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; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [35] Change file names in INCLUDE statements, fdc, 5 Jun 85
; [34]
; (c) Make memory allocation global, add sorted SEND capability.
; (b) Add LOCAL TYPE command to display files on screen
; (a) Fix directory file size calculation errors
; RonB, 11/13/84
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [33] Fix printer on hanging system problem by letting CP/M handle the
; interrupts from the 7201 that we don't care about. Thanks to
; Paul Ford, U. of Chicago Graduate School of Business
; WBC3, 10/1/84
; [32]
; (e) Change all LEA xx,yy instructions to MOV xx,OFFSET yy
; (d) Add LOCAL and REMOTE command table entries, implementing LOCAL
; (c) Fix RECEIVE FILENAME to be different from GET (KERMIT,KERCMD,KERFIL)
; (b) Fix minor bugs (KERMIT,KERCMD)
; (a) Add SET option for default drive and user (KERMIT,KERCMD,KERUTL)
; RonB, 09/20/84
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.7 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [31] Fix display of file rename
; RonB, 05/05/84
;[fdc] Add help message about "?" when starting up.
; Add help message about "<esc-char>?" when connecting.
; Fix glitch in Bernie's command level flagging (KERCMD).
; F. da Cruz, Columbia
;[] Prefixed all ermes'sages with bell and changed ermes3 (secondary
; command didn't parse) from "?Not confirmed" to "?Unrecognized
; command-option".
; Prettied up (TABs between INSTR and AC's) and fixed SET command
; using RSKP convention - B.Eiben, EIBEN at DEC-Marlboro, 2-May-84
; [30]
; (e) Recombine KERSYS and KERMIT.
; (d) Add SET PORT command, currently unimplemented (KERMIT,KERIO)
; (c) Isolate all machine dependencies in KERIO.
; (b) Make DEL work like BS and ^X like ^U in command input (KERCMD).
; (a) Add keyboard DEL key alteration for APC (KERIO).
; RonB, 04/18/84
; [29]
; (g) Add 8th bit quoting (KERPRO,KERFIL,KERSYS).
; (f) Add QUIT command, synonymous to EXIT (KERSYS).
; (e) Move logging code to terminal module, make it a SET command,
; add quit/resume (^Q/^R) to make it more standard (KERTRM,KERSYS)
; (d) Expand receive buffer and check for packet overruns (KERPRO)
; (c) Clear FCB prior to opening or creating a file (KERUTL)
; (b) Add TAKE file processing, initially from KERMIT.INI
; (a) Send error packet whenever a fatal error occurs (KERPRO)
; RonB, 04/08/84
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [28]
; (e) Add local stack for use in interrupt handling (KERIO)
; (d) Improve input filename processing, allow valid special chars
; (c) Make disk full error messages more accurate (KERSYS)
; (b) Include filename in file-not-found error message (KERPRO,KERSYS)
; (a) Clear attribute bits from filename before sending (KERPRO)
; RonB, 03/27/84
; [27] add "Kermit-86" to interrupt messages. Rg 20-Mar-1984
; [26] Move terminal emulation (TELNET) to a separate module: KERTRM.
; This is to "modularize" terminal emulation. Rg
; [25] Move logic for "seteol" and "escape" from KERSYS into KERCMD so those
; routines need not use internal CMD routines and variables. For this
; purpose add 2 parse routines and codes: "cmcha" and "cmnum". Also
; eliminate the use of some KERCMD text strings in KERPRO. The point
; of this is to keep calls to CMD modular since I want to eventually
; replace the whole thing.
; R. Garland 9-Mar-1984
; [24]
; (a) Add terminal session logging (KERMIT,KERSYS,KERUTL)
; (b) Allow escape character to local-echo (KERMIT)
; RonB, 03/15/84
; [23] Fix ASCII-mode-junk-at-end-of-file bug. (KERFIL) Rg
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [22]
; (a) - Cosmetics - changed FILE-Warning to Warning, parallel to CP/M
; Version and makes SET FI Binary painless
; (b) - made this version 2.5 to stop confusion -B.Eiben DEC Marlboro
; 7-March-84
; [21]
; (a) - Add SET TIMER ON/OFF option, default is OFF (KERSYS,KERPRO)
; (b) - Change SET FILE-MODE to SET FILE-TYPE to match VAX/VMS (KERSYS)
; (c) - Move all Set/Show processing to KERSYS (KERMIT,KERSYS)
; RonB, 03/05/84
; [20]
; (a) - Fix version & send/receive header for APC (KERSYS,KERPRO)
; (b) - Add Break processing & set clock rate for NEC (KERIO)
; (c) - Add escape character help in telnet mode (KERMIT,KERSYS)
; (d) - Add a pseudo time-out to PRTOUT so it doesn't loop forever (KERIO)
; (e) - Clean up environment better on KABORT (KERPRO,KERUTL)
; RonB, 03/02/84
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [19] (let Bill's and Jeff's changes be 17 and 18)
; (a) - Add flow control for input comm port buffer. This is primarily to
; allow smooth scrolling and "Hold Screen" to work on the Rainbow. Add
; associated Set, Show, and Help for same. (KERSYS and KERIO)
; (b) - Clear screen at beginning and end of program. (KERSYS and KERIO)
; (c) - Give "bdos" mnemonic to interrupt 224. (KERUTL)
; (d) - Change telnet to check keyboard between comm port reads. (KERMIT)
; Woops - can't get this dumb simple thing to work. Save for later.
