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Assembly Source File  |  2018-01-01  |  175KB  |  2,156 lines

  1. *COPY                                                 IKCUTL            05000000
  2.          CHECKVER IKCUTL,4.3                                   @SC90072 05000500
  3.          TITLE 'CWDSET/DSPACE Routines - set/show working directory'    05001000
  4. * Set new 'working directory', i.e., filemode letter                    05001500
  5. * Entry: SCANPTR string has option                                      05002000
  6. * Exit: R15=0 if ok, R15=1 if error or help needed. ERRNUM unchanged.   05002500
  7. CWDSET   ENTER                                                 @SC86164 05003000
  8. *  CMS filespec parts                                          @SC86295 05003500
  9. FN       EQU   FILNAM,8                                        @SC86295 05004000
  10. FT       EQU   FN+8,8                                          @SC86295 05004500
  11. FM       EQU   FT+8,2                                          @SC86295 05005000
  12. *                                                                       05005500
  13. IFIFM    EQU   IFILE+16,2                                      @SC90344 05006000
  14. *                                                                       05006500
  15. JFN      EQU   JFNAM,8       Foreign FN for SEND               @SC86295 05007000
  16. JFT      EQU   JFN+8,8       Foreign FT for SEND               @SC86295 05007500
  17. *                                                                       05008000
  18.          NTOKN N=CWDERR,H=CWDERR                               @SC86164 05008500
  19.          LTR   7,7           Length of token                   @SC86164 05009000
  20.          BNZ   CWDERR        >1                                @SC86164 05009500
  21.          MVC   IFIFM(1),0(6) Copy mode letter                  @SC90037 05010000
  22.          TR    IFIFM(1),UPCASE                                 @SC91033 05010500
  23.        NXTFSET IFILE,CWD,E=CWDERR                              @SC86295 05011000
  24.          MVC   DEST(1),IFIFM Save new mode                     @SC90037 05011500
  25.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05012000
  26. CWDERR   PTEXT '&CWDERRM'                                      @SC86295 05012500
  27.          B     SUBERR                                          @SC86295 05013000
  28. *                                                                       05013500
  29. *        DSPACE Routine - display available disk space         @SC86164 05014000
  30. *                                                                       05014500
  31. * Show space in 'working directory' or other minidisk                   05015000
  32. * Entry: SCANPTR string has option (none => working directory)          05015500
  33. * Exit: R15=0 if ok, R15=1 if error or help needed. ERRNUM unchanged    05016000
  34. DSPACE   ENTER ALT                                             @SC86164 05016500
  35.          MVC   QDISK+16(1),DEST Default filemode               @SC86164 05017000
  36.          NTOKN N=DSPACEX                                       @SC86164 05017500
  37.          MVC   QDISK+16(1),0(6)                                @SC86164 05018000
  38.          TR    QDISK+16(1),UPCASE                              @SC91033 05018500
  39. DSPACEX  HOST  QDISK,E=RTRN1                                   @SC86295 05019000
  40.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05019500
  41.          LOCALS ,                                              @SC86295 05020000
  42.          EXIT  ,                                               @SC86295 05020500
  43.          TITLE 'FSPEC Routine - extract filespec from scan string'      05021000
  44. *                                                                       05021500
  45. * Entry: R1->name field, R0=flags selecting operation (see below)       05022000
  46. *        For parse operations, SCANPTR defines the input string.        05022500
  47. *        For getting foreign or display filespec, R7->output buffer     05023000
  48. * Exit: if not FFNEW, then R15=0 if ok, 1 if ?, 2 if bad.               05023500
  49. *        For R15=1 or 2 R3,R4 give message.  ERRNUM may be leftover.    05024000
  50. *                                                                       05024500
  51. *                                 Flags:                  Notes:        05025000
  52. *   Tasks:               FFRCF FFSND FFGET FFNEW                        05025500
  53. * Parse RECV               X                     set ROVR properly      05026000
  54. * Parse SEND 1st                 X                                      05026500
  55. * Parse SEND 2nd           X     X                                      05027000
  56. * Parse GET 1st                        X                                05027500
  57. * Parse GET 2nd            X           X         set ROVR properly      05028000
  58. * Parse F-packet   (FFHDR) X     X     X                                05028500
  59. * Parse for Generic(FFUTL)       X     X         FFWLD: allow partial   05029000
  60. * Parse TAKE                                                            05029500
  61. *                                                                       05030000
  62. * Get unique name                            X     R15: 0=>ok, 1=>bad   05030500
  63. * Interactive name check               X     X     R15: 0=>ok, 1=>bad   05031000
  64. * Get foreign name (FFENC) X                 X     R15->end of string   05031500
  65. * Get display form (FFDSP)       X           X     R15->end of string   05032000
  66. *                                                                       05032500
  67. FSPEC    ENTER                                                 @SC86295 05033000
  68.          STC   0,FSPFLG                                        @SC86295 05033500
  69.          LR    5,0                                             @SC88049 05034000
  70.          SRL   5,4           Convert flags to index            @SC88049 05034500
  71.          AR    5,5                                             @SC88049 05035000
  72.          LR    0,1           Copy ptr to filespec              @SC86295 05035500
  73.          TM    FSPFLG,FFNEW                                    @SC86295 05036000
  74.          BO    FSPWRN                                          @SC86295 05036500
  75.          XC    0(18,1),0(1)  Clear filespec                    @SC86295 05037000
  76.          MVC   FSPBAD,=C'&INVALID'                             @SC86295 05037500
  77.          MVC   FSPBADF(9),=C' filename'                        @SC86295 05038000
  78.          PTEXT FSPBAD,FSPBL  Standard msg form                 @SC86295 05038500
  79.          MVI   ERRNUM,ERRFNE Assume bad file name              @SC86158 05039000
  80.          MVC   16(2,1),DEST  Default FM                        @SC86295 05039500
  81.          LH    5,FSP0(5)     Get dispatch adr                  @SC88049 05040000
  82.          B     FSP0(5)       Go to proper handler              @SC88049 05040500
  83. *                TAKE        GET 1st    SEND 1st    Generic    @SC88049 05041000
  85. *               RECEIVE     GET 2nd    SEND 2nd    F-packet    @SC88049 05042000
  86.         DC AL2(FSPRC-FSP0,FSPRC-FSP0,FSPSN2-FSP0,FSPHD-FSP0)   @SC88049 05042500
  87. FSPUTL   TM    FSPFLG,FFWLD  Utility: default to all files?    @SC88049 05043000
  88.          BZ    FSPASC        No                                @SC86295 05043500
  89.          MVC   0(8,1),ASTER  Yes                               @SC86295 05044000
  90.          MVC   8(8,1),ASTER                                    @SC86295 05044500
  91. FSPASC   TM    FL2,SRV       Server mode?                      @SC86295 05045000
  92.          BZ    FSPCPY        No, don't need to convert         @SC86295 05045500
  93.          ICM   15,15,LEN     Get length                        @SC86295 05046000
  94.          BZ    FSPCPY                                          @SC86295 05046500
  95.          BCTR  15,0          Correct for EX                    @SC86158 05047000
  96.          L     5,ADR         Get string ptr                    @SC89215 05047500
  97.          EX    15,FSPTRAE    Change to EBCDIC                  @SC89215 05048000
  98.          EX    15,FSPTRUP    Upcase and dot to space           @SC89215 05048500
  99.          B     FSPCPY                                          @SC86295 05049000
  100. FSPTRAE  TR    0(,5),ATOED                                     @SC89301 05049500
  101. FSPTRUP  TR    0(,5),FSPUPDOT                                  @SC89215 05050000
  102. FSPRC    NI    FL1,255-ROVR  Setup for RECEIVE                 @SC86295 05050500
  103.          NI    FL4,255-NMOK-NMCHNG  Collision not checked yet  @SC90033 05051000
  104.          MVI   0(1),C'$'     Default FN                        @SC86295 05051500
  105.          MVC   UFM,DEST      Default FM, can change by = = x   @SC86295 05052000
  106.          B     FSPCPY                                          @SC86295 05052500
  107. FSPHD    MVC   0(8,1),=CL8'$' Default fn                       @SC86295 05053000
  108.          MVC   8(8,1),0(1)   Default ft                        @SC86295 05053500
  109.          MVC   16(2,1),UFM   Default fm                        @SC86295 05054000
  110.          L     2,ADR                                           @SC86295 05054500
  111.          TR    0(256,2),FSPTAB  Make valid fn chars            @SC86295 05055000
  112.          B     FSPCPY                                          @SC86295 05055500
  113. FSPSND   TM    FL5,SALL                                        @SC88049 05056000
  114.          BZ    *+10                                            @SC86295 05056500
  115.          MVC   16(2,1),ASTER Default FM for SEND               @SC86295 05057000
  116.          B     FSPASC                                          @SC86295 05057500
  117. FSPSN2   MVI   1(1),C'='     Foreign file name is same         @SC86295 05058000
  118.          MVI   9(1),C'='                                       @SC86295 05058500
  119.          CTOKN NODOT,H=FSP2H,N=RTRN0                           @SC89097 05059000
  120.          LA    1,L'JFNAM                                       @SC86295 05059500
  121.          CLM   7,3,*-2       Does it fit?                      @SC86224 05060000
  122.          BNH   *+6           Yes                               @SC86224 05060500
  123.          LR    7,1           Use what we can                   @SC86224 05061000
  124.          LR    3,0                                             @SC86295 05061500
  125.          STC   7,0(3)        Save length                       @SC86224 05062000
  126.          LA    0,1(3)                                          @SC86295 05062500
  127.          MVCL  0,6           Get fn, at least                  @SC86224 05063000
  128.          MVI   TRTBL+C'.',2  See if valid CMS token            @SC86224 05063500
  129.          MVI   TRTBL+C'/',2                                    @SC86224 05064000
  130.          SR    2,2                                             @SC86224 05064500
  131.          TRT   1(9,3),TRTBL                                    @SC86295 05065000
  132.          MVI   TRTBL+C'.',0                                    @SC86224 05065500
  133.          MVI   TRTBL+C'/',0                                    @SC86224 05066000
  134.          BCT   2,RTRN0       Not valid: must be complex string @SC86224 05066500
  135.          MVC   FSPPTR,SCANPTR                                  @SC86295 05067000
  136.          LA    2,3                                             @SC86295 05067500
  137. FSPCNT   CLI   BRK,C','                                        @SC88306 05068000
  138.          BE    FSPCNZ        Take comma as end                 @SC88306 05068500
  139.          NTOKN N=FSPCNZ                                        @SC88306 05069000
  140.          BCT   2,FSPCNT                                        @SC86295 05069500
  141. FSPCNZ   MVC   SCANPTR,FSPPTR Restore ptrs                     @SC86295 05070000
  142.          N     2,F1                                            @SC86295 05070500
  143.          BNZ   RTRN0         Single token string               @SC86295 05071000
  144.          LA    0,9(3)        Get 2nd token                     @SC86295 05071500
  145.          MVI   0(3),0        Clear length again                @SC86295 05072000
  146.          MVC   FSPBADX,=C'type'                                @SC86295 05072500
  147.          CTOKN NOBRK,H=FSP2H,N=FSPMIS                          @SC89097 05073000
  148.          MVCL  0,6                                             @SC86295 05073500
  149.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05074000
  150. FSPTAK   TM    FSPFLG,FFGIV  GIVE command?                     @SC88049 05074500
  151.          BO    *+10          Yes, keep specific FM             @SC87117 05075000
  152.          MVC   16(2,1),ASTER Default FM for TAKE               @SC86295 05075500
  153.          MVC   8(8,1),=CL8'TAKE'                               @SC86295 05076000
  154. FSPCPY   LA    5,LFID(,1)    Point to file options             @SC89218 05076500
  155.          CTOKN NOBRK,H=FSPH,N=FSPZ,OPTS=0                      @SC89218 05077000
  156.          TM    FSPFLG,FFRCF                                    @SC86295 05077500
  157.          BZ    FSPCPN                                          @SC86295 05078000
  158.          CLI   0(6),C'='                                       @SC86224 05078500
  159.          BE    FSPREQ        Go if RECEIVE = ...               @SC86295 05079000
  160.          CLI   0(6),C'*'                                       @SC86224 05079500
  161.          BE    FSPINV                                          @SC86295 05080000
  162. FSPCPN   BAL   14,FSPTOK     Get fn                            @SC87034 05080500
  163.          MVC   FSPBADX,=C'type'                                @SC86295 05081000
  164.          CTOKN H=FSPH,N=FSPZ,OPTS=FSPZ                         @SC89218 05081500
  165.          CLI   0(6),C'='                                       @SC86224 05082000
  166.          BE    FSPINV        Go if RECEIVE xxx =               @SC86295 05082500
  167.          TM    FSPFLG,FFRCF                                    @SC86295 05083000
  168.          BZ    FSPCPT                                          @SC86295 05083500
  169.          CLI   0(6),C'*'                                       @SC86224 05084000
  170.          BE    FSPINV        Go if RECEIVE xxx *               @SC86295 05084500
  171.          OI    FL1,ROVR      Overwrite received fname          @SC86295 05085000
  172. FSPCPT   BAL   14,FSPTOK     Get ft                            @SC87034 05085500
  173.          MVC   FSPBADX,=C'mode'                                @SC86295 05086000
  174.          CTOKN FM,H=FSPH,N=FSPZ,OPTS=FSPZ                      @SC89218 05086500
  175.          TM    FSPFLG,FFRCF                                    @SC86295 05087000
  176.          BZ    FSPCPM                                          @SC86295 05087500
  177.          CLI   0(6),C'*'                                       @SC86224 05088000
  178.          BE    FSPINV                                          @SC86295 05088500
  179. FSPCPM   DS    0H                                              @SC89097 05089000
  180.          BAL   14,FSPTOK     Get fm                            @SC87034 05089500
  181.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05090000
  182. *                                                                       05090500
  183. FSPREQ   MVC   FSPBADX,=C'type'                                @SC86295 05091000
  184.          CTOKN H=FSPH,N=FSPZ,OPTS=FSPZ  Get ft for RECEIVE =   @SC89218 05091500
  185.          CLI   0(6),C'='                                       @SC86224 05092000
  186.          BNE   FSPINV        Go if FT is not =                 @SC86295 05092500
  187.          CLI   0(6),C'*'                                       @SC86224 05093000
  188.          BE    FSPINV        Bad FM                            @SC86295 05093500
  189.          MVC   FSPBADX,=C'mode'                                @SC86295 05094000
  190.          CTOKN FM,H=FSPH,N=FSPZ,OPTS=FSPZ Pick fm              @SC89218 05094500
  191.          BAL   14,FSPTOK     Use FM they specified             @SC87034 05095000
  192.          MVC   UFM,0(1)      Use for all of file group         @SC87034 05095500
  193.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC87034 05096000
  194. *                                                                       05096500
  195. FSPTOK   LR    8,0           Save start                        @SC87034 05097000
  196.          LR    9,1           And length                        @SC87034 05097500
  197.          MVCL  0,6           Copy token with padding           @SC87034 05098000
  198.          LR    1,8                                             @SC87034 05098500
  199.          BCTR  9,0           Fix for TR                        @SC87034 05099000
  200.          EX    9,TRUPCAS     Upcase the token                  @SC87034 05099500
  201.          BR    14                                              @SC87034 05100000
  202. *                                                                       05100500
  203. FSPDOTS  LTR   1,7           Copy length-1                     @SC89097 05101000
  204.          BNPR  14            Can't convert if just '.'         @SC89097 05101500
  205.          LR    9,6           Copy start of token               @SC89097 05102000
  206. FSPDOTL  CLI   1(9),C'.'     Scan for '.', if any              @SC89097 05102500
  207.          BE    FSPDOTF       Found one                         @SC89097 05103000
  208.          LA    9,1(,9)       Keep looking                      @SC89097 05103500
  209.          BCT   1,FSPDOTL                                       @SC89097 05104000
  210.          BR    14            Not found, ordinary token         @SC89097 05104500
  211. FSPDOTF  LR    7,9           Found dot: break up token         @SC89097 05105000
  212.          SR    7,6           Length-1 of stuff before dot      @SC89097 05105500
  213.          LM    8,9,SCANPTR                                     @SC89097 05106000
  214.          SR    9,1           Back up over brk + post-dot stuff @SC89097 05106500
  215.          AR    8,1           ... and increase length left      @SC89097 05107000
  216.          STM   8,9,SCANPTR                                     @SC89097 05107500
  217.          MVI   BRK,C' '      Reset separator too               @SC89218 05108000
  218.          BR    14                                              @SC89097 05108500
  219. *                                                                       05109000
  220. FSPZ     LR    14,0                                            @SC86295 05109500
  221.          CLI   0(14),C' '    Any default given?                @SC86295 05110000
  222.          BH    RTRN0         Yes, use it                       @SC86295 05110500
  223. FSPMIS   MVC   FSPBAD,=C'&MISSING'                             @SC86295 05111000
  224. FSPINV   LA    15,2                                            @SC86295 05111500
  225.          B     FSPPTRS                                         @SC86295 05112000
  226. *                                                                       05112500
  227. FSPH     PTEXT '&FMTFSPC&FSPCPRM'                              @SC92300 05113000
  228.          CLI   FSPFLG,FFSND  SEND 1st?                         @SC89261 05113500
  229.          BE    *+8           Yes, use whole message            @SC89261 05114000
  230.           SH   4,=H'&FMTOPT' Chop off option part              @SC92300 05114500
  231.          B     FSP0H                                           @SC86295 05115000
  232. FSP2H    PTEXT '&FORFSPC'                                      @SC86295 05115500
  233. FSP0H    LA    15,1                                            @SC86295 05116000
  234. FSPPTRS  RETREG 3,4          Return msg ptrs                   @SC86295 05116500
  235. FSPRET   RET   ,                                               @SC86295 05117000
  236. *                                                                       05117500
  237. * Non-parsing functions . . .                                           05118000
  238. *                                                                       05118500
  239. * Get unique filespec                                                   05119000
  240. FSPWRN   LR    4,1           Save name ptr                     @SC86295 05119500
  241.          TM    FSPFLG,FFENC                                    @SC86295 05120000
  242.          BO    FSPENC        Encode name into buffer           @SC86295 05120500
  243.          TM    FSPFLG,FFDSP                                    @SC86295 05121000
  244.          BO    FSPDSP        Copy name into buffer for display @SC86295 05121500
  245.          TM    FL4,NMOK      Already checked?                  @SC87012 05122000
  246.          BO    RTRN0         Yes, ok                           @SC87012 05122500
  247.          MVC   XFILE,0(1)    Save original name                @SC90033 05123000
  248.          LA    6,8+6(1)      End of FT                         @BS86001 05123500
  249.          BCTR  6,0                                             @BS86001 05124000
  250.          CLI   0(6),C' '     Find end of token                 @BS86001 05124500
  251.          BE    *-6                                             @BS86001 05125000
  252.          LA    5,10+1        Allowed retries                   @BS86001 05125500
  253.          LA    7,C'0'        Extra character                   @BS86001 05126000
  254.          OI    FL4,NMOK      Assume it checks                  @SC87012 05126500
  255. FSPSTA   OPENF T,(4),E=RTRN0 Does it exist already?            @SC86135 05127000
  256.          OI    FL4,NMCHNG    Yes, remember collision occurred  @SC90033 05127500
  257.          MVI   1(6),C'$'     Yes, modify FT                    @BS86001 05128000
  258.          STC   7,2(6)        Serialize                         @BS86001 05128500
  259.          LA    7,1(7)        Bump counter                      @BS86001 05129000
  260.          BCT   5,FSPSTA                                        @BS86001 05129500
  261.          PTEXT '&FILCLSN'                                      @SC88049 05130000
  262.          B     FSP0H         Return error code                 @SC88049 05130500
  263. *                                                                       05131000
  264. * Encode name at (R1) into (R7) buffer (in ASCII), possibly with        05131500
  265. *  substitution from JFSPEC, but disable subsequent subst.              05132000
  266. *  Return updated ptr in R15                                            05132500
  267. FSPENC   LA    1,JFSPEC      Complex string?                   @SC86224 05133000
  268.          LA    5,JFNAM       Remote file-spec                  @SC86155 05133500
  269.          BAL   14,PAKFOR                                       @SC86224 05134000
  270.          BNZ   FSPFILS       Yes, tokens aren't used           @SC86224 05134500
  271.          BAL   14,FSPFID     Filename                          @HF86223 05135000
  272.          LA    7,1(7)        Skip over period                  @HF86223 05135500
  273.          BAL   14,FSPFID     Filetype                          @HF86223 05136000
