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.SBTTL S Hecht/D Stevens/R McQueen
; Main module for PRO/Kermit command scanning. This will communicate
; its desires to the KERFIL.TSK
; Version number
.IDENT /1.0.10/
; Directives
.ENABLE LC ; Allow lower case ascii strings
.LIBRARY /KERMLB/ ; Kermit macro library
.SBTTL Revision History
; Version 1.0.00
; 1.0.00 Create this module
; 1.0.01 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 15-Feb-1984
; Clean random routines, delete ones that are not used any more
; delete global symbols that don't need to be....
; 1.0.02 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 5-March-1984
; No need to attach to the terminal, so don't do it.
; 1.0.03 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 14-March-1984
; Redo the inter-task communications.
; 1.0.04 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 19-March-1984
; Implement support for additional generic commands.
; 1.0.05 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 20-March-1984
; Change WAIT to SNDPKT to avoid a global symbol conflict.
; 1.0.06 By: David Stevens On: 21-March-1984
; Change input routines from IO.RVB to IO.RPR, read after
; prompt. Also remove useless data locations. Also fix
; the check for accepting a null input, and C$GET requires
; input.
; 1.0.07 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 23-March-1984
; Make INPUT2 return the correct information.
; 1.0.08 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 27-March-1984
; Append the positioning strings to the beginning in INPUT and
; 1.0.09 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 5-April-1984
; Fix the RESUME typeout problem (I hope).
; 1.0.10 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 16-April-1984
; Move some routines to support KERCON being a seperate task.
.SBTTL External symbols
; Get the KERMLB definitions
KERDEF ; Get the general symbol definitions
.MCALL CHRDEF ; Macro for special character
CHRDEF ; definitions (.CHxxx)
.MCALL BLSRTN ; Allow use of BLISS macros from
.MCALL BLSCAL ; library
.MCALL MSG ; Text definition macro
; System routines used in Kermit
.MCALL ABRT$C ; Abort task.
.MCALL MRKT$S ; Mark time
.MCALL WTSE$S ; Wait for single event flag
.MCALL RQST$C ; Request a task (start it up)
.MCALL CLEF$S ; Clear event flag
.SBTTL Data area for Kermit
; The following are the various flags that are found in KERMIT
RESFLG: .BLKB ; Byte flag for resuming typeout
.SBTTL Data for Baud rate conversion to ascii
; Data for Senfil system call
WLDCRD: .asciz '*.*;*' ; Wild card specification.
WCDLEN: .word 5 ; Number of wildcard parameters.
SDTXT: .asciz 'Possible files to send:'
LSDTXT: .word 27
PRPT1: .asciz 'To make selections press SELECT'
LPRPT1: .word 37
PRPT2: .asciz 'Make selection and press DO'
LPRPT2: .word 34
.sbttl Table for oldfil system call
SENFIL: .byte lensfl,0
.word status
.word nochos
.word files
.word fsize
.word wldcrd
.word wcdlen
.word sdtxt
.word lsdtxt
.word prpt1
.word lprpt1
.word prpt2
.word lprpt2
lensfl= <.-senfil>/2-1
.sbttl Messages
; Error messages
ERRRQS: .asciz 'Error trying to run KERFIL - make sure it is installed'
; Error message for the request
.even ; task routine
; Messages for Status Display
MSG STAT,<Status of previous transmission>
STATMG: .ASCII <.CHCSI>'4;50HLast'<.CHCSI>'4;65HTotal'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'5;50H----'<.CHCSI>'5;65H-----'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'7;5HThe number of bytes sent:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'8;5HThe number of data bytes sent:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'9;5HThe number of packets for sent:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'10;5HThe number of NAK packets sent:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'11;5HThe number of bytes received:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'12;5HThe number of data bytes received:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'13;5HThe number of packets for received:'
.ASCII <.CHCSI>'14;5HThe number of NAK packets received:'
.ASCIZ <.CHCSI>'23;5HPress RESUME key to continue'<.CHCRT>
; Prompt for input
.ASCII /Press MAIN SCREEN or EXIT to return to the main menu/
.ASCIZ <.CHCSI>/8;10H/
M$PMT1: .ASCIZ <.CHCSI>/12;10H/
M$PMT2: .ASCIZ <.CHCSI>/14;10H/
GETTXT: .ASCII / Enter the name of the file(s) you wish to get/
.ASCII <.CHCSI>/9;10H/
.ASCIZ / from the remote system and press RETURN/
FILPMT::.ASCIZ /Remote File Name: /
.ASCIZ /You pressed the wrong function key. /<.CHESC>/8/
.ASCIZ /Must be specified ! /<.CHESC>/8/
I$HDR: .ASCIZ /Files To Be Received/
.SBTTL Entry point for KERMIT
; This is the starting point of Pro/Kermit. The first thing that is done
; is the initialization and then to call the command scanner to do the work.