; (e) - Put in Break transmission in connect mode. (KERMIT,KERIO)
; (f) - Put in ^X/^Z file interruption. (KERSYS, KERPRO, KERFIL)
; (g) - Put in timeouts for packet receive routines. (KERPRO)
; [Rg] R. Garland, 2/84, OC.GARLAND%CU20B@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA
; Columbia Univ. OC.GARLAND@CU20B.BITNET
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; Fill in the missing parity routines to allow this program to work with
; IBM mainframes and other systems that require parity (edit marked "[par]").
; Include RonB's fixes for places where previous edit broke the NEC APC.
; Jeff Damens, Columbia, 6 Feb 84
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; Added CFIBFs (buffer clearing) where necessary, put conditional assembly
; code all in two modules (86KERIO and 86KERSYS), created new module
; (86KERSYS), added CTLPRT routine to print out control chars for the SHOW
; command, made SERINI called once at the beginning of the program and nowhere
; else and added user protocol timeouts (hitting a <CR>).
; Bill Catchings: 12:36pm Thursday, 19 January 1984
;* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; [B.E. 3-Jan-83] added DTR-code (in 86kermit and 86kerio) for RAINBO
; [16] Add file-mode ASCII or BINARY processing.
; [15] Clear screen lines before displaying packet debug.
; [14] Fix nout to print decimal. (KERPRO)
; [13] Use control-Z's for filler in partial sectors instead of nulls. (KERPRO)
; [12] Allow user abort from the keyboard in the send and receive routines.
; [11] Capitalize and parse filename being received. (KERFIL)
; [10] Correct missing elements in the Show display.
; [9] Fix filename parsing, and add wildcard ability. (KERCMD,KERPRO,KERFIL)
; [8] Show choices for ambiguous keywords, finish keyword on '?' (KERCMD)
; [7] Do tab expansion and suppress nulls while in telnet mode. (KERUTL)
; [6] Add support for changing baud rate.
; [5] Put OFF/ON command table in alphabetical order.
; [4] Change default escape character to '^' because NEC keyboard doesn't
; generate a control-\.
; [3] Change "esc,'[H'" to "esc,'[1;1H'" to get around bug in NEC BIOS.
; This should not affect operation on the Rainbow.
; [2] Add a de-initialization routine for the serial port, to restore
; changed interrupt vectors, etc. (KERIO)
; [1] Add I/O support for the NEC Advanced Personal Computer (KERIO)
; RonB,12/23/83
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * version 2.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; KERMIT - KL10 Error-free Reciprocal Micro Interconnect over TTY-lines
; Kermit Protocol Version 2
; Based on the KERMIT Protocol.
; Copyright (C) 1983 William B. Catchings III
; This program implements the Kermit Protocol developed at Columbia
; University. This version is being written specifically for the
; DEC Rainbow 100. It will hopefully take advantage of much of what
; was learned in implementing the CP/M-80, DEC-20 and other versions.
; Things to do:
; Add new features from Kermit-80, like local CP/M functions
; Make all commands the same as those in Kermit-80
; Now all system dependencies have been isolated in 86KERIO, which
; will be implemented as a separate module for each system. This
; eliminates source code ballooning when other systems are added
; which have (for example) non-ANSI screen controls and terminal
; emulation capabilities, as well as specific port drivers.
; Information about what routines are needed in the 86KERIO module
; is given in the 86KERMIT.HLP and 86KERIO.HLP files.
; So far the systems supported are:
; DEC Rainbow in 86KERIO.RB
; PIP 86KERIO.A86=86KERIO.??? - will make system-dependent routines available
; ASM86 86KERMIT $PZ - will assemble without listing
; REN KERMIT.CMD=86KERMIT.CMD - will make it "real" after testing
TITLE 'Kermit'
; Definitions:
soh EQU 01O
bell EQU 07O
tab EQU 11O
lf EQU 12O
ff EQU 14O
cr EQU 15O
xon EQU 21O
xoff EQU 23O
esc EQU 33O
del EQU 177O
parevn EQU 00H ;Even parity. ;[21c] begin
parmrk EQU 01H ;Mark parity.
parnon EQU 02H ;No parity.
parodd EQU 03H ;Odd parity.
parspc EQU 04H ;Space parity.
ibmpar EQU parmrk ;IBM's parity (mark).
defpar EQU parnon ;Default parity (none).
defeco EQU 00H ;Default is echo off ;[21a]
defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Escape char is Control backslash by default.
;note: generated by INS key on the APC.
deftmr EQU 00H ;Default is timer off ;[21a]
deflog EQU 00H ;Default is logging off ;[24a]
floxon EQU 1 ;[19a]
flonon EQU 0 ;[19a]
diasw EQU 00H ;Default is diagnostics off. ;[21c] end
; The actual program:
CSEG ;Start coding!
call getdrv ;Save initial disk and user ;[32a] begin
mov cpmdrv,al
mov defdrv,al
call getusr
mov cpmusr,al
mov defusr,al ;[32a] end
; The allocation amount of 245 pages was arrived at by trial and
; error. This figure causes Concurrent CP/M on the NEC APC to only
; allocate one additional memory block. (Since the blocks are 4K
; each, one would expect 256...)