  274. FSPFILS  MVI   JFSPEC,0      Turn off string                   @SC86224 05136500
  275.          CLI   JFN,C'='      Partial renaming?                 @SC86224 05137000
  276.          BE    FSPENR        Yes, keep it                      @SC86224 05137500
  277.          CLI   JFT,C'='                                        @SC86224 05138000
  278.          BE    FSPENR                                          @SC86224 05138500
  279.          MVI   JFN,C'='      Now use original name             @SC86171 05139000
  280.          MVI   JFT,C'='                                        @SC86171 05139500
  281. FSPENR   LR    15,7          Save ptr                          @SC86295 05140000
  282.          B     FSPRET                                          @SC86295 05140500
  283. *                                                                       05141000
  284. * Copy name at (R1) into (R7) buffer in display form                    05141500
  285. *  Return updated ptr in R15                                            05142000
  286. FSPDSP   BAL   14,FSPDTK     Filename                          @SC86295 05142500
  287.          BAL   14,FSPDTK     Filetype                          @SC86295 05143000
  288.          MVC   0(2,7),0(4)   Filemode                          @SC86295 05143500
  289.          LA    7,2(7)                                          @SC86295 05144000
  290.          B     FSPENR                                          @SC86295 05144500
  291. *                                                                       05145000
  292. * Subroutine to detokenize a list into ASCII                   @SC86135 05145500
  293. FSPFID   MVC   0(8,7),0(4)   Copy token                        @SC86135 05146000
  294.          CLI   0(5),C'='     Keep true name?                   @SC86171 05146500
  295.          BE    *+10          Yes                               @SC86171 05147000
  296.          MVC   0(8,7),0(5)   No, use override                  @SC86171 05147500
  297.          LA    1,8(7)        End of token if no blanks         @SC86135 05148000
  298.          TRT   0(8,7),TRTBL  Find 1st blank                    @SC86135 05148500
  299.          TR    0(8,7),ETOAD  ASCII it                          @SC89301 05149000
  300.          LR    7,1           New end of string                 @SC86135 05149500
  301.          LA    4,8(4)        Next token                        @SC86135 05150000
  302.          LA    5,8(5)                                          @SC86171 05150500
  303.          MVI   0(7),ADOT     Add an ASCII dot, just in case    @SC86135 05151000
  304.          BR    14                                              @SC86135 05151500
  305. *                                                                       05152000
  306. * Subroutine to detokenize a list in EBCDIC                    @SC86295 05152500
  307. FSPDTK   MVC   0(8,7),0(4)   Copy token                        @SC86135 05153000
  308.          LA    1,8(7)        End of token if no blanks         @SC86135 05153500
  309.          TRT   0(8,7),TRTBL  Find 1st blank                    @SC86135 05154000
  310.          MVI   0(1),C' '     Add a BLANK                       @SC86295 05154500
  311.          LA    7,1(1)        New end of string                 @SC86135 05155000
  312.          LA    4,8(4)        Next token                        @SC86135 05155500
  313.          BR    14                                              @SC86135 05156000
  314. *                                                                       05156500
  315. * Subroutine to set up CMS token for copying                   @SC86224 05157000
  316. CMSTOK8  LA    7,1(7)                                          @SC86224 05157500
  317.          ICM   7,8,BLANK                                       @SC86224 05158000
  318.          LA    1,8                                             @SC86224 05158500
  319.          BR    14                                              @SC86224 05159000
  320. *                                                                       05159500
  321. * Table to convert EBCDIC text to upper case + dot to blank    @SC89215 05160000
  322. FSPUPDOT DC    (C'.')AL1(*-FSPUPDOT)                           @SC89215 05160500
  323.          DC    C' '                                            @SC89215 05161000
  324.          DC    (127-C'.')AL1(*-FSPUPDOT)                       @SC89215 05161500
  325.          HTBL  80,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E,8F @SC89268 05162000
  326.          HTBL  90,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,9A,9B,9C,9D,9E,9F @SC89268 05162500
  327.          HTBL  A0,A1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E7,E8,E9,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF @SC89268 05163000
  328.          DC    080AL1(*-FSPUPDOT)                              @SC89215 05163500
  329. * Valid CMS file name characters                               @SC86295 05164000
  330. FSPTAB   DC    64C'_',C' '           space                     @SC86295 05164500
  331.          DC    10C'_',C' '           dot                       @SC86295 05165000
  332.          DC    02C'_',C'+'           plus                      @SC86295 05165500
  333.          DC    12C'_',C'$'           dollar sign               @SC86295 05166000
  334.          DC    04C'_',C'-'           dash                      @SC86295 05166500
  335.          DC    12C'_',C'_'           underscore                @SC86295 05167000
  336.          DC    12C'_',C':#@'         colon, pound sign, at sign@SC86295 05167500
  337.          DC    04C'_',C'ABCDEFGHI'   a-i                       @SC86295 05168000
  338.          DC    07C'_',C'JKLMNOPQR'   j-r                       @SC86295 05168500
  339.          DC    08C'_',C'STUVWXYZ'    s-z                       @SC86295 05169000
  340.          DC    23C'_',C'ABCDEFGHI'   A-I                       @SC86295 05169500
  341.          DC    07C'_',C'JKLMNOPQR'   J-R                       @SC86295 05170000
  342.          DC    08C'_',C'STUVWXYZ'    S-Z                       @SC86295 05170500
  343.          DC    06C'_',C'0123456789'  0-9                       @SC86295 05171000
  344.          DC    06C'_'                                          @SC86295 05171500
  345.          LOCALS ,                                              @SC86295 05172000
  346. FSPBAD   DS    C'&INVALID'                                     @SC92300 05172500
  347. FSPBADF  DS    C' file'                                        @SC92300 05173000
  348. FSPBADX  DS    C'name'                                         @SC86295 05173500
  349. FSPBL    EQU   *-FSPBAD      Length of composite message       @SC92300 05174000
  350. FSPPTR   DS    XL8           Saved scan ptrs                   @SC86295 05174500
  351. FSPFLG   DS    X             Filespec flags                    @SC86295 05175000
  352. FSPEC    EXIT                                                  @SC86295 05175500
  353.          TITLE 'KHELP routine - perform HELP command'                   05176000
  354. * Handle HELP command, rest of string given by SCANPTR.                 05176500
  355. KHELP    ENTER ,                                               @SC86355 05177000
  356.          LR    8,6           Save ptr to command               @SC88043 05177500
  357.          SR    5,5           Clear length of extra word        @SC90264 05178000
  358.          NTOKN N=KHLI        See if subcommand given           @SC86355 05178500
  359.          L     1,=A(USNCMD)  Command table                     @SC87117 05179000
  360. KHSCAN   SCAN  (1),KHLF,NODISP                                 @SC86355 05179500
  361.          WTEXT '&BADSBCM'   Not found                          @SC86355 05180000
  362.          RET   ,                                               @SC86355 05180500
  363. KHLF     CLM   7,8,F0        Just '?'                          @SC86355 05181000
  364.          BE    RTRN          Yes, done                         @SC86355 05181500
  365.          C     1,=A(USNCSET) Is it the set command?            @SC91320 05182000
  366.          BNE   KHNORM        Normal subcommands                @SC90264 05182500
  367.          LA    4,KWNAME(,1)  Set ptr to 'SET' string           @SC91320 05183000
  368.          IC    5,KWMIN(,1)   and actual length of abbreviation @SC91320 05183500
  369.          LA    5,1(,5)                                         @SC91320 05184000
  370.          NTOKN N=KHSET       Just SET -- no parameter          @SC90264 05184500
  371.          L     1,=A(SETCMDKW)  Keyword table                   @SC90264 05185000
  372.          B     KHSCAN        Go back and check parameter       @SC90264 05185500
  373. KHNORM   DS    0H                                              @SC90264 05186000
  374.          LA    6,KWNAME(,1)  Ptr to name in table              @SC90264 05186500
  375.          SR    7,7                                             @SC90264 05187000
  376.          IC    7,KWMIN(,1)   Length - 1 of abbrev              @SC90264 05187500
  377.          LA    7,1(,7)                                         @SC90264 05188000
  378.          B     KHLJ          Create command string for typing  @SC90264 05188500
  379. KHSET    SR    7,7           Plain SET with no parameter       @SC90264 05189000
  380.          B     KHLJ          Do it                             @SC90264 05189500
  381. KHLI     PTEXT 'KERMITCM',AREG=6,LREG=7                        @SC90264 05190000
  382. KHLJ     DS    0H                                              @SC90264 05190500
  383.          MVC   KHLPBF+8(8),KRMNAM Set up filename              @SC90264 05191000
  384.          MVC   KHLPBF+16(10),=CL10'HELPCMS * '                 @SC90264 05191500
  385.          CLI   KRMNAM,C'*'   Was it a START?                   @SC90264 05192000
  386.          BE    KHLDF         Yes, use default                  @SC86355 05192500
  387.          CLI   KRMNAM,X'FF'  Nothing at all?                   @SC90264 05193000
  388.          BE    KHLDF         That's right, use default         @SC90264 05193500
  389.          FSSTATE FSCB=KHLPBF,ERROR=KHLDF  See if special help  @SC90264 05194000
  390.          B     KHLGEN                                          @SC90264 05194500
  391. KHERR    WTEXT '&NOHELPF'   Not found                          @SC90264 05195000
  392.          RET   ,                                               @SC90264 05195500
  393. KHLDF    MVC   KHLPBF+8(8),=CL8'KERMIT'                        @SC90264 05196000
  394.          FSSTATE FSCB=KHLPBF,ERROR=KHERR  Give up if not found @SC90264 05196500
  395. KHLGEN   MVC   KHLPBF+24(2),24(1) Copy filemode from FST       @SC90264 05197000
  396.          MVC   KHLPBF(8),=CL8'&TYPCMD '                        @SC90264 05197500
  397.          MVC   KHLPBF+26(30),=CL30'      (       MEMBER'       @SC90264 05198000
  398.          LA    14,KHLPBF+48                                    @SC90264 05198500
  399.          LR    15,5                                            @SC90264 05199000
  400.          MVCL  14,4          Copy 'SET' to buffer, if needed   @SC90264 05199500
  401.          LR    15,7                                            @SC90264 05200000
  402.          MVCL  14,6          Copy 'subcmd' to buffer           @SC90264 05200500
  403.          MVC   KHLPBF+56(8),=8X'FF'                            @SC90264 05201000
  404.          LA    0,KHLPBF      Set up for system                 @SC90264 05201500
  405.          LA    6,64          Length of string                  @SC90264 05202000
  406.          NI    FL4,255-UCMD                                    @SC90264 05202500
  407.          KCALL SUPFNC,3      Do it                             @SC86355 05203000
  408.          CH    15,=H'32'     Library problem?                  @SC92003 05203500
  409.          BNE   RTRN          No, just give up                  @SC92003 05204000
  410.          MVC   KHLPBF(8),=CL8'HELP'  Switch to basic HELP cmd  @SC92003 05204500
  411.          MVC   KHLPBF+16(8),=8X'FF'                            @SC92003 05205000
  412.          LA    6,24          Length of new string (R0 still ok)@SC92003 05205500
  413.          KCALL SUPFNC,3      Do it                             @SC92003 05206000
  414.          RET   ,                                               @SC86355 05206500
  415.          LOCALS ,                                                       05207000
  416. KHLPBF   DS    8CL8                                            @SC90264 05207500
  417. KHELP    EXIT  ,                                               @SC87007 05208000
  418.          TITLE 'SUPFNC Routine - various supervisor functions' @SC86158 05208500
  419. SUPFNC   ENTER                                                 @SC86295 05209000
  420. *  On entry, R1 = operation code, R0 = possible ptr            @SC86158 05209500
  421. * Exit: R15 set (0 => ok, <0 => illegal cmd, >0 => depends)             05210000
  422. *       ERRNUM set appropriately (R1=1,3,4) or unchanged (2,5-11)       05210500
  423. * 1 -> Start typeout interception.  N.B.  &MAXLR >> 2048 for this       05211000
  424. * 2 -> Clean up afterwards and stop interception                        05211500
  425. * 3 -> Execute host command with or without interception                05212000
  426. *      If UCMD set, SCANPTR gives text, else R0->text,R6=len            05212500
  427. * 4 -> Execute CP command with or without interception                  05213000
  428. *      R0->text, R6=len                                                 05213500
  429. * 5 -> Stop interception if going                                       05214000
  430. * 6 -> Retrieve original cmd parm string into CBUF (R15=1 if null)      05214500
  431. * 7 -> Test for stacked lines, return number in R15                     05215000
  432. * 8 -> Log off (doesn't return!)                                        05215500
  433. * 9 -> Wait specified time                                              05216000
  434. * 10-> Return clock time in R15 (centisec)                              05216500
  435. * 11-> Setup up new prompt string at (R0)                               05217000
  436.          BCT   1,ICPFIN                                        @SC86158 05217500
  437. * Start interception, initialize ptrs                          @SC86158 05218000
  438.          MVI   ERRNUM,ERRNOE OK                                @SC86158 05218500
  439.          L     1,WBUF        Output buffer                     @SC90264 05219000
  440.          LA    0,2048(,1)    Skip over some, to be safe        @SC90264 05219500
  441.          A     1,F64KP       End of buffer                     @SC90264 05220000
  442.          LR    15,0                                            @SC86158 05220500
  443.          STM   15,0,TXTPTR   Save                              @SC86158 05221000
  444.          STM   0,1,SVCOPTR                                     @SC86158 05221500
  445.          SR    1,0           Get length                        @SC86158 05222000
  446.          L     15,=X'15000000'                                 @SC86158 05222500
  447.          MVCL  0,14          Fill with NL (X'15')              @SC86158 05223000
  448.          MVI   SVCSNAG+1,0   370-mode PSW                      @SC89235 05223500
  449.          LA    14,SVCOPSW+3  Assume page 0 version             @SC89235 05224000
  450.          TM    FLGXA,XACMS   XA mode?                          @SC89235 05224500
  451.          BZ    SFCSVCST      No, fine                          @SC89235 05225000
  452.          MVI   SVCSNAG+1,X'08'  XA-mode PSW                    @SC89235 05225500
  453.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA1                        @SC90067 05226000
  454.          L     1,ASVCSECT    Ptr to SVC info                   @SC89235 05226500
  455.          USING SVCSECT,1                                       @SC89235 05227000
  456.          LA    14,SVCOCODE   Use XA version                    @SC89235 05227500
  457. .CMSXA1  ANOP                                                  @SC90067 05228000
  458. SFCSVCST ST    14,SVCOCPTR   Correct ptr to SVC code           @SC89235 05228500
  459.          CLC   SVCNPSW,SVCSNAG  Already set up?                @SC86158 05229000
  460.          BE    RTRN0         Yes, but how?                     @SC86295 05229500
  461.          MVC   SAVENPSW,SVCNPSW                                @SC86158 05230000
  462.          MVC   TYPSAV,ADMSCWR                                  @SC86283 05230500
  463.         DMSKEY NUCLEUS                                         @SC86283 05231000
  464.          MVC   SVCNPSW,SVCSNAG Set up interception (SVC)       @SC86283 05231500
  465.          MVC   ADMSCWR,=A(ICPTYP)  (BALR)                      @SC86283 05232000
  466.         DMSKEY RESET                                           @SC86283 05232500
  467.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05233000
  468. * Clean up after interception                                  @SC86295 05233500
  469. ICPFIN   BCT   1,ICPHST                                        @SC86158 05234000
  470.          L     5,SVCOPTR     End of text                       @SC86158 05234500
  471.          ST    5,TXTPTR+4    Save                              @SC86158 05235000
  472.          B     ICPRST1       Now restore interrupts            @SC86295 05235500
  473. * Restore SVC interrupt vector                                 @SC86158 05236000
  474. ICPRST   BCT   1,SFCLIN                                        @SC86295 05236500
  475. ICPRST1  CLC   SVCNPSW,SVCSNAG                                 @SC86295 05237000
  476.          BNE   RTRN0         OK                                @SC86295 05237500
  477.         DMSKEY NUCLEUS                                         @SC86283 05238000
  478.          MVC   SVCNPSW,SAVENPSW                                @SC86283 05238500
  479.          MVC   ADMSCWR,TYPSAV                                  @SC86283 05239000
  480.          NI    MSGFLAGS,255-NOTYPING                           @SC88309 05239500
  481.         DMSKEY RESET                                           @SC86283 05240000
  482.          B     RTRN0                                                    05240500
  483. * Avoid user-area CMS commands, otherwise execute command at   @SC86158 05241000
  484. *  (R0) already tokenized. Save return code.                   @SC86158 05241500
  485. ICPHST   BCT   1,ICPCP                                         @SC86158 05242000
  486.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User CMS command?                 @SC86295 05242500
  487.          BZ    ICPCMS0       No, already tokenized             @SC86295 05243000
  488.          LM    0,1,SCANPTR                                     @SC86295 05243500
  489.          LTR   15,0                                            @SC87034 05244000
  490.          BNP   ICPCMIL       Nothing there                     @SC87034 05244500
  491.         DMSKEY NUCLEUS       Enter Key 0                       @SC86295 05245000
  492.          L     15,ASCANN                                       @SC86295 05245500
  493.          BALR  14,15         Tokenize data                     @SC86295 05246000
  494.          LR    3,0           Length of tokenized list          @SC90073 05246500
  495.          BCTR  3,0           Get length for TR                 @SC90073 05247000
  496.          EX    3,TRUPCAS     Convert to upper case             @SC90073 05247500
  497.          LR    0,15                                            @SC86295 05248000
  498.         DMSKEY RESET         Restore user key                  @SC86295 05248500
  499.          LTR   15,0          Did SCANN fail?                   @SC86295 05249000
  500.          BNZ   ICPCMIL       Yes                               @SC86295 05249500
  501.          C     3,F8          Did we get anything?              @SC90073 05250000
  502.          BNH   ICPCMIL       No, just a fence.  Give up        @SC90073 05250500
  503.          LR    0,1                                             @SC86295 05251000
  504. ICPCMS0  LR    3,0                                             @SC86295 05251500
  505.          CLC   =C'CP ',0(3)  CP command?                       @SC86158 05252000
  506.          BE    ICPCMSCP      Yes, do it                        @SC86158 05252500
  507.          MVI   TRTBL+C'%',1  Possible wildcard chars           @SC90037 05253000
  508.          MVI   TRTBL+C'*',1                                    @SC90037 05253500
  509.          TRT   0(8,3),TRTBL  See if any % or * in FN           @SC90037 05254000
  510.          MVI   TRTBL+C'%',0  Restore TRTBL                     @SC90037 05254500
  511.          MVI   TRTBL+C'*',0                                    @SC90037 05255000
  512.          BZ    *+12          No wild chars found               @SC90037 05255500
  513.           CLI  0(1),C' '     Maybe just a blank?               @SC90037 05256000
  514.           BNE  ICPCMIL       No, illegal                       @SC90037 05256500
  515.          MVC   IFT,=CL8'EXEC'                                  @SC86158 05257000
  516.          MVC   IFM,ASTER     Search all disks                  @SC86158 05257500
  517.          TM    OPTFLAGS,NOIMPEX  EXEC's allowed?               @SC86158 05258000
  518.          BO    ICPCMSM       No, try for module                @SC86158 05258500
  519.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User CMS command?                 @SC86158 05259000
  520.          BZ    ICPCMSM       No, avoid EXEC's                  @SC86158 05259500
  521. ICPCMSA  MVC   IFN,0(3)                                        @SC86158 05260000
  522.          LA    4,1                                             @SC86158 05260500
  523.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User CMS command?                 @SC90264 05261000
  524.          BO    ICPCMSS       Yes, might have abbrevs           @SC90264 05261500
  525.          SR    4,4           No, disable abbrevs               @SC90264 05262000
  526. ICPCMSS  FSSTATE FSCB=IFSCB,ERROR=ICPABBR See if exists        @SC90037 05262500
  527.          LR    5,1                                             @SC86295 05263000
  528.          USING FSTSECT,5                                       @SC90037 05263500
  529.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User CMS command?                 @SC90264 05264000
  530.          BZ    ICPCMSU       No, do it now                     @SC90264 05264500
  531.         DMSEXS MVC,0(8,3),IFN Found, copy full name            @SC86158 05265000
  532.          CLI   IFT,C'E'      EXEC?                             @SC86158 05265500
  533.          BNE   ICPCMSU       No, module. Check it              @SC86158 05266000
  534.          S     3,F8          Back up to EXEC in COMBUF         @SC86158 05266500
  535.          DMSEXS MVC,NUCPLBEG,NUCPLCMD Argst begins w/ cmd name @SC89264 05267000
  536.          B     ICPCMSX       Do it                             @SC86158 05267500
  537. ICPABBR  LTR   4,4           Already tried abbrev?             @SC86158 05268000
  538.          BZ    ICPCMSM       Yes, give up                      @SC86158 05268500
  539.          TM    OPTFLAGS,NOABBREV Allowed?                      @SC86158 05269000
  540.          BO    ICPCMSM       No, just do it                    @SC86158 05269500
  541.         DMSKEY NUCLEUS                                         @SC86158 05270000
