Cove                     Cove         Cv             CV
  91. Crater                   Crater       Crtr
  92. Creek                    Creek        Cr             CRK
  93. Crescent                 Cres         Cres           CRES
  94. Crossing                 Xing                        XING
  95. Cruce                    Cruce        Cru                         S    Crossroad
  97. Dam                      Dam          Dm             DM
  98. Depot                    Depot        Dpo
  99. Detention Center         Det Ctr      DtCtr
  100. Ditch                    Ditch        Dit 
  101. Divide                   Divide       Div            DV
  102. Dormitory                Dorm 
  103. Drain                    Drain        Drn
  104. Draw                     Draw
  105. Drive                    Drive        Dr             DR
  107. Edificio                 Edif                                    S    Building
  108. Ensenada                 Ensen        Ens                        S    Cove
  109. Escarpment               Escarp       Escrp
  110. Escuela                  Escul        Esc                        S    School
  111. Estuary                  Est
  112. Expreso                  Expo         Exp                        S    Expressway
  113. Expressway               Exwy                        EXPY
  114. Extended                 Extd
  115. Extension                Extn                        EXT
  117. Fairgrounds              Fairgrnds    Fgrnd
  118. Falls                    Falls                       FLS
  119. Farm-to-Market Road      F-M Rd       FM
  120. Faro                     Faro                                    S    Lighthouse
  121. Federal Penitentiary     Fed Pen      FdPn
  122. Fence Line               Fence        Fen
  123. Ferry Crossing           Ferry        Fy             FRY
  124. Field                    Field        Fld            FLD
  125. Floodway                 Floodway     Fldwy
  126. Flowage                  Flowage      Flow
  127. Flume                    Flume        Flm
  128. Forest                   Forest       For            FRST
  129. Fork                     Fork         Frk            FRK
  130. Four-Wheel Drive Trail   4WD Trl      4WD
  131. Fraternity               Frat
  132. Freeway                  Frwy         Fwy            FWY
  134. Golf Course              Golf Course  GC
  135. Grade                    Grade        Grd
  136. Gravel Pit               Gr Pit       GrPt
  137. Gravero                  Grav                                   S    Gravel pit
  138. Gulch                    Gulch        Gl
  139. Gulf                     Gulf         Glf
  140. Gully                    Gully
  142. Harbor                   Harbor       Hbr            HBR
  143. High School              H S          HS
  144. Highway                  Hwy                         HWY
  145. Hill                     Hill                        HL
  146. Hollow                   Hollow       Hllw           HOLW
  147. Hospital                 Hosp
  148. Hotel                    Hotel        Htl
  150. Iglesia                  Iglesia      Igle                      S    Church
  151. Industrial Center        Indl Ctr     IndC
  152. Industrial Park          Indl Park    IPrk
  153. Inlet                    Inlet        Inlt           INLT
  154. Inn                      Inn
  155. Institute                Inst
  156. Institution              Instn
  157. Interstate Highway       I-
  158. Isla                     Isla         Is                        S    Island
  159. Island                   Island       Is             IS
  160. Islands                  Islands      Is             ISS
  162. Jail                     Jail         Jl
  163. Jeep Trail               Jeep Trl     4WD
  165. Kill                     Kill
  167. Lago                     Lago         Lag                       S    Lake
  168. Lagoon                   Lagoon       Lag
  169. Lagoons                  Lagoons      Lag
  170. Laguna                   Laguna       Lagna                     S    Lagoon
  171. Lake                     Lake         Lk             LK
  172. Lakes                    Lakes        Lk             LKS
  173. Lane                     Lane         Ln             LN
  174. Lateral                  Lateral      Ltrl
  175. Levee                    Levee        Lv
  176. Lighthouse               Lghthse      Lh
  177. Line                     Line
  178. Loop                     Loop         Lp             LOOP
  180. Mall                     Mall         Ml
  181. Mar                      Mar          Mr                        S    Sea
  182. Marginal                 Marg                                   S    Service road
  183. Marina                   Marina       Mrna
  184. Marsh                    Marsh        Mrsh
  185. Medical Building         Med Bldg     MdBlg
  186. Medical Center           Med Ctr      MdCtr
  187. Millpond                 Mllpd        Mlpd
  188. Mission                  Msn          MSN
  189. Monastery                Mony
  190. Monument                 Mon
  191. Motel                    Motel        Mtl
  192. Motorway                 Mtwy
  193. Mount                    Mount        Mt             MT
  194. Mountain                 Mtn          Mt             MTN
  195. Muro                     Muro         Mro                       S    Wall
  197. Natl Forest Develop Road NFD
  198. Naval Air Station        NAS
  199. Naval Base               NB
  200. Nursing Home             Nrs Hme      NrsHm
  202. Ocean                    Ocean        O
  203. Oceano                   Oceano       O                         S    Ocean
  204. Office Building          Ofc Bldg     OfBlg
  205. Office Center            Ofc Ctr      OfCtr
  206. Office Park              Ofc Park     OfPrk
  207. Orphanage                Orph
  208. Outlet                   Outlet       Outlt
  209. Overpass                 Ovps
  211. Park                     Park         PARK
  212. Parkway                  Pkwy         PKY
  213. Parque                   Parque       Prqe                      S    Park
  214. Pasaje                   Pasaje       Pas                       S    Passage
  215. Paseo                    Paseo        Pso                       S    Drive
