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; CN8XIC.A86
; I/O for ICL PC.
; STARTSYSDEP ; This is so:
; ; will work.
; **************************************************************************
; This is the i/o support module for the Honeywell MicroSystem Executive
; Running Concurrent CP/M (COS-86, FTOS)
; Mark J. Hewitt University of Birmingham, UK August 1985
; Port selection is provided between the V24 and TELEX ports. It is
; impractical to extend this to the PRINTER port because both the PRINTER
; and KEYBOARD are routed through the same interrupt vector, and the XIOS
; code explicitly enables interrupts. This means that if I hijack the
; OS interrupt with what I think is non-reentrant but safe code, and pass
; all the keyboard characters to the OS, when it returns, interrupts are
; enabled, and havoc follows. There are three solutions to this, for the
; brave of heart:
; a) Patch the STI instruction out of the OS image at runtime.
; b) Write the Kermit interrupt service routine to be fully re-entrant.
; c) Do not bother to provide support for the PRINTER port.
; I've chosen solution (c).
; The V.24 port uses the full V.24 standard, and it is therefore necessary
; to loop back the baud rate clock. This appears on pin 16 of the D-type
; connector. This should be connected to pins 15 and 17 for normal async.
; operation.
; A further limitation is that only one Kermit can be run at once, even
; though it would appear that two Kermits could be run concurrently to
; the two ports. This is because the ports share the same interrupt vector.
; **************************************************************************
; Port base definitions
comm equ 08000h ; Telex and V24 port i/o base (7201)
bgen equ 0E000h ; Baud Rate Generator (8253-5)
ictrl equ 0E400h ; Interrupt Controller (8259A)
; And the I/O ports themselves
bgcmd equ bgen+6 ; Baud rate generator command port
iccmd equ ictrl+0 ; Interrupt controller command port
icmask equ ictrl+2 ; Interrupt controller mask register port
tlxcmd equ comm+4 ; Telex command port
tlxbg equ bgen+4 ; Baud rate countdown value for telex port
tlxio equ comm+0 ; Telex data io port
v24cmd equ comm+6 ; V24 command port
v24bg equ bgen+2 ; Baud rate countdown value for v24 port
v24io equ comm+2 ; V24 data io port
; Port selection
ptlx equ 0 ; Telex port selected
pv24 equ 1 ; V.24 port selected
; Interrupt vectors in page 0
ivcomm equ 0100h ; 0:x interrupt vector for Telex and V.24
; Interrupt masks
imcomm equ 01h ; mask for Telex/V.24 interrupts
imnet equ 02h ; mask for network interrupt
imfdc equ 04h ; mask for floppy disc controller interrupt
imbus equ 08h ; mask for expansion bus interrupt
imwdc equ 10h ; mask for winchester disc controller int.
imxxx equ 20h ; not used
imfrl equ 40h ; mask for frame reference latch interrupt
imprt equ 80h ; mask for printer and keyboard interrupts
; Baud rate generator command words
tlxbsel equ 0B6h ; select telex baud rate register
v24bsel equ 76h ; select V.24 baud rate register
; Interrupt controller commands
iceoi equ 20h ; end of interrupt
; I/O register bits
; For communications (Telex and V.24) ports
ccreg0 equ 00h ; Control instruction - select register 0
ccreg1 equ 01h ; Control instruction - select register 1
ccreg2 equ 02h ; Control instruction - select register 2
ccreg3 equ 03h ; Control instruction - select register 3
ccreg4 equ 04h ; Control instruction - select register 4
ccreg5 equ 05h ; Control instruction - select register 5
ccreg6 equ 06h ; Control instruction - select register 6
ccreg7 equ 07h ; Control instruction - select register 7
c0null equ 00h ; Register 0 - null command
c0abort equ 08h ; Register 0 - send abort
c0resi equ 10h ; Register 0 - reset ext. status ints.
c0chrst equ 18h ; Register 0 - channel reset
c0eninc equ 20h ; Register 0 - enable int. on next character
c0rpti equ 28h ; Register 0 - reset pending tx int./DMA req.
