1. As you can see my three new people are not all doing as well as i would like. I set a goal of 85 units per month and they are having a hard time reaching that goal. I have looked at a number of things that may be the cause of the problem but have not had munch luck pin pointing a solution. please review the BAR chart below and see if you can help.
@Figure 1
I have looked at the data in a number of different ways. Figure 2 below displays the same information in a combination point/line graph. This presentation will give you a better feel for the trend by month for each staff member. April was a bad month for everone and I think that this can be explained by the cool temperture for that month. Jack has done very well but as you can see from figure 2, he is on a downward trend. Sue ison a upper trend.
@Figure 2
. In conclusions, We did not meet our goals for the first half of the year in the small section of my office. The office as a whole made up the difference. However I want to improve the output of this section. Please have your people look at the data and provide as much help as you can. Thanking you in advance. Call me if you have any questions.