FROG: JSR PC,INICMD ; Initialize the command processing
JSR PC,INILIB ; Initialize the library routines
BLSCAL TT.INIT ; Initialize terminal processing
JSR PC,DEFINI ; Initialize the default file processing
DIR$ #ASSIGN,IOERR ; Do the assign terminal LUN routine
; located at assign.
; Initialize the intertask communication
MOV #N$KER,R0 ; Claim I'm KERMIT
MOV #N$FIL,R1 ; And I talk to KERFIL
JSR PC,IT$INI ; Initialize intertask
; Now and try to start the task
BCC 20$ ; Branch if not started
; Here if the task is already active, determine what to do about it
JSR PC,CHKACT ; Check active task
; Here to do the command scanning
20$: CLR CONNECT.FLAG ; Clear the connected to own line flag
JSR PC,COMMAN ; Process commands
JSR PC,EXFIL ; Tell KERFIL to go away
JMP EXIT ; Exit this process
.SBTTL CHKACT - Check what to do about an active task
; This routine will determine what to do about an active task.
.GLOBL CHKACT ; Global routine
BIT #TRUE,RUN ; Is it really running already?
BEQ 99$ ; No, just return to the caller
MRKT$S ,#10,#1 ; Wait for a ten ticks
BIT #TRUE,RUN ; May have been just starting up
BEQ 99$ ; Continue
; Here if the task is already running, if that is the case display the menu
; to the user to determine what to do.
JSR PC,CMDRUN ; Do the command processing for a
; KERFIL that is running
TSTB RESFLG ; Use resume type out?
BNE CHKACT ; Yes, could have exited before done again
BEQ 99$ ; No, don't exit
JMP EXIT ; Get out
; Now just return to the caller
99$: RTS PC ; Just return for now
; Here if we want to abort the KERFIL task and then try again.
CHKABT::MOV #$TKABT,R0 ; Force the KERFIL to abort
JSR PC,IT$SND ; Send the data
BIT #TRUE,RUN ; Is it really running already?
BEQ RET ; No, just return to the caller
MRKT$S ,#2,#2 ; Wait for a two seconds
BIT #TRUE,RUN ; Did it shut down?
BEQ RET ; Continue
ABRT$C KERFIL,$CODE$ ; Abort the task
RET: RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Here if we want to resume the file transfer
CHKRES::INCB RESFLG ; Flag we got a resume
MOV #$TKPAI,R0 ; Have to paint the screen
PJMP SNDPKT ; Send the pack and wait until the
; other end is finished
; This routine will output the status information that is kept in the data
; area of KERMSG. It will paint the box first than fill in the text and
; finally print the numbers in the box.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; Attach to the terminal, clear the screen, turn off the cursor, and
; print out the status message.
BLSCAL PAINT,<#M$STAT,#STAT$L,#20.>,+ ; Paint the border
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#CUROFF,+ ; Turn the cursor off
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#STATMG,- ; Output the text
; Reposition the cursor to correspond to the first status message.
MOV #6,R4 ; Set line count at 5.
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Take the absolute value of the number of bytes sent, convert it
; to decimal, and output it.
; Reposition the cursor one line down.
MOV SMSG.TOTAL.CHARS,R2 ; Get total chars for this pass
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion subroutine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Position again
MOV SND.TOTAL.CHARS,R2 ; Get total since startup
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print it
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Print the number of data characters sent
MOV SMSG.DATA.CHARS,R2 ; Move send data count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion routine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move out to totals column
MOV SND.DATA.CHARS,R2 ; Total data sent
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print the total
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Convert the send packet count to decimal and output it.
