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#! rnews 2004
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!spool.mu.edu!sgigate.sgi.com!uhog.mit.edu!news.m=
From: Jim Self <himselfo@ipa.net (Jim Self)>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: C=3D64 Users get last laugh
Date: 9 Jul 1996 19:06:40 GMT
Organization: Internet Partners of America
Lines: 38
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4ruak0$nun@katbert.ipa.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ipa-171-3.ipa.net
If you are ever the least bit intimidated by derogatory
remarks about owning/using old Commodore computers,
think about this:
In the late 1940's you could buy an old used up Model T
Ford for $10 to $20. The Model A was slightly higher. A
neighbor of mine suffered the barbs and witticisms(?) of=20
the local gentry because he enjoyed driving an old=20
"Oakland" machine. Who's lauging now?
In the mid 1960's, there was a big old paper-punch=20
reading IBM computer at Fort Huachuca Arizona that was=20
rumored to have cost the Army millions of dollars (yours
and mine). It was rumored that leased time on that
system was figured in the thousands of dollars a minute.
(Rumors,yes, but you know it was high.) As I understand=20
it, a Commodore 64, perhaps even a VIC 20 would outperform
it. I don't really know that for sure but It'd be easy for=20
me to believe. An Abacus data recorder I worked with still=20
used flip-flops and NAND gates on big old printed
circuit cards.
Museums for our old computers are popping up everywhere.
How many are there for the fast IBM compat. PC's? Oh,
there may be or will be but you'll still have your old C=3D.
Can't you get a C=3D64 now for under a hundred dollars?
You'll have fun.
You'll have the last laugh.
Jim C=3D =3D :)
P.S. (Analogy) Do you suppose in 30 years we will be able
to buy an old worn out Columbia space ship for the=20
equivalent of $10 (1945), $100 (1996) and make private
journeys into outer space. (Of course we'd fix it up)
That may seem far-fetched but then so was the idea of=20
owning a desk computer such as the C=3D64 for $100.
#! rnews 2596
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.mathworks.=
From: Jim Self <himselfo@ipa.net (Jim Self)>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: input# unhung ?
Date: 9 Jul 1996 17:07:18 GMT
Organization: Internet Partners of America
Lines: 41
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4ru3k6$dtb@katbert.ipa.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ipa-171-24.ipa.net
n C=3D 64 basic (V2) , using input# to ask the 1541 drive for data h=
as always
been a troublemaker for me. Well, no wonder. One of the early vers=
ions of
the "leetle teeny" manual says that it's going to give you strange res=
ults if you
try to use it. I've been able to use it only so long as I don't let it=
get to the end
of the data before closing the file. So, I would put in a dummy string a=
t the end
and keep track my own eof. This seemed awfully cumbersome. The typical =
around it is to use get# instead and concatenate a string until yo=
u reach a
chr$(13). But it is so much slower than input #. With long files, t=
he loading
time is unbearable.
The trouble starts for me when I input# the last string. The strings=
are all there
but <sometimes> the drive hangs up on the last input# and won't close t=
he file.
So now the entire program is hung.
So I finally got out a disk utility program (Doctor V5) and looked at th=
ings. I
compared programs that would load OK with those that hung. The only diffe=
I could find was that there was a chr$(32) just one byte past what seeme=
d to be
the end of file. This almost slipped my attention since it was apparane=
tly a byte
beyond what I THOUGHT was the end of the file.
Naturally, I then tried writing chr$(32) at the end of my sequential data=
files just
before closing the file as the last Print# to go in. Lo and behold! It=
sort of
surprised me that it worked.
So far, I have been able to use input# relentlessly on sequential data f=
iles with no
more problems.
There may not be many people who still program in V2 commie basic. But i=
f you
do, and didn't already know this, write it down somewhere in your 1541 ti=
dbit file
for later reference so you can experiment with it. I'd like to hear if i=
t still gives any
kind of trouble. I scratched it into the "little teeny" manual which is =
where I go
read when I hit problems.
Of course, none of this has been much tested by me so there still may be =
problems I haven't found yet and so you'll have to keep that in mind if =
you use
I may be re-writing old known history here but I just discovered it and =
wanted to
share it.
#! rnews 1559
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!newsf=
From: Brian Heyboer <bjheyboer@space.honeywell.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: need info on 1541 drive
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 12:58:45 -0400
Organization: Honeywell Space Systems
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <31E28FC5.59A9@space.honeywell.com>
References: <31E01515.178D@microagewny.com>
Reply-To: bjheyboer@space.honeywell.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: bjheyboer.space.honeywell.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Karl K wrote:
> Hi, I am looking for help with a 1541 drive.