mov cx,245
start1: push cx
mov word ptr membuf+2, cx ;Allocate 4K (or less) bytes of memory
mov dx, offset membuf ; for sorting filenames
call allmem
pop cx
cmp al,0
loopne start1
cmp cx,0
jne reboot
mov dx, offset erms25 ;Not enough memory available:
call tcrmsg ; local dir, del, and type will
mov word ptr membuf+2, 0 ; not be enabled, nor will wildcard
; sends. ;[34c] end
reboot: pushf ;Push flags on CCP's stack. ;[12]
pop ax ;flags in AX.
cli ;[32b]
mov bx, ds ;Set SS to DS.
mov ss, bx
mov sp, offset stack ;Set up the stack pointer.
push ax ;Restore the flags.
call inidma ;Set DMA base and offset ;[34c] begin
call serini ;Do any necessary serial port initialization.
call dspver ;Clear screen and print version header
mov dx, offset hlpmsg ;[fdc] Give help message about "?"
call tmsgcr ;[fdc]
; This is the main KERMIT loop. It prompts for and gets the user's commands.
kermit: mov dx, offset kerm
call prompt ;Prompt the user.
mov dx, offset comtab
mov bx, offset tophlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp kermt2 ;Tell them about the error.
mov cmlevl, 1 ;we're going into options
call bx ;Call the routine returned.
jmp kermt3 ;Tell them about the error.
cmp extflg, 0 ;Check if the exit flag is set.
je kermit ;If not, do it again.
call serfin ;clean up serial port environment ;[2]
mov dl,cpmdrv ;reset disk and user ;[32a] begin
call setdrv ; to initial defaults
mov dl,cpmusr
call setusr ;[32a] end
call haltf
retf ;Just in case! ;[32b]
kermt2: mov dx, offset ermes1 ;Give an error.
call tcrmsg
jmp kermit
kermt3: mov dx, offset ermes3 ;Give an error.
call tcrmsg
jmp kermit
; This is the EXIT command. It leaves KERMIT and returns to CP/M.
exit: mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r
mov extflg, 1 ;Set the exit flag.
jmp rskp
; This is the HELP command.
help: mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r
mov dx, offset tophlp ;Print some help.
call tmsg
jmp rskp
; LOCAL - parse and perform local command ;[32d] begin
loccmd: mov dx, offset loctab ;Parse a keyword from the local table.
mov bx, offset lochlp
mov ah,cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
call bx ;Call the specific local routine
jmp r ;We got an error
jmp rskp
; DIRECTORY of local files
locdir: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input filename
mov dx, offset fcb
call comnd
jmp r
push ax ;Save length of filename
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
pop ax
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
jne locd1
mov di, offset fcb+1
call wldfcb ;If not, set filename to all wild
locd1: cmp byte ptr fcb,0 ;Replace unspecified drive with default
jne locd2
mov al,defdrv
inc al
mov byte ptr fcb,al
locd2: call dirutl ;perform directory action (in KERUTL)
jmp rskp ;On error a message has already been issued
jmp locs2 ;jump to display space remaining
; ERASE local files
locera: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input filename
mov dx, offset fcb
call comnd
jmp r
push ax ;Save length of filename
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
pop ax
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
jne loce1
mov dx, offset erms26 ;Illegal (blank) filename
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp
loce1: call erautl ;Erase utility (in KERUTL)
jmp rskp ;On error a message has already been issued
jmp rskp
; TYPE local files
loctyp: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input filename
mov dx, offset fcb
call comnd
jmp r
push ax ;Save length of filename
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
pop ax
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
jne loct1
mov dx, offset erms26 ;Illegal (blank) filename
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp
loct1: call typutl ;Type utility (in KERUTL)
jmp rskp ;On error a message has already been issued
jmp rskp
; SPACE remaining on disk
locsiz: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input filename
mov dx, offset fcb
call comnd
jmp r
push ax ;Save length of filename
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
pop ax
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
je locs1
mov dx, offset erms24 ;At most only a drive code should be entered
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp
locs1: cmp fcb,0
jne locs2
mov al,defdrv
inc al
mov fcb,al
locs2: call spcutl ;Space utility (in KERUTL)
jmp rskp ;On error a message has already been issued
jmp rskp
; Fill a file control block filename with ?'s
wldfcb: mov ax,ds ;Fill filename with ?'s.
mov es,ax
mov cx,11
mov al,'?'
rep stosb
mov wldflg,0FFh ;Set wildcard flag
; REMOTE - parse and perform remote command
; (not yet implemented)
remcmd: mov ah,cmtxt ;Parse arbitrary text up to a CR
mov bx, offset data
call comnd
jmp r
mov dx, offset infms6 ;Tell the user that it's not yet implemented.
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp
; mov dx, offset remtab ;Parse a keyword from the remote table.
; mov bx, offset remhlp
; mov ah,cmkey
; call comnd
; jmp r
; call bx ;Call the specific remote routine
; jmp r ;We got an error
; jmp rskp ;[31b] end
; FINISH - tell remote KERSRV to exit.
finish: mov ah,cmcfm ;Parse a confirm.
call comnd
jmp r
mov ah, 'F'
call gensen ;Send the finish command.
jmp rskp
; BYE - tell remote KERSRV to logout and then exit to CP/M.
bye: mov ah,cmcfm ;Parse a confirm.
call comnd
jmp r
mov ah, 'L'
call gensen ;Send the logout command.
mov extflg,1 ;Set exit flag.
jmp rskp
; LOGOUT- tell remote KERSRV to logout.
logout: mov ah,cmcfm ;Parse a confirm.
