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.SBTTL David Stevens, Stuart Hecht, Robert McQueen
; Kerfil is the file processing routine for Pro/Kermit
; Created on July 14,1983
; Written by Stuart Hecht and David Stevens
; Version 1
.IDENT /1.0.09/
; Directives
.SBTTL Revision History
; 1.0.00 By: Many On: Long time
; Create this module.
; 1.0.01 By: Nick Bush On: 15-Feb-1984
; Fix FILE.OPEN to make sure it always returns an
; error when NEXT.FILE fails. KERMSG is not expecting
; a "no more files" return from FILE.OPEN.
; 1.0.02 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 16-Feb-1984
; Add checks for exceeding the size of the output buffer
; for ASCII mode files.
; 1.0.03 By: David Stevens On: 21-Feb-1984
; Make FILE.OPEN (send) usable in server mode,and have
; file.name contain the first file name before entering
; 1.0.04 By: Stuart Hecht On: 06-Mar-1984
; Change default device from 'LB:' to 'SY:' so that
; PRO/Kermit can use a device other than the Library
; default. 'SY:' uses the device from the default directory.
; 1.0.05 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 6-March-1984
; Restructure the sending of multiple files and use PJMPs when
; possible.
; 1.0.06 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 6-March-1984
; Sending LSA files to the -10 do not work correctly. The
; problem is MOVBs extend the sign. Rework some code to
; not set the sign bit.
; 1.0.07 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 14-March-1984
; Redo the inter task communication between KERMIT and KERFIL.
; 1.0.08 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 20-March-1984
; Make M$RES global, so that we can use it from KERXFR.
; 1.0.09 By: Nick Bush On: 21-May-1984
; Initialize FILSTA when file is opened for reading.
.SBTTL Kermit symbol definitions
; THe following will cause the Pro/Kermit symbol definitions to be include
; in this module.
.MCALL KERDEF ; Get the macro
KERDEF ; Cause the symbols to be defined
.MCALL CHRDEF ; Character definition macro
CHRDEF ; Define the special characters
.MCALL BITS ; Bit definitions
BITS ; Define bit definitions
.MCALL BLSRTN ; Allow use of BLISS macros from
.MCALL BLSCAL ; library
.MCALL PJMP ; Jump to subroutine that returns
.SBTTL RMS-11 Directives and macros
; RMS-11 directives and macros
; RMS data strcutures
.MCALL FAB$B ; File attributes block
.MCALL ORG$ ; Allowed organizations
.MCALL NAM$B ; Name block
.MCALL RAB$B ; Record attributes block
; RMS routines
.MCALL $CLOSE ; RMS routine to close a file
.MCALL $CONNECT ; RMS routine to connect RAB/FAB
.MCALL $CREATE ; Create a file
.MCALL $DISCONNECT ; RMS routine to disconnect RAB/FAB
.MCALL $ERASE ; RMS routine to delete a file
.MCALL $GET ; RMS routine to get a record
.MCALL $OPEN ; RMS routine to open a file
.MCALL $PARSE ; RMS routine to parse wildcards
.MCALL $PUT ; RMS routine to put a record
.MCALL $READ ; RMS routine to read a block
.MCALL $SEARCH ; RMS routine to search for a wild file
.MCALL $WRITE ; RMS routine to write a block
; RMS data structure access macros
; RMS 11 data structure
ORG$ SEQ ; $Open a sequential file
.SBTTL Symbol definitions -- File types
; The following are the various file types that are supported by
; Pro/Kermit. These formats are used as offsets into tables to jump
; directly to the input routines associated with the various types.
$TYCR =0*2 ; Carriage return RAT
$TYFTN =1*2 ; Fortran RAT
$TYPRN =2*2 ; Printer file RAT
$TYNONE =3*2 ; No attribute file RAT
.SBTTL Symbol definitions -- File reader states
; The file reader is a finite state machine. It will dispatch to various
; states depending on the type of record attributes (RAT) are dealing with
; and what the position is in the record we are dealing with.
$REPR1 =0*2 ; Record pre processing state 1
$REPR2 =1*2 ; Record pre precessing state 2
$RERD =2*2 ; Record reading
$REPS1 =3*2 ; Record post processing state 1
$REPS2 =4*2 ; Record post prrocessing state 2
; NOTE: *2 so that we can use directly into a dispatch table.
; Data for Fab, Nam, & Rab blocks
RESSTR: .BLKB 50. ; Block for the resultant string.
STRBUF: .BLKB 128. ; Expanded string buffer for search.
DEFALT: .ASCIZ 'SY:' ;[04] System default.
DEFALN =.-DEFALT ; Size of the default device.
; The following are used for reading character from the input file.
; These locations may be used by the print file, FORTRAN, or CRLF
; file record attribute routines.
BYTCNT: .BLKW 1 ; Holds the byte counter for send.
BYTOFS: .BLKW 1 ; Byte offset we are reading
PRNCNT: .BLKW 1 ; Count of the number of LFs to output
PSTPRN: .BLKW 1 ; Post print file byte
CRFLG: .BLKW 1 ; Must put CR on at end of record
FILSTA: .BLKW 1 ; Current state file reader is in
; Locations needed for sending of the next file
SIZPOI: .blkw 1 ; Pointer to size of next filename.
FILPOI: .blkw 1 ; Pointer to next filename.
; Flag for Send/Receive
LSTFG: .BLKW 1 ; Last file flag.
FORMAT: .BLKW 1 ; Format type for opened file.
.BLKW 1 ; Carriage return line feed flag.
M$POS: .ASCIZ <.CHCSI>/23;1H/<.CHLF><.CHLF><.CHCSI>/23;1H/
.ASCII 'Please press RESUME to continue'
.SBTTL FAB, NAM, and RAB blocks for send
; Pure copies of RMS blocks to be copied to impure data when needed
PURFAB: FAB$B ; Beginning of FAB block.