c0errst equ 30h ; Register 0 - error reset
c0eoi equ 38h ; Register 0 - end of interrupt
c0rxcrc equ 40h ; Register 0 - reset rx CRC checker
c0txcrc equ 80h ; Register 0 - reset tx CRC generator
c0ricrc equ 0C0h ; Register 0 - reset idle/CRC latch
c1stien equ 01h ; Register 1 - external/status int enable
c1txien equ 02h ; Register 1 - transmitter interrupt enable
c1cav equ 03h ; Register 1 - condition affects vector
c1noi equ 00h ; Register 1 - no rx or DMA interrupts
c1i1st equ 08h ; Register 1 - int. on 1st received character
c1iall equ 10h ; Register 1 - int. on all received characters
c1ialp equ 18h ; Register 1 - int on all rx'd chars, no parity
c1wrxtx equ 20h ; Register 1 - WAIT on rx/tx
c1txbcm equ 40h ; Register 1 - TX byte count mode enbable
c1wten equ 80h ; Register 1 - WAIT function enable
; and some useful abbreviations
c1norm equ c1ialp
c2dma0 equ 00h ; Register 2 - No DMA
c2dma1 equ 01h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 1
c2dma2 equ 02h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 2
c2dma3 equ 03h ; Register 2 - DMA mode 3
c2pri equ 04h ; Register 2 - Set DMA priority
c2ack0 equ 00h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 0 (NV,D432)
c2ack1 equ 08h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 1 (NV, D432)
c2ack2 equ 10h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 2 (NV, D210)
c2ack4 equ 20h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 4 (8085 master)
c2ack5 equ 28h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 5 (8085 slave)
c2ack6 equ 30h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 6 (8086)
c2ack7 equ 38h ; Register 2 - Int. Ack. mode 7 (8085/8259A slave)
c2rxim equ 40h ; Register 2 - rx interrupt mask
c2syncb equ 80h ; Register 2 - pin 10 ~RTSB or ~SYNCB
c3rxen equ 01h ; Register 3 - receive enable
c3scli equ 02h ; Register 3 - sync character load inhibit
c3asm equ 04h ; Register 3 - address search mode
c3rxcrc equ 08h ; Register 3 - receiver CRC enable
c3hunt equ 10h ; Register 3 - enter hunt phase
c3aen equ 20h ; Register 3 - auto enables on DCD/CTS
c3r5bit equ 00h ; Register 3 - 5 bit data
c3r6bit equ 40h ; Register 3 - 6 bit data
c3r7bit equ 80h ; Register 3 - 7 bit data
c3r8bit equ 0C0h ; Register 3 - 8 bit data
; and some useful abbreviations
c3norm equ c3rxen+c3r8bit
c4pen equ 01h ; Register 4 - parity enable
c4ep equ 02h ; Register 4 - even parity
c41stp equ 04h ; Register 4 - 1 stop bit
c415stp equ 08h ; Register 4 - 1.5 stop bits
c42stp equ 0C0h ; Register 4 - 2 stop bits
c48syn equ 00h ; Register 4 - 8 bit internal sync (monosync)
c416syn equ 10h ; Register 4 - 16 bit internal sync (bisync)
c4sdlc equ 20h ; Register 4 - SDLC
c4exts equ 30h ; Register 4 - External sync
c41clk equ 00h ; Register 4 - 1x clock rate
c416clk equ 40h ; Register 4 - 16x clock rate
c432clk equ 80h ; Register 4 - 32x clock rate
c464clk equ 0C0h ; Register 4 - 64x clock rate
; and some useful abbreviations
c4norm equ c41stp+c416clk
c5txcrc equ 01h ; Register 5 - transmitter CRC enable
c5rts equ 02h ; Register 5 - request to send
c5poly equ 04h ; Register 5 - CRC polynomial select
c5txen equ 08h ; Register 5 - transmitter enable
c5sbrk equ 10h ; Register 5 - send break
c5t5bit equ 00h ; Register 5 - transmit 5 bit data
c5t6bit equ 20h ; Register 5 - transmit 6 bit data
c5t7bit equ 40h ; Register 5 - transmit 7 bit data
c5t8bit equ 60h ; Register 5 - transmit 8 bit data
c5dtr equ 80h ; Register 5 - data terminal ready
; and some useful abbreviations
c5norm equ c5rts+c5txen+c5t8bit+c5dtr
cs0rxr equ 01h ; Status register 0 - received char ready
cs0ip equ 02h ; Status register 0 - interrupt pending
cs0tbe equ 04h ; Status register 0 - tx buffer empty
cs0dcd equ 08h ; Status register 0 - data carrier detect
cs0sync equ 10h ; Status register 0 - sync status
cs0cts equ 20h ; Status register 0 - clear to send
cs0idle equ 40h ; Status register 0 - idle CRC latch status
cs0brk equ 80h ; Status register 0 - break detect
cs1sent equ 01h ; Status register 1 - all sent
cs1sdlc equ 0Eh ; Status register 1 - SDLC residue code
cs1pe equ 10h ; Status register 1 - parity error