call comnd
jmp r
mov ah, 'L'
call gensen ;Send the logout command.
jmp rskp
; RECEIVE - Receive a file or files from the remote Kermit. ;[32c] begin
; A filespec can optionally be specified to rename the received file.
rec: mov ah, cmofi ;Parse an output filename
mov dx, offset fcb2
call comnd
jmp r
push ax ;Save length of filename
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
pop ax
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
jne rec1
mov di, offset fcb2+1
call wldfcb ;If not, set filename to all wild
rec1: cmp byte ptr fcb2,0 ;Also make default drive a ?.
jne rec2
mov byte ptr fcb2,'?'
rec2: call read ;Do the actual protocol work.
jmp rskp ;[32c] end
; GET - Get a file or files from the remote server Kermit.
get: mov di, offset fcb2
mov byte ptr [di],'?'
inc di
call wldfcb ;Receive any filename as is ;[32c]
mov ah, cmtxt ;Parse an arbitrary text string.
mov bx, offset data ;Where to put the parsed text.
call comnd
jmp r
cmp ah, 0 ;Read in any chars?
jne get1 ;If not give an error.
mov dx, offset ermes5
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp
get1: mov al, ah
mov ah, 0
mov argbk1, ax ;Remember number of chars we read.
mov ah, '$' ;Used for printing.
mov [bx], ah
call init ;Paint screen and initialize file buffers.
call cfibf ;Clear any stacked NAKs.
call clrfln ;Prepare to print filename.
mov dx, offset data ;Print file name.
call tmsg
mov argblk, 0 ;Start at packet zero.
mov ah, 'R' ;Receive init packet.
call spack ;Send the packet.
jmp r
call read1 ;Join the read code.
jmp rskp
; SEND - Send a file or files to the remote Kermit.
sencom: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input file spec.
mov dx, offset fcb ;Give the address for the FCB.
call comnd
jmp r ;Give up on bad parse.
cmp ah,0 ;Check for null filename ;[32c] begin
jne $+5
jmp r ;[32c] end
cmp wldflg,0FFh
jne sen7
mov ah, cmifi ;Parse first file to send ;[34c] begin
mov dx, offset fcb2
call comnd
mov bx,offset fcb2+1
mov cx,11
sen4: cmp byte ptr [bx],'?' ;Replace wildcards with spaces
jne sen5 ; in starting filename
mov byte ptr [bx],' '
sen5: inc bx
loop sen4
mov wldflg,0FFh ;Show original filename as wild
sen7: mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
call send
jmp rskp
; SET - Set some Kermit parameter.
setcom: mov dx, offset settab ;Parse a keyword from the set table.
mov bx, offset sethlp
mov ah,cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
call bx ;Call the specific set routine in KERSYS.
jmp r ;We got an error
jmp rskp
; STATUS - Give some statistics on the connection.
status: jmp show ;Make STATUS and SHOW synonymous for now ;[32b]
; TAKE - Specify file which will supply command input. ;[29b] begin
take: mov ah, cmifi ;Parse an input file spec.
mov dx, offset tkfcb ;Give the address for the FCB.
call comnd
jmp r ;Give up on bad parse.
cmp ah,0 ;Check for null filename ;[32c] begin
jne $+5
jmp r ;[32c] end
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov tkflg, 1 ;Turn on command file input
mov tkptr, 0 ;Indicate file not yet open
jmp rskp ;[29b] end
; TRANSMIT file(s) with no protocol ;[32e] begin
txmit: mov ah,cmtxt ;Parse arbitrary text up to a CR
mov bx, offset data
call comnd
jmp r
mov dx, offset infms6 ;Tell the user that it's not yet implemented.
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp ;[32e] end
; Set parity for character in Register AL.
dopar: cmp parflg, parnon ;No parity?
je parret ;Just return
cmp parflg, parevn ;Even parity?
jne dopar0
and al, 7FH ;Strip parity.
jpe parret ;Already even, leave it.
or al, 80H ;Make it even parity.
jmp parret
dopar0: cmp parflg, parmrk ;Mark parity?
jne dopar1
or al, 80H ;Turn on the parity bit.
jmp parret
dopar1: cmp parflg, parodd ;Odd parity?
jne dopar2
and al, 7FH ;Strip parity.
jpo parret ;Already odd, leave it.
or al, 80H ;Make it odd parity.
jmp parret
dopar2: and al, 7FH ;Space parity - turn off parity bit.
parret: ret
; The following are the SET command subroutines ;[21c] begin
; except for Baud rate and Port selection, which are
; isolated in the system dependent modules.
; Sets debugging mode on and off.
debset: mov dx, offset ontab
mov bx, offset onhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov debug, bl ;Set the debug flag.
jmp rskp
; Sets the default disk and user number for file operations ;[32a] begin
; Entry must be in one of the following forms:
; d: = go to drive d (A through P)
; u: = go to user u (0 through 15)
; du: = go to drive d and user u
; : = go to the defaults when Kermit was loaded
; Whenever a drive is specified, even if it is the same as the current
; default drive, the drive is logged in so that disks can be swapped
; without exiting Kermit to type control-C.