  542.          LM    0,1,0(3)      Get name entered                  @SC86158 05270500
  543.          L     15,AABBREV    Look up abbreviation              @SC86158 05271000
  544.          BALR  14,15                                           @SC86158 05271500
  545.          LR    4,15          Save RC                           @SC86158 05272000
  546.         DMSKEY RESET         Return to normal                  @SC86158 05272500
  547.          LTR   4,4           Did we find one?                  @SC86158 05273000
  548.          BNZ   ICPCMSM       No, give up                       @SC86158 05273500
  549.          STM   0,1,IFN       Yes, try it                       @SC86158 05274000
  550.          B     ICPCMSS       Now R4=0, don't loop              @SC86158 05274500
  551. ICPCMSM  CLI   IFT,C'M'                                        @SC86158 05275000
  552.          BE    ICPCMEX       Already looked                    @SC90037 05275500
  553.          MVC   IFT,=CL8'MODULE'                                @SC86158 05276000
  554.          B     ICPCMSA       Start over again                  @SC86158 05276500
  555. ICPCMEX  CLC   =CL8'EXEC',IFN Are we looking for an EXEC?      @SC90037 05277000
  556.          BNE   ICPCMSX       No, just execute it               @SC90037 05277500
  557.          MVC   IFN,8(3)      Yes, see if it exists             @SC90037 05278000
  558.          MVC   IFT,=CL8'EXEC'                                  @SC90037 05278500
  559.          FSSTATE FSCB=IFSCB,ERROR=ICPCMIL See if exists        @SC90037 05279000
  560.          B     ICPCMSX                                         @SC90037 05279500
  561. ICPCMSU  CLI   FSTFV,C'F'    System-key transient?             @SC90037 05280000
  562.          BE    ICPCMSX       OK, no problem                    @SC86158 05280500
  563.          MVC   IFM,FSTM      Get right mode letter             @SC86158 05281000
  564.          DROP  5                                               @SC90037 05281500
  565.          LA    2,CMD         Buffer for 1st record of module   @SC86295 05282000
  566.          MVC   4(4,2),=A(KERMIT)  In case of failure           @SC86295 05282500
  567.         FSREAD FSCB=IFSCB,BUFFER=(2)  Get header record        @SC86295 05283000
  568.        FSCLOSE FSCB=IFSCB                                      @SC86158 05283500
  569.          CLC   =A(KERMIT),CMD+4 Check beginning adr            @SC86158 05284000
  570.          BH    ICPCMSX       Below Kermit, assume it's ok      @SC89023 05284500
  571.          CLC   =XL4'20000',=A(KERMIT) Are we both user-area?   @SC89023 05285000
  572.          BNH   ICPCMIL       User-area, forbid it              @SC86158 05285500
  573. ICPCMSX  HOST  0(3),E=*+4,EPL=YES  Accept errors, use ext.PL.  @SC89264 05286000
  574.          LTR   6,15          Save return code                  @SC86295 05286500
  575.          BNM   SFCRC                                           @SC86295 05287000
  576.          TM    OPTFLAGS,NOIMPCP                                @SC86295 05287500
  577.          BO    ICPCMIL       No implied CP commands            @SC86295 05288000
  578.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User command?                     @SC86295 05288500
  579.          BO    ICPCMSCP      Yes, maybe it's for CP            @SC86295 05289000
  580. ICPCMIL  MVI   ERRNUM,ERRSYS Illegal system command            @SC86295 05289500
  581.          B     RTRNM1                                          @SC86295 05290000
  582. ICPCMP   CLC   1(,4),0(3)    Partial token matching            @SC86158 05290500
  583. IFSCB    FSCB  'X X',BSIZE=80,RECNO=1,RECFM=V                  @SC86158 05291000
  584. IFN      EQU   IFSCB+8,8                                       @SC90037 05291500
  585. IFT      EQU   IFN+8,8                                         @SC90037 05292000
  586. IFM      EQU   IFT+8,2                                         @SC90037 05292500
  587. * Execute CP command sent to CMS (assumed SCANN'ed)            @SC86158 05293000
  588. ICPCMSCP L     0,NUCPLCMD    Get cmd ptr                       @SC86158 05293500
  589.          L     6,NUCPLEND                                      @SC86158 05294000
  590.          SR    6,0           Get length                        @SC86158 05294500
  591.          LA    1,1           Simulate normal entry             @SC86158 05295000
  592. * Execute CP command at (R0) with text interception            @SC86158 05295500
  593. ICPCP    BCT   1,ICPRST                                        @SC86158 05296000
  594.          LR    1,0           Copy ptr for upcasing             @SC87034 05296500
  595.          LTR   4,6                                             @SC87034 05297000
  596.          BNP   ICPCMIL       Nothing there                     @SC87034 05297500
  597.          BCTR  4,0                                             @SC87034 05298000
  598.          EX    4,TRUPCAS                                       @SC87034 05298500
  599.          CLC   SVCNPSW,SVCSNAG                                 @SC86283 05299000
  600.          BNE   ICPCDG        Not intercepting, just do it      @SC86283 05299500
  601.          KCALL SETMSG,3      Restore CP settings               @SC86158 05300000
  602.          LM    1,2,SVCOPTR   Response buffer                   @SC86158 05300500
  603.          SR    2,1           Get buffer length                 @SC86158 05301000
  604.          L     7,=F'8192'    Max length from CP                @SC86158 05301500
  605.          CR    7,2           Do we have that much?             @SC86158 05302000
  606.          BNH   *+6                                             @SC86158 05302500
  607.          LR    7,2           Use what we have                  @SC86158 05303000
  608.          LR    2,7           Remember                          @SC86158 05303500
  609.          ICM   6,8,BLANK                                       @SC86158 05304000
  610.          DIAG  0,6,8         Issue command                     @SC86158 05304500
  611.          BZ    *+6                                             @SC86158 05305000
  612.          LR    7,2           Not likely: filled buffer         @SC86158 05305500
  613.          A     7,SVCOPTR                                       @SC86158 05306000
  614.          BCTR  7,0           Scan back over any extra X'15'    @SC86158 05306500
  615.          CLI   0(7),X'15'                                      @SC86158 05307000
  616.          BE    *-6                                             @SC86158 05307500
  617.          LA    7,2(7)        Keep one X'15'                    @SC86158 05308000
  618.          C     7,SVCOPTR+4   Be careful of end                 @SC86158 05308500
  619.          BNH   *+8           OK                                @SC86158 05309000
  620.          L     7,SVCOPTR+4   Got past it somehow               @SC86158 05309500
  621.          ST    7,SVCOPTR                                       @SC86158 05310000
  622.          KCALL SETMSG,2      Change CP settings again          @SC86158 05310500
  623.          B     ICPRC                                           @SC86295 05311000
  624. *                                                                       05311500
  625. ICPCDG   DIAG  0,6,8         Issue command                     @SC86283 05312000
  626. ICPRC    C     6,F1          Illegal command?                  @SC86295 05312500
  627.          BE    ICPCMIL       Yes                               @SC86295 05313000
  628. * Issue return code msg if needed                              @SC86295 05313500
  629. SFCRC    LTR   4,6           Check RC                          @SC86295 05314000
  630.          BZ    SFCZRC        RC=0                              @SC86158 05314500
  631.          LR    15,6                                            @SC90264 05315000
  632.          TM    FL4,UCMD      User cmd?                         @SC86316 05315500
  633.          BZ    RTRN          No. No message, just rc in R15    @SC90264 05316000
  634.          MVC   CMD(2),=C'R(' Set up message                    @SC86209 05316500
  635.          LA    15,CMD+2                                        @SC86209 05317000
  636.          BAL   2,EDDEC       Edit RC into msg                  @SC86295 05317500
  637.          MVI   0(15),C')'    Format is R(rc)                   @SC86209 05318000
  638.          LA    0,1(15)                                         @SC86268 05318500
  639.          LA    1,CMD         Start of edited string            @SC86209 05319000
  640.          SR    0,1           Length                            @SC86268 05319500
  641.          WTEXT (1),(0)                                         @SC86268 05320000
  642. SFCZRC   LR    15,6                                            @SC86295 05320500
  643.          MVI   ERRNUM,ERRNOE No errors                         @SC86295 05321000
  644.          B     RTRN                                            @SC86295 05321500
  645. *                                                                       05322000
  646. SFCLIN   BCT   1,SFCSTK                                        @SC86295 05322500
  647. * Retrieve original command line arguments, if any             @SC86295 05323000
  648. *   Return code =0 if yes, =1 if no                            @SC86295 05323500
  649. *   Leave string in CBUF buffer (up to 512), length in CLEN    @SC89235 05324000
  650.          LM    5,6,ORGR0     Original R0,R1                    @SC87253 05324500
  651.          CLI   0(6),255                                        @SC86171 05325000
  652.          BE    RTRN1         Go if, e.g., just 'START'         @SC86171 05325500
  653.          LA    6,8(6)        Ok, point to arguments            @SC86171 05326000
  654.          CLI   0(6),255                                        @SC86171 05326500
  655.          BE    RTRN1         Go if nothing on cmd                       05327000
  656.          L     8,CBUF        A safe data area                  @SC89235 05327500
  657.          LA    9,512         Length of buffer                  @SC89235 05328000
  658.          CLI   ORGR1,1                                         @SC87253 05328500
  659.          BL    SFCCMDK       R1 hi order byte is 0                      05329000
  660.          CLI   ORGR1,11                                        @SC87253 05329500
  661.          BH    SFCCMDK       R1 hi order byte is > X'0B'                05330000
  662.          LM    6,7,4(5)      Address of arguments, end         @SC89235 05330500
  663.          SR    7,6           Get length                        @SC89235 05331000
  664.          CR    9,7           How much info?                    @SC89235 05331500
  665.          BNH   *+6           Ok                                @SC89235 05332000
  666.           LR   9,7           Copy only what's there            @SC89235 05332500
  667.          ST    9,CLEN        Save command length               @SC89235 05333000
  668.          MVCL  8,6                                             @SC89235 05333500
  669.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC89235 05334000
  670. *                                                                       05334500
  671. SFCCMDK  AR    9,8           Ptr to end of buffer              @SC89235 05335000
  672. SFCCMDKL MVC   0(8,8),0(6)   Copy token                        @SC89235 05335500
  673.          LA    1,8(,8)       Char after token                  @SC89235 05336000
  674.          TRT   0(8,8),TRTBL  Find blank                        @SC89235 05336500
  675.          MVI   0(1),C' '     Add a blank, in case              @SC86295 05337000
  676.          LA    8,1(,1)       Skip over blank                   @SC89235 05337500
  677.          LA    6,8(6)        Skip a CMS token                           05338000
  678.          CLI   0(6),255                                                 05338500
  679.          BE    SFCCMDKM      End of str, quit copying          @SC89235 05339000
  680.           CR   8,9           Is it too long?                   @SC89235 05339500
  681.           BL   SFCCMDKL      Loop if more room                 @SC89235 05340000
  682. SFCCMDKM S     8,CBUF        Length = current pos - beginning  @SC89235 05340500
  683.          ST    8,CLEN        Save command length               @SC89235 05341000
  684.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05341500
  685. *                                                                       05342000
  686. * Test for stacked commands                                    @SC86295 05342500
  687. *   return code = number of stacked lines                      @SC86295 05343000
  688. SFCSTK   BCT   1,SFCKIL                                        @SC86295 05343500
  689.          LH    15,NUMFINRD   Pending lines                     @SC86295 05344000
  690.          A     15,NUCNLSTK   Lines in program stack            @SC86295 05344500
  691.          B     RTRN                                            @SC86295 05345000
  692. *                                                                       05345500
  693. * Log out                                                      @SC86295 05346000
  694. SFCKIL   BCT   1,SFCWT                                         @SC86295 05346500
  695.          CPCMD 1,0,'LOGOFF'                                    @SC86295 05347000
  696. *                                                                       05347500
  697. * Wait specified time in R0 (sec)                                       05348000
  698. SFCWT    BCT   1,SFCCLK                                        @SC86295 05348500
  699.        LINEDIT TEXT='SL ..... SEC',DOT=NO,DISP=CPCOMM,                 +05349000
  700.                SUB=(DEC,(0))                                   @SC86184 05349500
  701.          L     1,=A(S1INTFL) No, set flag for interrupt        @SC91095 05350000
  702.          OI    0(1),ATN                                        @SC91095 05350500
  703.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05351000
  704. *                                                                       05351500
  705. * Return time in centisec in R15                                        05352000
  706. SFCCLK   BCT   1,SFCPRP                                        @SC87351 05352500
  707.          STCK  TMPDW         Store TOD clock                   @SC86295 05353000
  708.          LM    14,15,TMPDW                                     @SC86295 05353500
  709.          SLDL  14,8          Take mod 204 days                 @SC86295 05354000
  710.          SRDL  14,20         Get in microsec                   @SC86295 05354500
  711.          D     14,=F'10000'  Get in centisec                   @SC86295 05355000
  712.          B     RTRN                                            @SC86295 05355500
  713. *                                                                       05356000
  714. * Set up prompt string                                         @SC89334 05356500
  715. SFCPRP   ICM   4,1,S1HND     See if handshake is defined       @SC89334 05357000
  716.          BZ    RTRN0         No, skip it                       @SC89334 05357500
  717.          LR    1,0           Ptr to prompt string              @SC89334 05358000
  718.          BCTR  1,0           Ptr to prompt string length       @SC89334 05358500
  719.          SR    2,2                                             @SC89334 05359000
  720.          ICM   2,1,0(1)      Get length                        @SC89334 05359500
  721.          BZ    RTRN0         No prompt, leave it to system     @SC89334 05360000
  722.          LA    3,0(2,1)      Point to last character           @SC89334 05360500
  723.          CLM   4,1,0(3)      Is it the handshake?              @SC89334 05361000
  724.          BE    RTRN0         Yes, assume all is well           @SC89334 05361500
  725.          STC   4,1(,3)       No, tack one onto string          @SC89334 05362000
  726.          LA    2,1(,2)       And update length                 @SC89334 05362500
  727.          STC   2,0(,1)                                         @SC89334 05363000
  728.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC89334 05363500
  729.          TITLE 'SVC interceptor,  executed in system protect key'       05364000
  730.          USING ICPTYP,15                                       @SC86283 05364500
  731. ICPTYP   STM   12,14,SVCSV1  Save regs                         @SC86283 05365000
  732.          L     13,SVCSNAG+4  Addressability                    @SC86283 05365500
  733.          DROP  15                                                       05366000
  734.          USING SVCEXIT,13                                      @SC86283 05366500
  735.          B     ICPTGO        Grab it                           @SC86283 05367000
  736. SVCEXIT  STM   12,13,0       Save regs                         @SC86158 05367500
  737.          BALR  13,0          Addressability                    @SC86158 05368000
  738.          USING *,13                                            @SC86158 05368500
  739.          L     13,SVCSNAG+4  Addressability                    @SC86283 05369000
  740.          USING SVCEXIT,13                                      @SC86283 05369500
  741.          ICM   13,8,SVCEXIT  Flag for SVC entry                @SC86283 05370000
  742.          MVC   SVCSV1(8),0                                     @SC86158 05370500
  743.          STM   14,15,SVCSV2                                    @SC86158 05371000
  744.          L     12,AFVS                                         @SC86158 05371500
  745.          USING FVSECT,12                                       @SC86158 05372000
  746.          TM    UFDBUSY,ABNBIT  ABEND in progress?              @SC86158 05372500
  747.          BO    SVCCNCL                                         @SC86158 05373000
  748.          L     14,SVCOCPTR   Correct ptr to SVC code           @SC89235 05373500
  749.          CLI   0(14),13      ABEND?                            @SC89235 05374000
  750.          BE    SVCCNCL                                         @SC86158 05374500
  751.          CLI   0(14),203                                       @SC89235 05375000
  752.          BE    SVC203T       Could be DMSABN                   @SC86158 05375500
  753.          CLI   0(14),204     Used only in CMS 5.5 and above    @SC89235 05376000
  754.          BE    *+12                                            @SC89235 05376500
  755.           CLI  0(14),202                                       @SC89235 05377000
  756.          BNE   SVCGO         Ok, do it                         @SC86158 05377500
  757.          CLC   =CL8'TYPLIN',0(1)  WRTERM?                      @SC86158 05378000
  758.          BNE   SVCGO         No, do it                         @SC86158 05378500
  759. ICPTGO   LM    14,15,SVCOPTR Output ptrs                       @SC86158 05379000
  760.          SR    15,14         Length left                       @SC86158 05379500
  761.          LA    12,255        Limit                             @SC86158 05380000
  762.          CH    12,14(1)      Buffer length                     @SC86295 05380500
  763.          BNH   *+8           Too big                           @SC86158 05381000
  764.          LH    12,14(1)      Ok, use it                        @SC86295 05381500
  765.          LTR   12,12                                           @SC86158 05382000
  766.          BNP   ICPTRET                                         @SC86283 05382500
  767.          CR    12,15         Enough room?                      @SC86283 05383000
  768.          BH    ICPTRET       No                                @SC86283 05383500
  769.          ICM   15,7,9(1)     Buffer address                    @SC86295 05384000
  770.          TM    MSGFLAGS,NOTYPING                               @SC88309 05384500
  771.          BO    ICPTRET       HT is in effect                   @SC88309 05385000
  772.          TM    13(1),X'40'   Error message?                    @SC88309 05385500
  773.          BZ    *+8           No, keep whole text               @SC88309 05386000
  774.          DIAG  15,12,X'5C'   Adjust according to EMSG          @SC88309 05386500
  775.          LTR   12,12         Anything to show?                 @SC88309 05387000
  776.          BNP   ICPTRET       Not anymore                       @SC88309 05387500
  777.          BCTR  12,0          Set up for mvc                    @SC86158 05388000
  778.          EX    12,SVCCOPY    Move to WBUF                      @SC86158 05388500
  779.          LA    14,2(12,14)   New end                           @SC86158 05389000
  780.          TM    13(1),X'80'   Suppress NL?                      @SC88309 05389500
  781.          BZ    *+6           No, keep it                       @SC88309 05390000
  782.          BCTR  14,0          Yes, append next line             @SC88309 05390500
  783.          ST    14,SVCOPTR                                      @SC86158 05391000
  784. ICPTRET  SR    15,15         Success                           @SC86283 05391500
  785.          CLM   13,8,SVCEXIT  Was it an SVC?                    @SC86283 05392000
  786.          BE    SVCDONE       Yes                               @SC86283 05392500
  787.          LM    12,14,SVCSV1  Restore regs                      @SC86283 05393000
  788.          BR    14            Return                            @SC86283 05393500
  789. SVCDONE  L     12,SVCOPSW+4  Return adr                        @SC86158 05394000
  790.          CLI   0(12),0       Error adr given?                  @SC86158 05394500
  791.          BNE   SVCRET                                          @SC86158 05395000
  792.          LA    14,4(12)      Yes, skip over                    @SC86158 05395500
  793. SVCSKP   STCM  14,7,SVCOPSW+5                                  @SC86158 05396000
  794. SVCRET   LM    12,14,SVCSV1  Restore                           @SC86158 05396500
  795.          SR    15,15         'success'                         @SC86158 05397000
  796.          LPSW  SVCOPSW       Return                            @SC86158 05397500
  797. SVCCOPY  MVC   0(,14),0(15)                                    @SC86158 05398000
  798. *                                                                       05398500
  799. SVC203T  L     12,SVCOPSW+4  Code ptr                          @SC86158 05399000
  800. SVCABNT  CLI   1(12),11      DMSABN?                           @SC86158 05399500
  801.          BNE   SVCGO         No, do it                         @SC86158 05400000
  802. SVCCNCL  MVC   SVCNPSW,SAVENPSW  Cancel interception           @SC86158 05400500
  803.          MVC   ADMSCWR,TYPSAV                                  @SC86283 05401000
  804. SVCGO    MVC   0(8,0),SAVENPSW   Proper SVC handler            @SC86158 05401500
  805.          LM    12,15,SVCSV1                                    @SC86158 05402000
  806.          LPSW  0                                               @SC86158 05402500
  807. * Storage for SVC interception                                 @SC86158 05403000
  808. SAVENPSW DS    D             SYSTEM  SVC NPSW                  @SC86158 05403500
  809. SVCSNAG  DC    A(0,SVCEXIT)  My replacement                    @SC86158 05404000
  810. SVCSV1   DS    2F            Saved 12,13                       @SC86158 05404500
  811. SVCSV2   DS    2F            Saved 14,15                       @SC86158 05405000
  812. SVCOPTR  DS    2F            Buffer output and end ptrs        @SC86158 05405500
  813. SVCOCPTR DS    A             Correct ptr to SVC code           @SC89235 05406000