F$DNA DEFALT ; Address of default device.
F$DNS DEFALN ; Default length field.
F$NAM NAMBLK ; Chain to the NAM block
F$LCH 1 ; Use the logical channel 1.
FAB$E ; End of FAB block.
PURNAM: NAM$B ; Beginning of NAM block.
N$ESA STRBUF ; Address of the expanded string
N$ESS 128. ; buffer and its length.
N$RSA RESSTR ; Address of the resultant string
N$RSS 50. ; buffer and its length.
NAM$E ; End of NAM block.
PURRAB: RAB$B ; Beginning of RAB block.
R$FAB FILFAB ; Chain to FAB block.
R$MBC 2 ; Size of the multiblock count.
R$RAC RB$SEQ ; Set the sequential access flag.
RAB$E ; End RAB block.
FAB$B ; Beginning of FAB block.
F$DNA DEFALT ; Address of default device.
F$DNS DEFALN ; Default length field.
F$NAM NAMBLK ; Chain to the NAM block
F$LCH 1 ; Use the logical channel 1.
FAB$E ; End of FAB block.
NAM$B ; Beginning of NAM block.
N$ESA STRBUF ; Address of the expanded string
N$ESS 128. ; buffer and its length.
N$RSA RESSTR ; Address of the resultant string
N$RSS 50. ; buffer and its length.
NAM$E ; End of NAM block.
RAB$B ; Beginning of RAB block.
R$FAB FILFAB ; Chain to FAB block.
R$MBC 2 ; Size of the multiblock count.
R$RAC RB$SEQ ; Set the sequential access flag.
RAB$E ; End RAB block.
.SBTTL Send Routine
; The send routine takes a file from your directory and sends
; a copy of it to the host computer.
; Open: Routine to open up a file.
; Send also updates the status board, by moving in information
; relative to the transfer.
X$SEND::CLR LSTFG ; Initialize the pointer
CLR SIZPOI ; Reset size pointer.
CLR FILPOI ; Reset filename pointer.
JSR PC,SETNUL ; Call setnul subroutine.
JSR PC,STARTRANS ; Set initial parameters. . .
; Put first file name into file.name.
4$: JSR PC,INFLNM ; Copy the first file name
; Enter KERMSG.
JSR PC,SEND.SWITCH ; Go into Kermsg.
PJMP DONETRANS ; Finished with transaction and return
.SBTTL Receive
; This routine receives a file from the host kermit.
X$RECV::JSR PC,SWAPNM ; Put input file into File.name.
JSR PC,STARTRANS ; Set initial parameters. . .
BLSCAL REC.SWITCH ; Call the message processing
JSR PC,DONETRANS ; Jump to trannsfer complete routine.
.sbttl File Open Routine: Send
; This routine Opens up a file for sending.
; The register R1 is used as a general purpose register for the
; system calls. A status check is made after opening to confirm a
; successful file opening.
; INPUT: The file name and the length of the filename.
; OUTPUT: The buffer containing the record.
; R0 => Takes back a true or false value to Kermsg
; R1 => Pointer to the currently used control block.
; R2 => Register to carry value to clear buffer routine.
BLSRTN FILE.OPEN,2,SNRCFG ; Open a file routine.
;[03] Initialize the RAV/FAB/NAM blocks for RMS from the prototypes
BLSCAL BL$MOV,<#FABLEN,#PURFAB,#FILFAB>,+ ;[03] Initialize the FAB
BLSCAL BL$MOV,<#NAMLEN,#PURNAM,#NAMBLK>,+ ;[03] And the name block
CLR BYTCNT ; Clear the count of bytes read/writen
TST SNRCFG(SP) ; Are we sending?
BNE RCVOPN ; No, open for receiving
; Go to next.file routine and put parsed file name into file.name.
JSR PC,PARSE ; Parse the file specification
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Get a good return?
BNE 99$ ; Branch if not and return
; Now attempt to search for the first of the files
MOV #FILFAB,R0 ; Get the FAB address
$SET #FB$FID,FOP,R0 ; Set the wildcard flag
$SEARCH #FILFAB ; Search for this file
JSR PC,SENCHK ; Check for errors
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Get a good return?
BNE 99$ ; Branch if an error and return
CMP #NOMORFILES,R0 ; No more files?
BNE OP1 ; No, skip this
MOV #ER$FNF,R0 ; Get the error code back
JSR PC,RMSERR ; Issue an RMS error
MOV #RMS11,R0 ;[01] No, some type of error
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller, with error.
; Here if we can really open the file for processing
OP1: MOV #$REPR1,FILSTA ;[09] Start out in first prefix state
MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1.
CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we in block transfer mode.
BNE 5$ ; No, skip
; Set up for block reads
$SET #FB$REA,FAC,R1 ; Otherwise set the block read in FAB.
; Now prepare to open the file.
5$: $SET #FB$FID,FOP,R1 ; Set up for wild card transfer.
$STORE FILE.SIZE,FNS,R1 ; Store filename size in the FAB.
$STORE #FILE.NAME,FNA,R1 ; Store filename in the FAB.
$OPEN #FILFAB ; Open up file specified in the FAB.
JSR PC,SENCHK ; Jump to status check routine.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a good returned value ?
BEQ 6$ ; Yes, branch to continue.
RTS PC ; Return with error.
; If here we wish to have the file name cut up as determined by the
; fil.narmal.form field.
6$: JSR PC,FIXNAM ; Fix name to desired fashion.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a good returned value ?
BEQ 7$ ; Yes, branch to continue.
RTS PC ; Return to caller with error.
; If here then we didn't get any screwy error in fixnam.
7$: CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we in block mode ?
