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257 lines
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [fdc] Print message about how to get help during connect.
; [29e] Move terminal session logging to terminal module.
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [24b revisited] Fix handling of double-escape character
; RonB, 03/22/84
; [26]
; Move TELNET stuff from KERMIT to a this module: KERTRM.
; This is to modularize terminal emulation.
; integrate keyboard check in-line. This allows keyboard check
; between port checks to work without blowing the stack.
; to improve speed, let the port-to-screen routine loop for a certain
; number of characters before checking the keyboard. If we
; check every time, we lose a few characters at 9600 baud
; without flow control.
; Mar-1984. R. Garland - Columbia University.
; [24]
; (a) Add terminal session logging (KERMIT,KERSYS,KERUTL)
; (b) Allow escape character to local-echo (KERMIT)
; RonB, 03/15/84
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
cseg $ ;resume code segment
; This is the CONNECT command. It makes the local Kermit act as a terminal.
telnet: mov ah,cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ; Didn't get a confirm.
mov dx, offset inms01 ;Confirmed, print informatory message.
call tcrmsg
call escprt
mov dx, offset inms02
call tmsg ;[fdc] Say how to get help during connect.
call escprt ;[fdc]
mov dx, offset inms25 ;[fdc]
call tmsgcr ;[fdc]
cmp logflg, 0 ;Is logging specified? ;[24a] begin
je telnt1
call logopn ;If so, open the log file
jmp logerr ;[24a] end
telnt1: ;Check keyboard.
mov teloop, cx ;initialize loop counter
call dbinst ;Any chars out there?
jmp telntx ; If not, check serial port
call dbin ;Yes, then get the char.
cmp al, escchr ;Is it an escape char?
jz intchr ;If so go process it.
telnty: call dopar ;Set parity (if any). ;[24b]
mov dx, ax
call prtout ;Output the char to the port.
cmp ecoflg, 0 ;Is the echo flag turned on?
jz telnt2 ;no - go on
and dl, 7FH ;Turn off the parity bit.
call dbout ;Echo the character.
telntx: mov cx, telnct ;load count for telnt2 loop
telnt2: ;Check serial port.
mov teloop, cx ;save loop count
call instat ;Any characters available?
jmp telnt1 ; No, check keyboard
call inchr ;Get the character.
and al, 7FH ;Strip off parity bit.
mov dl, al ;Get the character.
call dbout ;output to screen.
mov cx, teloop ;get loop counter
loop telnt2 ;loop a bunch of characters before
;checking keyboard - for speed.
jmp telnt1 ;go back and check keyboard.
intchr: call dbin ;Get a char.
cmp al, 0 ;Is the char a null?
jz intchr ;If so, go until we get a char.
mov bl, al ;Save the actual char.
and al, 137O ;Convert to upper case.
;C = close
cmp al, 'C' ;Is it close?
jne intch0
call logcls ;Close the log file ;[24a]
mov dx, offset inms03
call tcmsgc ;return to micro message
jmp rskp ;return from telnet
;B = break
intch0: cmp al,'B' ;[19e] Is it "send break"?
jne intch1 ;[19e] no.
call prtbrk ;[19e] send a break.
jmp telnt2 ;[19e]
;escape character
intch1: cmp bl, escchr ;Is it the escape char?
jne intch2 ;If not, go send a beep to the user.
mov al, bl ;If so, uncapitalize it ;[24b]
jmp telnty ;go on, we are done here. ;[24b]
;? = help
intch2: cmp bl, '?' ;Is it a cry for help? ;[20c]
jne intch3
mov dx, offset inthlp ;If so, display help message on screen
call tcrmsg
call escprt
mov dx, offset inthl2
call tmsg
call escprt
mov dx, offset inthl3
call tmsgcr
jmp intchr ;Keep looking for escape character. ;[20c]
;L = toggle logging
intch3: cmp al, 'L' ;Is it the logging toggle? ;[24a] begin
jne intch4
cmp logflg, 0 ;Is logging now off?
jne intc32
intc31: mov logflg, 0FFh ;If so, set to 'on' value.
call logopn ;Open log file.
jmp logerr
jmp telnt2
intc32: mov logflg, 0
call logcls ;Close the log file.