cs1oe equ 20h ; Status register 1 - overrun error
cs1fe equ 40h ; Status register 1 - framing error
cs1eosf equ 80h ; Status register 1 - end of SDLC frame
; System Calls
p_dispatch equ 8Eh ; Reschedule in Concurrent CP/M
f_errmode equ 2dh ; Set BDOS error mode
p_pdadr equ 9Ch ; Get current process's descriptor (PD)
s_sysdat equ 9Ah ; Get address of system data segment
p_termcpm equ 0 ; return to Concurrent CP/M
c_wrtstr equ 9 ; write a string to console
; Process management equates
pnoff equ 8 ; offset of process name into PD
pnlen equ 8 ; length of process name in PD
pcns equ 20h ; offset to process console in PD
thrdrt equ 72h ; Offset to thread list root in system data
thread equ 2 ; Offset to thread list pointer in PD
; Clock rate *10 for timing loops ;[19g]
clckrt equ 80 ;[19g] 8.0 Mhz
; Maximum number of examinations of output port to be ready before
; rescheduling.
outlmt equ 1000h
; The executable code starts here
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SERINI - Initialisation code
serini: cmp mninit, true ; Ensure that we only initialise once
je serin2
mov mninit, true
; Now check that only one invokation of Kermit exists, and abort if we
; were not there first - too many frogs spoil the pond!
call setname ; set my own process name
call onlychk ; ensure we are the only Kermit
; Initialise the screen
call toansi ; configure the screen in ANSI mode
call clrscr ; clear the screen in ANSI mode.
; Disable I/O interrupts, and save the old interrupt mask.
; CGL - removed
; mov dx, icmask ; read the current interrupt mask
; in al, dx
; mov oldmsk, al ; and save it
; or al, imcomm ; mask off i/o interrupts
; out dx, al ; and reprogram interrupt controller
; Save the system i/o interrupt vectors
; mov ax, ds ; save the data segment in code segment
; mov cs:mndseg, ax ; for use by interrupt handler
; mov ax, 0 ; point to zero page and save both the
; mov es, ax ; system's i/o interrupt vectors
; mov ax,es:.ivcomm+0 ; for the V.24/Telex channel
; mov vscoff, ax
; mov ax, es:.ivcomm+2
; mov vscseg, ax
; Configure the default port
; CGL - removed
; mov ax, 0 ; point to zero page and set the interrupt
; mov es, ax ; vector for the V.24/Telex channel to my
; interrupt service routine
; mov ax, offset isr ; set offset address
; mov es:.ivcomm+0, ax
; mov ax, cs ; set segment address
; mov es:.ivcomm+2, ax
; call setmode ; set UART mode for current port
; call setbaud ; set the baud rate for the current port
; call mnflush ; flush and enable the current port
; call inton ; turn interrupts on for current port
; set BDOS error mode
mov cl, f_errmode
mov dl, 0FEh ; return and display mode
int bdos
serin2: ret ; initialisation over
; INTERNAL ROUTlNE SETNAME - set the name of my process
; This is to ensure that all invokations of
; Kermit have the same name, and thus we can
; make certain that only one is running.
setname:mov cl, p_pdadr ; get the address of my process descriptor
int bdos
mov pd_seg, es ; and save it
mov pd_off, ax
add bx, pnoff ; offset into PD of process name field
mov si, offset myname
mov di, bx
mov cx, pnlen ; length of process name
rep movsb ; move the process name
; INTERNAL ROUTINE ONLYCHK - ensure that the current process is the only
; incarnation running. Only return if we are
; alone (In space, no-one can hear you scream)
onlychk:pushf ; this must be done with interrupts off
mov cl, s_sysdat ; get address of system data segment
int bdos
mov bx, es:word ptr thrdrt[bx] ; address of root of thread list
; Loop through the thread list, looking for processes with the same name
; and differently addressed process dcescriptors to the current one
oc001: push bx
push es
mov si, offset myname ; compare the names
add bx, pnoff ; point at name on thread list
mov di, bx
mov cl, pnlen
repz cmpsb ; perform the comparison
pop es ; restore regs - does not alter flags
pop bx
jz oc002 ; may be myself
oc003: mov bx, es:word ptr thread[bx] ; next process on thread list
cmp bx, 0 ; null terminated thread list
jne oc001
ret ; return through here if we are alone
oc002: cmp bx, pd_off ; check if we have found ourselves
jz oc003 ; we have - this is OK!