; Reposition the cursor one line down.
MOV SMSG.COUNT,R2 ; Move send packet count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion routine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move to total column
MOV SND.COUNT,R2 ; Total packet count
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print it
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Print the number of NAK's sent
MOV SMSG.NAKS,R2 ; Move send NAK count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion routine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move out to totals column
MOV SND.NAKS,R2 ; Total naks sent
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print the total
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Take the absolute value of the number of bytes received, convert it
; to decimal, and output it.
; Reposition the cursor one line down.
MOV RMSG.TOTAL.CHARS,R2 ; Get total chars for this pass
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion subroutine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; To column 65
MOV RCV.TOTAL.CHARS,R2 ; Get total since startup
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print it
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Print the number of data characters received
MOV RMSG.DATA.CHARS,R2 ; Move received data count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion routine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move out to totals column
MOV RCV.DATA.CHARS,R2 ; Total data received
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print the total
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Convert the receive packet count to decimal and output it.
; Reposition the cursor one line down.
MOV RMSG.COUNT,R2 ; Move receive packet count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion subroutine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move out to totals column
MOV RCV.COUNT,R2 ; Total packets received
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print the total
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Print the number of NAK's received
MOV RMSG.NAKS,R2 ; Move received NAK count into R2.
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Call ascii conversion routine.
JSR PC,STCR65 ; Move out to totals column
MOV RCV.NAKS,R2 ; Total naks received
JSR PC,CHGDEC ; Print the total
JSR PC,STCRMV ; Jump to status cursor movement.
; Print out the last error message received.
MOV #17.,R5 ; Set for line 17
MOV #4,R2 ; Set for column 4
JSR PC,CURABS ; Position the cursor
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#LAST.ERROR ; Print out the last error message.
; Position cursor at line 22, column 1; turn on the cursor and output
; everything. Wait for the resume key to be pressed.
MOV #22.,R5 ; Set for line 18.
MOV #1,R2 ; Set for column 1.
JSR PC,CURABS ; Position the cursor.
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#CURON ; Output the text
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT ; Output any remaining characters
CALL WTRES ; Wait for RESUME key to be pressed
; before continuing.
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Position cursor for last pass field
STCRMV: INC R4 ; Incrament the line counter.
MOV R4,R5 ; Put line number into R5
MOV #50.,R2 ; Put column number into R5.
PJMP CURABS ; Move the cursor.
; Position for totals field
STCR65: MOV R4,R5 ; Get correct line
MOV #65.,R2 ; And column 65
PJMP CURABS ; Position
.SBTTL Generic commands -- C$BYE
; This command will instruct KERFIL to send the LOGOUT generic command,
; followed by an instruction to KERFIL to exit and will cause KERMIT to exit
; to P/OS.
C$BYE:: JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is the other end running?
JSR PC,EXFIL ; Tell KERFIL to go away
.SBTTL Generic commands -- C$FINI - Finish command
; This command will instruct KERFIL to send the generic EXIT command to the
; remote KERMIT. This will then return to the upper level.
C$FINI::JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is the other end running?
JSR PC,CLRGEN ; Clear the generic arguments
MOV #GC.EXIT,GENCMD ; Store the generic command
MOV #$TKGEN,R0 ; Send a generic command to the other
; task
PJMP SNDPKT ; Send the data and assume it worked
.SBTTL Generic commands -- C$LOGO - Logout command
; This command will instruct KERFIL to send the generic LOGOUT command to the
; remote KERMIT. This will then wait until the remote finishes processing the
; command before returning to the upper level.
C$LOGO::JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is the other end running?
JSR PC,CLRGEN ; Clear the generic arguments
MOV #GC.LOGOUT,GENCMD ; Store the generic command
MOV #$TKGEN,R0 ; Get the function to send
PJMP SNDPKT ; Go send command wait until finished
.SBTTL C$SERV - Enter server mode
; This routine will insturct the KERFIL task to enter server mode. It will
; then wait until the remote is finished.
C$SERV::JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is the other end running?