defset: mov ah,cmtxt ;Get the du: specification
mov bx, offset data
call comnd
jmp r
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ;Mark the end of input
mov ah,cmcfm ;Confirm the input
call comnd
jmp r
mov newdrv,0FFh ;set inputs to show no entry
mov newusr,0FFh
mov bx, offset data ;analyze the input
mov al,[bx]
cmp al,'a' ;check for lower case drive specification
jb defs10
cmp al,'p'
jbe defs05
jmp deferr
defs05: sub al,'a'
jmps defs15
defs10: cmp al,'A' ;check for upper case drive specification
jb defs25
cmp al,'P'
ja deferr
sub al,'A'
defs15: mov newdrv,al ;save the new drive specification
defs20: inc bx
mov al,[bx]
defs25: cmp al,':' ;input must terminate with required colon
je defs50
cmp al,'0' ;check for user number digit
jb deferr
cmp al,'9'
ja deferr
sub al,'0'
mov dl,al
cmp newusr,0FFh ;is this the first digit?
jne defs30
mov newusr,dl ; yes, just store the digit
jmps defs20
defs30: mov al,newusr ; otherwise append digit to current value
mov dh,10
mul dh
add al,dl
mov newusr,al
jmps defs20
defs50: inc bx ;we've seen a colon, it must be followed
cmp byte ptr [bx],0 ; by the null we stored earlier
jne deferr
mov al,newusr ;are we setting a new user number?
cmp al,0FFh
jne defs60 ; yes, check its value
cmp al,newdrv ; otherwise if neither drive nor user
jne defs70 ; was specified and yet we saw the colon,
mov al,cpmdrv ; then return to the initial CP/M defaults.
mov newdrv,al
mov al,cpmusr
defs60: cmp al,15 ;make sure user is in range
ja deferr
mov defusr,al ;save new user value
mov dl,al
call setusr
defs70: mov al,newdrv ;are we setting a new drive?
cmp al,0FFh
je defs90
mov defdrv,al ;save new drive value
call rstdsk ;reset disk system to log in drive
mov dl,defdrv ; then select new default
call setdrv
defs90: jmp rskp
deferr: mov dx, offset erms23
call tcrmsg
jmp rskp ;[32a] end
; Set end-of-line character
eolset: ;[25] begin
mov dx, 01FH ;maximum value of number allowed. (31)
mov bx, offset eolhlp ;help string for parser
mov ah, cmnum ;look for a decimal number
call comnd ;call the parser
jmp r
mov seol, bl ;set the eol character
jmp rskp
mov bx, offset eschlp ;help string for parser
mov ah, cmcha ;parser code for single character
call comnd ;call parser
jmp r
mov escchr, bl ;set the character
jmp rskp
;[25] end
; This is the SET file-type (ASCII or BINARY) command ;[16] begin
fmset: mov dx, offset fmtab
mov bx, offset fmhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov binflg, bl ;Set the file-type flag.
jmp rskp ;[16] end
; This is the SET Warning command.
filwar: mov dx, offset ontab
mov bx, offset onhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov flwflg, bl ;Set the file warning flag.
jmp rskp
; Set flow-control flag [19a] Begin
setflo: mov dx, offset flotab ;set up ON/OFF response
mov bx, offset flohlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd ;get response
jmp r
mov temp1, bx ;save response
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;get confirm
jmp r
mov bx, temp1
mov floctl, bl ;set flag
jmp rskp ;[19a] end
; This is the SET IBM command.
ibmset: mov dx, offset ontab
mov bx, offset onhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov ibmflg, bl ;Set the IBM flag.
cmp bl, 0 ;Turning on or off?
je ibmst1 ;If off, set parity & local echo to defaults.
mov parflg, ibmpar ;Set IBM parity. ;[21a] begin
mov ecoflg, 1 ;Set local echo on.
mov tmrflg, 1 ;Set timer on.
jmps ibmst2
ibmst1: mov parflg, defpar ;Set default parity.
mov ecoflg, defeco ;Set local echo to default.
mov tmrflg, deftmr ;Set timer to default.
ibmst2: jmp rskp ;[21a] end
; This is the LOCAL echo SET subcommand.
local: mov dx, offset ontab
mov bx, offset onhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx ;Save the parsed value.
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov ecoflg, bl ;Set the local echo flag.
jmp rskp
; This is the LOG filename SET command
log: mov ah, cmofi ;Get an output filename
mov dx, offset lfcb ;For a log file
call comnd
jmp r
cmp ah,0 ;Check for null filename ;[32c] begin
jne $+5
jmp r ;[32c] end
mov ah, cmcfm ;Confirm it
call comnd
jmp r
mov logflg, 0FFh ;Turn logging on
jmp rskp
; This is the SET Parity command.
setpar: mov dx, offset partab
mov bx, offset parhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov parflg, bl ;Set the parity flag.
jmp rskp
; This is the SET Timer command. ;[21a] begin
tmrset: mov dx, offset ontab
mov bx, offset onhlp
mov ah, cmkey
call comnd
jmp r
mov temp1, bx
mov ah, cmcfm
call comnd ;Get a confirm.
jmp r ;Didn't get a confirm.
mov bx, temp1
mov tmrflg, bl ;Set the timer flag.
jmp rskp ;[21a] end
;[21c] end
; The following are display subroutines used primarily ;[21c] begin
; in the SHOW command.
