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475 lines
.SBTTL 65816 version - Ted Medin & Mark Johnson
; Version 1.0
; Based on the KERMIT Protocol.
; $Header: appgs.m65,v 1.7 90/10/15 14:21:04 medin Locked $
.SBTTL Define start address for assembly
.=$1003 ; Start assembly at hex 1003
debug = 1 ;[1.4] debug flag - when 0 will not add debug code
.SBTTL Revision History
; Edit # Description
; ------ -----------
; $Log: appgs.m65,v $
Revision 1.7 90/10/15 14:21:04 medin
new org for 3.87 of $7f00
version 1.6
;Revision 1.6 89/11/06 11:42:28 medin
; Use xon/xoff or dtr but not both
;Revision 1.5 89/01/30 11:39:24 medin
; Version 1.4 add drop dtr and correct some debug problems.
;Revision 1.4 88/01/15 08:43:21 medin
;New origin for 3.81
; Vector for com cards starts here
; location $1003 for data
; location $1020 for routine jumps
; location $1040 for main routines
sscdbd: .blkb 1 ;contains baud index(ala super serial card) used by init
; 6 - 300 baud
; 7 - 600
; etc
.blkb 1
crdnam: .word herld ; null terminated string of who we are
kersli: .blkb 1 ; com slot $n0
kerins: .blkb 1 ; force initialization flag-when 0
endker: .blkb 2 ; address of end of main kermit
flowfg: .blkb 1 ; flow flag for xon/xoff controll b7=1 yes
tl0end .word endcom ;[1.3] end of this routine
timect .blkb 1 ;[1.4] 1 ms delay via rom wait rtn
.=$1020 ; future expansion
tlinit: jmp tl2int ; initialize com card
tl0cmd: jmp tl2cmd ; command for ACIA in A
; 0 - hang up
; $0b - set baud
; $0c - set break on the line
; $91 - xon
; $93 - xoff
; routine will return false(0) if unable
tl0cp: jmp tl2cp ; check for input ch ready-0 false
tl0gpc: jmp tl2gpc ; get input ch
tl0ppc: jmp tl2ppc ; put output character
tl0exi: jmp tl2exi ; reset card and restore initialized
.=$1040 ; futures
;[1.2]wait: .blkb 3 ; wait routine-a reg contains milliseconds
wait: .blkb 3 ; wait routine-apple rom rtn 220=125ms,206=108ms,25=2ms ...
prstr: .blkb 3 ; print string x=lsb,y=msb x&y->null terminated string
rdkey: .blkb 3 ; read keyboard
prcrlf: .blkb 3 ; print cr and lf
telcnc: .blkb 3 ; check for keyboard character
telspa: .blkb 3 ; set character parity
.=$7f00 ; place to start com card assembly
start = . ;need a label at begining
true = 1 ; true is non zero
false = 0 ; but not false
irqsva = $45 ;place dos saves a reg
hctrlq = $91 ;^Q with high bit on
hctrls = $93 ;^S "
cr = $d ;^M carrage rtn
ctrlq = $11 ;[59] ^Q
ctrls = $13 ;[59] ^S
dirq = $3fe ; interupt address
sscstp = $5f8 ; +slot,bit 7 on turns off commands to ssc
comnd = 1 ; command to start with
prntax = $f941 ; print hex bytes in a & x
prbyte = $fdda ; print hex byte in a
herld nasc <//GS SERIAL PORT V1.6> 1 ;[1.1]tell who we are
statms nasc <<- STATUS ERROR ON COM CALL FROM - > 1
temp .byte ;[1.1] index to init array
binita .byte comnd,'F,' ,'D ;[1.1] disable keyboard
.byte comnd,'0,'D ;[1.1] 8 data bits 1 stop bit
.byte comnd,'0,'P ;[1.1] no parity
.byte comnd,'B,'E ;[1.1] enable buffering
.byte comnd,'C,'D ;[1.1] disable line feed after cr
;[1.5] .byte comnd,'X,'D ;[1.1] disable xon/xoff
.byte comnd,'L,'D ;[1.1] disable auto line feed
.byte comnd,'E,'D ;[1.1] disable echo to screen
.byte comnd,'M,'D ;[1.1] disable mask line feed
.byte comnd,'A,'D ;[1.1] disable basic tabs
.byte comnd,'Z,0 ;[1.1] the last in the list
bbrka .byte comnd,'T ;[1.1] go to terminal mode
.byte comnd,'S ;[1.1] now for the break
.byte comnd,'Q ;[1.1] now exit terminal mode
.byte comnd,'Z,0 ;[1.1] last of the list
saveac .byte ; next input ch
gmb .byte 3 ; # parameters
gmbc .byte 0 ; command 0=read 1=write $14=flush-in $15=flush-out
gmbr .word ; result
gmbd .byte ; 7-0 bit image
.byte ; 15-8
gmbz .byte ; 23-16
.byte ; 31-24
; Apple //gs serial interface support
prerst cpx #0 ; first see if there is an error
beq prersa ; no
;[1.4] jsr prbyte ;
preree ;[1.4]
jsr prntax ;[1.4]
ldx #statms\ ; tell what we got
ldy #statms^
jsr prstr
pla ; get low byte of call address
pla ; and the high byte
pha ; now it back correct
tya ; put the high byte in a
jsr prntax ; and print them
jmp prcrlf ; on a line by itself, & let prcrlf do the rts
prersa rts
sei ; lock out interupts
lda #3 ; 3 for param count
sta gmb
lda #0
sta gmbc ; make the command get
jsr dmb ; send the request
lda gmbz ; get the command ignore byte
and #$7f ; make the bit 0
sta gmbz ; and set it in the list
lda gmbd ; now turn off dtr/dsr
;[1.4] and #$fb
ora #4 ;[1.4] turn on dtr/dsr handshake