MOV #$TKSRV,R0 ; Get the function
PJMP SNDPKT ; Send the function to the remote
; This routine will start the KERFIL task. It will return only if it was
; able to start KERFIL.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; Carry set if active
; Carry clear if not active
STAFIL: RQST$C KERFIL,,,,,$CODE$ ; Request task KERFIL to be started
CMP @#$DSW,#IS.SUC ; If successful then go on
BEQ 20$ ;
CMP @#$DSW,#IE.ACT ; If already active then go on
BEQ 10$ ; Branch if the task is not active
; Here if there was some type of error starting the task up
MOV @#$DSW,STATUS ; Save the status
CLR STAT1 ; Clear the extra status word
JMP RQSERR ; Jump to the fatal error routine
; Here if KERFIL was started ok
20$: CLC ; Clear the carry
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Here if KERFIL was already active
10$: SEC ; Set the carry
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.SBTTL EXFIL - Cause KERFIL to exit
; This routine will cause KERFIL to exit to P/OS. This routine is called from
; various levels.
EXFIL:: BIT #TRUE,RUN ; Is the RUN bit up?
BEQ 10$ ; Branch if it is idle
RTS PC ; Otherwise just return
10$: MOV #$TKXIT,R0 ; Get the exit function
PJMP IT$SDA ; Just send the data and go away
.SBTTL C$RECV - Send the RECEIVE command to the remote
; This routine will send the RECEIVE command to the KERFIL task.
; The routine will wait until KERFIL acks the information sent to it.
C$RECV::JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is KERFIL running currently?
CLR RCVBUF ; Flag no file
MOV #$TKRCV,R0 ; Get the function
PJMP SNDPKT ; Send the function and wait for reply
.SBTTL C$SEND - Send file(s) to the remote Kermit
; Send command processing. This routine will determine the number of files
; that we have to send to the remote and then send the data to KERXFR to send
; the information. Note the file specifications are read directly into the
; common.
; Usage:
; (Return)
C$SEND::JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is KERFIL active still?
5$: MOV #20.,NOCHOS ; Reset the number of possible choices.
MOV #SENFIL,R5 ; Set up call to Oldfile sys. routine.
CALL OLDFIL ; Call the system routine.
CMP STATUS,#ST.KEY ; See if a function key was pressed.
BNE 10$ ; If not a function key then branch.
CMP STAT1,#KY.MAI ; See if it was the Main Screen key.
BEQ 99$ ; Exit if it was
CMP STAT1,#KY.EXI ; See if it was the Exit key.
BEQ 99$ ; Exit if it was
BLSCAL TT.CHAR,#.CHBEL ; Output a bell
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT ; Output any remaining characters
BR 5$ ; Jump back and try again
10$: MOV #$TKSND,R0 ; Get the function to send to KERFIL
JSR PC,SNDPKT ; Send the information and wait for OK
; Now to return to the command processing. We must first reinitialize the
; frame files that are open.
99$: PJMP INICMD ; Initialize the command processing
.SBTTL C$GET - Get a file(s) from the remote Kermit
; This routine will implement the GET command. It will input the file
; specifications from the user and then call KERFIL to do the work.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; - Command completed, or
; - User requested return to KERMIT
C$GET:: JSR PC,CHKACT ; Is KERFIL active still?
TST R0 ; Get a file specification?
BEQ 10$ ; Yes, get the files
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
10$: MOV #$TKRCV,R0 ; Get the function
PJMP SNDPKT ; Wait until the other end responds
.SBTTL INPUT - Input a line of text from the user
; This routine will paint a box and then prompt the user for a single
; line of input. The input is left in RCVBUF and the length is left
; in ????.
; Usage:
; BLSCAL INPUT,Flag,Header,Header.lenght,Text,Prompt
; Flag - True/False to determine if a null field is allowed.
; Header - Address of the header text.
; Header.length - Number of bytes in the header
; Text - A single line of text to output
; Prompt - Prompt for the user
JSR PC,SETESC ; Allow escape sequences
MOV HEADER+2(SP),R0 ; Get the header address
MOV HDRLEN+2(SP),R1 ; And the length
BLSCAL PAINT,<R0,R1,#22.>,+ ; Put box around prompt.
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#INPHDR,+ ; Output the header
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,2+..STKO+TEXT(SP),+ ; Output the other text
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT,,- ; Output any remaining characters
MOV #M$PMT1,R0 ; Build the prompt
MOV PROMPT+2(SP),R1 ; Put address of prompt into R1.