  814. TYPSAV   DS    F             Saved system address              @SC86283 05406500
  815.          LOCALS ,                                              @SC86295 05407000
  816. SUPFNC   EXIT                                                  @SC86158 05407500
  817.          TITLE 'TERMIO Routine - Handle terminal I/O'                   05408000
  818. * R1 points to a pair of (adr,len) for read or write.  If I/O is        05408500
  819. * successfull, R15 returns transferred byte count (else returns -1).    05409000
  820. *               Command code is in R0:                                  05409500
  821. * 1 => Open line for I/O            4 => Write packet                   05410000
  822. * 2 => Close line                   5 => Read packet                    05410500
  823. * 3 => Reset line status after    ( 6 => Write message ) not used       05411000
  824. *      environment changes                                              05411500
  825. *                                                                       05412000
  826. TERMIO   ENTER                                                          05412500
  827.          SR    15,15         OK                                @SC86295 05413000
  828.          BCT   0,TRMCLS                                        @SC86295 05413500
  829. * Open terminal line for protocol                                       05414000
  830.          WAITT                                                          05414500
  831.          STAX  BR14          Ingore attention interrupts                05415000
  832.          MVI   RIOC,X'80'    Nothing saved                     @SC86295 05415500
  833.          MVI   TRMFLG,X'FF'  Initialize w/r flag               @SC87275 05416000
  834.          B     TRMSPRP                                         @SC87275 05416500
  835. * Close terminal line after protocol transfer                           05417000
  836. TRMCLS   BCT   0,TRMRSET                                       @SC86295 05417500
  837.          STAX                                                           05418000
  838.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05418500
  839. * (Re)set terminal characteristics to suit environment                  05419000
  840. TRMRSET  BCT   0,TRMRW                                         @SC86295 05419500
  841.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05420000
  842. *                                                                       05420500
  843. *  Perform I/O request                                                  05421000
  844. TRMRW    BCT   0,TRMRD                                         @SC87275 05421500
  845.          CLI   WRRD,0        Write/read?                       @SC87275 05422000
  846.          BE    TRMWO         No, do it immediately             @SC87275 05422500
  847.          MVC   RIOPRP(8),0(1)  Yes, save stuff for prompt      @SC87275 05423000
  848.          CLI   TRMTP,C'F'    Full-screen non-transparent?      @SC92030 05423500
  849.          BNE   RTRN0         No                                @SC92030 05424000
  850.          SR    0,0           Clear before every packet         @SC92030 05424500
  851.          KCALL SCRNIO                                          @SC92030 05425000
  852.          XI    FL3,FCLRF     Flip switch for skipping          @SC92030 05425500
  853.          TM    FL3,FCLRF     Skipping now?                     @SC92030 05426000
  854.          BZ    RTRN0         Not this time                     @SC92030 05426500
  855.          WRTERM ' '          Yes, skip two lines               @SC92030 05427000
  856.          WRTERM ' '                                            @SC92030 05427500
  857.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC87275 05428000
  858. TRMWO    MVI   TRMFLG,0      Indicate no action on follow-up   @SC87275 05428500
  859.          B     TRMEX         Do the write                      @SC87275 05429000
  860. TRMRD    TS    TRMFLG                                          @SC87275 05429500
  861.          BZ    RTRN0         Just a follow-up. 0-length read   @SC87275 05430000
  862. *                                                                       05430500
  863. TRMEX    SLA   0,4                                             @SC87275 05431000
  864.          LR    2,0                                             @SC92180 05431500
  865.          SRA   2,1           Index * 8 = offset to output stuff@SC92180 05432000
  866.          LA    8,TRMPLS                                        @SC87275 05432500
  867.          AR    8,0           Get appropriate CCW skeleton      @SC86295 05433000
  868.          MVC   9(3,8),1(1)   Copy adr                          @SC86295 05433500
  869.          MVC   14(2,8),6(1)  Copy len                          @SC86295 05434000
  870.          LA    1,8(2,8)      Ptrs for output                   @SC92180 05434500
  871.          L     4,0(,1)       Remember them for logging data    @SC92180 05435000
  872.          LH    5,6(,1)                                         @SC92180 05435500
  873.          LA    2,8           Lenth of ptrs                     @SC92180 05436000
  874.          LA    0,C'w'                                          @SC92180 05436500
  875.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      Log it                            @SC92180 05437000
  876.          LA    1,0(,4)       Ptr to buffer                     @SC92180 05437500
  877.          LR    2,5           Lenth of buffer                   @SC92180 05438000
  878.          LA    0,C'd'                                          @SC92180 05438500
  879.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      Log it                            @SC92180 05439000
  880.          HOST  0(8)          Issue command                     @SC86295 05439500
  881.          CLC   TRMPLS,0(8)   Write only?                       @SC92180 05440000
  882.          BE    TRMRLEN                                         @SC92180 05440500
  883.          LA    1,8(,8)       Ptr for input                     @SC92180 05441000
  884.          LA    2,8           Lenth of ptrs                     @SC92180 05441500
  885.          LA    0,C'r'                                          @SC92180 05442000
  886.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      Log it                            @SC92180 05442500
  887.          L     1,8(,8)                                         @SC92180 05443000
  888.          LA    1,0(,1)       Ptr to buffer                     @SC92180 05443500
  889.          LH    2,14(,8)                                        @SC92180 05444000
  890.          LA    0,C'd'                                          @SC92180 05444500
  891.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      Log it                            @SC92180 05445000
  892. TRMRLEN  LH    15,14(,8)     Number of chars xfer'd            @SC92180 05445500
  893. TRMSPRP  LA    0,S1EOL       Reinstate "normal" prompt         @SC87275 05446000
  894.          LA    1,2                                             @SC87275 05446500
  895.          CLI   S1HND,0       Handshake desired?                @SC87275 05447000
  896.          BNE   *+6           Yes, ok                           @SC87275 05447500
  897.          BCTR  1,0           No, send just the EOL             @SC87275 05448000
  898.          STM   0,1,RIOPRP                                      @SC87275 05448500
  899.          RET                                                   @SC86295 05449000
  900. *                                                                       05449500
  901. TRMPLS   DS    0F            Terminal I/O plists               @SC86295 05450000
  902. * WRTERM Plist during Kermit protocol                                   05450500
  903.          DC    CL8'TYPLIN'                                              05451000
  904.          DC    X'01',AL3(*-*) Send buffer address              @SC86190 05451500
  905.          DC    C'B',X'92'    B=Black,02=No xlate,90=Long       @TB86218 05452000
  906.          DC    H'0'          Buffer length                              05452500
  907. * RDTERM plist during RPACK                                             05453000
  908.          DC    CL8'WAITRD'                                              05453500
  909.          DC    X'01',AL3(*-*) Rcv buffer addr                  @SC86190 05454000
  910.          DC    C'*',C'B'     *:long, B:prompt/direct           @SC87201 05454500
  911.          DC    AL2(0)        Input data length                          05455000
  912. RIOPRP   DC    A(0,1)        Prompt                            @SC87275 05455500
  913.          TITLE 'SCRNIO Routine - Handle screen I/O via Series/1'        05456000
  914. * R1 points to a pair of (adr,len) for read or write.  If I/O is        05456500
  915. * successfull, R15 returns transferred byte count (else returns -1).    05457000
  916. *               Command code is in R0:                                  05457500
  917. * 0 => Clear screen on console (not comm line)                 @SC90045 05458000
  918. * 1 => Open screen for I/O            4 => Write packet                 05458500
  919. * 2 => Close screen                   5 => Read packet                  05459000
  920. * 3 => Reset screen status after      6 => Write message (no ATTN)      05459500
  921. *      environment changes            7 => Read screen buffer           05460000
  922. *                                                                       05460500
  923. * CCW Flags, WCC flag bits, CSW flags:                                  05461000
  924. CC       EQU   X'40'         Command chaining                  @SC86159 05461500
  925. SLI      EQU   X'20'         Suppress Incorr Len Ind                    05462000
  926. ATN      EQU   X'80'         Attention                                  05462500
  927. CE       EQU   X'08'         Channel end                                05463000
  928. DE       EQU   X'04'         Device end                                 05463500
  929. UC       EQU   X'02'         Unit check                                 05464000
  930. UE       EQU   X'01'         Unit exception                             05464500
  931. CPBRK    EQU   ATN+CE+DE+UC  CP break-in                                05465000
  932. *                                                                       05465500
  933. SCRNIO   ENTER ALT                                             @SC92180 05466000
  934.          LTR   0,0                                             @SC90045 05466500
  935.          BZ    SCRCLR                                          @SC90045 05467000
  936.          STC   0,CONSOPR     Save command code                 @LP88158 05467500
  937.          BCT   0,SCRCLS                                        @SC86295 05468000
  938. * Set up for transparent I/O                                            05468500
  939.          L     1,=A(IDEFS)   CSECT of initializations          @SC90173 05469000
  940.          USING DEFS,1        Mapped via DSECT                  @SC90173 05469500
  941.          LA    2,S1DATA      Series/1 introducer               @SC90173 05470000
  942.          LA    3,S1ORDL+2    Length + 2                        @SC90173 05470500
  943.          CLI   TRMTP,C'S'                                      @SC90173 05471000
  944.          BE    SCRPRSET      Do it                             @SC90173 05471500
  945.          LA    2,GRDATA      Graphics introducer               @SC90173 05472000
  946.          LA    3,GRDL+2      Length + 2                        @SC90173 05472500
  947.          CLI   TRMTP,C'G'                                      @SC90173 05473000
  948.          BE    SCRPRSET      Do it                             @SC90173 05473500
  949.          LA    2,AEADAT      AEA introducer                    @SC90173 05474000
  950.          LA    3,AEAL+2                                        @SC90173 05474500
  951.          DROP  1                                               @SC90173 05475000
  952. SCRPRSET LR    5,3                                             @SC90173 05475500
  953.          LA    4,S1EOL+2     Get start of command buffer       @SC90173 05476000
  954.          SR    4,5                                             @SC90173 05476500
  955.          STM   4,5,S1XOPL    Set up prompt plist               @SC90173 05477000
  956.          S     5,F2          Deduct stuff already there        @SC90173 05477500
  957.          MVCL  4,2                                             @SC90173 05478000
  958.          MVC   HNDFNC,HNDPAT+8  Copy function (SET)            @SC88326 05478500
  959.          WAITT ,             Make CMS happy                             05479000
  960.          HOST  HNDINTPL      Issue HNDINT                      @SC86295 05479500
  961.          LA    8,SCRCCWCL    Clear screen now                  @SC86295 05480000
  962.          BAL   9,SCRNEX                                        @SC86295 05480500
  963.          MVI   RIOC,X'80'    Nothing saved                     @SC86295 05481000
  964.          ICM   0,15,LCLDLY                                     @SC87268 05481500
  965.          BZ    RTRN0         Skip extra delay                  @SC87268 05482000
  966.          CPCMD 6,7,'SL 1 SEC' This seems useful                @HF86233 05482500
  967.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05483000
  968. SCRCLR   CLI   TRMTP,C'T'    Is it a TTY terminal?             @SC90045 05483500
  969.          BE    RTRN0         Yes, can't clear screen           @SC90045 05484000
  970.          CLI   TRMTP,C'V'    Is it a TTY terminal?             @SC90045 05484500
  971.          BE    RTRN0         Yes, can't clear screen           @SC90045 05485000
  972.          CLI   TRMTP,C'F'    Is it a full-screen non-transpar? @SC92030 05485500
  973.          BE    *+12          Yes, must clear frequently        @SC92030 05486000
  974.          TM    FL2,PROTO     In protocol mode?                 @SC90045 05486500
  975.          BO    RTRN0         Yes, skip clearing screen         @SC90045 05487000
  976.          WAITT ,             Wait if necessary                 @SC90045 05487500
  977.          L     1,ADEVTAB     Ptr to device table in nucleus    @SC90045 05488000
  978.          LH    2,0(,1)       CON1 is first device              @SC90045 05488500
  979.          LA    1,SCRCCWCL    Clear-screen CCW                  @SC90045 05489000
  980.          DIAG  1,2,X'58'     Start I/O via diagnose            @SC90045 05489500
  981.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC90045 05490000
  982. SCRCLS   BCT   0,SCRRSET                                       @SC86295 05490500
  983.          LA    8,SCRCCWVM    Release screen                    @SC86295 05491000
  984.          BAL   9,SCRNEX                                        @SC86295 05491500
  985.          MVC   HNDFNC,=C'CLR '                                 @SC88326 05492000
  986.          HOST  HNDINTPL      Issue HNDINT CLR                  @SC88326 05492500
  987.          LA    5,=C'READY ...' Make sure hanging writes appear @SC86159 05493000
  988.          MVC   6(3,5),CONSADH Use console vaddr                @SC86159 05493500
  989.          LA    7,9           String length                     @SC86159 05494000
  990.          CPCMD 5,7,RESP=YES  Suppress reply                    @SC86159 05494500
  991.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05495000
  992. * (Re)set device characteristics to suit environment                    05495500
  993. SCRRSET  BCT   0,SCRRW                                         @SC86295 05496000
  994.          B     RTRN0                                                    05496500
  995. *                                                                       05497000
  996. *  Perform I/O request                                                  05497500
  997. SCRRW    MVC   SCRCCW,0(1)   Copy adr+len                      @SC88049 05498000
  998.          LR    5,0                                             @SC88049 05498500
  999.          CLC   =C'CON1',HNDDV  Console device?                 @SC89088 05499000
  1000.          BE    *+8           Yes, use DIAG 58 facility         @SC89088 05499500
  1001.           LA   5,4(,5)       No, use alternate CCW codes       @SC93146 05500000
  1002.          CLI   TRMTP,C'A'    AEA-type device?                  @SC90173 05500500
  1003.          BNE   *+8           No, we've got it                  @SC90173 05501000
  1004.           LA   5,8(,5)       Yes, use alternate CCW codes      @SC93146 05501500
  1005.          IC    9,SCRCCM-1(5) Get command code                  @SC88049 05502000
  1006.          STC   9,SCRCCW                                        @SC88049 05502500
  1007.          IC    9,SCRCCF-1(5) Get flags                         @SC88049 05503000
  1008.          STC   9,SCRCCW+5                                      @SC88049 05503500
  1009.          MVI   SCRCCW+4,SLI  Suppress length interrupts        @SC88049 05504000
  1010.          CLI   CONSOPR,5     Read operation next?              @SC89180 05504500
  1011.          BE    SCRE4TRY      Yes, VTAM will be happy           @SC89180 05505000
  1012.          TM    S1INTFL,ATN   Seen attention interrupt lately?  @SC89180 05505500
  1013.          BZ    SCRE4TRY      No, VTAM will be happy            @SC89180 05506000
  1014.          LA    0,C'a'        Yes, should see what he wants     @SC89180 05506500
  1015.          LA    1,CONSXSTA                                      @SC89180 05507000
  1016.          LA    2,2                                             @SC89180 05507500
  1017.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      Log the interrupt                 @SC89180 05508000
  1018.          LA    0,5                                             @SC89180 05508500
  1019.          KCALL SCRNIO,SCRRDPL Use recursive call to read       @SC89180 05509000
  1020. SCRE4TRY LA    8,SCRCCW                                        @LP88188 05509500
  1021.          BAL   9,SCRNEX      Execute internal subr             @SC86295 05510000
  1022.          CLI   CONSOPR,5     Was it a packet read?             @LP88188 05510500
  1023.          BNE   RTRN          No, continue                      @LP88188 05511000
  1024.          LTR   15,15         Did it fail?                      @LP88188 05511500
  1025.          BL    RTRN          Yes, continue                     @LP88188 05512000
  1026.          TM    FL2,PROTO     In midst of transfer?             @SC88203 05512500
  1027.          BZ    RTRN          No, must be status check          @SC88203 05513000
  1028.          L     1,0(8)        Data address                      @LP88188 05513500
  1029.          CLI   0(1),X'E4'    7171 overrun (line error)?        @LP88188 05514000
  1030.          BNE   RTRN          No, continue                      @LP88188 05514500
  1031.          LA    8,SCRE4RET    CCWs to reset transparent mode    @LP88188 05515000
  1032.          MVI   CONSOPR,4     And send a dummy packet           @LP88188 05515500
  1033.          BAL   9,SCRNEX                                        @LP88188 05516000
  1034.          MVI   CONSOPR,5     Do the read again                 @LP88188 05516500
  1035.          B     SCRE4TRY      Loop until no more E4 reply       @LP88188 05517000
  1036. *                                                                       05517500
  1037. *---- Subroutine of SCRNEX (must preserve R4,R8,R9) ----------*@SC91039 05518000
  1038. * Execute chnnl pgm; detect errors; wait for completion;       @SC91039 05518500
  1039. *  log CSW after completion; exit to SCRNEX handler if error;  @SC91039 05519000
  1040. *  wait for subsequent ATTN if write/read oprn.                @SC91039 05519500
  1041. * Entry: R1->pgm, R2=vaddr, R7->return                         @SC91039 05520000
  1042. * Normal exit: clobber 0,1,2,3,15 and return                   @SC91039 05520500
  1043. * Error exit: clobber 0,1,2,3,15 and branch to SCRERR          @SC91039 05521000
  1044. SCRXCT   ENABLE INTTYPE=NONE      Disable all interrupts       @XN89235 05521500
  1045.          ST    1,STMSCNS     Save ptr to channel pgm           @SC90222 05522000
  1046.          TM    0(1),X'F0'    Special console-type CCW?         @SC91039 05522500
  1047.          BZ    SCRXNODI      No, avoid DIAG 58                 @SC91039 05523000
  1048.          CLC   =C'CON1',HNDDV  Console device?                 @SC89088 05523500
  1049.          BE    SCRXDIAG      Yes, use DIAG 58 facility         @SC89088 05524000
  1050. SCRXNODI DS    0H                                              @SC91039 05524500
  1051.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA2                        @SC90067 05525000
  1052.          TM    FLGXA,XACMS   In 370/XA mode?                   @SC89235 05525500
  1053.          BZ    SCRXSIO       No, do SIO                        @XN89235 05526000
  1054.          MVC   SCRORB+5(2),=X'40FF' Set various flags          @XN89235 05526500
  1055.          ST    1,ORBCPA      Set Channel Program Address       @XN89235 05527000
  1056.          GETSID DEVICE=(2)   Get subchannel number in R1       @XN89235 05527500
  1057.          SSCH  SCRORB        Start the I/O operation           @XN89235 05528000
  1058.          BNZ   SCRERR        Error if not CC=0                 @XN89235 05528500
  1059.          B     SCRXTSCH      Drain the status                  @XN89235 05529000
  1060. SCRXSIO  DS    0H                                              @XN89235 05529500
  1061. .CMSXA2  ANOP                                                  @SC90067 05530000
  1062.          DMSEXS MVC,CAW(4),STMSCNS  Use basic SIO              @SC90222 05530500
  1063.          SIO   0(2)                                            @SC89088 05531000
  1064.          BC    2,SCRBUSY     Maybe try again                   @SC91039 05531500
  1065.          BC    4,SCRXTIOS    Completed already, check status   @SC91039 05532000
  1066.          BNZ   SCRERR        I/O error case                    @XN89235 05532500
  1067.          B     SCRXTIO       Drain status                      @XN89235 05533000
  1068. SCRXDIAG DIAG  1,2,X'58'     Start I/O via diagnose            @SC89088 05533500
  1069.          BNZ   SCRXERR       I/O error                         @SC91039 05534000
  1070.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA3                        @SC90067 05534500
  1071.          TM    FLGXA,XACMS   In 370/XA mode?                   @SC89235 05535000
  1072.          BZ    SCRXTIO       No, do TIO                        @SC89235 05535500
  1073.          GETSID DEVICE=(2)   Get subchannel number in R1       @SC89235 05536000
  1074. SCRXTSCH TSCH  SCRSUBAR      Test status of device             @SC89235 05536500
  1075.          BC    4,SCRXTSCH    Loop until status pending         @XN89235 05537000
  1076.          BC    1,SCRERR      Error if not there now ! (??)     @XN89235 05537500
  1077. SCRXTSCS MVC   CONSCSW(8),IRBCSW Grab status                   @SC91039 05538000
  1078.          B     SCRXTIOO      Rejoin 370 mode                   @SC89235 05538500
  1079. .CMSXA3  ANOP                                                  @SC90067 05539000
  1080. SCRXTIO  DS    0H                                              @SC89235 05539500
  1081.          TIO   0(2)          Test for completion               @SC89088 05540000
  1082.          BNZ   *-4           Keep waiting                      @SC89088 05540500