BEQ 30$ ; Yes, branch.
CMP FILFLG,#MODFIX ; Are we in fixed mode ?
BEQ 30$ ; Yes, branch.
; Here if we have an ASCII or BINARY file. Determine which of the file
; processing routines are to be used. Store the converted RAT into FORMAT
MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Store address of FAB in R1.
$FETCH R0,RAT,R1 ; Get the record attributes
BIC R0,#FB$BLK ; Clear the block bit
; Assume we have a NO ATTRIBUTE file, and check to see if right
CMP R0,#FB$PRN ; Print file?
BNE 10$ ; No, skip this
MOV #$TYPRN,FORMAT ; Yes, set the print file format
BR 30$ ; And skip other code
; Wasn't a PRINT file, so check FORTRAN
10$: CMP R0,#FB$FTN ; Fortran file?
BNE 20$ ; No, skip this
MOV #$TYFTN,FORMAT ; Yes, store the new format
BR 30$ ; Branch.
; Wasn't a fortran file, so check CRLF
20$: CMP R0,#FB$CR ; Carriage return line feed file ?
BNE 30$ ; No, branch.
MOV #$TYCR,FORMAT ; Yes, set offset into FORMAT.
; We now have the format type, display the file name, and connect to the
; file.
30$: PJMP CONOPN ; Connect to the file and return
.SBTTL File Open Routine: Receive
; Receive open creates the file that the remote Kermit is sending.
; If it can not create the file or connect to it it returns a false
; value to Kermsg. Before creating the file though it makes sure
; that the file name and type is compatible with the P/OS system
; by fixing the name to nine characters at most, and the type being
; three characters long.
RCVOPN: MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of Filfab into R1.
$STORE #FILE.NAME,FNA,R1 ; Store the file name in the Fab.
$STORE FILE.SIZE,FNS,R1 ; Store the name length in the Fab.
$STORE #FB$VAR,RFM,R1 ; Variable length records
; Check to see if we are receiving an ascii file
CMP FILFLG,#MODASC ; Are we receiving an ascii file.
BNE 21$ ; No, then skip.
$SET #FB$CR,RAT,R1 ; Set the record handling mask.
; Check to see if we are receiving a block file
21$: CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we recieving a block file.
BNE 22$ ; No, skip.
$SET #FB$WRT,FAC,R1 ; Otherwise set the block write in FAB.
$STORE #FB$VAR,RFM,R1 ; Fixed size records
$STORE #8192.,MRS,R1 ; 8192 bytes per record
; See if we are doing a fixed length file.
22$: CMP FILFLG,#MODFIX ; Are we receiving in fixed mode ?
BNE 25$ ; No, branch.
$STORE #FB$FIX,RFM,R1 ; Set for fixed length records.
$STORE #512.,MRS,R1 ; 512 bytes per record
; Create the file by the specifications given in the FAB
25$: $CREATE #FILFAB ; Create the new file.
JSR PC,SENCHK ; Check the status return.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a true return ?
BEQ 30$ ; Yes, branch to connect to the file.
RTS PC ; Return with error.
; If here then we must connect to the file
30$: PJMP CONOPN ; Connect to the file and return
.SBTTL File Open Routine: Connect
; Conect connects to the open file, it does not care whether it was
; opened by send open or receive open. Conect will return a false
; value if it was unable to open the file.
CONOPN: MOV #RABBLK,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1.
$STORE #DSKBUF,UBF,R1 ; Put address of user buffer in RAB.
$STORE #1400.,USZ,R1 ; Put size of user buffer into RAB.
$SET #RB$SEQ,RAC,R1 ; Load RAC field of RAB.
$CONNECT #RABBLK ; Connect to record.
PJMP SENCHK ; Check status and return
.SBTTL Next file routine
; This routine sets you up for the next file to be sent.
; INPUT: The block containing the file names, or a
; string to search for.
; OUTPUT: The next file to transfer or a return
; indicating no more files.
; REGISTERS: { The old values in the registers are saved }
; R0 => Takes back a true or false value to Kermsg
; R1 => Holds the address of the Rab.
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Assume this will work
; Search for parsed string
10$: MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1.
$SET #FB$FID,FOP,R1 ; Set wildcard flag in FAB.
$SEARCH #FILFAB ; Search for the file specified.
JSR PC,SENCHK ; Check for an error in the parsing.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a true return ?
BEQ 20$ ; Yes, then branch.
CMP #NOMORFILES,R0 ; No more files for this wild card?
BNE 99$ ; Return if another type of error
; See if there is another file on the list of files to process.
CMP LSTFG,NOCHOS ; See if it matches the number
BNE 15$ ; chosen, if so then branch.
MOV #NOMORFILES,R0 ; Put error message into R0.
RTS PC ; Return to calling routine.
; Move the file specification to FILE.NAME and set up to process it
15$: JSR PC,INFLNM ; Go to increment file, & size routine.
; When we get here we may have an unparsed string. If we do then
; parse it. Then search for the file until we have no more then
; return the error NOMORFILES to kermsg.
JSR PC,PARSE ; Parse for the search.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a successful return.
BNE 99$ ; No, return to caller with error.
BR 10$ ; Loop for all files
; If here then we still have files.
20$: MOV #NAMBLK,R1 ; Put address of block into R1
$FETCH FILE.SIZE,RSL,R1 ; Get the length of the name.
; Open the file for reading now and then return to the caller
JSR PC,OP1 ; Open the file.
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Get File Routine
; This routine gets a record out of the open file, and then gets
; characters out of the record.
; INPUT: The currently open file,
; flag indicating an empty record,
; and where to put the character.
; OUTPUT: A character stored in the location
; specified by Kermsg.
; REGISTERS: { The old values are saved }
; R0 => Takes back a true or false value to Kermsg
; R1 => Holds the address of the Rab
CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we transfering a block file ?