> It will come on but will not read. Any suggestions
> or some one got one for sale or to donate?
> Please let me know, Karl K
You are going to have to give more details before we can be of much=20
Did it ever work? What was the last thing you did that did work?
When you turn it on, do both LEDs come on, the drive spin for a short=20
while, and then the red LED turns off?
Can you access the drive at all, or does the computer say "Device not=20
When you try to read a disk, does the head seak but the red LED flashes=20
an error? Have you read the error channel, and if so what error is=20
Can you format a disk? If not, what error is reported?
It coulld be anything from a stuck or dirty head to a major hardware=20
problem, but you've given us nothing to go on.
#! rnews 1116
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!winternet.com!m=
From: malox@winternet.com (Kevin Schaeffer)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Apple //e trade for C128
Date: 9 Jul 1996 17:34:26 GMT
Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4ru572$rkr@blackice.winternet.com>
References: <4rtrn8$1t5@stratus.skypoint.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: subzero.winternet.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Larry Mullaly (lmull@skypoint.com) wrote:
: I am looking to trade an Apple //e system for a Commodore 128 system wi=
: someone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Here is what I would like to
: trade: =20
: Enhanced Apple //e with 128K=20
: Super serial card=20
: Two Disk ][ drives
: Apple color monitor=20
: In exchange for: =20
: Commodore 128 computer=20
: Two 1571 Disk drives (I might also take 1541 drives instead)=20
: 1701 color monitor=20
: All associated power supplies and cables=20
: If interested leave me mail at lmull@skypoint.com
: =20
Try "The Last Stand" its a C=3D bbs in mpls at (612) 533-5267 - very=20
friendly bbs!
#! rnews 8743
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.cais.net!n=
From: csbruce@ccnga.uwaterloo.ca (Craig Bruce)
Subject: Re: How to transfer files from PC to C64?
Sender: news@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca (news spool owner)
Message-ID: <DuA5KE.D7K@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 14:29:01 GMT
References: <4rcep2$net@druid.borland.com> <milocco-0507961828030001@140.=
105.4.232> <4rs2po$iqp@druid.borland.com>
Nntp-Posting-Host: ccnga.uwaterloo.ca
Organization: University of Waterloo, Canada (eh!)
Lines: 224
In article <4rs2po$iqp@druid.borland.com>,
Josh Lubliner <squonk@mousehouse.com> wrote:
>milocco@elettra.trieste.it (Andrea MILOCCO) wrote:
>Thank you! That is _exactly_ what I wanted to know. I tried to reply
>to you through e-mail, but I kept getting bounced.
>There is one problem: That file is apparently corrupted, and I cannot
>unzip it. I e-mailed the administrator.
The file in question does indeed appear to be corrupted, since it looks v=
small and doesn't extract for me either. But, I think that what's suppos=
to be inside of it was posted to this newsgroup in Sept. 1995 by Gaelyne
Moranec. I have included her article below (which contains the
BASIC-program listing).
Keep on Hackin'!
-Craig Bruce
"Never underestimate the power of a simple tool."
Article 42103 of comp.sys.cbm:
From: moranec@hal9000.apana.org.au (Gaelyne Moranec)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: terminal program for 300
Date: 11 Sep 1995 10:30:39 -0500
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway
Lines: 188
Sender: nobody@cs.utexas.edu
Message-ID: <199509111539.BAA26033@hal9000.apana.org.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.cs.utexas.edu
To: comp-sys-cbm@cs.utexas.edu
CE> has anyone got a listing of a 300 baud
CE> terminal program? i just lent a
CE> modem off a friend, but i don't have any
CE> software... if anyone has a
CE> program that i can type in (yes, type in,
CE> currently i don't have a way
CE> of transferring files from/to the C64), i
CE> would be happy, happy, happy,
I have one on my web site:
I just browsed through it and it doesn't seem to have a baud rate - I
would assume that so long as both computers are using the same baud
rate, the program should work.