  1083. SCRXTIOS MVC   CONSCSW(8),CSW    Grab status                   @SC91039 05541000
  1084. SCRXTIOO DS    0H                                              @XN89235 05541500
  1085.          MVI   CONSATN,0     Haven't waited for attention yet  @SC90222 05542000
  1086.          CLI   CONSOPR,4     Doing a write/read?               @SC89088 05542500
  1087.          BNE   SCRXOK        No, we don't need any interrupts  @SC89088 05543000
  1088.          TM    CONSUNIT,255-CE-DE Already got attn or error?   @SC91081 05543500
  1089.          BNZ   SCRXOK        Yes, don't wait at all            @SC91081 05544000
  1090.          CLI   TRMTP,C'S'    S/1?                              @SC90173 05544500
  1091.          BE    *+12                                            @SC90173 05545000
  1092.           CLI  WRRD,0        Only writing?                     @SC90173 05545500
  1093.           BE   SCRXOK        Yes, expect no ATTN               @SC90173 05546000
  1094.          HOST  HNDWAIT       Wait for I/O to complete          @SC88326 05546500
  1095.          MVI   CONSATN,ATN   Signal attention seen             @SC90222 05547000
  1096. SCRXOK   DS    0H                                              @SC89088 05547500
  1097.          ENABLE INTTYPE=ALL  Reenable interrupts               @XN89235 05548000
  1098.          CLI   CONSCHAN,0                                      @LP88186 05548500
  1099.          BNE   SCRERRC       Go if ch error                    @SC90222 05549000
  1100.          TM    CONSUNIT,X'73' Any unit error?                  @LP88186 05549500
  1101.          BNZ   SCRERRC                                         @LP88186 05550000
  1102.          LA    0,C'i'        "good interrupt" label            @SC89166 05550500
  1103. *        B     SCRLOGI       Log it fall through               @LP88186 05551000
  1104. *                                                                       05551500
  1105. * SCRLOG: Hexadecimal log of (R2) bytes at address (R1)        @LP88158 05552000
  1106. * Log label is taken from R0 low order byte.                   @SC89166 05552500
  1107. * Return via R7.  R0-R3 and R15 destroyed.                     @SC89166 05553000
  1108. SCRLOGI  DS    0H            Special entry to log interrupts   @LP88158 05553500
  1109.          LA    1,CONSCSW                                       @SC89166 05554000
  1110.          LA    2,CONSTLEN                                      @LP88158 05554500
  1111. SCRLOG   TM    FL1,DEBUG     Logging in effect?                @SC87286 05555000
  1112.          BZR   7             No, that's all                    @SC89166 05555500
  1113.          TM    DBGFLG,DBGIO  I/O stuff requested?              @SC88168 05556000
  1114.          BZR   7             No, skip it                       @SC89166 05556500
  1115.          L     3,LOGBUF      Ptr to buffer                     @LP88158 05557000
  1116.          STC   0,0(,3)       Set log label                     @SC89166 05557500
  1117.          LA    3,2(,3)       Start of data area                @SC91172 05558000
  1118.          TM    DBGFLG,DBGTI  Times requested?                  @SC91172 05558500
  1119.          BZ    SCRLOGA       No, just do hex dump              @SC91172 05559000
  1120.          ST    1,SCRLR1      Save ptr to block                 @SC91172 05559500
  1121.          BAL   14,ACCTTOD    Get time of day in seconds        @SC91172 05560000
  1122.          MVI   0(3),C' '     Leave a space                     @SC91172 05560500
  1123.          KCALL DUMPTOD,1(3)  Format time into buffer           @SC91172 05561000
  1124.          LR    3,15          Get ptr to end of string          @SC91172 05561500
  1125.          L     1,SCRLR1      Restore R1                        @SC91172 05562000
  1126. SCRLOGA  LA    0,6*9(,3)     End of line buffer                @SC91172 05562500
  1127.          TM    DBGFLG,DBGLO  Long buffer requested?            @SC90222 05563000
  1128.          BZ    *+8                                             @SC90222 05563500
  1129.           LA   0,50*9(,3)    Yes, long buffer                  @SC91172 05564000
  1130. SCRLOGLP MVI   0(3),C' '     Add for readability               @LP88158 05564500
  1131.          UNPK  1(9,3),0(5,1) Unpack into buffer                @SC88168 05565000
  1132.          TR    1(8,3),TRHEX  Convert to printable hex          @SC88168 05565500
  1133.          LA    3,9(3)        Advance text ptr                  @SC88168 05566000
  1134.          LA    1,4(1)        and data source                   @LP88158 05566500
  1135.          S     2,F4          Finished data?                    @SC88168 05567000
  1136.          BNP   SCRLGEND      Yes, go write                     @LP88158 05567500
  1137.          CR    3,0           Reached text limit?               @LP88158 05568000
  1138.          BL    SCRLOGLP      no, loop for more slices          @LP88158 05568500
  1139.          MVC   0(3,3),=C'...' Show incomplete                  @LP88158 05569000
  1140.          LA    3,3(3)                                          @SC88168 05569500
  1141. SCRLGEND DS    0H                                              @LP88158 05570000
  1142.          AR    2,2           Check for incomplete slice        @SC88168 05570500
  1143.          BNM   *+6           No, ok                            @SC88168 05571000
  1144.          AR    3,2           Yes, adjust end of text           @SC88168 05571500
  1145.          S     3,LOGBUF      Get length of text                @SC88168 05572000
  1146.          WRITF LOGPTR,BSIZE=(3) Log it                         @LP88158 05572500
  1147.          TM    DBGFLG,DBGSV  SAVE requested?                   @SC88168 05573000
  1148.          BZR   7             No, skip closing log file         @SC89166 05573500
  1149.          SAVEF LOGPTR        Update disk directory             @SC88168 05574000
  1150.          BR    7                                               @SC89166 05574500
  1151. *                                                                       05575000
  1152. *--- Major I/O routine: execute chnnl pgm w/ error recovery ---@SC91039 05575500
  1153. * Entry: R8->pgm, R9->return                                   @SC91039 05576000
  1154. *   Log pgm; wait for device ready; call SCRXCT to execute;    @SC91039 05576500
  1155. *   log data buffer; errors in SCRXCT fall out into retry loop.@SC91039 05577000
  1156. * Exit: clobber 0,1,2,3,4,5,7 and set R15= useful data length  @SC91039 05577500
  1157. *   (or -1 if error)                                           @SC91039 05578000
  1158. SCRNEX   LA    4,10          CP BREAKIN recovery retry count   @LP88186 05578500
  1159.          NI    S1INTFL,255-ATN Clear pending attention, if any @SC89180 05579000
  1160. SCRNEXLP LR    1,8           Get CCW ptr                       @SC91039 05579500
  1161.          SLR   2,2           Convert op. code to log label     @LP88158 05580000
  1162.          IC    2,CONSOPR                                       @LP88158 05580500
  1163.          LA    2,CONSOPRS(2)                                   @LP88158 05581000
  1164.          IC    0,0(,2)                                         @SC89166 05581500
  1165.          LA    2,8           Size of one CCW                   @LP88158 05582000
  1166.          TM    4(1),CC       Command chained?                  @LP88158 05582500
  1167.          BZ    *+8                                             @LP88158 05583000
  1168.          LA    2,8(2)        Yes, add another                  @LP88158 05583500
  1169.          BAL   7,SCRLOG      CCWs logged                       @SC89166 05584000
  1170.          LH    2,CONSADDR            Console address                    05584500
  1171.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA4                        @SC90067 05585000
  1172.          TM    FLGXA,XACMS   In 370/XA mode?                   @SC89235 05585500
  1173.          BZ    SCRTIO        No, do TIO                        @SC89235 05586000
  1174.          GETSID DEVICE=(2)   Get subchannel number in R1       @XN89235 05586500
  1175. SCRTSCH  TSCH  SCRSUBAR      Test status of console            @XN89235 05587000
  1176.          BZ    SCRTSCH       Loop if status stored             @XN89235 05587500
  1177.          B     SCRTIOO       Rejoin 370 mode                   @SC89235 05588000
  1178. SCRTIO   DS    0H                                              @SC89235 05588500
  1179. .CMSXA4  ANOP                                                  @SC90067 05589000
  1180.          TIO   0(2)                  See if usable                      05589500
  1181.          BC    6,*-4                 Loop if busy or CSW stored         05590000
  1182. SCRTIOO  DS    0H                                              @SC89235 05590500
  1183.          BC    1,SCRERR              not operational: error             05591000
  1184.          LR    1,8           Copy CCW adr                      @SC89088 05591500
  1185.          BAL   7,SCRXCT      Execute and wait for completion   @SC89166 05592000
  1186.          BAL   7,SCRLOGD     Log data and get count in R5      @SC90222 05592500
  1187.          LR    15,5                                            @LP88186 05593000
  1188.          TM    0(8),1        Is it a channel read?             @LP88186 05593500
  1189.          BOR   9             No, size OK                       @LP88186 05594000
  1190.          S     15,WRCMDL+4   Deduct 3 for buffer adr           @SC90173 05594500
  1191.          BNLR  9                                               @LP88186 05595000
  1192.          SLR   15,15                                           @LP88186 05595500
  1193.          BR    9             Return to caller                  @LP88186 05596000
  1194. *                                                                       05596500
  1195. * Alternate entry to SCRLOG for logging data buffer.           @SC91039 05597000
  1196. *    Also returns data count in R5.                            @SC91039 05597500
  1197. SCRLOGD  L     1,STMSCNS     Get ptr to channel pgm            @SC90222 05598000
  1198.          LH    5,6(,1)       Buffer size                       @SC90222 05598500
  1199.          SH    5,CONSBYTC    Minus residual count              @LP88186 05599000
  1200.          L     1,0(,1)       Data address                      @SC90222 05599500
  1201.          LA    0,C'd'        "Data" label                      @SC89166 05600000
  1202.          LR    2,5           Data size                         @LP88186 05600500
  1203.          B     SCRLOG        Go log it                         @SC90222 05601000
  1204. *                                                                       05601500
  1205. *---- Error handler within SCRNEX - retry and loop or exit ----@SC91039 05602000
  1206. *                                                                       05602500
  1207. SCRXERR  DS    0H                                              @SC91039 05603000
  1208.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA4B                       @SC91039 05603500
  1209.          TM    FLGXA,XACMS   In 370/XA mode?                   @SC91039 05604000
  1210.          BZ    SCRXETIO      No, do TIO                        @SC91039 05604500
  1211.          GETSID DEVICE=(2)   Get subchannel number in R1       @SC91039 05605000
  1212.          TSCH  SCRSUBAR      Test status of device             @SC91039 05605500
  1213.          BC    1,SCRERR      Error if not there now ! (??)     @SC91039 05606000
  1214.          BC    2,SCRBUSY                                       @SC91039 05606500
  1215.          B     SCRXTSCS      Go grab status                    @SC91039 05607000
  1216. SCRXETIO DS    0H                                              @SC91039 05607500
  1217. .CMSXA4B ANOP                                                  @SC91039 05608000
  1218.          TIO   0(2)          DIAG failed, find out why         @SC91039 05608500
  1219.          BC    1,SCRERR      Dead device                       @SC91039 05609000
  1220.          BC    2,SCRBUSY                                       @SC91039 05609500
  1221.          B     SCRXTIOS      Something happened after all      @SC91039 05610000
  1222. *                                                                       05610500
  1223. SCRERRC  DS    0H            Fatal I/O error                   @LP88186 05611000
  1224.          LA    0,C'e'        Indicate error interrupt or CC    @SC89166 05611500
  1225.          BAL   7,SCRLOGI     Log it                            @SC89166 05612000
  1226.          BAL   7,SCRLOGD     Log data, if any                  @SC90222 05612500
  1227.          CLI   CONSUNIT,CPBRK CP stole the screen?             @SC89088 05613000
  1228.          BNE   SCRERR        Bin                               @LP88186 05613500
  1229.          BCT   4,SCRBRK      Go recover unless retries exhaust @LP88186 05614000
  1230.          B     SCRERR        Give up                           @SC91039 05614500
  1231. SCRBUSY  BCT   4,SCRNEXLP    Retry without recovery            @SC91039 05615000
  1232. SCRERR   SR    15,15                                           @SC86295 05615500
  1233.          BCTR  15,0          Return error code of -1           @SC86295 05616000
  1234.          ENABLE INTTYPE=ALL  Reenable interrupts               @XN89235 05616500
  1235.          BR    9                                               @SC86295 05617000
  1236. SCRBRK   DS    0H            CP BREAKIN recovery               @LP88186 05617500
  1237.          LA    1,RTRYIO                                        @LP88186 05618000
  1238.          LA    0,C'b'        Log BREAKIN recovery CCW          @SC89166 05618500
  1239.          C     1,STMSCNS     Were we already trying to recover?@SC91039 05619000
  1240.          BE    SCRBRKRD      Yes, must issue a READ            @SC91039 05619500
  1241.          LA    2,16                                            @LP88186 05620000
  1242.          BAL   7,SCRLOG                                        @SC89166 05620500
  1243.          LA    14,=C'RESET ...'                                @LP88186 05621000
  1244.          MVC   6(3,14),CONSADH Use console vaddr               @LP88186 05621500
  1245.          LA    0,9           String length                     @LP88186 05622000
  1246.          CPCMD 14,0,RESP=YES Reply to buffer                   @LP88186 05622500
  1247.          LA    1,RTRYIO                                        @LP88186 05623000
  1248.          LH    2,CONSADDR    Console address                   @LP88186 05623500
  1249.          OI    CONSOPR,X'80' Flag to avoid waiting for ATTN    @LP88186 05624000
  1250.          BAL   7,SCRXCT      Take the screen back              @SC89166 05624500
  1251.          NI    CONSOPR,X'7F' Restore as request                @LP88186 05625000
  1252.          B     SCRNEXLP      Try again                         @SC91039 05625500
  1253. SCRBRKRD LA    2,16                                            @SC91039 05626000
  1254.          LA    1,RTRYIO2     Next try to read                  @SC91039 05626500
  1255.          BAL   7,SCRLOG                                        @SC91039 05627000
  1256.          LA    1,RTRYIO2     Next try to read                  @SC91039 05627500
  1257.          LH    2,CONSADDR    Console address                   @SC91039 05628000
  1258.          OI    CONSOPR,X'80' Flag to avoid waiting for ATTN    @SC91039 05628500
  1259.          BAL   7,SCRXCT      Read the screen                   @SC91039 05629000
  1260.          NI    CONSOPR,X'7F' Restore as request                @SC91039 05629500
  1261.          B     SCRBRK        Now try again to clear it         @SC91039 05630000
  1262.          DS    0D                                                       05630500
  1263. SCRCCWCL DC    X'19',AL3(0),AL1(SLI),X'FF',AL2(1)                       05631000
  1264. SCRCCWVM DC    X'19',AL3(0),AL1(SLI),X'FE',AL2(1)                       05631500
  1265. RTRYIO2  CCW   X'0A',SCRSENSE,SLI+CC,5 CMS normal read         @SC91039 05632000
  1266.          CCW   X'03',0,SLI,1                                   @SC91039 05632500
  1267. *                                                                       05633000
  1268. RTRYIO   DC    0D'0',X'19',AL3(0),AL1(CC+SLI),X'FF',AL2(1)     @SC86159 05633500
  1269.          DC    X'29',AL3(RTRYCM),AL1(SLI),X'90',AL2(1)         @TB88078 05634000
  1270. RTRYCM   DC    &S1CMD                                          @SC90264 05634500
  1271. *                                                                       05635000
  1272. SCRE4RET DS    0D                                              @LP88188 05635500
  1273. *        DC    X'29',AL3(SCRE4LTM),AL1(SLI+CC),X'90',Y(SCRE4LTL) C91178 05636000
  1274.          DC    X'29',AL3(SCRE4DWR),AL1(SLI),X'00',Y(SCRE4DWL)  @SC88168 05636500
  1275. *CRE4LTM DC    X'40',AL1(SBA),X'4040',AL1(ICR),X'4040' Reset   @SC91178 05637000
  1276. *CRE4LTL EQU   *-SCRE4LTM    Length of command                 @SC91178 05637500
  1277. SCRE4DWR DC    X'C2',AL1(SBA),X'5D7F',AL1(SBA),X'000180' packet@SC88168 05638000
  1278. SCRE4DWL EQU   *-SCRE4DWR    Length of command                 @SC88168 05638500
  1279. *              --DIAG58--- ---SIO----- --DIAG58--- ---SIO----- @SC93146 05639000
  1280. *              W  R  WM RB W  R  WM RB W  R  WM RB W  R  WM RB @SC93146 05639500
  1281. SCRCCM   HTBL  29,2A,29,2A,01,06,05,02,29,2A,29,2A,11,06,05,02 @SC93146 05640000
  1282. SCRCCF   HTBL  00,80,90,00,00,00,00,00,20,80,90,00,00,00,00,00 @SC93146 05640500
  1283. *        Use x'10' flag in the writemsg CCW flag byte to       @TB88078 05641000
  1284. *        prohibit VM/XA DIAG58 from issuing Read Modifieds     @TB88078 05641500
  1285. *        to check for PA1                                      @TB88078 05642000
  1286.          TITLE 'SETMSG Routine - controls CP breakin'                   05642500
  1287. * Entry: R1 selects operation                                           05643000
  1288. * Exit: R15=0 if ok                                                     05643500
  1289. * 1-> Analyze user environment, determine if suitable.                  05644000
  1290. *     Save quantities needed and condition line for entering commands.  05644500
  1291. *     Perform any system-dependent initialization.                      05645000
  1292. * 2-> Condition line for protocol transfers.                            05645500
  1293. * 3-> Decondition line at end of transfer.                              05646000
  1294. * 4-> System-dependent clean-up at exit.                                05646500
  1295. * 5-> Reperform system-dependent initialization after SET LINE.         05647000
  1296. SETMSG   ENTER ALT                                             @SC86295 05647500
  1297.          BCT   1,STM2                Go if R1 not 1, so no init         05648000
  1298.          L     1,ORGR1                                         @SC88049 05648500
  1299.          MVC   KRMNAM,0(1)   Copy original invoked name        @SC88049 05649000
  1300.          L     2,CBUF        Put diag result here                       05649500
  1301.          LA    3,32          Get this much info                         05650000
  1302.          DIAG  2,3,X'00'     Identify                                   05650500
  1303.          MVC   USRTAKE,16(2) Move userid to our buffer                  05651000
  1304.          MVC   HNDINTPL(LHNDWT),HNDPAT Init HNDINT             @SC88326 05651500
  1305.          L     1,ASTMUSET                                      @SC87117 05652000
  1306.          MVC   8(9,1),=C'MACHINE -'                            @SC89235 05652500
  1307.          CPCMD 2,4,'Q SET',RESP=YES                            @SC86148 05653000
  1308.          MVC   ADR,CBUF              Response address for parser        05653500
  1309.          ST    5,LEN                 Response length for parser         05654000
  1310.          MVC   STMSCNS(8),SCANPTR Save string ptrs             @SC89235 05654500
  1311.          SR    5,5           Length of previous data           @SC89235 05655000
  1312.          LA    8,STMMLEN-2   Descriptor list for MACHINE       @SC89235 05655500
  1313.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC89235 05656000
  1314.          L     1,ASTMUSET                                      @SC89235 05656500
  1315.          CLI   8+8(1),C'-'   Is it VM/XA?                      @SC89235 05657000
  1316.          BE    STMVMSP       No, remember that                 @SC89235 05657500
  1317.          OI    FLGXA,XACP    CP is VM/XA                       @SC89235 05658000
  1318.          CLI   8+8(1),C'3'   Is it in 370 mode?                @SC89235 05658500
  1319.          BE    STMVMSP       Yes, remember that                @SC89235 05659000
  1320.          OI    FLGXA,XACMS   CMS is in XA mode                 @SC89235 05659500
  1321.          WRTERM '&NONXAMS'                                     @SC89235 05660000
  1322.          B     RTRN1         Too bad, give up                  @SC89235 05660500
  1323. STMVMSP  DS    0H                                              @SC89235 05661000
  1324.          MVC   0(STMUL+STMLL,1),STMUOFF Set up pattern         @SC87117 05661500
  1325.          S     1,F4          Start of list: back 8, up L'SET +1@SC87117 05662000
  1326.          SR    5,5           Length of previous data           @SC86148 05662500
  1327.          LA    8,STMLEN-2    Descriptor list                   @SC86148 05663000
  1328.          MVC   SCANPTR(8),STMSCNS Restore ptrs                 @SC89235 05663500
  1329.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC89235 05664000
  1330.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC89235 05664500
  1331.          MVC   SCANPTR(8),STMSCNS Restore ptrs again           @SC89235 05665000
  1332.          LA    4,5           Number of items in QUERY SET      @SC89235 05665500
  1333.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC86295 05666000
  1334.          BCT   4,*-4                                           @SC86148 05666500
  1335.          CPCMD 2,6,'Q TERM',RESP=YES                           @SC86148 05667000
  1336.          MVC   ADR,CBUF              Response address for parser        05667500
  1337.          ST    7,LEN         Response length for parser        @SC87117 05668000
  1338.          LA    1,1(1)        One extra: L'TERM - L'SET         @SC87117 05668500
  1339.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC86295 05669000
  1340.          BAL   2,STMGET                                        @SC92030 05669500
  1341.          BAL   2,STMGET      (if more: put S 1,F4 in loop)     @SC87295 05670000
  1342. *          Note: KWRKBASE is 11...                             @SC89268 05670500
  1343.          STM   10,11,STMSAVR Save base registers               @SC87117 05671000
  1344.          HOST  STMEXC        Set up subcommand environment     @SC87117 05671500
  1345.          B     STM5X                                           @SC87351 05672000
  1346.          DS    0F                                              @SC87117 05672500
  1347. STMEXC   DC    CL8'SUBCOM',CL8'KERMIT'                         @SC87117 05673000
  1348.          DC    F'0',A(STMSUBC,0)                               @SC87117 05673500
  1349. STMEXDRP DC    CL8'SUBCOM',CL8'KERMIT'                         @SC92112 05674000
  1350.          DC    F'0',A(0),8X'FF'                                @SC92112 05674500