BEQ 5$ ; Yes we are, branch.
CMP FILFLG,#MODFIX ; Are we transfering in fixed mode ?
BNE 20$ ; No, branch
; If we get here then we are transfering in block or fixed mode.
5$: TST BYTCNT ; Do we need to get a buffer ?
BNE 10$ ; No we do not, branch.
JSR PC,GETBUF ; Jump to the get-buffer routine.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we successfully get the buffer ?
BNE 99$ ; No, return with the error
; We successfully got a buffer of data.
10$: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get a character from the buffer.
MOVB R1,@CHRADR(SP) ; Put that char. into the address
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; specified, set up for a normal
RTS PC ; return, and return to caller.
; If we get here then we are transfering in either ascii or binary mode.
20$: MOV FORMAT,R0 ; Put offset into R0.
JSR PC,@RATDSP(R0) ; Jump to the specified routine.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a successfull return ?
BNE 99$ ; No, branch.
MOVB R1,@CHRADR(SP) ; Put that char. into the address
99$: RTS PC ; return, and return to caller.
; Record attributes dispatch table.
RATDSP: .WORD CRLF ; Dispatch to the input
.WORD FORTRAN ; Dispatch to the FORTRAN input
.WORD PRINT ; Dispatch to the print file input
.WORD NONE ; Dispatch to no attribute routine.
.sbttl Suport routines - GET.FILE - GETBUF - Get a buffer
; This routine will read the next buffer from the input file. It will
; return with the status in R0 to determine if it failed or succeeded.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; R0/ Kermit error code
GETBUF: MOV #RABBLK,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1.
CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we transfering in block ?
BEQ 10$ ; Yes we are, branch.
; If we are here then we want to do a $get.
$GET #RABBLK ; Get the buffer of data.
BR 20$ ; Branch to common code.
; If we are here then we want to do a $read.
10$: $STORE #512.,USZ,R1 ; Put size of user buffer into RAB.
$READ #RABBLK ; Read in the buffer of data.
; The following code is used for both types of files.
20$: JSR PC,SENCHK ; Check for RMS-11 error.
$FETCH BYTCNT,RSZ,R1 ; Get the byte-count from the RSZ field
CLR BYTOFS ; Reset the byte-offset
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.sbttl Support routine - GET.FILE - Getchr
; Getchr will return a value in R1. If there are no more words in
; the buffer it will return a -1, if there are still bytes to be
; transfered then it will put the next byte into R1. The bytcnt
; is a counter that is zero when all the bytes of the current record
; have been transfered. The bytofs points to the byte to be
; transfered and is incramented before returning to the caller.
GETCHR: TST BYTCNT ; Is the byte-count zero ?
BNE 10$ ; No, we still have characters, branch.
MOV #-1,R1 ; Put a -1 into R1.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; If here then we still have characters to get.
10$: MOV BYTOFS,R0 ; Put byte-pointer into R0.
CLR R1 ; Clear the register
BISB DSKBUF(R0),R1 ; Mov the character into R1.
DEC BYTCNT ; Decrament the byte-count.
INC BYTOFS ; Move forward the byte-pointer.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; This routine is called whenever one of the routines called by get.file
; return an error that is not RMS related.
; It returns to the message processor an internal error code that will
; shut down the file transfer.
INTERR: MOV #INTERNALERR,R0 ; Put code for an internal error into
RTS PC ; R0, and return to caller.
.SBTTL Support routine - GET.FILE - CRLF file
; This routine is called to read a character from a normal file.
; This will return the character to be sent in R1 and the status of
; the fetch in R0.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; R0/ Status (Kermit error status)
; R1/ Character
CRLF: MOV FILSTA,R0 ; Get the file reader state
JMP @CRDSP(R0) ; Dispatch to the correct routine
; Pre processing state one
CRPR1: JSR PC,GETBUF ; Get a record.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Get it ok?
BEQ 10$ ; Yes, branch.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; Now just change state to record reading.
10$: MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Change file state to read.
BR CRLF ; Branch back.
; Pre processing state two -- Internal error
CRPR2= INTERR ; Internal error
; Record processing state - Return the record character to the caller
CRREC: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get a character
TST R1 ; Fail?
BGE 310$ ; No, got a character - branch
MOV #$REPS1,FILSTA ; Change to post processing state->1.
BR CRLF ; Try again from the top
310$: MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Return a good error code
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; First post processing state - Just append the CR to the information sent
CRPS1: MOVB #.CHCR,R1 ; Store the carriage return
MOV #$REPS2,FILSTA ; Change to the preprocessing routine
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Return normal
RTS PC ; And return
; Post processing state 2 return a line-feed.
CRPS2: MOVB #.CHLF,R1 ; Store a line feed in R1.
MOV #$REPR1,FILSTA ; Change state to pre pros 1.
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up normal return.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; The following is the dispatch table for the various states that we can be
; in reading the records.
CRDSP: .WORD CRPR1 ; Preprocessing state one
.WORD CRPR2 ; Preprocessing state two
.WORD CRREC ; Record processing
.WORD CRPS1 ; Postprocessing state one
.WORD CRPS2 ; Postprocessing satte two
.SBTTL Support routine - GET.FILE - PRINT file
; This routine will read character for a file with the PRN record attributes.
; It will return the characters to the caller in R1 and the status in R0.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; R0/ Kermit status
; R1/ Character
PRINT: MOV FILSTA,R0 ; Get the file state
JMP @PRNDSP(R0) ; Dispatch to the correct routine
; Preprocessing state one. This will read the print file carriage control
; information and change to state two to return the characters
PRNPR1: JSR PC,GETBUF ; Get the next record
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get it ok?