mov dx, offset frogXn ; another kermit exists - abort
mov cl, c_wrtstr ; ... prettily
mov al, es:byte ptr pcns[bx] ; the console of other Kermit
popf ; restore interrupt status
add al, '0'
mov okcons, al
int bdos
oc004: mov cl, p_termcpm ; and exit
int bdos
jmp oc004 ; just in case
DSEG $ ; Data used for process management
pd_seg rw 1 ; segment containing current process descriptor
pd_off rw 1 ; offset of current process descriptor
myname db 'Lineuser' ; Name that current process will be known by
frogXn db 'Another Lineuser is running on console '
okcons db 1 ; console of other kermit
db cr, lf, '$'
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SERFIN - restore environment (as far as possible)
; to that which existed before we played with it
serfin: cmp mninit, true ; only deinitialise if necessary
jmp serfn2 ; CGL
mov mninit, false
; Disable i/o interrupt while we reset the vectors
mov dx, icmask ; get present interrupt mask
in al, dx ; and turn off all i/o interrupts
or al, imcomm ; from the V.24/Telex channel
out dx, al ; reprogram the interrupt controller
; Reset the i/o interrupt vectors
mov ax, 0 ; point at page 0 and reset the int. vectors
mov es, ax
mov ax, vscoff ; for the V.24/Telex port
mov es:.ivcomm+0, ax
mov ax, vscseg
mov es:.ivcomm+2, ax
; turn interrupts back on (or off...)
mov al, oldmsk ; restore original interrupt mask
out dx, al
; Reset screen modes
call clrscr ; be tidy - clear the screen
call toft ; reset screen to FT mode
serfn2: ret ; deinitialisation over
; INTERNAL ROUTINE TOANSI - configure screen in ANSI mode
toansi: ret ; CGL
mov dx, offset ansion
call tmsg
; INTERNAL ROUTINE TOFT - configure screen in FT mode
toft: ret ; CGL
mov dx, offset fton
call tmsg
; INTERNAL ROUTINE SETMODE - set the operating mode for current port's UART.
; Port number in cport,
; Current UART command port in ccmdp.
setmode: ret ; CGL
push ax
push dx ; we'll need this
mov dx, ccmdp ; current command port for UART
cmp cport, ptlx ; is it the Telex port?
je smcomm
cmp cport, pv24 ; is it the V.24 port?
jne setmo2 ; must be an error - just return for now
smcomm: ; set UART modes for the Telex/V.24 port
mov al, c0chrst ; reset the port
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg4 ; select register 4
out dx, al
mov al, c4norm ; 16x Clock, 1 stop bit, no parity
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg3 ; Select register 3
out dx, al
mov al, c3norm ; 8 bits/character, RX enable
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; select register 5
out dx, al
mov al, c5norm ; 8 bits/character, TX enable RTS and DTR
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi+ccreg1 ; select register 1
out dx, al
mov al, c1norm ; Interrupt enable
out dx, al
setmo2: pop dx ; modes now set, restore regs. and return
pop ax
; INTERNAL ROUTINE SETBAUD - set the baud rate of a current port.
; port number in cport.
; timer countdown table offset in cbaud.
setbaud: ret ; CGL
push bx ; we'll be using this
push dx ; and this
push ax ; and this too
mov al, bdtab ; check that rate is legal
dec al ; pick up number of valid rates from BDTAB
cmp cbaud, al ; 0 <= cbaud <= [bdtab]-1
ja setbd2 ; just return if not legal
mov bx, offset bdtct ; get timer value
mov al, cbaud ; from timer countdown table
mov ah, 0
add al, al ; word offset
add bx, ax ; bx now points to correct value
mov dx, bgcmd ; dx is now baud rate generator command port
cmp cport, ptlx ; is it the telex port?
je sbtlx
cmp cport, pv24 ; is it the v24 port?
jne setbd2 ; just return if not
mov al, v24bsel ; set baud rate for v24 port
out dx, al
mov dx, v24bg
jmp setbd3
sbtlx: mov al, tlxbsel ; set baud rate for telex port
out dx, al
mov dx, tlxbg
setbd3: mov ax, [bx] ; set the countdown value
out dx, al
mov al, ah
out dx, al
setbd2: pop ax ; baud rate set, retore regs. and return
pop dx
pop bx
; INTERNAL ROUTINE MNFLUSH - enable and flush current port.