  1351. *                                                                       05675000
  1352. STM2     BCT   1,STM3                Go if R1 was not 2, so not off     05675500
  1353.          TM    FL1,TSTF                                        @SC86295 05676000
  1354.          BO    RTRN0         Just testing, don't change it     @SC86295 05676500
  1355.          LA    2,STMUOFF             Set everything off                 05677000
  1356.          MVC   STMUOTB,AOUTRTBL Save user's table ptrs         @SC87201 05677500
  1357.          MVC   STMUITB,AINTRTBL                                @SC87201 05678000
  1358.          LA    7,F0          Set to turn off translation       @SC87201 05678500
  1359.          LR    8,7                                             @SC87201 05679000
  1360.          B     STMD                                                     05679500
  1361. *                                                                       05680000
  1362. STM3     BCT   1,STM4                                          @SC86316 05680500
  1363.          L     2,ASTMUSET    Restore user's settings           @SC87117 05681000
  1364.          LA    7,STMUITB     Restore user's table ptrs         @SC87201 05681500
  1365.          LA    8,STMUOTB                                       @SC87201 05682000
  1366. STMD     LA    4,STMUL       Length of 1st batch               @SC87117 05682500
  1367.          LA    5,0(2,4)      Start of 2nd                      @SC87117 05683000
  1368.          LA    6,STMSPL      Length of VM/SP-only stuff        @SC89235 05683500
  1369.          TM    FLGXA,XACP    Is it VM/SP?                      @SC89235 05684000
  1370.          BZ    *+8                                             @SC89235 05684500
  1371.           AR   2,6           No, skip that stuff               @SC89235 05685000
  1372.           SR   4,6                                             @SC89235 05685500
  1373.          CPCMD 2,4           Issue a bunch of CP commands      @SC87117 05686000
  1374.          BAL   14,TTYCHK     Line mode?                        @SC92030 05686500
  1375.           B    STMDTT        Yes, do line-mode stuff           @SC92030 05687000
  1376.          B     RTRN0         No, skip line-mode stuff          @SC92030 05687500
  1377. STMDTT   DS    0H                                              @SC92030 05688000
  1378.          DMSEXS MVC,AINTRTBL,0(7)   Restore input table        @SC87201 05688500
  1379.          DMSEXS MVC,AOUTRTBL,0(8)   Restore output table       @SC87201 05689000
  1380.          LA    7,STMLL                                         @SC87295 05689500
  1381.          CPCMD 5,7,RESP=YES  No, do linemode stuff             @SC87295 05690000
  1382.          B     RTRN0                                                    05690500
  1383. *                                                                       05691000
  1384. STM4     BCT   1,STM5        Special clean-up                  @SC87351 05691500
  1385.          HOST  STMEXDRP      Drop subcommand environment       @SC92112 05692000
  1386.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC92112 05692500
  1387. *                                                                       05693000
  1388. STM5     DS    0H            Re-init after SET LINE            @SC87351 05693500
  1389. STM5X    SR    2,2                                             @SC86295 05694000
  1390.          BCTR  2,0                                             @SC86295 05694500
  1391.          MVI   TRMTP,C'N'    Assume bad until validated        @SC90173 05695000
  1392.          CLI   TRMLIN,C' '   External line?                    @SC87351 05695500
  1393.          BE    STM5D         No, use console                   @SC87351 05696000
  1394.          TR    TRMLIN,UPCASE                                   @SC88120 05696500
  1395.          LA    5,3+1         Allow no more than 3 hex digits   @SC87351 05697000
  1396.          SR    2,2           Init value                        @SC87351 05697500
  1397.          LA    1,TRMLIN      Ptr to string                     @SC87351 05698000
  1398. STM5L    CLI   0(1),C' '     Look for end of value             @SC87351 05698500
  1399.          BE    STM5D         Ok, got number                    @SC87351 05699000
  1400.          IC    3,0(1)                                          @SC87351 05699500
  1401.          CLI   0(1),C'0'     0-9?                              @SC87351 05700000
  1402.          BL    STM5LA                                          @SC87351 05700500
  1403.          CLI   0(1),C'9'                                       @SC87351 05701000
  1404.          BH    RTRN1         Bad digit                         @SC87351 05701500
  1405.          B     STM5LS        Ok, use it                        @SC87351 05702000
  1406. STM5LA   CLI   0(1),C'A'     A-F?                              @SC87351 05702500
  1407.          BL    RTRN1         Bad                               @SC87351 05703000
  1408.          CLI   0(1),C'F'                                       @SC87351 05703500
  1409.          BH    RTRN1         Bad                               @SC87351 05704000
  1410.          LA    3,9(3)        OK, get in binary                 @SC87351 05704500
  1411. STM5LS   SLL   3,28          Convert to nybble                 @SC87351 05705000
  1412.          SLDL  2,4                                             @SC87351 05705500
  1413.          LA    1,1(1)        Keep scanning                     @SC88049 05706000
  1414.          BCT   5,STM5L                                         @SC87351 05706500
  1415.          B     RTRN1         String too long                   @SC87351 05707000
  1416. STM5D    SR    3,3           Clear result register             @SC91311 05707500
  1417.          DIAG  2,3,X'24'     Get console flags                 @SC91311 05708000
  1418.          CLM   3,8,=X'40'    Is it a dedicated GRAF dev?       @SC88203 05708500
  1419.          BE    *+12          Yes, ok                           @SC88203 05709000
  1420.          CLM   3,8,=X'8020'  Is this a terminal?               @SC87351 05709500
  1421.          BNE   RTRN1         No, bad device                    @SC87351 05710000
  1422.          MVI   TRMTP,C'&KCONT'  1st assume TTY                 @SC88309 05710500
  1423.          STH   2,CONSADDR    Save console addr (CUU)                    05711000
  1424.          UNPK  CONSADH(4),CONSADDR(3)                          @SC86159 05711500
  1425.          TR    CONSADH(3),TRHEX  Save as chars                 @SC86159 05712000
  1426.          L     5,ADEVTAB     Ptr to system device table        @SC88326 05712500
  1427.          LA    6,DEVSIZE     Size of table item                @SC88326 05713000
  1428.          L     7,ATABEND     End of table                      @SC88326 05713500
  1429.          CLM   2,3,0(5)      Check device vaddr                @SC89235 05714000
  1430.          BE    STM5HL        Found it, use this name           @SC88326 05714500
  1431.          BXLE  5,6,*-8                                         @SC88326 05715000
  1432.          LA    5,HNDPATDV-4  Not found, use default name       @SC88326 05715500
  1433. STM5HL   MVC   HNDDV,4(5)                                      @SC88326 05716000
  1434.          MVC   WAITDV,4(5)                                     @SC88326 05716500
  1435.          CLM   4,8,=X'8020'  Is this an SNA 3770/3767 or TTY?  @2L90270 05717000
  1436.          BE    RTRN0         Yes, all set                      @SC88203 05717500
  1437.          SR    1,1           Assume Query not allowed          @SC91311 05718000
  1438.          L     4,RIOPTRS     Get more info                     @SC91311 05718500
  1439.          L     6,RIOPTRS+4   Length allowed                    @SC91311 05719000
  1440.          LR    7,6           Extra copy                        @SC91311 05719500
  1441.          LR    5,2           Get vaddr                         @SC91311 05720000
  1442.          DIAG  4,6,X'8C'     Ask for the info                  @SC91311 05720500
  1443.          LTR   5,5           Did it work?                      @SC91311 05721000
  1444.          BNZ   STMGRS        No, give up                       @SC91311 05721500
  1445.          LTR   6,6           Supposed residual count           @SC91311 05722000
  1446.          BM    STMGRS        Something wrong                   @SC91311 05722500
  1447.          SR    7,6           Length of info                    @SC91311 05723000
  1448.          CH    7,=H'6'       Basic info always returned        @SC91311 05723500
  1449.          BNH   STMGRS        No Query info                     @SC91311 05724000
  1450.          LA    1,STCQBIT     Ok, Query is allowed              @SC91311 05724500
  1451. STMGRS   DS    0H                                              @SC91311 05725000
  1452.          O     1,=A(&CONOPTS)                        Options   @SC91311 05725500
  1453.          KCALL SETCON        Find out just what kind...        @SC91311 05726000
  1454.          B     RTRN0                                                    05726500
  1455. *                                                                       05727000
  1456. * Parse CP response for token pointed by R1:  <len-1> token             05727500
  1457. * On entry:    R1 = ptr-8-R5 of name in user list              @SC86148 05728000
  1458. *              R5 = length of previous token                   @SC86148 05728500
  1459. *              R8 = ptr to previous len-1 of name,data         @SC86148 05729000
  1460. * On exit:     R1,R5,R8 updated                                @SC86148 05729500
  1461. *              value copied into user list                     @SC86148 05730000
  1462. *                                                                       05730500
  1463. STMGET   LA    8,2(8)        Point to next descriptor          @SC86148 05731000
  1464.          LA    1,8(5,1)      Advance to next name              @SC86148 05731500
  1465.          IC    5,1(8)        Get length of data                @SC86148 05732000
  1466. STMGET1  NTOKN N=0(2)        Pick next token                   @SC86295 05732500
  1467.          CLM   7,1,0(8)      Is this the same size we want?    @SC86148 05733000
  1468.          BNE   STMGET1       Not the size we want              @SC86148 05733500
  1469.          EX    7,STMGETC             is it right one?                   05734000
  1470.          BNE   STMGET1       Nope, keep on looking             @SC86148 05734500
  1471.          AR    1,7           Space over name                   @SC86148 05735000
  1472.          NTOKN N=0(2)        Use the next token                @SC86316 05735500
  1473.          EX    5,STMGETM     Copy value                        @SC86148 05736000
  1474.          BR    2                                               @SC86295 05736500
  1475. *                                                                       05737000
  1476. STMGETC  CLC   0(,1),0(6)    Check token against list          @SC86148 05737500
  1477. STMGETM  MVC   2(,1),0(6)    Save value in list                @SC86148 05738000
  1478. *                                                                       05738500
  1479. *                  ACNT TIME                         -- SET    @SC89235 05739000
  1480. STMLEN   DC    AL1(03,2,04,3)                                  @SC89235 05739500
  1481. *                  MSG  WNG  RUN  EDIT IMSG          -- SET    @SC89235 05740000
  1482.          DC    AL1(02,3,02,3,02,2,06,2,03,3)                   @SC89235 05740500
  1483. *                  TABC SIZE SCRL                    -- TERM   @SC92030 05741000
  1484.          DC    AL1(06,1,07,2,05,3)                             @SC92030 05741500
  1485. *                                                                       05742000
  1486. STMUOFF  EQU   *       Start of CP commands to set all off     @SC89235 05742500
  1487.          DC    C'SET ACNT OFF',X'15'                           @SC89235 05743000
  1488.          DC    C'SET TIMER OFF ',X'15'                         @SC89235 05743500
  1489. STMSPL   EQU   *-STMUOFF     Amount to skip if VM/XA           @SC89235 05744000
  1490.          DC    C'SET MSG OFF ',X'15'                           @SC89235 05744500
  1491.          DC    C'SET WNG OFF ',X'15' (in order of CP msgs)              05745000
  1492.          DC    C'SET RUN ON ',X'15'                                     05745500
  1493.          DC    C'SET LINEDIT OFF',X'15'                        @SC88194 05746000
  1494.          DC    C'SET IMSG OFF ',X'15'                          @SC87117 05746500
  1495. STMUL    EQU   *-STMUOFF                                       @CR86321 05747000
  1496. STMLOFF  DC    C'TERM TABCHAR OF'                              @SC92030 05747500
  1497.          DC    C'     LINESIZE OFF'                            @SC92030 05748000
  1498.          DC    CL5' ',C'SCROLL CONT'  (if more, cut to 1 sp)   @SC87295 05748500
  1499. STMLL    EQU   *-STMUOFF-STMUL                                 @SC87117 05749000
  1500. STMMLEN  DC    AL1(06,2)     Descriptor for MACHINE            @SC89235 05749500
  1501.          TITLE 'STMSUBC Routine - subcommand environment handler'       05750000
  1502.          USING STMSUBC,15                                      @SC87117 05750500
  1503. STMSUBC  STM   14,12,12(13)  Save registers                    @SC87117 05751000
  1504.          LM    10,11,STMSAVR Get base registers                @SC87117 05751500
  1505.          LA    0,USNTRFLX    Length of locals                  @SC87117 05752000
  1506.          BAL   14,SUBENT     Set up entry                      @SC87117 05752500
  1507.          LR    15,KSUBBASE   Recover local base register       @SC89268 05753000
  1508.          LR    2,0           Save ptr to EPLIST                @SC87117 05753500
  1509.          LA    0,RTRNUM      Set to return error code          @SC87117 05754000
  1510.          L     1,=A(USNCMDX) All commands but QUIT             @SC87117 05754500
  1511.          BAL   14,LOOPS                                        @SC87117 05755000
  1512.          L     KSUBBASE,=A(USNTRF) Ptr to main loop routine    @SC89268 05755500
  1513.          LM    15,0,4(2)     Ptrs to command and end           @SC87117 05756000
  1514.          SR    0,15          Get length                        @SC87117 05756500
  1515.          LA    1,CMD                                           @SC87117 05757000
  1516.          MVC   0(256,1),0(15) Copy to buffer                   @SC87117 05757500
  1517.          OI    KFLG-USNTRFSV(13),CMDC+SIGN Indicate just 1 cmd @SC87117 05758000
  1518.          B     LUPPRS                                          @SC87117 05758500
  1519.          TITLE 'S1INT Routine - interrupt handler'                      05759000
  1520.          USING S1INT,15                                        @SC86295 05759500
  1521. S1INT    DS    0H                                              @SC89088 05760000
  1522.          STCM  3,12,CONSXSTA Save status bytes                 @SC89180 05760500
  1523.          TM    CONSXSTA,ATN  Attention received?               @SC89180 05761000
  1524.          BZ    S1IOK         No, forget it                     @SC89180 05761500
  1525.          OI    S1INTFL,ATN   Yes, remember it                  @SC89180 05762000
  1526. S1IOK    SR    15,15         R15=0-> intrpt proc complete               05762500
  1527.          BR    14                                              @SC86295 05763000
  1528.          DROP  15                                              @SC86295 05763500
  1529. *                                                                       05764000
  1530. * HNDINT Plist for Series/1 interrupt handling                          05764500
  1531. HNDPAT   DC    CL8'HNDINT'   HNDINT plist                      @SC88326 05765000
  1532.          DC    CL4'SET'      Set function                               05765500
  1533. HNDPATDV DC    CL4'CONK'     Symbolic device (or CON1)         @SC88326 05766000
  1534.          DC    AL4(S1INT)    S1 Interrupt handler                       05766500
  1535.          DC    AL2(9)        Console address (fill in)         @SC88326 05767000
  1536.          DC    CL2'AC'                                         @SC91095 05767500
  1537.          DC    4X'FF'                                          @SC88326 05768000
  1538.          DC    CL8'WAIT'                                       @SC88326 05768500
  1539. LHNDWT   EQU   *-HNDPAT                                        @SC88326 05769000
  1540. *                                                                       05769500
  1541. CONSCSW  DS    A             (key + cc)(1) + CCW addr(3)                05770000
  1542. CONSUNIT DS    X             Unit status                                05770500
  1543. CONSCHAN DS    X             Channel status                             05771000
  1544. CONSBYTC DS    H             Byte count                                 05771500
  1545. CONSATN  DS    X             Flag for ATN seen, etc.           @SC90222 05772000
  1546. CONSTLEN EQU   *-CONSCSW     End of console status log area    @LP88158 05772500
  1547. *                                                                       05773000
  1548. SCRRDPL  DC    A(SCRSENSE,L'SCRSENSE)                          @SC89180 05773500
  1549. SCRSENSE DS    XL10          Buffer for ATN-triggered read     @SC89180 05774000
  1550. CONSXSTA DS    XL2           Status bytes saved on interrupt   @SC89180 05774500
  1551. S1INTFL  DS    X             Saved interrupt flags             @SC89180 05775000
  1552. *                                                                       05775500
  1553. CONSOPRS DC    C'?ocswrmg'   Console command labels for log    @SC93146 05776000
  1554. STMSAVR  DS    2F                                              @SC88168 05776500
  1555. CONSADH  DC    C'...',C' '   Unpacked vaddr + pad              @SC86159 05777000
  1556.          LOCALS ,                                              @SC86295 05777500
  1557. SCRCCW   DS    D             CCW for send, recv, msg           @SC88049 05778000
  1558. STMSCNS  DS    2F            Saved scan ptrs                   @SC87117 05778500
  1559. SCRLR1   DS    F             Saved R1 in SCRLOG                @SC91172 05779000
  1560.          AIF   ('&KTAG' NE 'XA').CMSXA5                        @SC90067 05779500
  1561. SCRORB   DS    F'0'          Parameter=0                       @XN89235 05780000
  1562.          DS    X'00,40,FF,00'   Key=0, etc.                    @XN89235 05780500
  1563. ORBCPA   DS    A             Address is filled in              @XN89235 05781000
  1564. SCRSUBAR DS    16F           Storage for TSCH                  @XN89235 05781500
  1565. IRBCSW   EQU   SCRSUBAR+4,8                                    @XN89235 05782000
  1566. .CMSXA5  ANOP                                                  @SC90067 05782500
  1567. CONSOPR  DS    XL1           Current I/O operation             @SC89180 05783000
  1568. SETMSG   EXIT                                                           05783500
  1569.          TITLE 'DISKIO Routine - performs disk I/O functions'           05784000
  1570. * ERRNUM unchanged unless there is a disk error.                        05784500
  1571. * Function selected on entry by R0:                                     05785000
  1572. * 0=> unnum: R1->FAB.  Return R1->buffer,R0=# and remove the sequence   05785500
  1573. *   number (if any) from the buffer (used for TAKE files)               05786000
  1574. * 1=> open (in): R1->pattern FDB, R2->name.  Returns R0->FAB, R1->FDB   05786500
  1575. * 2=> open (out): (same)                                                05787000
  1576. * 3=> test name: R2->name.  Returns R1->FDB if file found and  @SC91269 05787500
  1577. *     writable (else R15=1)                                    @SC91269 05788000
  1578. * 4=> close file: R1->adr(FAB).                                         05788500
  1579. * 5=> set up search: R1->pattern name.                                  05789000
  1580. * 6=> return next file in list:  Returns R1->FDB + sets up FILNAM       05789500
  1581. * 7=> close search (if any).                                            05790000
  1582. * 8=> test CWD string: R1->string.  Returns R15=0 if ok, else =1.       05790500
  1583. * 9=> read: R1->FAB.  Returns R15=12 if EOF, 0 if ok; R0=# data         05791000
  1584. * 10=> write: R1->FAB.  Returns R15=13 if disk full, 0 if ok.           05791500
  1585. * 11=> test space: R1->pattern FDB (has size in Kbytes),                05792000
  1586. *  R2->name (used if FAB not found), R6->adr(FAB). Return R15=0 if ok.  05792500
  1587. * 12=> analyze R/W error, set ERRNUM, make EMSG: R1->FAB, TMPDW=code    05793000
  1588. *      always returns R15=1                                             05793500
  1589. * 13=> directory info on file: R1->name.  Returns R15=0 if ok.          05794000
  1590. * 14=> delete file: R1->name.  Returns R15=0 if ok.                     05794500
  1591. * 15=> rename file: R1->name, R2->new name.  Returns R15=0 if ok.       05795000
  1592. * 16=> copy file: R1->name, R2->new name.  Returns R15=0 if ok.         05795500
  1593. * 21=> save file status in directory: R1->FAB. (not used)      @SC88168 05796000
  1594. * 22=> open library (in): R2->DDNAME.  Return R15=0 if ok.     @SC89073 05796500
  1595. * 23=> point for next read, R1->adr(FDB), R2=records to skip.  @SC89218 05797000
  1596. *      Return R15=0 if ok.                                     @SC89218 05797500
  1597. * 24=> test name: R2->name.  Returns R1->FDB if file found and @SC91269 05798000
  1598. *      readable (else R15=1)                                   @SC91269 05798500
  1599. DISKIO   ENTER                                                          05799000
  1600.          USING FABD,3                                          @SC86295 05799500
  1601.          SR    4,4           Signal no block assigned          @SC86295 05800000
  1602.          STC   0,DSKCOD      Save function code (for now)      @SC88101 05800500
  1603.          LR    5,0                                             @SC89073 05801000
  1604.          AR    5,5                                             @SC89073 05801500
  1605.          LH    5,DSK0(5)     Get handler address               @SC89073 05802000
  1606.          B     DSK0(5)       Do the function                   @SC89073 05802500
  1607. DSK0     DC    Y(DSKNON-DSK0,DSKOPNI-DSK0,DSKOPNO-DSK0)   0-2  @SC89073 05803000
  1608.          DC    Y(DSKTEST-DSK0,DSKCLOS-DSK0,DSKNSET-DSK0)  3-5  @SC89073 05803500
  1609.          DC    Y(DSKNXT-DSK0,DSKNSX-DSK0,DSKCWDF-DSK0)    6-8  @SC89073 05804000
  1610.          DC    Y(DSKER1-DSK0,DSKER1-DSK0,DSKTSP-DSK0)     9-11 @SC89073 05804500
  1611.          DC    Y(DSKXXX-DSK0),8Y(DSKUTL-DSK0)            12-20 @SC89073 05805000
  1612.          DC    2Y(DSKER1-DSK0),Y(DSKPNT-DSK0)            21-23 @SC89218 05805500
  1613.          DC    Y(DSKTEST-DSK0)                           24-   @SC91269 05806000
  1614.          DC    8Y(DSKER1-DSK0)   Spares                        @SC89073 05806500
  1615. *                                                                       05807000
  1616. DSKNON   DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05807500
  1617.          LR    3,1           Address FAB                       @SC88101 05808000
  1618.          L     0,FABNORD     Get length of buffer              @SC88101 05808500