;[10] begin
; This routine matches a table value and prints the corresponding
; keyword. On entry:
; al = value to match
; bx = beginning address of table
tabprt: mov ah, 0 ;make it a word comparison
mov ch, [bx] ;get the table size
inc bx
tabp1: mov dl, [bx] ;get the offset to the value
inc bx ;point to beginning of the keyword
mov dh, 0
mov si, dx
cmp ax, 1[bx+si] ;does the value match?
je tabp2 ;yes, go print the keyword at [bx].
add bx, dx ;otherwise go to next entry
add bx, 3
dec ch ;any more entries
jnz tabp1 ;if so, go check the next
mov bx, offset erms20 ;else say value was not found
tabp2: mov dx, bx
call tmsg ;display the keyword
;[10] end
; This routine prints out the escape character in readable format.
; Call CTLPRT with any char in DL for similar output.
escprt: mov dl, escchr
ctlprt: cmp dl, ' '
jge escpr2
push dx
mov dx, offset esctl ;Print "Control-"
call tmsg
pop dx
add dl, 040H ;Make it printable.
escpr2: call bout
; This routine prints "is on" if prior comparison was nonzero
; and otherwise prints "is off"
ponoff: jz ponof2 ;If not say so.
mov dx, offset onstr ;Say on.
jmp ponof3
ponof2: mov dx, offset offstr ;Say off.
ponof3: call tmsg
; SHOW - Show the state of the parameters available from the SET command.
show: mov ah,cmcfm ;Parse a confirm.
call comnd
jmp r
call tcrlf
call shobd ;Display baud rate (system dependent)
mov dx, offset debst ;Debugging string.
call tcrmsg
cmp debug, 0 ;Is the debugging flag on?
call ponoff
mov dx, offset eolst ;End of line string. ;[10] begin
call tcrmsg
mov dl, seol
call ctlprt ;[10] end
mov dx, offset escst ;Escape string.
call tcrmsg
call escprt ;Print the escape char.
mov dx, offset fmst ;File type string. [22d] ;[16] begin
call tcrmsg
mov al, binflg ;Print the keyword corresponding to the
mov bx, offset fmtab ;current value of binflg
call tabprt ;[16] end
mov dx, offset flostr ;[19a] start
call tcrmsg ;
mov al, floctl ;show the current
mov bx, offset flotab ;setting for flow-control
call tabprt ;[19a] end
mov dx, offset ibmst ;IBM string.
call tcrmsg
cmp ibmflg, 0 ;Is the IBM flag on?
call ponoff
mov dx, offset locst ;Get the address of the local echo string.
call tcrmsg
cmp ecoflg, 0 ;Is the local echo flag on?
call ponoff ;Print on or off.
mov dx, offset logst ;Logging string.
call tcrmsg
mov dx, offset lfcb ;Print the log filename.
call tfile
cmp logflg, 0 ;Is the logging flag on?
call ponoff
mov dx, offset parst ;Parity string.
call tcrmsg
mov al, parflg ;Print the keyword corresponding ;[10] begin
mov bx, offset partab ;to the current value of parflg
call tabprt
call shoprt ;Port selection (system dependent) ;[30d]
mov dx, offset tmrst ;Timer on/off string ;[21a] begin
call tcrmsg
cmp tmrflg, 0 ;Is the timer on?
call ponoff ;Print on or off. ;[21a] end
mov dx, offset filst ;File warning string.
call tcrmsg
cmp flwflg, 0 ;Is the file warning flag on?
call ponoff
call tcrlf ;Print a crlf
jmp rskp ;[21c] end
dspver: call clrscr ;Home cursor and clear the screen ;[30c] begin
mov dx, offset scrhdr ;Position to the version line.
call poscur
call bldon ;Turn on bold (highlighted) display
mov dx, offset system ;Print the system identification
call tmsg
mov dx, offset versio ;Print the Kermit version header.
call tmsg
call bldoff ;Turn off the highlight ;[30c] end
DSEG ;Data segment.
ORG 100H ;Leave room for system page.
RW 100 ;hundred word or so stack.
stack RW 2
; COMND tables
comtab db 22
db 3,'BYE$'
dw bye
db 7,'CONNECT$'
dw telnet
db 6,'DELETE$' ;[32d] begin
dw locera
dw locdir
db 5,'ERASE$'
dw locera ;[32d] end
db 4,'EXIT$'
dw exit
db 6,'FINISH$'
dw finish
db 3,'GET$'
dw get
db 4,'HELP$'
dw help
db 5,'LOCAL$' ;[32d]
dw loccmd ;[32d]
db 6,'LOGOUT$'
dw logout
db 4,'QUIT$' ;[29f]
dw exit ;[29f]
db 7,'RECEIVE$'
dw rec
db 6,'REMOTE$' ;[32d]
dw remcmd ;[32d]
db 4,'SEND$'
dw sencom
db 3,'SET$'
dw setcom
db 4,'SHOW$'
dw show
db 5,'SPACE$' ;[32d]
dw locsiz ;[32d]
db 6,'STATUS$'
dw status
db 4,'TAKE$' ;[29b]
dw take ;[29b]
db 8,'TRANSMIT$' ;[32e]
dw txmit ;[32e]
db 4,'TYPE$' ;[34b]
dw loctyp ;[34b]
settab db 14
db 4,'BAUD$'
dw bdset ;[6] end
dw debset
db 12,'DEFAULT-DISK$' ;[32a] begin
dw defset ;[32a] end
db 11,'END-OF-LINE$'
dw eolset
db 6,'ESCAPE$'
dw escape
db 9,'FILE-TYPE$' ;[16] begin [21b]
dw fmset ;[16] end
db 13,'FLOW-CONTROL$' ;[19a]
dw setflo ;[19a]
db 3,'IBM$'
dw ibmset
db 10,'LOCAL-ECHO$'
dw local
db 3,'LOG$' ;[24a]
dw log ;[24a]
db 6,'PARITY$'
dw setpar
db 4,'PORT$' ;[30d]
dw prtset
db 5,'TIMER$' ;[21a]
dw tmrset ;[21a]
db 7,'WARNING$'
dw filwar
loctab db 5 ;[32d] begin
db 6,'DELETE$'
dw locera
dw locdir
db 5,'ERASE$'
dw locera
db 5,'SPACE$'
dw locsiz ;[32d] end
db 4,'TYPE$' ;[34b]
dw loctyp ;[34b]
ontab db 2 ;Two entries.