JSR PC,BLDPMT ; Build it
; This will now call the routine to read the text from the user's terminal
MOV FLAG+2(SP),R0 ; Get the flag
JSR PC,DOINP ; Get the input
TST R0 ; Normal return ?
BNE 99$ ; No, EXIT of MAIN SCREEN pressed.
MOV IOSTAT+2,GEN.1S ; Move the length
CMP #MAX.MSG,IOSTAT+2 ; Make sure this is small enough
BGE 10$ ; Too big, skip this
MOV #MAX.MSG,GEN.1S ; Move the size
10$: BLSCAL BL$MOV,<GEN.1S,#RCVBUF,#GEN.1D> ; Move the text
CLR R0 ; Return a zero to top level
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL INPUT2 - Input two lines of text
; This routine will input two lines of text from the user. The text will
; be stored in the generic command argument blocks along with the length.
; Usage:
; BLSCAL INPUT,Flag,Header,Header.lenght,Text,Prompt,Prompt2
; Flag - True/False to determine if a null field is allowed.
; Header - Address of the header text.
; Header.length - Number of bytes in the header
; Text - A single line of text to output
; Prompt - Prompt for the user
; Prompt2 - Second prompt for the user
JSR PC,SETESC ; Allow escape sequences
MOV HEADER+2(SP),R0 ; Get the header address
MOV HDRLEN+2(SP),R1 ; And the length
BLSCAL PAINT,<R0,R1,#22.>,+ ; Put box around prompt.
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#INPHDR,+ ; Output the header
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,2+..STKO+TEXT(SP),+ ; Output the other text
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT,,- ; Output any remaining characters
MOV #M$PMT1,R0 ; Get the address of the position string
MOV PROMPT+2(SP),R1 ; Put address of first prompt in R1
JSR PC,BLDPMT ; Build the prompt
MOV FLAG+2(SP),R0 ; Get the flag
JSR PC,DOINP ; Get the input
TST R0 ; Continue with routine ?
BNE 99$ ; No, return to user.
; Here if we got something from the user
MOV IOSTAT+2,GEN.1S ; Move the length
CMP #MAX.MSG,IOSTAT+2 ; Make sure this is small enough
BGE 10$ ; Too big, skip this
MOV #MAX.MSG,GEN.1S ; Move the size
10$: BLSCAL BL$MOV,<GEN.1S,#RCVBUF,#GEN.1D>,+ ; Move the text
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT,,- ; Force it out
MOV #M$PMT2,R0 ; Get the position string
MOV PRMPT2+2(SP),R1 ; Get address of second prompt.
JSR PC,BLDPMT ; Build the prompt string
MOV FLAG+2(SP),R0 ; Get the flags again
ASR R0 ; Shift so we just get the other one
JSR PC,DOINP ; Get the other string
TST R0 ; Stay with routine ?
BNE 99$ ; No, return to user.
; Here if we got the second argument
MOV IOSTAT+2,GEN.2S ; Move the length
CMP #MAX.MSG,IOSTAT+2 ; Make sure this is small enough
BGE 20$ ; Too big, skip this
MOV #MAX.MSG,GEN.2S ; Move the size
20$: BLSCAL BL$MOV,<GEN.2S,#RCVBUF,#GEN.2D> ; Move the text
CLR R0 ; Clear so we do the right thing
99$: RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.SBTTL BLDPMT - Build the prompt string
; This routine will build the prompt string.
; Usage:
; MOV Pos.text.addr,R0
; MOV Prompt.text.addr,R1
; (Return)
; On return:
; R1 - Address of the prompt
; R2 - Length of the text
BLDPMT: MOV #BUFF1,R2 ; Address to store it
10$: MOVB (R0)+,(R2)+ ; Store a byte
BNE 10$ ; Loop until finished
; Here if the prompt is copied
TSTB -(R2) ; Back up the poniter
20$: MOVB (R1)+,(R2)+ ; Store the next byte
BNE 20$ ; Loop for all of these too
SUB #BUFF1+1,R2 ; Calculate the number of bytes
MOV #BUFF1,R1 ; Point to the buffer
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.SBTTL DOINP - Read a line of text from the user
; This routine will read a line of text from the user's terminal.
