VBAssist3.0EnhancedDevelopmentEnvironmentFor MicrosoftVisual Basic.Dramatically Speeds WindowsÖ-based Application DesignAs Easy as Using Visual Basic ItselfIncrease the productivity of your Windows-based application development VBAssist is a Windows-based application that attaches itself both visuallyefforts with VBAssistÖ3.0 û the high performance add-on thatÆs anand functionally to Visual Basic, giving you access to a wide range ofabsolute must. VBAssist version 3.0 from Sheridan Software is a tightlydesign tools. These tools work hand in hand with all of Visual BasicÆsintegrated extension to Microsoft«Visual Basic«, which builds on Visualtools, standard controls and custom controls.BasicÆs visual approach to program design. With features that include control alignment, property synchronization andWith a convenient buttonbar of tools, VBAssist maximizes the program-visual tab settings, youÆll notice significant productivity gains, whether youming power of each mouse click. And since it builds on the inherentare developing Windows-based applications for personal use, or workingstrengths of Visual Basic, VBAssist provides significant productivity gainson large corporate projects.with practically no learning curve. If you know how to use Visual Basic,VBAssist gives you the power to visually create, edit and save customizedyou know how to use VBAssist.versions of the objects in your Visual Basic Toolbox with PropertyPowerful Database Front-end Design ToolsTemplates. It also lets you create scrollable forms and picture boxes, andNow VBAssist version 3.0 takes full advantage of Visual BasicÆs Datalets you organize your source code with its integrated Code Assistant.Access capabilities by providing you with multiple tools to create easy-to-If you are using Visual Basic in a mixed language environment, youÆlluse, effective front ends for database applications. Design forms tied intoappreciate VBAssistÆs SDK resource generation tool. With it, you can gen-databases using drag and drop to link table columns to bound controls orerate Dialog and Menu resources directly from any Visual Basic form forhave VBAssistÆs Form Wizard generate them automatically for you! use with SDK-compatible languages.Create and modify table structures, and design queries interactively. WorksUse the Right Mouse Button to Focus Your Effortswith all databases that are compatible with Visual BasicÆs Data AccessVBAssist unlocks the power of the right mouse button to streamline theEngine.process of managing property settings and writing code. When you posi-tion the mouse pointer over a control and click the right mouse button,VBAssist brings up a list of property categories. Select one, and VBAssistdisplays a Property sheet that focuses in on just the properties from theselected category. If you position the mouse pointer over a Visual Basiccode window and click the right mouse button, VBAssist displays a list ofVisual Basic keywords, language structures, and user-defined code snip-pets. Select one, and VBAssist inserts the selected source into the codewindow.If you are convinced that Visual BasicÆs approach to Windows developmentis the best youÆve ever seen, then you canÆt do without VBAssist. ItÆs theessential Visual Basic add-on!The integrated Code Assistant allows edit-VBAssistÆs FormWizard will create a com-ing of forms, modules, ASCII text andThe Data Assistant greatly simplifies the task of linking boundplete Visual Basic form from any table, andcontrols to database fields using drag and drop. Just grab aCode Librarian files. It includes a æVisualoptionally add it to the current project! Justdatabase field from the Data Assistant and drop it on anyClipboardÆ which provides a convenientspecify which table fields you want tobound control û VBAssist does the rest! The Data Assistantplace for assembling code from multipleinclude and FormWizard will generate acan also invoke VBAssistÆs FormWizard to generate a VBsources. form which can be used as is or as the basisform from any table, complete with field labels and databasefor a more complex form.navigation buttons û with a single click!To run VBAssist 3.0àyou need: A personal computer run-ning Microsoft Windows 3.1 or high-er, Microsoft Visual Basic 2.0 orhigher, 2MB or higher of availablememory, one high density disk driveand a hard disk with 3MB of avail-able space, VGA or higher-resolutionClick the right mouse button over a control and VBAssist dis-monitor, and a Microsoft Mouse orplays a menu of available property types. Select the desiredcompatible pointing device.property type and the Property Assistant will show you onlyVBAssist is compatible with bothThe Property Assistant providesproperties of that type. Click the right mouse button over a VBconvenient filters which let youstandard and custom controls.code window and VBAssist displays a menu of code itemsfocus on logical subsets of a con-from a Code Librarian group. Select a code item and VBAssisttrolÆs properties.will insert it into your code window.The Alignment Palette lets you easily align con-A facility that lets you create dialog scripts andhex values or a list of Windows ôSystemtrols left, right, top or bottom. You can also makemenu resources from your VB forms for use withColorsö.them the same size, center them or stack themother languages.The DB Assistant gives you the power to managevertically or horizontally.table and index structures and view table data without leavingA Form/Picturebox scroll control lets you designVisual Basic. With DB Assistant you can design tables inter-æLockÆ mode prevents accidental movement oflarge forms that can be scrolled both in designactively and even import field definitions or entire tablecontrols. While in æLockÆ mode you can selectand run modes.structures from other databases with a single click!controls and change their properties but youcanÆt move or resize them with the mouse only.A picture capture facility that lets you setClick the Tabs button and VBAssist displayseach controlÆs Tabindex right on your form. JustProperty Templates allow you to save and reap-æPictureÆ properties from files (with preview) orby capturing images from anywhere on yourmove the cursor over a control, type in the new # and click ûply commonly used property settings for controlthe new order is relfected immediately.types, allowing you to create customized ver-desktop.sions of your toolbox objects.Control Array Management functions for visual-A Property Synchronization facility that lets youly creating, deleting, renaming, compressing,propagate one or more property settings from amodifying and merging control arrays.35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 206E Melville, NY 11747æsourceÆ control or template to controls on one orVoice: (516)753-0985 ò Fax: (516)753-3661more forms.A color dialog that lets you set color propertiesBBS: (516)753-5452using standard and custom palettes, RGB sliders,⌐1992-1993-1994 Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. VBAssist is a trademark of Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. Microsoft andVisual Basic are registered trademarks, and Windows and the Windows logo, are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.