db 3,'OFF$' ;[5] begin
dw 0000H
db 2,'ON$'
dw 0001H ;[5] end
yestab db 2 ;Two entries.
db 2,'NO$'
dw 0000H
db 3,'YES$'
dw 0001H
flotab db 2 ;[19a] start
db 4,'NONE$'
dw flonon
db 8,'XON/XOFF$'
dw floxon ;[19a] end
partab db 5 ;Five entries.
db 4,'EVEN$'
dw parevn
db 4,'MARK$'
dw parmrk
db 4,'NONE$'
dw parnon
db 3,'ODD$'
dw parodd
db 5,'SPACE$'
dw parspc
fmtab db 2 ;Two entries. ;[16] begin
db 5,'ASCII$'
dw 00H
db 6,'BINARY$'
dw 01H ;[16] end
hlpmsg db cr,lf,'Type ? at any point for help$'
cfrmes db ' Confirm with carriage return $'
filhlp db ' Input file spec (possibly wild) $'
tophlp db cr,lf,' Basic Commands Other Commands'
db cr,lf,'CONNECT to host as a terminal DELETE local files'
db cr,lf,'RECEIVE file(s) from host DIRECTORY of local files'
db cr,lf,'SEND file(s) to host HELP by giving this message'
db cr,lf,'SET a Kermit parameter LOCAL generic command'
db cr,lf,'SHOW the parameter values QUIT (same as EXIT)'
db cr,lf,'EXIT to CP/M SPACE remaining on disk'
db cr,lf,' STATUS of Kermit'
db cr,lf,' Server Commands TAKE command input from file'
db cr,lf,'GET file(s) from host TYPE local file on screen'
db cr,lf,'SEND file(s) to host'
db cr,lf,'REMOTE generic command'
db cr,lf,'FINISH running Kermit on the host'
db cr,lf,'LOGOUT the host'
db cr,lf,'BYE to host (LOGOUT, then EXIT)'
db '$'
sethlp db cr,lf,'BAUD rate' ;[6]
db cr,lf,'DEBUGGING displays of transferred packets'
db cr,lf,'DEFAULT-DISK for file operations' ;[32a]
db cr,lf,'END-OF-LINE character in packets'
db cr,lf,'ESCAPE character from terminal mode'
db cr,lf,'FILE-TYPE (ASCII or BINARY)' ;[16][21b]
db cr,lf,'FLOW-CONTROL (NONE or XON/XOFF)' ;[19a]
db cr,lf,'IBM mainframe communications mode'
db cr,lf,'LOCAL-ECHO echoing (half-duplex)'
db cr,lf,'LOG filename for terminal session logging' ;[24a]
db cr,lf,'PARITY type'
db cr,lf,'PORT to communicate on' ;[30d]
db cr,lf,'TIMER for packet retransmission' ;[21a]
db cr,lf,'WARNING for received filename conflicts'
db '$'
lochlp db cr,lf,'DELETE local files' ;[32d] begin
db cr,lf,'DIRECTORY of local files'
db cr,lf,'SPACE remaining on disk'
db cr,lf,'TYPE local files on screen' ;[34b]
db '$' ;[32d] end
flohlp db cr,lf,'NONE XON/XOFF$'
onhlp db cr,lf,'OFF ON$'
yeshlp db cr,lf,'NO YES$'
parhlp db cr,lf,'NONE MARK ODD EVEN SPACE$'
fmhlp db cr,lf,'ASCII BINARY$' ;[16]
eolhlp db cr,lf,'Decimal digit between 0 and 31$'
eolerr db cr,lf,'Illegal end-of-line character$'
timhlp db cr,lf,'Decimal digit between 1 and 94$'
timerr db cr,lf,'Illegal timeout value$'
esctl db 'Control-$'
eschlp db cr,lf,'Enter literal value (ex: Ctrl ]) $'
inthlp db 'Kermit-86: Interrupt - type' ;[27]
db cr,lf,' ? to display this message' ;[20c] begin
db cr,lf,' B to send a Break signal to the port'
db cr,lf,' C to return to the Kermit-86> prompt'
db cr,lf,' L to toggle terminal session logging' ;[24a]
db cr,lf,' Q to quit terminal session logging' ;[29e]
db cr,lf,' R to resume terminal session logging' ;[29e]
db cr,lf,' $'
inthl2 db ' to send a $'
inthl3 db ' character to the port$' ;[20c] end
onstr db ' is on$'
offstr db ' is off$'
flostr db 'Flow control: $' ;[19a]
bdst db 'Baud rate: $'
debst db 'Debug mode$'
eolst db 'End-of-line character: $'
escst db 'Escape char: $'
fmst db 'File type is $' ;[16][21b]
ibmst db 'IBM flag$'
locst db 'Local echo$'
logst db 'Logging to $' ;[24a]
parst db 'Parity: $'
tmrst db 'Timer$' ;[21a]
timmes db 'Timeout is $'
filst db 'Warning$'
clrspc db ' ',10O,'$' ;Clear space.