; Usage:
; MOV Flag,R0 - Save the flag
; MOV PROMPT.ADDRESS,R1 - Address of prompt into R1
; MOV PROMPT.LENGTH,R2 - Length of prompt into R2
; (Return)
TST R0 ; Is no input valid ?
BEQ 20$ ; Yes, branch.
TST IOSTAT+2 ; Did we get any characters ?
BNE 20$ ; Yes, branch.
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#NOINP ; Queue up the error message.
BR DOINP ; Try again.
; Here if we got an input file name.
20$: MOV R0,-(SP) ; Save the flag value.
JSR PC,CHKEXT ; Check what we got.
CMP #1,R0 ; Was it a bad function key ?
BNE 30$ ; No, continue.
MOV (SP)+,R0 ; Resore the flag value.
BR DOINP ; Try again.
; If here then we got a good input file name.
30$: MOV IOSTA1,R1 ; Get the number of characters input
CLRB RCVBUF(R1) ; Clear the last byte
TST (SP)+ ; Remove the item from the stack
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Exit Check for Rcvfile
CHKEXT: CLR R0 ; Give a good return
MOV IOSTAT+2,R2 ; Get the count of characters
BEQ 99$ ; Just return if nothing
MOV #RCVBUF,R1 ; Put address of input buffer into R1.
10$: CMPB #.CHESC,(R1)+ ; Is the character an "ESCAPE" ?
BEQ 20$ ; Yes, branch.
SOB R2,10$ ; Decrement the character count
RTS PC ; Just return if no escape
; Here if we have an <Escape>
20$: DEC R2 ; Decrement the count of characters
BLT 99$ ; Branch if no more characters
CMPB #'[,(R1)+ ; Was the next character a "[" ?
BNE 105$ ; No, branch.
DEC R2 ; Decrement the count of characters
BLT 99$ ; Branch if no more characters
CMPB #'2,(R1)+ ; Was the next a "2" ?
BNE 105$ ; No, branch.
CMPB #'0,(R1) ; Was the next a "0" ? ( MAIN SCREEN )
BEQ 90$ ; Yes, branch.
DEC R2 ; Decrement the count of characters
BLT 99$ ; Branch if no more characters
CMPB #'1,(R1)+ ; Or was that one a "1" ? ( EXIT )
BNE 105$ ; Neither then branch.
90$: MOV #2,R0 ; Set up an EXIT return.
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller.
105$: BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#WRONGKEY ; Output the text
BLSCAL TT.OUTPUT ; Output any remaining characters
MOV #1,R0 ; Set up a WRONG FUNCTION KEY return.
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.SBTTL SETESC - Allow escape sequences on this command
; This will allow escape sequences on the following QIOs.
; Usage:
; (Call back)
; On return:
; This routine is stack to return to, so we can disallow escape
; escape sequences.
IOLOC: .BYTE TC.ESQ,1 ; Recognize escape sequences
JSR PC,@(SP)+ ; Call the caller back
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.SBTTL Convert from ascii to binary
; INPUT: R2 Address of buffer with ascii
; R5 Original base of number
; OUTPUT: R1 Contains binary value
; REGISTERS used: R0, R1, R2, R5
; R0 Temporary value location (destroyed)
; R1 (value returned)
; R2 (destroyed)
; R5 (preserved)
ASCBIN::CLR R1 ; Clear out result location
10$: MOVB (R2)+,R0 ; Get first digit
BEQ 99$ ; Check for end
SUB #'0,R0 ; Get binary value of digit
CLC ; Clear the carry for the mult.
MUL R5,R1 ; Shift the rest of the answer over
; one place (multiply by base)
ADD R0,R1 ; Add in last digit
BR 10$ ; Loop for all digits
99$: RTS PC ; Return to sender
; This routine checks to see if input values are legal for the base specified
; INPUT: R2 Address of buffer with ascii
; R5 Original base of number
; OUTPUT: Carry set if bad character was found.