and #$df ;[1.5] turn off xon/xoff handshake
bit flowfg ;[1.5] see if we should xon/xoff
bpl alow3 ;[1.5] no
ora #$20 ;[1.5] tell firmware abt xon/xoff
and #$fb ;[1.5] turn off dtr
alow3 ;[1.5]
sta gmbd
lda #1 ; make the command set
sta gmbc
jsr dmb
cli ; now allow interupts
;[1.1] sei ; lock out interupts
;[1.1] lda #2 ; 2 for param count
;[1.1] sta gmb
;[1.1] lda #$14 ; flush input queue
;[1.1] sta gmbc
;[1.1] jsr dmb ; do it
;[1.1] lda #$15 ; flush output queue
;[1.1] sta gmbc
;[1.1] jsr dmb
;[1.1] cli ; now allow interupts
;[1.1] rts ; thats all folks
.byte $8b ; should be PHB (push bank on stack)
ply ; and put it in y
ldx #gmb^ ; middle of the 3 bytes of address
lda #gmb\ ; and low
cnsta5 jsr $c000 ; call the extended interface
.ifne debug ;[1.4] conditional assembly
; till apple fixes the bug bcc dmbr ;[1.4] was it good, yes
lda gmbr+1 ;[1.4] see if we have an error
ora gmbr ;[1.4]
beq dmbr ;[1.4] nope
lda gmbr+1 ;[1.4] should be something here
ldx gmbr ;[1.4] ***** debug hope this is the right byte
jmp preree ;[1.4] tattle and let it do the rts
.endc ;[1.4]
dmbr rts
lda #start^
cmp endker+1 ;are we loaded above main
beq dontno ;cant tell yet
bcc trble ;yes we are in trouble
bcs setnm ;ok
dontno lda #start\ ;well lets check 16 bits
cmp endker
beq setnm ;whee just exactly right
bcs setnm ;ok
trble ldx #bad\ ;got to tell someone
ldy #bad^
jsr prstr ;print the message
jsr prcrlf ;and terminate it properly
lda kerins
bne prersa ; already initialized
lda kersli ; first generate the $cn
lsr a ;
lsr a ;
lsr a ;
lsr a ;
ora #$c0 ; finally $cn
sta cnstat+2 ; this sets up the high byte to $cn
sta cnsta1+2 ;
sta cnsta2+2 ;
sta cnsta3+2 ;
sta cnsta4+2 ;
sta tl2cp1+2 ;
sta tl2gc1+2 ;
sta tl2pc1+2 ;
sta tl2pc2+2 ;
sta cnsta5+2
sta cnsta0+2
cnsta0 lda $c012 ; the extended offset
sta cnsta5+1 ; now the jsr should all be correct
jsr alowcm ; allow commands
cnstat lda $c00d ; get the init offset from $cn0d
sta cnsta1+1 ; now set the low byte address
ldy kersli ; y=$n0
ldx cnsta1+2 ; x=$cn
cnsta1 jsr $c000 ; init
jsr prerst ; check for errors
cnsta2 lda $c00e ; get the read offset
sta tl2gc1+1 ; and set up the get ch call
cnsta3 lda $c00f ; get the write offset
sta tl2pc1+1 ; and set up the put ch call
cnsta4 lda $c010 ; get the status offset
sta tl2cp1+1 ; and set up the read status call
sta tl2pc2+1 ; and set up the write status call
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'F ; no keyboard
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
lda #comnd ; start of the command string
jsr tl2ppf ; send it
lda sscdbd ; first the baud
cmp #9 ; hex and dec
bcc tl2inz
pha ; going to need this
lda #'1 ; power of 10 sigh
jsr tl2ppf
sec ; now take away the 10
sbc #10
tl2inz clc ; make it ascii
adc #$30 ; that should do it
jsr tl2ppf
lda #'B ; that says baud
;[1.1] jsr finis
jsr tl2ppf ;[1.1] dont send cr
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'0 ; 8 data bits 1 stop bit
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'0 ; how about no parity
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'P
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'B ; enable buffering
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'E
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'C ; disable line formating
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'X ; disable xon xoff
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'L ; disable auto line feed
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'E ; disable echo to screen
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'M ; disable mask line feed
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'A ; disable basic tabs
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'D
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] jsr flush ; now that baud is set flush previous
;[1.1] lda #comnd
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'Z ; no more commands, accept all chs
;[1.1] jsr finis
stz temp ;[1.1] starting index
tl2iny ldx temp ;[1.1]
lda binita,x ;[1.1] get initialization ch
beq tl2inx ;[1.1] are we thru? yes
jsr tl2ppf ;[1.1] no send the ch
inc temp ;[1.1] ready for next
jmp tl2iny ;[1.1]
tl2inx ;[1.1] thats all
lda #true
rts ; say its ok
;[1.1]finis jsr tl2ppf ; send a out
;[1.1] lda #cr ; and terminate the command
;[1.1] jmp tl2ppf ; let tl2ppc do the rtn also
tl2cp: ldx tl2cp1+2 ; x needs $cn
ldy kersli ; y needs $n0
lda #1 ; input ready?
