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138 lines
#!/usr/local/bin/kermit +
; c l e a n d u p s
; Script to clean out duplicate C-Kermit 6.1/7.0 test binaries at the
; Kermit website. Illustrates some of C-Kermit 7.0's new features.
; F. da Cruz, the Kermit Project, Columbia University, March 1999
; Change the first line to have the path of C-Kermit 7.0 on your computer
; and give this file execute permission. Then run this script exactly as if
; it were a shell script.
; Parameters:
; \%1 = Beta number (one or two digits, required)
; \%2 = Function: LIST-ONLY or DELETE (default = DELETE, abbreviations OK)
; \%3 = Directory (default = current directory)
; Examples:
; cleandups ; Missing Beta number gives usage message.
; cleandups 5 ; Beta.05, DELETE, default directory.
; cleandups 5 d ; Beta.05, DELETE, default directory.
; cleandups 5 delete ; DELETE or LIST-ONLY can be spelled out
; cleandups 5 del ; or abbreviated.
; cleandups 5 l /some/other/directory ; List dups in /some/other/directory.
; The files have names like ck<x><vvv>[ab]<nn><text>, where:
; <x> Is a single letter or digit denoting the platform
; <vvv> Is the C-Kermit edit number (e.g. 193, 194, 195, ...)
; [ab] Is "a" for an Alpha test and "b" for a Beta test
; <nn> The two-digit Alpha or Beta test number.
; <text> Is arbitrary text specific to the platform.
; For example, if we have just installed a new file cku195b05.aix41, this
; script will delete (or list) cku195b04.aix41, cku195b03.aix41, and so on,
; as well as any cku*.aix41 files earlier than version 195, in the target
; directory. Similarly for all other old versions superseded by newer ones.
; When listing, the new file is shown first followed by the old files to
; be deleted in reverse order; each such set of files is set off by a
; dashed line.
local \%b \%e \%f \%j \%k \%l \%m \%n \%x \%y ; Local scalars
local \&a[] \&b[] ; Local arrays
local usage found freed lowest deleting ; Local macros
.\%m := \fbasename(\%0) ; Script name for usage message
if LLT \v(version) 700000 exit 1 C-Kermit 7.0 required
define usage {
exit 1 Usage: \%m betanumber [ { DELETE, LIST-ONLY } [ directory ] ] }
; Check parameters...
if not def \%1 usage
if not numeric \%1 exit 1 Beta number not numeric
if < \%1 1 exit 1 Beta number not positive
if > \%1 99 exit 1 Beta number more than two digits -- Too many Betas!
.deleting = 1 ; Assume LIST-ONLY - no deleting.
if not def \%2 .\%2 = DELETE
if match LIST-ONLY \%2* .deleting = 0
else if not match DELETE \%2* usage
if not def \%3 .\%3 = .
cd \%3
if fail exit 1 Can't cd to "\%3"
; Define constants (note new assignment operators)...
.\%e = 196 ; C-Kermit edit number
.lowest = 2 ; C-Kermit 7.0.19x Betas started off at 2.
.found = 0
.freed = 0
.\%x ::= \%1 - 1 ; Beta number before this one.
.\%b := \flpad(\%1,2,0) ; Current beta number left-padded with zero.
; Say what will happen...
echo Checking duplicates for Beta.\%b; lowest = \m(lowest); previous = \%x
if \m(deleting) echo \fpathname(\%3): DELETING old versions...
else echo \fpathname(\%3): LISTING old versions but not deleting them...
; The following command assigns the list of files that matches the pattern
; for this Beta version to the array \&a[] and the number of files to \%n.
.\%n := \ffiles(ck*\%eb\%b*,&a)
if < \%n 1 exit 1 No files match "ck*\%eb\%b*"
sort a ; Sort the file-list array.
for \%i 1 \%n 1 { ; Loop through file list for this beta.
set flag off ; Assume no old files matching this one.
for \%j \%x \m(lowest) -1 { ; Search for previous versions of same binary.
.\%l := \flpad(\%j,2,0)
.\%f := \freplace(\&a[\%i],b\%b,b\%l)
if exist \%f { ; Found one.
increment found ; Count it.
if \m(deleting) { ; If deleting
.\%9 := \fsize(\%f) ; get this one's size for stats
delete /verbose \%f ; and delete it verbosely.
if fail exit 1 ; But stop if deletion fails.
increment freed \%9 ; Accumulate bytes freed.
} else { ; Otherwise only listing.
if not flag dir /message:(KEEP) \&a[\%i] ; List first one once
dir /message:(DELETE) \%f ; List this one
set flag on ; Found one - remember.
for \%j \%e-1 193 -1 { ; Same deal for previous edits
.\%f := \freplace(\&a[\%i],\%eb\%b,\%j*)
.\%y := \ffiles(\%f,&b)
if = \%y 0 continue
sort /rev b
if not flag dir /message:(KEEP) \&a[\%i]
set flag on
for \%k 1 \%y 1 {
increment found
if \m(deleting) {
.\%9 := \fsize(\&b[\%k])
delete /verbose \&b[\%k]
if fail exit 1
increment freed \%9
} else {
dir /message:(DELETE) \&b[\%k]
if flag echo {---------}
echo Files: \m(found)
echo Freed: \m(freed)
exit 0