BEQ 110$ ; Branch if we did
RTS PC ; No, just pass back the error
; If here then we got no rms error.
110$: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get the first character of the record
TST R1 ; Did we get anything?
BLT PRINT ; Try again if not
MOV R1,R2 ; Move to a safer place
JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get the second byte
TST R1 ; Is this one really here?
BLT PRINT ; No, try again, broken file
MOV R1,PSTPRN ; Store for later
BIC #B7,R2 ; Is this clear
BEQ 120$ ; No, must be a character to output
MOV R2,PRNCNT ; Store as the count
MOV #$REPR2,FILSTA ; Set the new state
BR PRINT ; Try again
; Here if we have a character that must be output.
; First try for a control character to be output
120$: MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Change state
BIC #B6,R2 ; Is bit six on?
BNE 130$ ; Branch if it was off
BIC #B5,R2 ; Was bit 5 on?
BEQ PRINT ; Yes, reserved code try again
ADD #128.,R2 ; Offset to the correct place
130$: MOV R2,R1 ; Copy to the right place
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a good return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Preprocessing state two. This will return the lead in characters for the
; record. After this state is finished it will change to the record processing
; state.
PRNPR2: TST PRNCNT ; Finished with the LFs?
BEQ 210$ ; Branch if so
MOVB #.CHLF,R1 ; Return a LF
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; And a good return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Here if finished with the LFs. Just return a CR now and change the state
; reading the record
210$: MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Now reading the record
MOVB #.CHCR,R1 ; Return the CR
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Return the code
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Record processing state - This will return characters to the calling routine.
; from the record. When the characters are finished it will change to first
; post processing state.
PRNREC: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get a byte from the record
TST R1 ; End of record?
BGE 310$ ; Branch if not
MOV #$REPS1,FILSTA ; Yes, set the post processing state
BR PRINT ; And try from the top
; If here then we want to return the character.
310$: MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a normal return
RTS PC ; And return to the caller
; Postprocessing state one. This will determine what type of carriage control
; must be placed on the end of the record. After it has determined the
; type it will dispatch to either the preprocessing or the other postprocessing
; routine.
PRNPS1: MOV PSTPRN,R2 ; Get the postfix character
BIC #B7,R2 ; Is this clear
BEQ 410$ ; No, must be a character to output
MOV R2,PRNCNT ; Store as the count
MOV #$REPR2,FILSTA ; Set the new state
BR PRINT ; Try again
; Here if we have a character that must be output.
; First try for a control character to be output
410$: MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Change state
BIC #B6,R2 ; Is bit six on?
BNE 420$ ; Branch if it was off
BIC #B5,R2 ; Was bit 5 on?
BEQ PRINT ; Yes, reserved code try again
ADD #128.,R2 ; Offset to the correct place
420$: MOV R2,R1 ; Copy to the right place
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a good return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Postprocessing state two. This routine will return the characters that are
; to be output after the record. It will change to the first preprocessing
; routine after it has finished the returning of the characters.
PRNPS2: TST PRNCNT ; Finished with the LFs?
BEQ 510$ ; Branch if so
MOVB #.CHLF,R1 ; Return a LF
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; And a good return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Here if finished with the LFs. Just return a CR now and change the state
; reading the record
510$: MOV #$REPR1,FILSTA ; Now reading the record
MOVB #.CHCR,R1 ; Return the CR
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Return the code
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Print file dispatch table.
PRNDSP: .WORD PRNPR1 ; First preprocessing routine
.WORD PRNPR2 ; Second preprocessing routine
.WORD PRNREC ; Record processing routine
.WORD PRNPS1 ; First postprocessing routine
.WORD PRNPS2 ; Second postprocessing rouine
.sbttl Support routine - GET.FILE - FORTRAN file
; This routine is called to read a character from a FORTRAN file. The
; file contains the leading character followed by the record. The leading
; character must be converted to a normal ASCII character for processing.
; Usage:
; (Return)
; On return:
; R0/ Status
; R1/ Character if any
FORTRAN:MOV FILSTA,R0 ; Get the current state
JMP @FTNDSP(R0) ; Dispatch to the correct routine
; Pre processing routine 1.
FTNPR1: MOV #TRUE,CRFLG ; Set the flag
JSR PC,GETBUF ; Get the next record
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get it ok?
BEQ 110$ ; Branch if we did
RTS PC ; No, just pass back the error
; If here then we got no rms error.
110$: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get the first character of the record
TST R1 ; Is this the end of line already?
BGE 120$ ; No, Check the first character
BR FORTRAN ; Try again from the top
; If we get here then we want to check the first byte.
; Check for "null" format type.
120$: TST R1 ; Is this a null byte?
BNE 130$ ; No, check for other characters
CLR CRFLG ; Yes, clear output a CR flag.
125$: MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Set new state to read the record
BR FORTRAN ; And try again from the top
; Check for "0" format type.
130$: CMPB DSKBUF,#'0 ; Is this a "0"?
BNE 140$ ; Branch if not
MOV #$REPR2,FILSTA ; Set to preprocessing state-> 2.
BR 170$ ; Join common code to return LF
; Check for "1" format type.
140$: CMPB DSKBUF,#'1 ; Is this a "1"?
BNE 150$ ; Branch if not
MOVB #.CHFF,R1 ; It is, so return FF <record> CR
MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Set state to read the record next
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Check for "+" format type.
150$: CMPB DSKBUF,#'+ ; Is this a "+"?
BNE 160$ ; Branch if not
BR 125$ ; Join the common code
; Check for "$" format type.
160$: CMPB DSKBUF,#'$ ; Is this a "$"?
BNE 170$ ; Branch if not
CLR CRFLG ; Clear flag noting CR needed
; All other characters default to this.
170$: MOVB #.CHLF,R1 ; Return a LF
MOV #$RERD,FILSTA ; Set the new state
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Pre-processing routine 2.