--------------------- Text Import Start ---------------------
Note, I don't know that an ASCII to Basic converter will convert
all properly unless you first remove the bracketed magazine-style
keypresses ( [blue] [shft-home] etc), then put-in the actual keypresses
after the conversion is done (or at least since they are in print
statements, just bear in mind that they are there in that format, and
will need to be entered properly once the thing is in Basic). But of
course for the original type-in purpose, this is just what the doctor
ordered :-)
10 rem *****************
15 rem * xmodem 64 3.6 *
20 rem * karl schmitt *
25 rem *****************
30 poke53281,3:poke53280,6:printchr$(151)chr$(14):open5,2,3,chr$
35 open15,8,15:u=3D212:d=3D256:w=3D1:e$=3Dchr$(147):c=3D250:s=3D64:p$=3Dc=
40 bl$=3D"[home][5-dn]":er$=3D"[home][8-dn][14 spcs][up]"+chr$(13)
45 ack=3D6:nak=3D21:eot=3D4:can=3D24:z=3D131:v=3D132:f=3D255:m=3D288:p=3D=
50 c$=3Dchr$(.):r$=3Dchr$(18):j$=3Dchr$(13):o$=3Dchr$(18)+chr$(32)+
55 printe$j$"[blue]XMODEM 64"j$
60 print"DOWNLOAD & UPLOAD";:g$=3Dchr$(133):q$=3Dchr$(34):i$=3Dchr$(20)
65 print" TERMINAL PGM"j$j$"DISK VERSION 3.6"j$
70 print"by Karl Schmitt"j$j$
75 print"Hit <f1> For Main Menu."
80 printj$"Use XMODEM protocol for all transfers."j$j$:l$=3Dchr$
85 print"1. Bulletin Board"j$j$"2. 64 to 64"j$j$j$j$
90 print"Type 1 or 2 to begin.":gosub505:ifa$=3D"1"then105
95 ifa$=3D"2"thenb=3Dw:goto105
100 goto90
105 dimf%(f),t%(f),u%(p,v)
110 printe$"Please stand by for 9 seconds."j$j$"Creating Translat
ion tables."
115 forj=3D32to64:t%(j)=3Dj:next:t%(13)=3D13:t%(20)=3D8:forj=3D65to90:t%(=
120 forj=3D91to95:t%(j)=3Dj:next:forj=3D193to218:t%(j)=3Dj-128:next:t%
125 t%(133)=3Dp:t%(147)=3D19:t%(137)=3D3:t%(134)=3D17:t%(138)=3D19:forj=3D=
130 ifk<>.thenf%(k)=3Dj:f%(k+128)=3Dj
135 next
140 rem------------terminal------------
145 printchr$(14)
150 printe$" Terminal Mode"j$:ifa$=3Dchr$(can)thenprint"Transfer CA
155 iffa=3Dwthenprint"When host is ready to receive, hit f1"j$"for
main menu and";
160 iffa=3Dwthenfa=3D.:print" start the upload."j$
165 get#5,a$:ifa$=3D""then180
170 printl$chr$(f%(asc(a$)));:ifa$=3Dq$thenpokeu,.
175 goto165
180 printo$;:geta$:ifa$=3D""then165
185 ifb=3Dwthen:x=3Dasc(a$):ifx=3D13orx=3D145orx=3D157orx=3D29orx=3D17orx=
190 ifb=3Dwthenprinta$;:ifa$=3Dq$thenpokeu,.
195 ifa$=3Dg$thenprintl$j$:goto320
200 print#5,chr$(t%(asc(a$)));:goto165
205 rem-----------download-------------
210 printe$"is host computer waiting to send? y/n":gosub505:ifa$=3D
215 printj$:ifa$<>"y"then210
220 g=3D3:k$=3D"w":gosub345:print:bl=3D.:n=3D.
225 printj$"downloading "f$er$"[up]status"
230 forh=3Dwtop
235 ch=3D.:forx=3Dwtov:get#5,a$:e=3Dst:ifa$=3D""thenife=3Dothenl=3Dl+w
240 ife=3D.thenl=3D.:goto255
245 ifl=3Dmthenl=3D.:gosub525:printbl$"waiting":goto230
250 goto235
255 ifx=3Dwthenifa$=3Dchr$(eot)thengosub520:goto310
260 u%(h,x)=3Dasc(a$+c$):ch=3Dch+u%(h,x):next:ch=3Dch-u%(h,v)
265 if(u%(h,w)+u%(h,2)+u%(h,3)and f)<>.thengosub525:printer$"soh
270 ifu%(h,v)<>(chandf)thengosub525:printer$"checksum error":
275 bl=3Dbl+w:printbl$"block"bl
280 ifu%(h,2)<>blthenbl=3Dbl-1:gosub520:printer$"duplicate bl":
285 ifh<>pthengosub520
290 next:h=3Dh-w
295 ifn=3Dwthenifh=3D.then310
300 fory=3D1toh:forx=3Deottoz:print#3,chr$(u%(y,x));:next:next
305 gosub520:goto230
310 fora=3Dwtoh:forr=3Deottoz:print#3,chr$(u%(a,r));:next:next:close3
315 rem-----------menu-----------------
320 printchr$(142)e$
325 printj$"1. download"j$"2. upload"j$"3. terminal"j$"4. directo
330 print"5. start upload"j$"6. end":gosub505