tl2cp1 jsr $c000 ; status call
bcs tl2cp5 ; *********** debug
jsr prerst ; *********** debug
tl2cp2 lda #false ; ready for no
tl2cp5 ldx tl2gc1+2 ; x needs $cn
ldy kersli ; y needs $n0
tl2gc1 jsr $c000 ; get a ch, tl2cp said we had one
jsr prerst ; check for error, let prerst do the rts
sta saveac ; save the a for tl2gpc
ldy flowfg ;[57] are we flow controll
bpl tl2cp6 ;[57] no dont worry about stopping output
and #$7f ;[59] ignore parity
cmp #ctrlq ;[59] do we have a continue
bne tl2in2 ;[59] no
lda #$bf ;[59] yes, now turn on flow
and flowfg ;[59]
sta flowfg ;[59]
jmp tl2cp2 ;[59] and carry on
tl2in2 cmp #ctrls ;[59] do we have a stop?
bne tl2cp6 ;[59]
lda #$40 ;[59] yes tell all
ora flowfg ;[59] would you believe the remote
sta flowfg ;[59] has asked us to stop!
jmp tl2cp2 ; return false
tl2cp6 lda #true ; hooray we have one ready
tl2cp3 rts ;return with false(0) or true(non 0)
tl2gpc: lda saveac
tl2ppc: pha ; Hold the byte to send
tl2pc0 bit flowfg ; is output on hold?
bvc tl2pcl ; no
jsr tl2cp ; yes wait for ^q
jmp tl2pc0 ; throw away everything else
tl2pcl ldx tl2pc2+2 ; x needs $cn
ldy kersli ; y needs $n0
lda #0 ; ask about outputing a ch
tl2pc2 jsr $c000 ; status call
bcs tl2pc7 ; *********** debug
jsr prerst ; *********** debug
jmp tl2pcl ; ready?,no try again
tl2pc7 pla ; get the ch back
tl2ppf ldx tl2pc1+2 ; $cn again
ldy kersli ; $n0 again
tl2pc1 jsr $c000 ; put the ch
jmp prerst ; let prerst do the rts
lda #0 ;tell we did this
sta kerins ;just in case init gets called
lda #true ; say its ok
exit9: rts
tl2drp ;[1.4]
sei ;[1.4] lock out interupts
lda #3 ;[1.4] 3 for param count
sta gmb ;[1.4]
lda #$a ;[1.4] get dtr stuff
sta gmbc ;[1.4] make the command get
jsr dmb ;[1.4] send the request
lda gmbd ;[1.4] now turn off dtr/dsr
ora #$80 ;[1.4]
sta gmbd ;[1.4]
lda #$b ;[1.4] set dtr
sta gmbc ;[1.4]
jsr dmb ;[1.4]
cli ;[1.4] now allow interupts
lda #true ;[1.4] hope hope
rts ;[1.4]
tl2cmd: ;find out what command
;[1.4] beq tl2rts ;its drop line and we cant
beq tl2drp ;[1.4] its drop line and we shall see
cmp #$0c
beq break ;its a break command
cmp #$0b
beq baud ;its a set baud command
cmp #hctrlq
beq tl2sac ;its a xon command
cmp #hctrls
beq tl2sac ;its a xoff command
tl2fls: lda #false ;unknown command
tl2rts: rts ;que passo ? return false(0)
and #$7f ;drop high bit and send the ch
jsr telspa ;set parity
jsr tl2ppc ;output the ch
lda #1 ;set true return
baud: lda #0 ; force an initialization
sta kerins ; that will reset baud
lda #true ;
rts ;return
jsr alowcm ; allow commands again
;[1.1] lda #comnd ; start of command string
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'T ; terminal mode
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd ; start of command string
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'S ; break
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd ; start of command string
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'Q ; exit terminal mode
;[1.1] jsr finis
;[1.1] lda #comnd ; start of command string
;[1.1] jsr tl2ppf
;[1.1] lda #'Z ; now shut off looking
;[1.1] jsr finis
stz temp ;[1.1]
break2 ldx temp ;[1.1] index into break array
lda bbrka,x ;[1.1] next ch
beq break5 ;[1.1] are we thru? yes
jsr tl2ppf ;[1.1] no send the ch to rom
inc temp ;[1.1] ready for next
jmp break2 ;[1.1]
break5 ;[1.1] thats all
lda #true ; and tell we did it ok
endcom ;[1.3]