FTNPR2= 170$ ; Same, just return LF and change
; states
; Record reading routine.
FTNREC: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Get a byte from the record
TST R1 ; End of record?
BGE 310$ ; Branch if not
MOV #$REPS1,FILSTA ; Yes, set the post processing state
BR FORTRAN ; And try from the top
; If here then we want to return the character.
310$: MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a normal return
RTS PC ; And return to the caller
; Post processing routine 1.
FTNPS1: MOV #$REPR1,FILSTA ; Set the to preprocessing routine
TST CRFLG ; Need to output the CR?
BEQ FORTRAN ; Branch if not
MOVB #.CHCR,R1 ; Return the CR
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a normal return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Post processing routine 2. INTERNAL ERROR if we get here
; The following is the FORTRAN dispatch table. This table is used to
; dispatch to the correct routine depending on the state of the character
; reader.
FTNDSP: .WORD FTNPR1 ; Pre processing state 1
.WORD FTNPR2 ; Pre processing state 2
.WORD FTNREC ; Record processing state
.WORD FTNPS1 ; Post processing state 1
.WORD FTNPS2 ; Post processing state 2
.SBTTL Support routine - GET.FILE - No attribute file
; This file processing mode is used when the file to be sent has no
; record attributes. It will get a buffer when the bytecount is zero
; and transfer over every byte in the record.
; Usage:
; (return)
; (R0 must have the offset value)
NONE: TST BYTCNT ; Is the byte-count zero ?
BNE 10$ ; No, go get characters.
JSR PC,GETBUF ; Yes, go get a buffer.
CMP #KNORMAL,R0 ; Did we get a normal return ?
BNE 99$ ; No, return with error.
; If here then we want to get characters.
10$: JSR PC,GETCHR ; Go get a character.
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up normal return.
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Bliss interface -- PUT.FILE - Write a character
; This routine will write a character into the output file. It will then
; return to the calling routine.
; Usage:
MOV CHARACTER(SP),R1 ; Get the character
; First determine the type of output we are doing.
CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Are we doing block mode?
BNE 10$ ; No, skip this
JSR PC,PUTCHR ; Output the character
CMP #512.,BYTCNT ; Buffer full now?
BNE 30$ ; No, just give a good return
BR 40$ ; Yes, dump the buffer and get out
; Here if we are not processing a Block file.
10$: CMP FILFLG,#MODASC ; Doing an ASCII file?
BNE 35$ ; No, just output the byte
; Here if we are doing an ASCII file, must check for end of record
; characters
CMPB #.CHCRT,R1 ; Is this a carriage return.
BNE 15$ ; No, branch.
MOV #TRUE,CRLF.FLG ; Set on the flag.
BR 30$ ; Branch.
; Here if it wasn't a <CR>.
15$: TST CRLF.FLG ; Is the carraige return flag set ?
BEQ 20$ ; No, branch.
; Here if a carriage return was the previous character.
CMPB #.CHLFD,R1 ; Is this a line feed?
BEQ 40$ ; Yes, branch.
; Here if we got a carriage return and no line feed.
CMP #512.,BYTCNT ;[02] Buffer full now?
BEQ 98$ ;[02] Return record too big error
MOV R1,-(SP) ; Save the current byte.
MOVB #.CHCRT,R1 ; Put a <CR> in R1.
JSR PC,PUTCHR ; Put it into the buffer.
MOV (SP)+,R1 ; Restore the current byte
CLR CRLF.FLG ; Reset the flag.
; Here to just store the byte and return to the caller
20$: CMP #512.,BYTCNT ;[02] Buffer full now?
BEQ 98$ ;[02] Return record too bit
JSR PC,PUTCHR ; Output the character
30$: MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a normal return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; Here if you are playing with a BINARY or FIXED file. Put in the character
; if your buffer has 512. bytes in it dump it else return.
35$: JSR PC,PUTCHR ; Output the character.
CMP #512.,BYTCNT ; Do we have 510 characters ?
BEQ 40$ ; Yes, branch to dump the file.
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Give a normal return.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; Here to dump the buffer and return to the caller
40$: JSR PC,BUFDMP ; Output the buffer
CLR CRLF.FLG ; Reset the flag.
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
;[02] Here when the record is filled and we must dump the buffer.
98$: MOV #REC.TOO.BIG,R0 ;[02] Store the error code
RTS PC ;[02] Return to the caller
.SBTTL Support -- BUFDMP - Dump the current buffers
; This routine will dump what is in the current buffers. It will then return
; to the caller. First checks will be done to determine if there is anything
; to dump in the first place.
; Usage:
; JSR PC,BUFDMP ; Output the buffer
; (Return)
; Returns with:
; R0/ Error code if any
BUFDMP: MOV #RABBLK,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1.
$STORE #DSKBUF,RBF,R1 ; Store address of record buffer.
CMP FILFLG,#MODBLK ; Block mode?
BEQ 10$ ; Yes, output the full block
; Here to write a record for an ASCII file or a block mode file
MOV BYTCNT,R0 ; Get byte count
CMP FILFLG,#MODFIX ; Fixed length records?
BNE 5$ ; No, go store length
MOV #512.,R0 ; Yes, get length
5$: $STORE R0,RSZ,R1 ; Put its size into the RAB.
$PUT #RABBLK ; Output the record
BR 20$ ; Finish up
; Here to write a dump mode block to the disk
10$: $STORE #512.,RSZ,R1 ; Store the block size
$WRITE #RABBLK ; Write out the buffer into the file.
; Determine if we got any errors. If so pass them back to the calling routine
; Also inform the remote if it is something bad.
20$: JSR PC,SENCHK ; Check for any errors.