335 onval(a$)goto210,375,145,475,585,515
340 goto325
345 printe$:input"filename e[rvs-on]x[rvs-off]it.";f$:iff$=3D"x"
350 printe$:input"filetype [rvs-on]p[rvs-off]rogram[space]
[rvs-on]s[rvs-off]equential e[rvs-on]x[rvs-off]it";ft$:ifft$=3D
355 ft$=3Dleft$(ft$,w)
360 openg,8,g,"0:"+f$+","+ft$+","+k$:input#15,a,b$:printe$;a;b$:
365 closeg:goto325
370 rem-----------upload---------------
375 g=3D6:k$=3D"r":gosub345:bl=3D.:fa=3Dw
380 printer$"[up]reading ":fory=3Dwtop:u%(y,w)=3Dw
385 bl=3Dbl+w:u%(y,2)=3Dbl:u%(y,3)=3Df-bl:ch=3Dw+u%(y,2)+u%(y,3):printer$
390 forx=3Deottoz:get#6,b$:ifst=3D.then400
395 fl=3Dy:ch=3Dch+u%(y,x):fora=3Dx+wtoz:u%(y,a)=3D.:next:u%(y,v)=3Dchand=
400 u%(y,x)=3Dasc(b$+c$):ch=3Dch+u%(y,x):next:u%(y,v)=3Dchandf:next:
405 iffa=3Dwthen145
410 get#5,a$:ifa$<>chr$(nak)then410
415 bl=3Dbl-y:y=3D.
420 printer$"[up]upload status"j$"nak"bl$"[up]uploading"
425 y=3Dy+w:bl=3Dbl+w
430 printbl$"block"bl:forx=3Dwtov:print#5,chr$(u%(y,x));:next
435 fora=3D.to1200:get#5,a$:ifa$=3D""thennext:goto430
440 ifa$=3Dchr$(ack)thenify=3Dpthenprinter$"ack":goto380
445 ifa$=3Dchr$(ack)theniffl<>ythenprinter$"ack":goto425
450 ifa$=3Dchr$(ack)theniffl=3Dythenfl=3D.:gosub535:gosub540:close6:
455 ifa$=3Dchr$(nak)thenprinter$"nak":goto430
460 ifa$=3Dchr$(can)thenclose6:goto550
465 goto435
470 rem---------directory--------------
475 printe$:open1,8,0,"$0":get#1,a$,a$
480 get#1,a$,a$:ifa$=3D""then500
485 get#1,a$,b$:printasc(a$+c$)+asc(b$+c$)*d;
490 get#1,a$:ifa$=3D""thenprint:goto480
495 printa$;:goto490
500 close1:goto325
505 geta$:ifa$=3D""then505
510 return
515 end
520 print#5,chr$(ack);:printer$"ack":q=3D.:return
525 q=3Dq+w:ifq=3D11thenclose3:a$=3Dchr$(can):print#5,a$:goto550
530 print#5,chr$(nak);:printer$"nak":return
535 print#5,chr$(eot);:printer$"eot":return
540 get#5,a$:ifa$=3D""then540
545 return
550 print"[clr/home]hit any key for terminal mode"
555 so=3D54272
560 pokeso+1,250:pokeso+5,10:pokeso+15,200
565 pokeso+24,15:forcl=3D1to12:pokeso+4,21:fortm=3D1to1250:next:
570 getb$:ifb$=3D""then560
575 so=3D54272:forcl=3D.to24:pokeso+cl,.:next
580 goto145
585 printe$"is host computer ready to recieve? y/n"j$:gosub505:
590 ifa$<>"y"then585
595 printe$"have the first 12 (or less) blocks to[3 spaces]upload
been read yet ?"
600 gosub505:ifa$=3D"n"then145
605 ifa$<>"y"then595
610 printe$"uploading[2 spaces]"f$:goto405
--------------------- Text Import End ---------------------
#! rnews 884
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.mathworks.=
From: Larry Haynes <larry.haynes@worldnet.att.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Post FAQ, please.
Date: 9 Jul 1996 17:54:05 GMT
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <4ru6bt$lks@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net>
References: <4rri4s$s7@druid.borland.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 94.denver-2.co.dial-access.att.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22ATT (Windows; U; 16bit)
squonk@mousehouse.com (Josh Lubliner) wrote:
>Could someone please post the CSC FAQ?
It's posted monthly and you are only a couple of days late. Try
backing the date up on your newsviewer. Or you can retrieve it=20
from the source. http://www.msen.com/~brain/cbmhome.html
#! rnews 6153
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!not-for-mail
From: brain@mail.msen.com (Jim Brain)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Commodore Hacking Issue #13 Preview
Date: 9 Jul 1996 21:55:02 GMT
Organization: Msen, Inc. -- Ann Arbor, MI.