; Port in cport.
mnflush: ret ; CGL
push ax ; preserve registers
push dx
mov dx, ciop ; current io port
in al, dx ; flush the port
in al, dx
in al, dx
mov dx, ccmdp ; reset any pending interrupts
mov al, c0errst
out dx, al
mov al, c0resi
out dx, al
pop dx ; port flushed, retore regs. and return
pop ax
; INTERNAL ROUTINE INTON - enable interrupts for the selected port
; Port number in cport.
; Ensure that the port selected is enabled, and
; that all other ports are as the system would
; wish them!
inton: ret ; CGL
push ax
push dx
mov dx, icmask
mov al, oldmsk ; Disable i/o interrupts from the V24/Telex
or al, imcomm ; channel.
out dx, al
cmp cport, ptlx ; is it the Telex port?
je ietlx
cmp cport, pv24 ; is it the V.24 port?
jne inton2 ; must be an error - just return for now
mov dx, tlxcmd ; disable ints from Telex port
jmp iecomm
ietlx: mov dx, v24cmd ; disable ints from V.24 port
iecomm: mov al, c0resi+ccreg1
out dx, al
mov al, c1norm and not c1ialp
out dx, al
mov dx, icmask
and al, not imcomm ; enable Telex and V.24 interrupts
out dx, al
inton2: pop dx
pop ax ; interrupts now enabled - restore regs.
ret ; and return
DSEG $ ; Data used by initialisation/deinitialisation
mninit db false ; flag set when initialised
oldmsk rb 1 ; Old interrupt mask
; Screen mode control strings
ansion db esc, '[$' ; enter ANSI mode
fton db esc, 'Q$' ; re-enter FT mode
; Current port status
cport db ptlx ; current port number - default to TELEX
cbaud db 8 ; current baud rate - default to 4800
ciop dw tlxio ; current i/o port - default to TELEX
ccmdp dw tlxcmd ; current command/status port - default TELEX
; Storage for system interrupt vectors
vscoff rw 1 ; offset for system v.24/telex int. vector
vscseg rw 1 ; seg. address for system v.24/telex int. vec
; Baud rate timer countdown table
bdtct dw 769 ; 50 baud, code 0, +0.03% error
dw 513 ; 75 1 -0.04%
dw 350 ; 110 2 -0.10%
dw 256 ; 150 3 +0.16%
dw 128 ; 300 4 +0.16%
dw 64 ; 600 5 +0.16%
dw 32 ; 1200 6 +0.16%
dw 16 ; 2400 7 +0.16%
dw 8 ; 4800 8 +0.16%
dw 4 ; 9600 9 +0.16%
dw 2 ; 19200 10 +0.16%
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BDSET - set baud rate for current port (cport).
; save current baud rate in cbaud.
bdset: mov dx, offset bdtab ; table of valid baud rates
mov bx, offset bdhlp ; help information for SET BAUD
mov ah, cmkey ; Command parser - KEYWORD lookup
call comnd
jmp r ; error return
mov settmp, bx ; Normal return - save value
mov ah, cmcfm ; Command parser - CONFIRM
call comnd
jmp r
mov bx, settmp
mov cbaud, bl ; save the baud rate
call setbaud ; and set it for the current port
jmp rskp ; end of parsing SET BAUD command
settmp rw 1 ; temporary storage for baud rate
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTSET - set the current port.
prtset: jmp rskp ; CGL
mov dx, offset potab ; table of valid port names
mov bx, offset pohlp ; help information for SET PORT
mov ah, cmkey ; Command parser - KEYWORD lookup
call comnd
jmp r ; error return
mov settmp, bx ; Normal return - save value
mov ah, cmcfm ; Command parser - CONFIRM
call comnd
jmp r
; Now we can do the work - first preset a few registers
mov bx, settmp ; restore port number
mov dx, ccmdp ; current command port
mov al, c0resi+ccreg1 ; and command to select register 1
; establish which port we are to use
cmp bl, ptlx ; is it the Telex port?
je settlx
cmp bl, pv24 ; is it the V.24 port?