CLR BYTCNT ; Clear the byte count
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Support -- PUTCHR - Put a character into the output buffer
; This routine will store a byte into the output buffer that is being built.
; It will then return to the caller after the byte count and the character
; has been stored.
; Usage:
; MOV #Character,R1
; (Return)
; On return:
; Character stored.
PUTCHR: MOV BYTCNT,R0 ; Put byte count into R2.
MOVB R1,DSKBUF(R0) ; Move the character into the byte at
INC BYTCNT ; R2, and increment the byte pointer
.SBTTL File closing routine
; This routine will close the file for KERMSG. It assumes that the file has
; been opened (KERMSG will insure this). The routine may or may not delete
; the file depending on the value of the argument.
; Usage BLISS:
; Status = FILE_CLOSE (Flag);
BLSRTN FILE.CLOSE,2,<DELFLG> ; Close file routine.
TST BYTCNT ; Get the byte count
BEQ 10$ ; Skip if nothing in the buffer
JSR PC,BUFDMP ; Dump anything in the buffers
; Disconnect the file from processing
10$: MOV #RABBLK,R1 ; Put address of RAB into R1.
$DISCONNECT #RABBLK ; Disconnect from file.
; Close the open file
MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1
$OFF #FB$REA,FAC,R1 ; Turn off fac field in FAB.
$OFF #FB$WRT,FAC,R1 ; Turn off fac field in FAB.
$CLOSE #FILFAB ; Close the file specified in the FAB.
; See if we wish to close with delete
BIT DELFLG(SP),#TRUE ; Do we want to close with delete ?
BEQ 90$ ; No, we do not so branch.
MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1.
$TESTBITS #FB$FID,FOP,R1 ; Open by file-id?
BNE 90$ ; Yes, we don't really want to delete it
$ERASE R1 ; Delete the file
90$: MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up success code in R0.
RTS PC ; Return to Kermsg.
.sbttl Parser for File.open
; Parse the filename for wildcard searches
; INPUT: The name string located in file.n
; and its length in file.s.
; OUTPUT: The fields required by $Search are initialized
; and a match string is build.
; R1 => Pointer to the FAB block.
BLSCAL BL$MOV,<#NAMLEN,#PURNAM,#NAMBLK> ; And the name block
MOV #FILFAB,R1 ; Put address of FAB into R1.
$STORE FILE.SIZE,FNS,R1 ; Store filename size in the FAB.
$STORE #FILE.NAME,FNA,R1 ; Store filename in the FAB.
$SET #FB$FID,FOP,R1 ; Set flag in Fop field of FILFAB.
$PARSE #FILFAB ; Parse the file string.
PJMP SENCHK ; Check for errors and return to caller
.SBTTL Startup routine for file transfers
JSR PC,INIKEY ; Initialize key routines
JSR PC,XK.INT ; Initialize the XK port
RTS PC ; Return to sender
.sbttl Reset routine when file transfer is complete
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#M$POS,+ ; Position the cursor
MOV #SUCC$L,R1 ; Get the successful message and length
BIT #TRUE,R0 ; See if transfer was successful
BNE DONEOK ; If OK then branch
MOV #ABOR$L,R1 ; Bad transfer so get the aborted
MOV #M$ABOR,R2 ; message and length
DONEOK: JSR PC,KILKEY ; Kill off any pending QIO
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,R2,+ ; Ouput the correct transfer done
BLSCAL TT.TEXT,#M$RES,+ ; messages
BIT #TRUE,NOSCRN ; Check to see if we are watching
BNE 99$ ; transfer, If not then branch
CALL WTRES ; Do a regular wait for resume
20$: JSR PC,S$RXFR ; Reset screen transfer info
99$: JSR PC,XK.SHT ; Close the XK port and reset parms
RTS PC ; Return to caller
.sbttl Name Fixing Routine for $Search
; This routine fixes the name string built by search by removing old
; characters that were left from the previous file name.
; INPUT: The size of the new file name
; and pointer to the bytes of the name.
; OUTPUT: The file name written as specified by the
; fil.normal.form flag.
; REGISTERS: { No registers are permanently smashed }
; R0 => Holds the address of the file.name block.
; R1 => Holds the address of the resultant string block.
; R2 => Holds the counter for the length of the new
; file name.
FIXNAM: JSR R1,$SAVE3 ; Save registers one thru three.
; Set up R2 as the counter, put the address of the file name into R3,
; put the address of the resultant string into R1.
; Decide if we wish to remove any thing off the dame build by the resultant
; string.
MOV FILE.SIZE,R2 ; Set up R2 to contain the max length.
MOV #FILE.NAME,R3 ; Put the destination into R3.
MOV #RESSTR,R1 ; Put address of source into R1.
CMP FIL.NORMAL.FORM,#FNM.FULL ; Do we want anything cut off ?
BNE 10$ ; Yes we do, branch.
; If here then we want the entire name used.
5$: MOVB (R1)+,(R3)+ ; Move the string.
BEQ 99$ ; Branch if the moved byte was a null.
SOB R2,5$ ; Subtract one and branch if not zero.
BR 30$ ; Branch due to error.
; If here then we want only the " NAME.EXT", or "NAME.EXT;ver"
10$: CMPB (R1)+,#'] ; Incrament the pointer until the byte
BNE 10$ ; pointed to is a "]".
; When here it means we are at the beginning of the name.
20$: CMP FIL.NORMAL.FORM,#FNM.UNTRAN ; Want to keep version number?
BEQ 25$ ; Yes, skip check
CMPB (R1),#'; ; Is the next byte a ";".
BEQ 99$ ; Yes, branch we don't want version #'s
25$: MOVB (R1)+,(R3)+ ; Move in the file-name and extension.
BEQ 99$ ; Return if done
SOB R2,20$ ; Sub one and branch if result isn't 0.