  1619.          L     2,FDBBUFF     Get ptr to buffer                 @SC88101 05809000
  1620.          CLI   FDBRCF,C'F'   Fixed-length records?             @SC88101 05809500
  1621.          BNE   DSKNONZ       No, no line numbers               @SC88101 05810000
  1622.          CH    0,=H'80'      See if F/80                       @SC88101 05810500
  1623.          BNE   DSKNONZ       No                                @SC88101 05811000
  1624.          MVZ   WLDPAT(5),75(2)  See if 76-80 are all numeric   @SC88101 05811500
  1625.          CLC   WLDPAT(5),=5C'0'                                @SC88101 05812000
  1626.          BNE   DSKNONZ       No                                @SC88101 05812500
  1627.          S     0,F8          Yes, move the end back            @SC88101 05813000
  1628. DSKNONZ  RETREG 0,(1,2)      Return R0 and (2) as R1           @SC88218 05813500
  1629.          B     RTRN0         Done                              @SC88101 05814000
  1630. DSKOPNI  DS    0H                                              @SC88101 05814500
  1631. *                                                                       05815000
  1632. * Open for input file whose name is at (R2), FDB at (R1)                05815500
  1633.          BAL   9,DSKALC      Get FAB                           @SC86295 05816000
  1634. DSKOP0   BAL   2,DSKLKP      Get FST, ADT ptrs                 @SC86295 05816500
  1635.          BNZ   DSKER1        Not found                         @SC86295 05817000
  1636.          BAL   14,DSKVALS                                      @SC86295 05817500
  1637.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05818000
  1638. *                                                                       05818500
  1639. * Open for output file whose name is at (R2), FDB at (R1)               05819000
  1640. DSKOPNO  DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05819500
  1641.          BAL   9,DSKALC      Get FAB                           @SC86295 05820000
  1642.          BAL   2,DSKLKP      Get FST, ADT ptrs                 @SC86295 05820500
  1643.          BNZ   DSKOPLR       Not found, just writing new       @SC87012 05821000
  1644.          TM    FDBFLGS,APPN+SVATT  Should we keep attributes?  @SC90033 05821500
  1645.          BZ    *+8           No                                @SC90033 05822000
  1646.           BAL  14,DSKVALS    Yes, copy old ones to FDB         @SC90033 05822500
  1647.          TM    FDBFLGS,APPN                                    @SC86295 05823000
  1648.          BO    DSKOPLR                                         @SC90033 05823500
  1649.        FSERASE FSCB=(3)                                        @SC86295 05824000
  1650. DSKOPLR  SR    0,0                                             @SC87012 05824500
  1651.          ICM   0,3,FDBLRC    File LRECL                        @SC87012 05825000
  1652.          CLI   FDBRCF,C'V'   RECFM F limited to LRECL          @SC88120 05825500
  1653.          BNE   DSKSTLR                                         @SC88120 05826000
  1654.          CLI   TYPFIL,C'B'   Binary?                           @SC88120 05826500
  1655.          BE    DSKSTLR       Yes, always fold                  @SC88120 05827000
  1656.          L     0,MAXLRC      TEXT file, no limit               @SC87012 05827500
  1657. DSKSTLR  ST    0,FABLRTR     Set effective record length       @SC88120 05828000
  1658.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05828500
  1659. *                                                                       05829000
  1660. * Test for existence of file whose name is at (R2)                      05829500
  1661. DSKTEST  DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05830000
  1662.          MVC   DSKSTNM,0(2)                                    @SC86295 05830500
  1663.          LA    3,DSKSTT                                        @SC86295 05831000
  1664.          B     DSKOP0        Test file                         @SC86295 05831500
  1665. *                                                                       05832000
  1666. * Close file whose ticket is at (R1), release block                     05832500
  1667. DSKCLOS  DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05833000
  1668.          ICM   3,15,0(1)     Get FAB ptr, if any               @SC86295 05833500
  1669.          BZ    RTRN0         None, ignore                      @SC86295 05834000
  1670.          XC    0(4,1),0(1)   Yes, now clear ticket             @SC86295 05834500
  1671.          SR    15,15         Clear return code, in case active @SC92260 05835000
  1672.          TM    FDBFLGS,FDBACTV Is another copy active?         @SC92260 05835500
  1673.          BO    DSKCLOS2      Yes, don't actually FINIS it      @SC92260 05836000
  1674.        FSCLOSE FSCB=(3)                                        @SC86295 05836500
  1675. DSKCLOS2 LR    1,3           Set up DMSFREE                    @SC92260 05837000
  1676.          LR    5,15          Save return code                  @SC92076 05837500
  1677.          LA    0,FABDWDS                                       @SC86295 05838000
  1678.        DMSFRET DWORDS=(0),LOC=(1)                              @SC86295 05838500
  1679.          LR    15,5                                            @SC92076 05839000
  1680.          CH    15,=H'6'                                        @SC92076 05839500
  1681.          BE    RTRN0         Wasn't open anyway: maybe empty   @SC92076 05840000
  1682.          B     RTRN                                            @SC92076 05840500
  1683. *                                                                       05841000
  1684. * Point past 1st N records of file at (R1)                     @SC89218 05841500
  1685. DSKPNT   ICM   3,15,0(1)     Get ticket                        @SC89218 05842000
  1686.          BZ    RTRN1         Not open                          @SC89218 05842500
  1687.          LA    6,1                                             @SC89218 05843000
  1688.          AR    6,2           Rec no. = 1 + number to skip      @SC89218 05843500
  1689.          BNP   RTRN0         Never mind                        @SC89218 05844000
  1690.          C     6,FDBNREC     File long enough?                 @SC89218 05844500
  1691.          BH    RTRN1         No, skip it                       @SC89218 05845000
  1692.          SR    0,0           Don't mess with write point       @SC89218 05845500
  1693.          FSPOINT FSCB=(3),WRPNT=(0),RDPNT=(6),FORM=E           @SC89218 05846000
  1694.          B     RTRN          Return with completion code       @SC89218 05846500
  1695. *                                                                       05847000
  1696. * Analyze error: packed dec. code in TMPDW                              05847500
  1697. DSKXXX   DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05848000
  1698.          MVI   ERRNUM,ERRDIE Set Kermit error code             @SC87338 05848500
  1699.          L     2,EMSGP       Ptr to msg buffer                 @SC87338 05849000
  1700.          MVC   0(8,2),0(1)   Copy oprn name                    @SC87338 05849500
  1701.          MVC   8(2,2),=C'R='                                   @SC87338 05850000
  1702.          OI    TMPDW+7,15    Set zone                          @SC87338 05850500
  1703.          UNPK  10(2,2),TMPDW Copy error code                   @SC87338 05851000
  1704.          MVC   EMSGL,F12     Length of string                  @SC87338 05851500
  1705.          B     RTRN1                                           @SC87338 05852000
  1706. *                                                                       05852500
  1707. * Disk utility for file(s) at (R1) and (R2)                             05853000
  1708. DSKUTL   SH    0,=H'13'      Code-13: DIR,DEL,REN,COP          @SC86316 05853500
  1709.          LR    8,0           Save a copy                       @SC86316 05854000
  1710.          SLA   0,3                                             @SC86295 05854500
  1711.          LA    5,DSKCMDS                                       @SC86295 05855000
  1712.          AR    5,0           Ptr to command name               @SC86295 05855500
  1713.          LA    4,CMD         Buffer for tokenized command      @SC86295 05856000
  1714.          MVC   0(8,4),0(5)                                     @SC86295 05856500
  1715.          LA    4,8(4)                                          @SC86295 05857000
  1716.          LR    6,1           1st file                          @SC86295 05857500
  1717.          BAL   3,DSKUTCP                                       @SC86295 05858000
  1718.          SRA   0,4                                             @SC86295 05858500
  1719.          BZ    *+10                                            @SC86295 05859000
  1720.          LR    6,2           2nd file                          @SC86295 05859500
  1721.          BAL   3,DSKUTCP                                       @SC86295 05860000
  1722.          LTR   8,8           Code-13                           @SC86316 05860500
  1723.          BNZ   *+14          Go if not LISTFILE                @SC86316 05861000
  1724.          MVC   0(16,4),=CL16'(       DATE'                     @SC86295 05861500
  1725.          LA    4,16(4)                                         @SC86295 05862000
  1726.          MVI   0(4),X'FF'    Insert fence                      @SC86295 05862500
  1727.          MVC   1(7,4),0(4)                                     @SC86295 05863000
  1728.          LA    0,CMD                                           @SC86295 05863500
  1729.          NI    FL4,255-UCMD  Not user command: already tokens  @SC86295 05864000
  1730.          KCALL SUPFNC,3      Execute it                        @SC86295 05864500
  1731.          B     RTRN                                            @SC86295 05865000
  1732. *                                                                       05865500
  1733. DSKUTCP  LA    7,LFID        Length of name                    @SC86295 05866000
  1734.          ICM   7,8,BLANK     Blank fill                        @SC86295 05866500
  1735.          LA    5,24                                            @SC86295 05867000
  1736.          MVCL  4,6           Copy name and update R4           @SC86295 05867500
  1737.          BR    3                                               @SC86295 05868000
  1738. *                                                                       05868500
  1739. DSKCMDS  DC    C'LISTFILE'   Utility command names             @SC86295 05869000
  1740.          DC    C'ERASE   '                                     @SC86295 05869500
  1741.          DC    C'RENAME  '                                     @SC86295 05870000
  1742.          DC    C'COPYFILE'                                     @SC86295 05870500
  1743. *                                                                       05871000
  1744. * Return on error, release useless block, if any                        05871500
  1745. DSKER1   LTR   1,4           Any block assigned?               @SC86295 05872000
  1746.          BZ    RTRN1         No                                @SC86295 05872500
  1747.          LA    0,FABDWDS     Yes, release it                   @SC86295 05873000
  1748.        DMSFRET DWORDS=(0),LOC=(1)                              @SC86295 05873500
  1749.          B     RTRN1         Flag error                        @SC86295 05874000
  1750. *                                                                       05874500
  1751. DSKALC   LR    5,1           Save FDB ptr                      @SC86295 05875000
  1752.          MVC   DSKSTNM,0(2)                                    @SC86295 05875500
  1753.          LA    0,FABDWDS                                       @SC86295 05876000
  1754.        DMSFREE DWORDS=(0),ERR=DSKER1                           @SC86295 05876500
  1755.          LR    3,1           New block ptr                     @SC86295 05877000
  1756.          LA    4,FDBD        FDB pointer                       @SC88120 05877500
  1757.          RETREG (0,3),(1,4)  Return (3) as R0, (4) as R1       @SC89218 05878000
  1758.          LR    4,3           Indicate we have it               @SC88120 05878500
  1759.          XC    0(8*FABDWDS,3),0(3)                             @SC86295 05879000
  1760.          MVC   FDBD(FDBCOP),0(5) Copy user's FDB               @SC86295 05879500
  1761.          MVC   FDBLRC,FDBLRCTT Move lrecl to final location    @SC92076 05880000
  1762.          MVC   FDBLRCTT,F0                                     @SC92076 05880500
  1763.          MVC   FABFN(18),0(2)                                  @SC86295 05881000
  1764.          OI    FDBFLGS,FDBEPL                                  @SC86295 05881500
  1765.          MVI   FABANIT+3,1                                     @SC86295 05882000
  1766.          ICM   14,15,LFID(2) Get start and end for sending     @SC89218 05882500
  1767.          ICM   15,15,LFID+4(2)                                 @SC89218 05883000
  1768.          SLR   15,14         Length of request                 @SC89218 05883500
  1769.          ST    15,FDBSREC    Save for length computation       @SC89218 05884000
  1770.          BR    9                                               @SC86295 05884500
  1771. *                                                                       05885000
  1772. DSKLKP  DMSKEY NUCLEUS                                         @SC86295 05885500
  1773.          CLI   DSKCOD,3      Testing for possible output?      @SC91269 05886000
  1774.          BE    DSKLKPW       Yes, insist on writable           @SC91269 05886500
  1775.          CLI   DSKCOD,2      Testing for possible output?      @SC91269 05887000
  1776.          BE    DSKLKPW       Yes, insist on writable           @SC91269 05887500
  1777.          CLI   DSKCOD,11     Testing for possible output?      @SC91269 05888000
  1778.          BE    DSKLKPW       Yes, insist on writable           @SC91269 05888500
  1779.         GETFST DSKSTT        Call system routine for FST       @SC86295 05889000
  1780.          B     DSKLKP2                                         @SC91269 05889500
  1781. DSKLKPW  GETFST DSKSTT,MODE=W Look for writable FST            @SC91269 05890000
  1782. DSKLKP2  DS    0H                                              @SC91269 05890500
  1783.          LR    9,0           Save ADT ptr                      @SC86295 05891000
  1784.          LR    8,1           And FST ptr                       @SC86295 05891500
  1785.          LTR   1,15          Save return code                  @SC86295 05892000
  1786.         DMSKEY RESET                                           @SC86295 05892500
  1787.          LTR   15,1          Test return code                  @SC86295 05893000
  1788.          BR    2                                               @SC86295 05893500
  1789. *                                                                       05894000
  1790. * Set up search through list of files, pattern at (R1)                  05894500
  1791. DSKNSET  DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05895000
  1792.          NI    DSKFL,255-CWDF Find files                       @SC86295 05895500
  1793.          MVC   NXFN(18),0(1)                                   @SC86295 05896000
  1794. *                                                                       05896500
  1795. * Flush previous file pattern                                           05897000
  1796. DSKNSX   MVI   ADT,X'80'     Start over                        @SC86295 05897500
  1797.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05898000
  1798. *                                                                       05898500
  1799. * Check CWD string, return code in R15                                  05899000
  1800. DSKCWDF  DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05899500
  1801.          OI    DSKFL,CWDF    Find disk                         @SC86295 05900000
  1802.          MVC   NXFN(18),0(1)                                   @SC86295 05900500
  1803.          MVI   ADT,X'80'     Start over                        @SC86295 05901000
  1804.          B     NXTFST                                          @SC86295 05901500
  1805. *                                                                       05902000
  1806. * Check disk space for proposed file: FDB at (R1), FAB ptr at (R6)      05902500
  1807. DSKTSP   L     5,FDBSIZE-FDBD(,1)  Get actual size             @SC90037 05903000
  1808.          MVC   DSKTRCF,FDBRCF-FDBD(1) Copy record format       @SC92234 05903500
  1809.          ICM   3,15,0(6)     Get FAB ptr                       @SC90037 05904000
  1810.          BZ    DSKTSPX       Not open yet                      @SC90037 05904500
  1811.          IC    1,FABFM       Get mode letter                   @SC90037 05905000
  1812. DSKTSP0  DS    0H                                              @SC90037 05905500
  1813.          USING FSTSECT,8                                       @SC90037 05906000
  1814.          USING ADTSECT,9                                       @SC86316 05906500
  1815.          L     9,IADT        Look at 1st ADT                   @SC86316 05907000
  1816. DSKTSP1  CLM   1,1,ADTM      Find right disk                   @SC90037 05907500
  1817.          BE    DSKTSP2                                         @SC86316 05908000
  1818.          ICM   9,15,ADTPTR   Try next                          @SC86316 05908500
  1819.          BNZ   DSKTSP1                                         @SC86316 05909000
  1820.          B     RTRN0         Disk not found!                   @SC86316 05909500
  1821. DSKTSP2  L     1,ADTNUM      Total blocks                      @SC86316 05910000
  1822.          AIF   ('&CMSSFS' NE 'YES').CMSFS1                     @SC92076 05910500
  1823.          TM    ADTFLG4,ADTDIR   Shared File System?            @AM90130 05911000
  1824.          BO    DSKTSFS          Yes, do extra calculations     @SC92076 05911500
  1825. .CMSFS1  ANOP                                                  @SC92076 05912000
  1826.          S     1,ADTUSED     Less used                         @SC86316 05912500
  1827.          S     1,ADTARES     Deduct reserve count (alt dir+map)@SC92234 05913000
  1828. DSKTSPC  LA    7,4           Block overhead for F              @SC92234 05913500
  1829.          CLI   DSKTRCF,C'F'  Is it F?                          @SC92234 05914000
  1830.          BE    *+8           Yes                               @SC92234 05914500
  1831.           LA   7,12          No, use overhead for V            @SC92234 05915000
  1832.          MR    6,1           Total overhead on free space      @SC92234 05915500
  1833.          D     6,ADTDBSIZ    Convert to blocks                 @SC92234 05916000
  1834.          BCTR  1,0           Deduct one more for good measure  @SC92234 05916500
  1835.          SR    1,7           Get the amount actually usable    @SC92234 05917000
  1836.          M     0,ADTDBSIZ    Times block size                  @SC86316 05917500
  1837.          SRDA  0,10          Convert to Kbytes                 @SC86316 05918000
  1838.          CLR   1,5                                             @SC90037 05918500
  1839.          BL    RTRN1         No room                           @SC86316 05919000
  1840.          B     RTRN0         Ok                                @SC86316 05919500
  1841. DSKTSPX  MVC   DSKSTNM,0(2)  File not opened yet, look for it  @SC90037 05920000
  1842.          BAL   2,DSKLKP                                        @SC90037 05920500
  1843.          IC    1,DSKSTNM+FABFM-FABFN Mode letter, in case      @SC90037 05921000
  1844.          BNZ   DSKTSP0       Not found, nothing to erase       @SC90037 05921500
  1845.          TM    ADTFLG4,ADTEDF  Extended format?                @SC90037 05922000
  1846.          BZ    DSKTSOF                                         @SC90037 05922500
  1847.          L     1,ADTDBSIZ    Block size                        @SC90037 05923000
  1848.          M     0,FSTADBC     Number of blocks                  @SC90037 05923500
  1849.          B     DSKTSS                                          @SC90037 05924000
  1850. DSKTSOF  SR    0,0                                             @SC90037 05924500
  1851.          LA    1,800         Block size                        @SC90037 05925000
  1852.          MH    1,FSTDBC                                        @SC90037 05925500
  1853. DSKTSS   SRDA  0,10          Convert to kbytes                 @SC90037 05926000
  1854.          SR    5,1           Assume old file will be erased    @SC90037 05926500
  1855.          BNP   RTRN0         Will release enough for new file  @SC90037 05927000
  1856.          B     DSKTSP2       Not enough, check free blocks     @SC90037 05927500
  1857. *                                                                       05928000
  1858.          AIF   ('&CMSSFS' NE 'YES').CMSFS2                     @SC92076 05928500
  1859. DSKTSFS  ST    5,DSKMAX      Save size needed                  @SC92076 05929000
  1860.          LA    3,ADTFQDN     Start of file pool name           @SC92076 05929500
  1861.          LA    1,8(,3)       End of pool name field            @SC92076 05930000
  1862.          TRT   0(8,3),TRTBL  Find first blank, if any          @SC92076 05930500
  1863.          SR    1,3           Get length of pool name           @SC92076 05931000
  1864.          ST    1,DSKPNLEN    Set up plist                      @SC92076 05931500
  1865. * Get storage space limit                                      @SC92076 05932000
  1866.          LA    14,=CL8'DMSQLIMU' SFS Query Limits - Single User@SC92076 05932500
  1867.          LA    15,DSKRTC                                       @SC92076 05933000
  1868.          LA    0,DSKREAS     Reason code                       @SC92076 05933500
  1869.          LA    1,ADTFQDN     Start of file pool name           @SC92076 05934000
  1870.          LA    2,DSKPNLEN    Length of name                    @SC92076 05934500
  1871.          LA    3,ASTER       User name (* = me)                @SC92076 05935000
  1872.          LA    4,F1          Length of name                    @SC92076 05935500
  1873.          LA    5,DSKGRP                                        @SC92076 05936000
  1874.          LA    6,DSKMAX      # of 4K blocks allowed            @SC92076 05936500
  1875.          LA    7,DSKUSD      # used                            @SC92076 05937000
  1876.          LA    8,DSKTHR                                        @SC92076 05937500
  1877.          STM   14,8,DSKQPLST                                   @SC92076 05938000
  1878.          OI    DSKQPLST+40,X'80'   Mark end of plist           @SC92076 05938500
  1879.          L     5,DSKMAX      Restore needed size               @SC92076 05939000
  1880.          KCALL DMSCSL,DSKQPLST,EXT    Get space quota info     @SC92076 05939500
  1881.          ICM   0,15,DSKRTC   Did it work?                      @SC92076 05940000
  1882.          BNZ   RTRN0         No, just assume there's enough    @SC92076 05940500
  1883.          L     1,DSKMAX                                        @SC92076 05941000
  1884.          S     1,DSKUSD      # of blocks left                  @SC92076 05941500
  1885.          B     DSKTSPC       and rejoin                        @SC92076 05942000
  1886. .CMSFS2  ANOP                                                  @SC92076 05942500
  1887. *        NXTFST Routine - searches the ADT and FST chains               05943000