je setv24
jmp r ; must've been an error
; Set the current port to be the V.24 connector
setv24: out dx, al ; disable interrupts from current port
mov al, c1norm and not c1ialp
out dx, al
mov ciop, v24io ; Set V.24 port
mov ccmdp, v24cmd
jmp prtdoit
; Set the current port to be the Telex port
settlx: out dx, al ; disable interrupts from current port
mov al, c1norm and not c1ialp
out dx, al
mov ciop, tlxio ; Set Telex port
mov ccmdp, tlxcmd
; and actually configure it
prtdoit:mov cport, bl ; save the current port
call setmode ; configure the selected UART
call setbaud ; set the port's baud rate
call mnflush ; flush it
call inton ; and enable interrupts for it
jmp rskp ; end of parsing SET PORT command
; Data required by the SET commands
DSEG $ ; SET command data
; Baud rate table
bdtab db 11 ; number of entries
db 3, '110$' ; size of entry, and the keyword$
dw 02 ; value returned
db 3, '150$'
dw 03
db 4, '1200$'
dw 06
db 5, '19200$'
dw 10
db 4, '2400$'
dw 07
db 3, '300$'
dw 04
db 4, '4800$'
dw 8
db 2, '50$'
dw 00
db 3, '600$'
dw 05
db 2, '75$'
dw 01
db 4, '9600$'
dw 09
; Help table for baud rate setting
bdhlp db cr, lf, ' 50 75 110 150 300 600'
db cr, lf, ' 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200'
db '$'
; Port table
potab db 2
db 5, 'AUX $'
dw ptlx
db 3, 'AUX$'
dw pv24
; Help table for port selection
pohlp db cr, lf, 'AUX $'
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SHOBD - display the currently set baud rate within
; the SHOW command.
shobd: mov dx, offset bdst ;Baud rate string.
call tcrmsg
mov al, cbaud ;Print the keyword corresponding to the
mov bx, offset bdtab; current value of mnbaud.
call tabprt
; INTERFACE ROUTINE SHOPRT - display the currently selected communication
; port within the SHOW command.
shoprt: mov dx, offset prtst ; Port name string
call tcrmsg
mov al, cport ; current port code
mov bx, offset potab ; and print the corresponding
call tabprt ; textual description
mov dx, offset prtst2
call tmsg
prtst db 'Communicating via $'
prtst2 db ' port$'
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERNAL ROUTINE ISR - Interrupt service routine for Printer, Keyboard,
; Telex and V.24 ports.
isr: cli ; disable intrerupts
mov cs:mnax, ax ; save ax - we will need a register
mov ax, sp
mov cs:mnsp, ax ; save current stack pointer
mov ax, ss
mov cs:mnsseg, ax ; Save current stack segment
mov ax, cs:mndseg ; Switch to my stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, offset mnstk
push ds ; Save registers
push es
push bp
push di
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
mov ds, ax ; set our data segment address
; That's the housekeeping out of the way - now we can start
mov dx, ccmdp ; see if char. ready at default port
in al, dx
test al, cs0rxr ; is there a character for us?
jz iprt3 ; no - clear interrupt, and return
iprt2: mov dx, ciop ; fetch the character
in al, dx
call iproc ; process the character in AL
iprt3: mov dx, iccmd ; signal end of interrupt to
mov al, iceoi ; interrupt controller
out dx, al
mov dx, tlxcmd ; Clear interrupt status at telex/v.24
mov al, c0eoi ; channel.
out dx, al ; note we use the Telex (A) channel
pop bx ; restore registers
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
mov ax, cs:mnsp ; restore interrupt stack
mov sp, ax
mov ax, cs:mnsseg ; restore original stack segment
mov ss, ax
mov ax, cs:mnax ; restore original AX
iret ; all over - return
; CSEG data required by interrupt service routine
mnax dw 0 ; temp. copy of AX
mnsp dw 0 ; interrupt stack pointer
mnsseg dw 0 ; interrupt stack segment
mndseg dw 0 ; location of our data segment
; INTERNAL ROUTINE IPROC - process incoming character from Rx interrupt
; Character in AL
call cglin
cmp cglfin, true
jne ipr1a
cmp floctl, floxon ;are we doing flow-control ? [19a] start
jne ipr2b ;no - go on
cmp al, xoff ;is it an XOFF?
jne ipr2a ;no - go on
mov xofrcv, true ;set the flag
ipr2a: cmp al, xon ;an XON?
jne ipr2b ;no
mov xofrcv, false ;clear the flag
ret ; [19a] end
ipr2b: cmp mnchrn,mnchnd ;Is the buffer full?