  216. Paso                     Paso         PSO                       S    Strait
  217. Pass                     Pass         Ps             PASS
  218. Passage                  Psge         Pas 
  219. Path                     Path                        PATH
  220. Peak                     Peak         Pek
  221. Pike                     Pike         Pke            PIKE
  222. Pipeline                 Pipe
  223. Pista                    Pista        Psta                      S    Track
  224. Place                    Place        Pl             PL
  225. Plaza                    Plaza        Plz            PLZ
  226. Point                    Point        Pt             PT
  227. Pond                     Pond         Pd
  228. Ponds                    Ponds        Pd
  229. Port                     Port         Prt            PRT
  230. Power Line               Pwr Line     PwrLn
  231. Prairie                  Prairie      Pr             PR
  232. Prison                   Prison       Prsn
  233. Property Line            Prop Line    Prop
  234. Puente                   Puente       Pte                       S    Bridge
  236. Quarry                   Qry
  238. Race                     Race         Rc
  239. Rail                     Rail         R
  240. Railroad                 RR
  241. Railway                  Ry
  242. Ramal                    Ramal        Rml                       S    Short street
  243. Ramp                     Ramp         Rmp
  244. Rampa                    Rampa        Rmp                       S    Ramp
  245. Rapids                   Rapids       Rpds           RPDS
  246. Ravine                   Ravine       Rav
  247. Reformatory              Ref
  248. Refuge                   Refuge       Rfg
  249. Reservation              Res
  250. Reserve                  Rsv
  251. Reservoir                Rsvr
  252. Reservoirs               Rsvrs
  253. Resort                   Resort       Rsrt
  254. Ridge                    Ridge        Rdg            RDG
  255. Rio                      Rio          R                         S    River
  256. River                    River        R              RIV
  257. Road                     Road         Rd             RD
  258. Roca                     Roca         Rc                        S    Rock
  259. Rock                     Rock         Rk
  260. Rooming House            Rmg Hse      RmHse
  261. Route                    Route        Rt 
  262. Row                      Row          ROW
  263. Rue                      Rue
  264. Run                      Run          RUN
  265. Rural Route              R Rte        Rt
  266. Ruta                     Ruta                                   S    Route
  268. Sanatorium               Sanat        San
  269. Sanitarium               Sanit        San
  270. School                   School       Sch
  271. Sea                      Sea
  272. Seashore                 Seashore     Seash
  273. Seminary                 Sem
  274. Sendero                  Sndr                                   S    Path
  275. Service Road             Srv Rd       SrvRd
  276. Shelter                  Shltr        Shlr
  277. Shoal                    Shoal        Shl            SHL
  278. Shopping Center          Shop Ctr     SC
  279. Shopping Mall            Shop Mall    SM
  280. Shopping Mart            Shop Mart    SMt
  281. Shopping Plaza           Shop Plz     SP
  282. Shopping Square          Shop Sq      SS
  283. Skyway                   Skwy
  284. Slough                   Slough       Slu
  285. Sonda                    Sonda        Sd                        S    Sound
  286. Sorority                 Soror        Sor
  287. Sound                    Sound        Sd
  288. Speedway                 Spdwy
  289. Spring                   Spring       Spg           SPG
  290. Spur                     Spur         Spr           SPUR
  291. Square                   Square       Sq            SQ
  292. State Highway            State Hwy    StHwy
  293. State Road               State Rd     StRd
  294. State Route              State Rte    SR
  295. Station                  Sta                        STA
  296. Strait                   Strait       Strt
  297. Stream                   Stream       Str           STRM
  298. Street                   Street       St            ST
  299. Strip                    Strip        Strp
  300. Swamp                    Swamp        Swp
  302. Tank                     Tank         Tk
  303. Terminal                 Term
  304. Terrace                  Ter          TER
  305. Thoroughfare             Thoro        Thfr
  306. Throughway               Thwy
  307. Tower                    Tower        Twr
  308. Township Highway         Twp Hwy      TwpHy
  309. Township Road            Twp Rd       TwpRd
  310. Trafficway               Tfwy         TRFY
  311. Trail                    Trail        Trl           TRL
  312. Trailer Park             Trlr Pk      TrlPk
  313. Tributary                Trib
  314. Tunel                    Tunel        Tun                       S    Tunnel
  315. Tunnel                   Tunnel       Tun           TUNL
  316. Turnpike                 Tpke                       TPKE
  318. Underpass                Unps         Unp
  319. United States Highway    US Hwy       USHwy
  320. United States Route      US Rte       USRte
  321. Universidad              Univd        Uni                       S    University
  322. University               Univ
  323. Unnamed Road             Un Rd        UnRd
  325. Valley                   Valley       Vl            VLY
  326. Vereda                   Vereda       Vrda          VER         S    Trail
  327. Via                      Via                                    S    Way
  328. Village                  Vlge         Vlg           VLG
  330. Walk                     Walk         Wk            WALK
  331. Walkway                  Wlkwy        Wkwy
  332. Wall                     Wall         Wl
  333. Wash                     Wash         Ws
  334. Waterway                 Wtrwy        Wwy
  335. Way                      Way          Wy            WAY
  336. Wharf                    Wharf        Whf
  338. Yard                     Yard         Yd
  339. Yards                    Yards        Yds
  341. Zanja                    Zanja        Znja                      S    Ditch