; REGISTERS used: R0, R2, R5
; R0 temporary value holder (destroyed)
; R2 (destroyed)
; R5 (preserved)
MOVB (R2)+,R0 ; Get first digit
CLC ; Clear carry
BEQ 99$ ; Check for end
SUB #'0,R0 ; Convert to binary digit
BMI 90$ ; If less then ascii zero then bad
SUB R5,R0 ; Subtract base value
BPL 90$ ; If greater than or equal to the
; ascii of base then bad
BR BASCHK ; Loop for the rest
90$: SEC ; Set carry since bad character found
99$: RTS PC ; Return to sender
.SBTTL SNDPKT - Send the function to KERFIL and wait until it finishes
; This routine will send a function to the KERFIL task and then wait until
; it completes the operation that we requested.
; Usage:
; R0 - Function to send
; (Return)
; On return:
; Function completed, KERFIL still active, or KERFIL dead
SNDPKT: JSR PC,IT$SND ; Send the information to the other end
; Now wait until we get the response from the other end.
WTSE$S #ITCEFN ; Wait until we are told to go again
CLEF$S #ITCEFN ; Clear the event flag
JSR PC,IT$RDA ; Get the data
RTS PC ; Return to sender
.SBTTL Error routines
; Error routine for the ReQueSt task directive (starts KERFIL)
; INPUT: None
; OUTPUT: The request task error message is displayed and a fatal error
; is given. Control returns to P/OS Main menu
RQSERR: MOV #ERRRQS,ADRERR ; Get the error message to be printed
MOV #8.,BASE ; Set up for octal conversion
JMP ERROR ; call the main error routine
.SBTTL Generic command processing - CLRGEN - Clear generic arguments
; This routine will clear the generic command arguments so that KERMSG
;will not think there is something there.
; Usage:
; (return here, all registers intact)
CLRGEN::CLR GEN.1SIZE ; No first argument
CLRB GEN.1DATA ; In case someone thinks its ASCIZ
CLR GEN.2SIZE ; No second argument
CLRB GEN.2DATA ; In case someone thinks its ASCIZ
CLR GEN.3SIZE ; No third argument
CLRB GEN.3DATA ; In case someone thinks its ASCIZ
.SBTTL DEFINI - Initlialize the default file processing
; This routine will determine if the default file contains the
; default parameters for the XK port. It will then read them into the
; common area if they are in the file. If they are not it will read
; the current parameters into the default area.
XK.IDX== "XK ; Index to XK parameters
DEFINI: JSR PC,DF.INI ; Initialize the default file
MOV #XK.IDX,R0 ; Get the record to read
JSR PC,DF.RD ; Read the record
TST R1 ; Did we read anything?
BGT 10$ ; Yes, skip this
; Here if there were no parameters in the file, so just use what
; the port is currently set at as the parameters and some other things
; that we must default.
JSR PC,XK.INT ; Initialize the XK port
BLSCAL BL$MOV,<#CURXKL,#ORGXKP,#CURXKP> ; Move the parameters
; Now make some parameters consistant
MOV #TC.PAR,R0 ; Get the parity setting
MOV #CURXKP,R1 ; From this block
JSR PC,FNDXKP ; Find the parameter
TST R0 ; Find it?
BEQ 4$ ; No, skip this (should be there)
CLRB @R0 ; Clear to turn off parity
; Here to set the data character size
4$: MOV #TC.FSZ,R0 ; Get the data size
JSR PC,FNDXKP ; Find the parameter
TST R0 ; Did we find it?
BEQ 6$ ; Branch if not
MOVB #8.,@R0 ; Set to 8 bit characters
; Now write the defaults
6$: MOV #XK.IDX,R0 ; Index for the file
MOV #CURXKP,R1 ; Address of the parameters
MOV #CURXKL,R2 ; Length of the block
JSR PC,DF.WT ; Write the parameters
; Now to shut down the port, since we don't need it
JSR PC,XK.SHT ; Shut down the XK again
BR 30$ ; Copy over to the default area
; Here if we have parameters in the default file for the XK port.
; Just copy the parameters to the correct area, so we can use them
; later.
10$: CMP #CURXKL,R1 ; Have enough area?
BEQ 20$ ; Long enough area
MOV #CURXKL,R1 ; No, use this length
20$: BLSCAL BL$MOV,<R1,R0,#CURXKP> ; Move the parameters
; Now copy the parameters to the default area
; Close the parameter file now.
JSR PC,DF.FIN ; Finished with this for now
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
.END FROG ; That's all folks! (Ribbit)