; If we are here then there is a problem, return an internal error code
; to the calling routine.
30$: MOV #INTERR,R0 ; Return error code in R0.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
; When here it means the name is moved into the file.name field, put its
; length into file.size. Then restore the smashed registers.
99$: SUB R2,FILE.SIZE ; Find size of string, put it in file.s
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up normal return.
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.sbttl Set Null Routines
; Sets a null after the end of each file name in file.n.
; The only input required is the buffer address,
; and the offset.
; The output is the old buffer with the nulls inserted.
; R2 => Carries down the offset value.
; R3 => Brings down the address of the buffer.
JSR R1,$SAVE3 ; Save registers one thru three.
MOV NOCHOS,R1 ; Get the number choosen
MOV #FSIZE,R2 ; Put the address of the lengths in R2.
MOV #FILES,R3 ; Put address of buffer into R3.
; At this point you wish to move to the end of the file name pointed to
; by R3 and set a null byte after it.
10$: ADD (R2),R3 ; Add contents of R2 to the address
; located in R3.
MOVB #.CHNUL,(R3) ; Set a null byte.
; At this point you want to move on to the next file name. To do that you
; must go back to the beginning of the current file name, and then incrament
; to the next file name. Then you incrament the pointer in R2 to point to
; the length of this new file name.
SUB (R2),R3 ; Subtract the value at R2 from R5.
ADD #50.,R3 ; Add 50 to whats at R3.
ADD #2,R2 ; Increment to the next size.
SOB R1,10$ ; Loop for all files choosen
; When we get here we have set a null byte after each file name
RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Increment to Next File Routine
; This routine sets up for the next file to be transfered by
; moving the file name to front of the buffer, and the length
; of the name to the beginning of its block.
; INPUT: File.n contains the filename to be moved, filpoi
; contains the pointer to the file name.
; File.s contains the file name length to be moved,
; sizpoi contains the pointer to that length.
; OUTPUT: Name of the next file is at beginning of File.n, and
; the corresponding length is in the beginning of its
; block.
; R2 => Holds address of old locations.
; R1 => Holds address of target location.
INFLNM: JSR R1,$SAVE2 ; Save R1 to R2.
; This part will move the file size of the current file from fsize to
; file.size.
MOV #FSIZE,R2 ; Put address of size into R2.
ADD SIZPOI,R2 ; Move pointer in R2
MOV (R2),FILE.SIZE ; Move size of current filname into
; file.s location.
; Here we initialize the pointer to point at the current file.
MOV #FILES,R2 ; Put address of source into R2.
ADD FILPOI,R2 ; Move pointer in R2.
MOV #FILE.NAME,R1 ; Put address of destination into R1.
; This loop will move the file from files to file.name, exiting the loop
; when it moves over a null byte.
80$: MOVB (R2),(R1)+ ; Move the byte in R2 into R1.
TSTB (R2)+ ; Was the source byte a "null" ?
BNE 80$ ; No , continue the loop.
; When we get here we want to set the pointers for the next file, then
; return to the calling routine.
ADD #2,SIZPOI ; Add 2 to filename size pointer.
ADD #50.,FILPOI ; Add 50 to filename pointer.
INC LSTFG ; Increment the last file flag.
RTS PC ; Yes, return to caller.
.SBTTL Swap Name Routine
; This routine moves the name from a source buffer to
; a destination buffer
; INPUT: The file name in the source buffer.
; OUTPUT: The file name in the destination buffer.
; R1 => Counter of the length of the name
; R2 => Holds address of source buffer
; R3 => holds address of destination buffer
; SWAPNM - Requires no input, moves data from rcvbuf to file.name.
SWAPNM: MOV #RCVBUF,R2 ; Put address of source buffer into R2.
MOV #FILE.NAME,R3 ; Put address of destination into R5.
CLR FILE.SIZE ; Clear the counter.
; This loop does the file movement. It will exit the loop if it moves
; either an escape or a null. Until then it moves the contents of the
; source file in R2 into file.name.
10$: CMPB (R2),#.CHESC ; Is the byte an escape ?
BEQ 99$ ; Yes then we are done.
MOVB (R2)+,(R3)+ ; Move byte from source to destination.
BEQ 99$ ; Leave the routine if null
INC FILE.SIZE ; Increment R1.
BR 10$ ; Branch back.
; Return to the caller
99$: RTS PC ; Return to caller.
.SBTTL Status Error Check
; Senchk checks the status return of the RMS calls.
; It first checks to see if it was successful,and
; then if unsuccessful it sees if the error was
; due to an EOF.
; R1 => pointer to either RAB block or FAB block.
SENCHK: $FETCH R0,STS,R1 ; Get the status and put it in R0.
TST R0 ; Test the status code for success.
BMI 20$ ; If negative then branch.
MOV #KNORMAL,R0 ; Set up a successful return code.
RTS PC ; Return to caller
; If here the we are checking for errors
; Check for end of file
20$: CMP #ER$EOF,R0 ; Check for EOF
BNE 40$ ; If no then skip.
MOV #EOF,R0 ; Set up false return flag
RTS PC ; Return to caller
; If here check for no more files
40$: CMP #ER$NMF,R0 ; Is error due to no more files.
BNE 50$ ; If no then branch.
MOV #NOMORFILES,R0 ; Set up false return flag.
RTS PC ; Return to caller
; If here check for record to big
50$: CMP #ER$RTB,R0 ; Was the record too big ?
BNE 60$ ; No branch.
MOV #REC.TOO.BIG.,R0 ; Set up false return
RTS PC ; Return to the caller
; If here call error routine and return an RMS error
60$: JSR PC,RMSERR ; Jump to error output routine.
MOV #RMS11,R0 ; Set up false retrn flag.
RTS PC ; Return to calling routine.