Having hundreds of fonts available for use is a blessing. Fonts are one of the most powerful visual aspects of the GEOS system, however, if you are not organized and cant readily visualize your available fonts and there respective sizes, or if you have to sort through a dozen disks to find the font you
looking for, you are not taking full advantage of the GEOS system. Hopefully these files will help you get organized.
are Geopaint files that contain graphic displays of most every font, under 37 point, available on Q-Link or available through Berkely (upwards of 275 fonts). As you know, with Geopaint files you do not need the actual font file on the disk to print out these pages.
On the graphic display pages the fonts will be printed their largest actual size with few exception
If a font has upper and/or lower case available, they will be represented in the graphic of that font. Following the font graphic, if numbers are available in that font, will be printed the font's available sizes, also displayed in their actual sizes. The graphic pages are arranged in two collumns of fonts per page. Each collumn represented is a side of a diskette. For example: Page 1 collumn 1 will be the front side of fonts disk 1, whereas collumn 2 (right collumn) is the back side of disk 1, etc. Ther
is several blocks free on each side of each diskette, however, this is a small price to pay to get organized. Print
out and store them in order in a notebook.
Fonts disk storage can be accomplished by formatting 6 diskettes front and back. Label the front of each diskette Geos Fonts Disk 1, Disk 2, etc. Take all the fonts you have collected and arrange them on the appropriate diskette as they are arranged on the
sheets. Use these Geos Fonts diskettes as storage di
s for your fonts. Copy the fonts from these diskettes to your work diskettes as you need them, returning the fonts to there appropriate slots on the storage disks as you finnish with them. You will always have your fonts easily accessable, both in files, and visually to help you decide on which fonts you will use.
I will update FINN FONTS as future graphic pages fill up. Also fonts over 36 points in size, as well as Laser fonts, will be uploaded soon.