je iperr ;If so, take care of the error.
inc mnchrn ;Increment the character count.
mov bx,mnchip ;Get the buffer input pointer.
inc bx ;Increment it.
cmp bx,offset mnchrs+mnchnd ;Past the end?
jb ipro3
mov bx, offset mnchrs ;Yes, point to the start again.
ipro3: mov mnchip,bx ;Save the pointer.
mov [bx],al ;Put the character in the buffer.
cmp floctl, floxon ;do flow-control? [19a] start
je ipro4 ;If yes jump
ipro4: cmp xofsnt, true ;Have we sent an XOFF
jnz ipro5
ret ;return if we have
ipro5: cmp mnchrn, mntrg2 ;Past the High trigger point?
ja ipro6 ;yes - jump
ipro6: mov al, xoff
call prtout ;send an XOFF
mov xofsnt, true ;set the flag
ret ; [19a] End
iperr: ret ; just return on error for now
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CFIBF - Clear serial port input buffer
cfibf: mov mnchrn, 0 ;Say no characters in the buffer.
mov mnchip, OFFSET mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Reset input pointer.
mov mnchop, OFFSET mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Reset output pointer.
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTOUT - send character in AL to current port.
call dopar
push dx
push cx
mov cx, outlmt
call outwait
loop prtou2
call outchr
pop cx
pop dx
; mov cl,al
; prout2:
; mov al,19
; call xios
; or al,al
; jnz prout3
; call dispatch
; jmp prout2
; prout3:
; mov al,6
; call xios
; pop cx
; pop dx
; ret
; INTERNAL ROUTINE OUTWAIT - test if port ready for next char to be sent.
; returns RSKP if ready.
cmp floctl, floxon
jne outwt1
cmp xofrcv, true
je outwt3
outwt1: push ax
mov al, 19
push bx
call xios
pop bx
or al,al
jnz outwt4
pop ax
outwt3: call dispatch
outwt4: pop ax
jmp rskp
; INTERNAL ROUTINE OUTCHR - send data to a port
mov cl,al
mov al, 6
push bx
call xios
pop bx
; INTERFACE ROUTINE INSTAT - determine if there is any data to receive.
cmp mnchrn, 0
jne inst2
; call dispatch
mov cglfin, false
cmp cglfin, true
je inst3
push bx
call iproc
pop bx
jmp inst1
jmp rskp
inst3: cmp mnchrn, 0
jne inst2
; INTERFACE ROUTINE INCHR - read a character from a port
push bx
cli ; Disable interrupts while were are playing.
dec mnchrn ;Decrement the number of chars in the buffer.
mov bx,mnchop ;Get the pointer into the buffer.
inc bx ;Increment to the next char.
cmp bx,offset mnchrs+mnchnd ;Past the end?
jb inchr2
mov bx, offset mnchrs ;If so wrap around to the start.
inchr2: mov mnchop,bx ;Save the updated pointer.
mov al,[bx] ;Get the character.
sti ; All done, we can restore interrupts.
pop bx
cmp parflg,parnon ;[par] no parity?
je inchr3 ;[par] yup, don't bother stripping
and al,7fh ;[par] checking parity, strip off
inchr3: cmp floctl, floxon ;do flow-control? [19a] start
je inchr4 ;If yes jump
inchr4: cmp xofsnt, true ;Have we sent an XOFF
je inchr5 ;Jump if yes
inchr5: cmp mnchrn, mntrg1 ;Under the low trigger point?
jb inchr6 ;yes - jump
inchr6: push ax ;save current character
mov al, xon
call prtout ;send an XON
mov xofsnt, false ;turn off the flag
pop ax ;get back character
ret ; [19a] end
push bx
mov al,18
call xios
or al,al
jz cgli2
mov al,5
call xios
pop bx
mov cglfin, true
pop bx
ret ; [19a] end
; internals CGL
push es
push ds
mov cl,09ch
int 224
pop ds
mov bx,ax
mov bx,es:010h[bx]
mov uda_segment,bx
mov pda_offset,ax
mov ax,es
mov pda_segment,ax
push ds
mov cl,09ah
int 224
pop ds
mov sysdat_offset,ax
mov ax,es
mov sysdat_segment,ax
pop es
mov ax,offset data_pointer
mov bx,sysdat_segment
or bx,bx
jz do_get_sys_ptrs
push ds ! push es
push bx
mov bx,uda_segment
mov es,bx
mov bx,sysdat_offset
pop ds
callf dword ptr 28h[bx]
pop es ! pop ds
push ax ! push cx ! push dx
call get_sys_ptrs_
pop dx ! pop cx ! pop ax
jmp xios
sysdat_segment dw 0
sysdat_offset dw 0
pda_segment dw 0
pda_offset dw 0
uda_segment dw 0
; INTERFACE ROUTINE PRTBRK - Send a BREAK sequence to the default port
prtbrk: ret ; CGL
mov dx, ccmdp ; current command port
cmp cport, ptlx ; is it TELEX port?