versio db ' CP/M-86 Kermit-86 - V2.9'
db cr,lf,lf,'$'
kerm db 'Kermit-86 $' ;[32a]
pktlin db cr,'Number of packets: '
db cr,lf,'Number of retries: '
db cr,lf,'File name: $'
spmes db 'Spack: $'
rpmes db 'Rpack: $'
hibit db 'Warning - Non-ASCII char$'
ender db bell,bell,'$'
inms01 db cr,lf,'[Kermit-86: Connecting to host...' ;[27][fdc]
db cr,lf,' Type $' ;[fdc]
inms02 db ' C to return to PC, $' ;[fdc]
inms25 db ' ? for help]$' ;[fdc]
inms03 db '[Kermit-86: Back at PC]$' ;[27]
infms3 db 'Completed $'
infms4 db 'Failed $'
infms5 db 'Renaming file to $'
infms6 db '%Function not implemented$'
infms7 db 'Interrupted $' ;[19f]
infms8 db 'File interrupt (^X) $' ;[19f]
infms9 db 'File group interrupt (^Z) $' ;[19f]
infm10 db ' Type: ^X to interrupt file, ^Z to ' ;[19f][30c]
db 'interrupt group, ^C to "abort".$' ;[19g][30c]
infm11 db '[Kermit-86: Logging to $' ;[24a][27]
infm12 db ']$' ;[24a]
infm13 db '[Kermit-86: Logging terminated]$' ;[24a][27]
timoms db bell,'Timeout$'
ermes1 db bell,'?Unrecognized command$'
ermes2 db bell,'?Illegal character$'
ermes3 db bell,'?Unrecognized command option$'
ermes4 db bell,'?Unable to rename file$'
ermes5 db bell,'?No receive file specification given$'
ermes7 db bell,'?Unable to receive initiate$'
ermes8 db bell,'?Unable to receive file name$'
ermes9 db bell,'?Unable to receive end of file$'
erms10 db bell,'?Unable to receive data$'
erms11 db bell,'?Disk directory area full$' ;[28c]
erms14 db bell,'?Unable to receive an acknowledgement from the host$'
erms15 db bell,'?Unable to find file $' ;[28b]
erms17 db bell,'?Disk data area full$' ;[28c]
erms18 db bell,'?Unable to tell host that session is finished$'
erms19 db bell,'?Unable to tell host to logout$'
erms20 db bell,'?Illegal value$' ;[10]
erms21 db '* Aborted *$' ;[12]
erms22 db bell,'?Cannot open log file $' ;[24a]
erms23 db bell,'?Specify new default drive and (optional) user number as DU:$' ;[32a]
erms24 db bell,'?Specify drive as D:$' ;[32d]
erms25 db bell,'?Not enough memory for sort buffer:' ;[34c]
db cr,lf,' Local DIRECTORY, DELETE, and TYPE operations'
db cr,lf,' and wildcard SENDs will not be supported.$'
erms26 db bell,'?Illegal filename$'
erms27 db bell,'?Memory buffer overflow$'
erms28 db bell,'?No filenames above specified starting name$' ;[34c]
; Cursor addressing items (row,col) ;[19b],[30c] begin
scrhdr db 3,1 ;Place for version header
scrnp db 5,22 ;Place for number of packets.
scrnrt db 6,22 ;Place for number of retries.
scrfln db 7,12 ;Place for file name.
screrr db 13,1 ;Place for error messages.
scrst db 5,53 ;Place for "Complete".
scrrpr db 14,1 ;Place for prompt.
scrhi db 7,53 ;8th bit on in character.
scrfr db 8,1 ;Rename file. ;[31]
scrsp db 9,1 ;Send packet
scrrp db 11,1 ;Receive
scrint db 6,53 ;[19f] interrupt acknowledge
scrhlp db 24,1 ;[19f] help line
; Impure storage
extflg db 0 ;Exit flag;non zero to exit.
ecoflg db defeco ;Echo flag; non zero for local echoing.
escchr db defesc ;Escape character for the connect command.
debug db diasw ;Are we in debug mode?
tmrflg db deftmr ;Is the timer enabled?
cpmdrv db 0 ;Initial drive and user ;[32a] begin
cpmusr db 0
defdrv db 0 ;Current default drive and user
defusr db 0
newdrv db 0 ;Storage for resetting drive and user
newusr db 0 ;[32a] end
ESEG ;Extra segment.
INCLUDE C86CMD.A86 ;Get the COMND routines.
INCLUDE C86FIL.A86 ;Get the file routines.
;Note, the following file does not exist. You have to copy one of the system
;dependent files like C86XRB.A86 to a file of this name.
INCLUDE C86XXX.A86 ;Get the I/O routines
INCLUDE C86PRO.A86 ;Get the protocol routines.
INCLUDE C86TRM.A86 ;Get terminal emulation [26]
INCLUDE C86UTL.A86 ;Get the utility routines.
DSEG $ ;Resume data segment.
DB 0 ;Is this really necessary?
;No, but without it you need to specify
;link options to GENCMD so as to make the
;load address allow for uninitialized storage.
;This bypasses that necessity by including
;all uninitialized storage in the load
;module. - RonB