jmp telnt2 ;[24a] end
;Q = quit logging ;[29e] begin
intch4: cmp al, 'Q'
jne intch5
cmp logflg, 0 ;If logging currently enabled,
jne intc32 ; go set flag to 'off'
jmp telnt2
;R = resume logging
intch5: cmp al, 'R'
jne intch6
cmp logflg, 0 ;If logging currently disabled,
je intc31 ; go set flag to 'on'
jmp telnt2 ;[29e] end
;error = beep!
intch6: mov dl, bell ;Otherwise send a beep.
call dbout
jmp telnt2
logerr: mov logflg, 0 ;Reset logging on file error ;[24a] begin
call logcls ;Make sure log file is closed
mov dx, offset erms22 ;Print an error message.
call tcrmsg
mov dx, offset lfcb
call tfile
call tcrlf
jmp rskp ;And keep doing whatever we were ;[24a] end
; These are the file handling routines for terminal session logging.
; LOGOPN opens the logfile in lfcb.
logopn: mov byte ptr lfcb+12,0
mov byte ptr lfcb+13,0
mov byte ptr lfcb+14,0
mov dx, offset lfcb
call gtjfn ;Is file already present?
cmp al, 0FFh
jne logo4 ;If so, go seek to its end & open it.
mov bx, offset lfcb+1 ;Don't allow wild or blank name
cmp byte ptr [bx], ' '
je logo2
cmp wldflg, 0
je logo3
logo2: cld
push ds
pop es
mov di, offset lfcb ;Make it "KERMIT.LOG" instead
mov si, offset lognam
mov cx, 12
rep movsb
logo3: mov dx, offset lfcb
call create ;Otherwise create the file.
mov bx, offset lfcb
mov byte ptr 32[bx], 0 ;Zero "CR" field
mov bx, offset dma
cmp al, 0FFh ;If no more directory space
jne logo9
ret ; then return an error
logo4: cld
push ds
pop es
mov di, offset lfcb+1 ;Get the unambiguous filename
mov si, offset dma+1
mov cl, 5
shl al, cl
mov ah, 0
add si, ax
mov cx, 11
rep movsb
mov dx, offset lfcb
call openf
mov dx, offset lfcb ;Get existing file size
call sizef
mov bx, offset lfcb
cmp byte ptr 35[bx], 0
je logo5 ;If file is too full
ret ; then return an error
logo5: cmp word ptr 33[bx], 0 ;Is the file totally empty?
je logo8 ; if so, don't look for control-Z.
dec word ptr 33[bx] ;Point to last record in file
mov dx, offset lfcb
call rinr ;Read random
mov bx, offset dma-1 ;Look for the terminating control-Z.
mov cx, 80h
logo6: inc bx
cmp byte ptr [bx], 'Z'-100O
je logo9
loop logo6
mov dx, offset lfcb
call soutr ;If no control-Z, then start a new buffer
logo8: mov bx, offset dma
logo9: mov bufpnt, bx ;Save current buffer location.
mov logfil, 0FFh ;Flag that file is open
mov dx, offset infm11 ;And display status on the terminal
call tmsg
mov dx, offset lfcb ;Including the file name
call tfile
mov dx, offset infm12
call tmsgcr
jmp rskp ;Return success.
; LOGCLS - closes the log file, but only if it was open
logcls: cmp logfil, 0 ;Is file open?
je logc3 ;No, just return.
cmp bufpnt, offset dma ;Do we have an empty buffer?
je logc2
mov bx, bufpnt ;If not, fill remainder with control-Z's
mov cx, offset DMA+80h
sub cx, bx
mov al, 'Z'-100O
logc1: mov [bx], al
inc bx
loop logc1
mov dx, offset lfcb ;Write out last buffer
call soutr
logc2: mov dx, offset lfcb ;Close the log file
call closf
mov dx, offset infm13 ;Tell user so.
call tcmsgc
mov logfil, 0 ;Show file closed.
logc3: ret ;[24a] end
; data specific to terminal emulation
dseg $
telnct dw 10 ;count of characters to take from port
;for the screen before checking keyboard.
teloop dw 0 ;active loop counter
logflg db deflog ;Is logging enabled? ;[24a] begin
logfil db 0 ;Is the log file open?
lognam db 0,'KERMIT LOG' ;Default log filename
lfcb db 0,'KERMIT LOG' ;Logging file control block
rb 24 ;[24a] end