je brkc
cmp cport, pv24 ; is it V.24 port?
jne brka ; must be an error - just return
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; break to telex/v24 ports
out dx, al ; select register 5
mov al, c5norm+c5sbrk ; 8 bits, TX enable, Break, RTS & DTR
out dx, al
mov ax, 275 ; for 275 mS
call mswait
mov al, c0resi+ccreg5 ; select register 5
out dx, al
mov al, c5norm ; 8 bits, TX enable, RTS & DTR
out dx, al
brka: ret
; Input character queue
mnchnd equ 512 ;Size of circular buffer.
mnchrs rb mnchnd ;Circular character buffer for input.
mnchip dw mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Input pointer into character buffer.
mnchop dw mnchrs-1+mnchnd ;Output pointer into character buffer.
mnchrn dw 0 ;Number of chars in the buffer.
mntrg1 equ 128 ;[19a] Low trigger point for Auto XON/XOFF
mntrg2 equ 384 ;[19a] High trigger point for Auto XON/XOFF
floctl db 1 ;[19a] If floctl=floxon do Auto XON/XOFF logic
xofsnt db 0 ;[19a] set if XOFF was sent
xofrcv db 0 ;[19a] set if XOFF was recieved
cglfin db 0 ; set if no more chars on aux input
; a small stack for interrupt handling
rw 64 ;Interrupt stack ;[28e]
mnstk dw 0 ;bottom of stack ;[28e]
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERNAL ROUTINE MSWAIT - Delay for AL milliseconds
mswait: ; [34] start
mov cx,5*clckrt ; inner loop count for 1 millisec.
sub cx,1 ;** inner loop takes 20 clock cycles
jnz mswai1 ;**
dec ax ; outer loop counter
jnz mswait ; wait another millisecond
ret ; [34] end
; INTERNAL ROUTINE DISPATCH: Reschedule current process
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cl, p_dispatch
int bdos
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; ===========================================================================
; ===========================================================================
; INTERFACE ROUTINE POSCUR - positions cursor to row and col (each 1 byte)
; pointed to by dx.
poscur: mov bx, dx ;Do ANSI cursor positioning.
mov al, [bx] ;Get row value
add al, ' '
mov byte ptr anspos+2, al
mov al, 1[bx] ;Do same for column value
add al, ' '
mov byte ptr anspos+3, al
mov dx, offset anspos ;Print cursor positioning string.
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CLRSCR - homes cursor and clears screen.
clrscr: mov dx, offset anscls
call tmsg
clrlin: mov dl, cr ;Go to beginning of line
call bout
; INTERFACE ROUTINE CLREOL - clear to end of line
clreol: mov dx, offset ansclr ;Clear from cursor to end of line
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE REVON - turns on reverse video display
revon: mov dx, offset ansron
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE REVOFF - turns off reverse video display
revoff: mov dx, offset ansrof
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BLDON - turns on bold (highlighted) display
bldon: mov dx, offset ansbon
call tmsg
; INTERFACE ROUTINE BLDOFF - turns off bold (highlighted) display
bldoff: mov dx, offset ansbof
call tmsg
anspos db esc,'=xy$' ;Position cursor to row and column
anscls db esc, '+$' ;Home cursor and clear screen
ansclr db esc, 'T$' ;Clear from cursor to end of line
ansron db esc, '[4ZZ$' ;Turn on reverse video
ansrof db esc, '[0ZZ$' ;Turn off reverse video
ansbon db esc, '[8ZZ$' ; Bold on
ansbof db esc, '[0ZZ$' ; Bold off
; INTERFACE ROUTINE DOTAB - do tab expansion if necessary
dotab: jmp rskp ; assume h/w does it for now
; Assorted textual constants required as part of the machine interface
delstr db 10O,'$' ;Delete string.
system db ' ICL Personal Computer Concurrent$'