  1888. DSKNXT   DS    0H                                              @SC89073 05943500
  1889. * Carl Kass and Jeff Damens, CUCCA User Services, 12/80                 05944000
  1890. * Modified for Kermit-CMS by Vace Kundakci, 12/85                       05944500
  1891. * Copyright (C) 1980 Columbia University                                05945000
  1892. * Permission is granted to any individual or institution to copy        05945500
  1893. * or use this program, except for explicitly commercial purposes.       05946000
  1894. *                                                                       05946500
  1895. * NXFN,-FT,-FM contain a CMS fileid, possibly containing wildcard       05947000
  1896. * characters, and FST and ADT contain pointers to a valid ADT & FST     05947500
  1897. * or are null (negative ADT), return the next FST matching the given    05948000
  1898. * filename in FST and the address of the corresponding ADT in ADT.      05948500
  1899. * Also move the matched filename into FN, FT, FM.                       05949000
  1900. * Also return info in a File Descriptor Block                  @SC86151 05949500
  1901. *                                                                       05950000
  1902.          USING DCHSECT,1                                                05950500
  1903. NXTFST   ICM   9,15,ADT      Supplied ADT                               05951000
  1904.          BP    NXFNEXT               Use it if there's one              05951500
  1905.          L     9,IADT        Else, start with first ADT        @SC86295 05952000
  1906.          NI    DSKFL,255-WFM-WFT-WFN   Nothing wild yet                 05952500
  1907.          LA    3,NXFN                                          @SC86295 05953000
  1908.          BAL   14,NXFPAT                                       @SC86295 05953500
  1909.            OI  DSKFL,WFN                                       @SC86295 05954000
  1910.          LA    3,NXFT                                          @SC86295 05954500
  1911.          BAL   14,NXFPAT                                       @SC86295 05955000
  1912.            OI  DSKFL,WFT                                       @SC86295 05955500
  1913.          CLI   NXFM,C'A'                                       @SC86115 05956000
  1914.          BNL   NXFAFM                Go if mode letter is A or more     05956500
  1915.          MVI   NXFM,C'%'     Set to % if it was blank          @SC86115 05957000
  1916.          OI    DSKFL,WFM                                                05957500
  1917. NXFAFM   CLI   NXFM+1,C'0'                                     @SC86115 05958000
  1918.          BNL   NXFADT                Go if mode number is numeric       05958500
  1919.          MVI   NXFM+1,C'%'   Set to % if was blank or *        @SC86115 05959000
  1920. NXFADT   TM    ADTFLG1,ADTFRO+ADTFRW                                    05959500
  1921.          BZ    NXFNADT                                                  05960000
  1922.          CLI   NXFM,C'%'                                       @SC86115 05960500
  1923.          BE    NXFFFST               Go if he can use any               05961000
  1924.          CLC   ADTM,NXFM                                                05961500
  1925.          BE    NXFFFST               Go if it is this disk              05962000
  1926.          TM    DSKFL,CWDF    Called for CWD?                   @SC86295 05962500
  1927.          BO    NXFNADT       Just looking for disk             @SC86222 05963000
  1928.          CLC   ADTMX,NXFM    Check for read-only extension     @SC86222 05963500
  1929.          BE    NXFFFST       Yes, search here too              @SC86222 05964000
  1930. NXFNADT  ICM   9,15,ADTPTR   Use next ADT                      @SC86295 05964500
  1931.          BNZ   NXFADT                But ony if it exists               05965000
  1932. NXFER    MVI   ADT,255               For next time, start all over      05965500
  1933.          B     RTRN1         Bad return code                   @SC86295 05966000
  1934. *                                                                       05966500
  1935. NXFPAT   LA    1,8(3)        End addr of FN or FT              @SC86295 05967000
  1936.          TRT   0(8,3),TRTBL  Look for space                    @SC86295 05967500
  1937.          SR    1,3           Compute length                    @SC86295 05968000
  1938.          ST    1,NXFFNL-NXFN(3) Length of pattern              @SC86295 05968500
  1939.          MVI   TRTBL+C' ',0  Don't want to catch a blank       @SC86115 05969000
  1940.          MVI   TRTBL+C'%',1  Want to catch a percent           @SC86115 05969500
  1941.          MVI   TRTBL+C'*',1  Want to catch an asterisk         @SC86115 05970000
  1942.          TRT   0(8,3),TRTBL  See if any % or * in FN           @SC86295 05970500
  1943.          MVI   TRTBL+C'%',0  Restore TRTBL                     @SC86115 05971000
  1944.          MVI   TRTBL+C'*',0                                    @SC86115 05971500
  1945.          MVI   TRTBL+C' ',1                                    @SC86115 05972000
  1946.          BZ    4(14)         No wild chars found               @SC86295 05972500
  1947.          BR    14                                              @SC86295 05973000
  1948. *                                                                       05973500
  1949. NXFFFST  L     1,ADTFDA              Grab hyperblock ptr                05974000
  1950.          TM    DSKFL,CWDF    Called for CWD?                   @SC86295 05974500
  1951.          BO    NXFHSV        Yes, found it                     @SC86164 05975000
  1952. NXFHYP   ST    1,NXFHYPE             Save for later                     05975500
  1953.          LA    8,DCHDATA             Point to first FST                 05976000
  1954.          L     3,DCHDWSIZ            Get size of hyperblock             05976500
  1955.          SLL   3,3                   Convert to bytes                   05977000
  1956.          LA    2,DCHSECT(3)          Add to get end of hyperblk         05977500
  1957.          ST    2,NXFHEND             Save it                            05978000
  1958. *                                                                       05978500
  1959. * All initialized. Ready to step through files. R8 contains current     05979000
  1960. * FST, R9 contains current ADT, NXFHYPE contains current hyperblock     05979500
  1961. * NXFHEND has end of hyperblock.                                        05980000
  1962. *                                                                       05980500
  1963. NXFFST   CLI   FSTN,0        Check if DIRECTORY or map         @SC92350 05981000
  1964.          BE    NXFNFST       Skip if so (or other garbage)     @SC92350 05981500
  1965.          CLI   FSTFV,C'F'       Ordinary RECFM?                @SC90177 05982000
  1966.          BE    *+12             Yes, OK                        @SC90177 05982500
  1967.           CLI  FSTFV,C'V'       Ordinary RECFM?                @SC90177 05983000
  1968.           BNE  NXFNFST          No, skip this item             @SC90177 05983500
  1969.          LA    4,NXFN                                          @SC86295 05984000
  1970.          LA    5,FSTN                                          @SC86295 05984500
  1971.          TM    DSKFL,WFN                                       @SC86295 05985000
  1972.          BAL   14,NXFCOMP    Test pattern against token        @SC86295 05985500
  1973.          LA    4,NXFT                                          @SC86295 05986000
  1974.          LA    5,FSTT                                          @SC86295 05986500
  1975.          TM    DSKFL,WFT                                       @SC86295 05987000
  1976.          BAL   14,NXFCOMP    Test pattern against token        @SC86295 05987500
  1977. *                                                                       05988000
  1978.          CLI   NXFM+1,C'%'                                     @SC86115 05988500
  1979.          BE    NXFHAVE               Go if any FM is ok                 05989000
  1980.          CLC   NXFM+1(1),FSTM+1                                @SC86295 05989500
  1981.          BNE   NXFNFST               Go if no match                     05990000
  1982. NXFHAVE  MVC   FN,FSTN       Return FN                         @SC86164 05990500
  1983.          MVC   FT,FSTT               Return FT                          05991000
  1984.          MVC   FM+1(1),FSTM+1        Return FM number                   05991500
  1985.          LA    3,DSKSTT                                        @SC86295 05992000
  1986.          MVC   FDBSREC,F0    Length request not known          @SC89218 05992500
  1987.          BAL   14,DSKVALS    Copy out quantities               @SC86295 05993000
  1988. NXFHSV   MVC   FM(1),ADTM    Return FM letter                  @SC86164 05993500
  1989.          ST    9,ADT         Save ADT for him                  @SC86295 05994000
  1990.          ST    8,FST         Ditto for FST                     @SC86164 05994500
  1991.          B     RTRN0                                           @SC86295 05995000
  1992. *                                                                       05995500
  1993. * Come to NXFNFST to step to next file.                                 05996000
  1994. *                                                                       05996500
  1995. NXFNEXT  L     8,FST                                                    05997000
  1996. NXFNFST  TM    ADTFLG4,ADTEDF                                           05997500
  1997.          BZ    NXFNEDF               Go if not EDF                      05998000
  1998.          LA    8,FSTL2(8)            Point to next EDF FST              05998500
  1999.          AIF   ('&CMSSFS' NE 'YES').CMSFS3                     @SC92076 05999000
  2000.          TM    ADTFLG4,ADTDIR   Shared file system?            @EC89346 05999500
  2001.          BZ    NXFEDF           No, skip                       @EC89346 06000000
  2002.          LA    8,FSTL3-FSTL2(,8) Add additional dir ptr        @EC89346 06000500
  2003. .CMSFS3  ANOP                                                  @SC92076 06001000
  2004.          B     NXFEDF                                                   06001500
  2005. *                                                                       06002000
  2006. NXFNEDF  LA    8,FSTL(8)             Point to next non-EDF FST          06002500
  2007. NXFEDF   C     8,NXFHEND             End of hyperblock?                 06003000
  2008.          BL    NXFFST                No, there are more FSTs still      06003500
  2009. NXFNHYP  L     1,NXFHYPE             Point to current hyperblock        06004000
  2010.          ICM   1,B'1111',DCHFWPTR    Next hyperblock                    06004500
  2011.          BNZ   NXFHYP                Go use next hyperblock if any      06005000
  2012.          B     NXFNADT               Need to use next disk              06005500
  2013. *                                                                       06006000
  2014. DSKVALS  LA    0,FDBD        Ptr to FDB                        @SC86295 06006500
  2015.          RETREG (1,0)        Return (0) as R1 to caller        @SC89218 06007000
  2016.          NI    DSKFL,255-WARB                                  @SC86295 06007500
  2017.          TM    ADTFLG4,ADTEDF  Extended format?                @SC86149 06008000
  2018.          BZ    DSKVNEF                                         @SC86149 06008500
  2019.          L     1,ADTDBSIZ    Block size                        @SC86149 06009000
  2020.          M     0,FSTADBC     Number of blocks                  @SC86149 06009500
  2021.          L     7,FSTAIC      Get item count                    @SC86239 06010000
  2022.          MVC   FDBDATE+1(6),FSTADATI Copy file date/time       @SC88235 06010500
  2023.          B     DSKVEF                                          @SC86149 06011000
  2024. DSKVNEF  SR    0,0                                             @SC86149 06011500
  2025.          LA    1,800         Block size                        @SC86149 06012000
  2026.          MH    1,FSTDBC                                        @SC86149 06012500
  2027.          LH    7,FSTIC       Get item count                    @SC86239 06013000
  2028.          PACK  FDBDATE+1(2),FSTYR(3) Copy file year            @SC86295 06013500
  2029.          MVC   FDBDATE+2(4),FSTD     Copy file date/time       @SC88235 06014000
  2030. DSKVEF   SRDA  0,10          Convert to kbytes                 @SC86149 06014500
  2031.          ST    7,FDBNREC     Save number of records            @SC89218 06015000
  2032.          ICM   6,15,FDBSREC  Length requested to send          @SC89218 06015500
  2033.          BZ    DSKVFLN       Not known                         @SC89218 06016000
  2034.          CLR   7,6           Use min                           @SC89218 06016500
  2035.          BNH   *+6                                             @SC89218 06017000
  2036.           LR   7,6                                             @SC89218 06017500
  2037. DSKVFLN  DS    0H                                              @SC89218 06018000
  2038.          M     6,FSTIL       Compute byte count (approx. if V) @SC86239 06018500
  2039.          AL    7,=F'1023'    Round up                          @SC87007 06019000
  2040.          BC    12,*+8        No overflow                       @SC88092 06019500
  2041.          LA    6,1(6)                                          @SC86239 06020000
  2042.          SRDA  6,10                                            @SC86239 06020500
  2043.          CLR   1,7           Compare with official length      @SC86239 06021000
  2044.          BL    *+6                                             @SC86239 06021500
  2045.          LR    1,7           Use computed length instead       @SC86239 06022000
  2046.          LTR   1,1                                             @SC86239 06022500
  2047.          BNZ   *+8                                             @SC86239 06023000
  2048.          LA    1,1           Never say zero length             @SC86239 06023500
  2049.          ST    1,FDBSIZE     File size                         @SC86295 06024000
  2050.          MVI   FDBDATE,X'19' Assume 20th Cent                  @SC86295 06024500
  2051.          CLI   FDBDATE+1,X'50'                                 @SC86295 06025000
  2052.          BH    *+8           Ok                                @SC86295 06025500
  2053.          MVI   FDBDATE,X'20' Must be 21st                      @SC86295 06026000
  2054.          MVC   FDBRCF,FSTFV  Copy format                       @SC86295 06026500
  2055.          MVC   FDBLRC,FSTIL+2 No, copy from FST                @SC86295 06027000
  2056.          LR    7,14                                            @SC86295 06027500
  2057.          SR    0,0           Search from start                 @SC86295 06028000
  2058.          LR    1,3           Filename in FAB                   @SC86295 06028500
  2059.          A     13,F8         Preserve chain ptr in save area   @SC86295 06029000
  2060.          L     15,AACTLKP    Find if active file               @SC86295 06029500
  2061.          BALR  14,15                                           @SC86295 06030000
  2062.          S     13,F8         Resume ptr to save area           @SC86295 06030500
  2063.          LTR   15,15         Is it active?                     @SC86295 06031000
  2064.          BNZR  7                                               @SC86295 06031500
  2065.          OI    FDBFLGS,FDBACTV Yes                             @SC86295 06032000
  2066.          BR    7                                               @SC86295 06032500
  2067. *                                                                       06033000
  2068.          DROP  1,8,9                                           @SC86295 06033500
  2069. *                                                                       06034000
  2070. NXFCOMP  MVC   NXFSTR,0(5)   Copy name in                      @SC86295 06034500
  2071.          BO    NXFWF         Go if wild FN or FT               @SC86295 06035000
  2072.          CLC   NXFSTR,0(4)                                     @SC86295 06035500
  2073.          BNE   NXFNFST       Go if no match                    @SC86295 06036000
  2074.          BR    14                                              @SC86295 06036500
  2075. *                                                                       06037000
  2076. NXFWF    LA    1,8(5)        Assume end                        @SC86295 06037500
  2077.          TRT   0(8,5),TRTBL  Look for first non-space          @SC86295 06038000
  2078.          SR    1,5           Compute length                    @SC86295 06038500
  2079.          LR    7,1           Save length                       @SC86295 06039000
  2080.          L     5,NXFFNL-NXFN(4)                                @SC86295 06039500
  2081.          LA    6,NXFSTR                                        @SC86295 06040000
  2082. *                                                                       06040500
  2083. * Enter here with R4-R7 containing:                                     06041000
  2084. *    pattern address and length                                         06041500
  2085. *    source address and length                                          06042000
  2086. *                                                                       06042500
  2087.          NI    DSKFL,255-WARB Haven't seen any of these        @SC86295 06043000
  2088.          ICM   7,B'1000',ASTER       Use * as the fill char             06043500
  2089. WLDLOOP  CLCL  4,6                   Compare them                       06044000
  2090.          BER   14            They're equal, fine               @SC86295 06044500
  2091. *                                                                       06045000
  2092. * String mismatch - so examine offending pattern character.  If not     06045500
  2093. * % or * and we haven't seen any * yet, we fail.  If it's % we just     06046000
  2094. * skip it; if it's * we skip it and remember we've seen it.  Else       06046500
  2095. * back up to one past the last * and try again.                         06047000
  2096. *                                                                       06047500
  2097.          CLI   0(4),C'%'                                       @SC86115 06048000
  2098.          BE    WLDLEN1               Go if % = LEN(1) pattern           06048500
  2099.          CLI   0(4),C'*'                                       @SC86115 06049000
  2100.          BE    WLDARB                Go if * = ARB pattern              06049500
  2101.          TM    DSKFL,WARB                                      @SC86295 06050000
  2102.          BZ    NXFNFST       Go if ARB already seen            @SC86295 06050500
  2103.          CLM   7,B'0111',F0          More data to compare?              06051000
  2104.          BE    NXFNFST       Go if exhausted                   @SC86295 06051500
  2105.          LM    4,7,WLDPAT            Restore addr of old ARB char       06052000
  2106.          LA    6,1(6)                Push one past                      06052500
  2107.          BCTR  7,0                   Decrement length                   06053000
  2108.          STM   6,7,WLDSRC            Store changed addr                 06053500
  2109.          B     WLDLOOP               And go compare again.              06054000
  2110. *                                                                       06054500
  2111. WLDLEN1  LA    4,1(4)                Increment pattern addr             06055000
  2112.          BCTR  5,0                   Decrement pattern len              06055500
  2113.          CLM   7,7,F0        Length to compare more            @SC86119 06056000
  2114.          BE    NXFNFST       None, pattern '%' is extra        @SC86119 06056500
  2115.          LA    6,1(6)                Increment source addr              06057000
  2116.          BCTR  7,0                   Decrement source len               06057500
  2117.          CLM   7,7,F0        Length to compare more            @SC86119 06058000
  2118.          BNE   WLDLOOP               Go if more data                    06058500
  2119.          LTR   5,5                   Anything more in pattern?          06059000
  2120.          BZR   14            No, it's a match                  @SC86295 06059500
  2121.          CLI   0(4),C'*'                                       @SC86115 06060000
  2122.          BE    WLDLOOP               Go if ARB                          06060500
  2123.          B     NXFNFST       Failed                            @SC86295 06061000
  2124. *                                                                       06061500
  2125. * If pattern ends in ARB, then it will match anything.  So return to    06062000
  2126. * caller if the pattern is exhausted.                                   06062500
  2127. *                                                                       06063000
  2128. WLDARB   OI    DSKFL,WARB    Remember we saw one               @SC86295 06063500
  2129.          LA    4,1(4)                Pass the ARB                       06064000
  2130.          BCTR  5,0                   Decrement its length               06064500
  2131.          LTR   5,5                   Any more left?                     06065000
  2132.          BZR   14            No, it's a match                  @SC86295 06065500
  2133.          STM   4,7,WLDPAT            Save where they were               06066000
  2134.          B     WLDLOOP                                                  06066500
  2135.          DROP  3                                               @SC90264 06067000
  2136. *                                                                       06067500
  2137.          LOCALS ,                                              @SC86295 06068000
  2138. WLDPAT   DS    A                     Place in pattern of last ARB       06068500
  2139.          DS    F                     Length of pattern past ARB         06069000
  2140. WLDSRC   DS    A                     Place in source when ARB seen      06069500
  2141.          DS    F                     Length of source past WLDSRC       06070000
  2142.          ORG   WLDPAT                                          @SC92076 06070500
  2143. DSKQPLST DS    11F           Plist for getting SFS quota       @SC92076 06071000
  2144. DSKRTC   DS    F             Return code from CSL              @SC92076 06071500
  2145. DSKREAS  DS    F             Reason code from CSL              @SC92076 06072000
  2146. DSKGRP   DS    F             SFS storage group number (ignored)@SC92076 06072500
  2147. DSKMAX   DS    F             SFS storage maximum (4K blocks)   @SC92076 06073000
  2148. DSKUSD   DS    F             SFS storage used (4K)             @SC92076 06073500
  2149. DSKTHR   DS    F             SFS storage threshold             @SC92076 06074000
  2150. DSKPNLEN DS    F             SFS storage pool name length      @SC92076 06074500
  2151. DSKTRCF  DS    C             Record format for space test      @SC92234 06075000
  2152.          ORG   ,                                               @SC92076 06075500
  2153. DSKCOD   DS    X             Saved DISKIO code                 @SC88308 06076000
  2154. *                                                                       06076500
  2155. WILD     EXIT                                                           06077000