Lines: 133
Message-ID: <4rukfn$85f@pravda.aa.msen.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: conch.aa.msen.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Wow, guys, it's looking big, but we'll see how it shapes up size wise.
I suspect it'll be coming out early next week.
P.S. Sorry for the delay, but I think it'll be worth it.
###### ######
##### #### #### ## ##### #### #### #### #### #### =
##### ## ## #### ## ## ## ### ## #### ## #=
# ##
##### ######## ## ## ## ##### ## ## ## ## ##
##### ## ## ######## ## ## ## ### ## ## #### ## =
##### #### #### #### #### ##### #### #### #### #### #### ###=
##### =
###### ###### Issue #13
################## Version 1.0
######## July 1996
@(#)contents: Table of Contents
XX. OS/A65: A Multitasking Operating System by Andre Fachat
(Reference: os)
Just when you thought it was safe to run a single program on
your Commodore 64, Andre ups the ante and details a framework
that allows you to coax your machine to do multiple things at
once. If one app was trouble enough, try taming two or more at
a time!=20
XX. Exploiting the 65C816S CPU by Jim Brain
(Reference: cpu)=09
So, the eagerly anticipated accelerator from CMD is becoming
available. Sure it's fast, and it'll boost speeds in existing
applications. However, you know users won't be content for long.
Learn how to take advantage of the extra addressing modes and wid=
CPU registers when you flip the '816 into Native mode. In additi=
Jim will detail the preliminary set of "magic" memory locations=20
in the CMD SuperCPU. =20
XX. Using UQWK with QWKR128 by Gaelyne Moranec
(Reference: uqwk)
After years of using QWKR128 to read BBS email and FIDO echoes,=20
you've graduated to the Internet. Does that mean you'll have to
shelve QWKR128? No way! Gaelyne details how to use a UNIX progr=
called UQWK to package up USENET newsgroups and Internet
electronic mail for offline perusal by QWKR128.
XX. Brad Templeton: The Programmer's Friend - An Interview by Jim Lawle=
(Reference: pal)
Templeton, the originator of the PAL assembler and a driving forc=
in programmer aids in the late 70's and early 80's, reflects on
those early years, where programmer tools were pretty spartan.=20
Travel in time with Brad to an era where IBM specialized in
mainframes, and proprietary schemes were commonplace.
XX. Creating 3-D Dungeon Crawls by Todd Elliott
(Reference: dungeon)
So you have created the world's nastiest dungeon engine for your
torture chamber of a game. Don't forget the presentation. Todd
shows how to create a 3-dimensional scene that will bring your
dungeon to life. This will give your unsuspecting victim the
most realistic gameplay possible.
XX. Using HTML on the Commodore, Part 1 by Jim Brain
(Reference: html)
Your IBM friends are drooling over the World Wide Web and its
markup language: HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Are you worr=
your CBM machine might not be able to handle HTML? Worry no more.
Jim will teach you the HTML language and how it can be used on th=
Commodore system. In part 1, Jim details the language and its
elements and lays the ground work for a Commodore HTML parsing en=
XX. Hi Tech Trickery by Alan Jones
(Reference: trick) =20
Here's the proof you need to kill off the persistent myth that
8-bitters can't cut the mustard in complex computations. Alan
lays some groundwork and details a few tricks in stretching=20
those 8-bits to the limit and beyond.
XX. Hacking Graphics by Stephen Judd
(Reference: gfx)
Driven disk magazine just finished their 4 kilobyte demo contest.
Stephen takes you behind the scenes of dim4, his entry into the
contest. Learn what is inside this 4kB file that expands to leav=
only 8kB memory free. Stepohen shows just how a demo is put
XX. Twiddling the Bits by Ward Shrake
(Reference: bits)
Even though its younger brother was more popular, this older
child of Commodore Business Machines was a fine computer system=20
indeed. Ward Shrake takes us inside the Commodore VIC-20 with
technical information and pinout diagrams. Don't underestimate=20
this workhorse of a machine.
XX. The (cough,cough) Hacking Editor
(Reference: editor)
XX. Input/Output
(Reference: io)
XX. Newsfront
(Reference: news)
XX. Hacking the Mags
(Reference: mags)
XX. UseNuggets
(Reference: usenet)
XX. FIDO's Nuggets
(Reference: fido)
XX. Hack Surfing
(Reference: surf)
XX. Commodore Trivia
(Reference: trivia)
XX. ? DS, DS$: rem The Error Channel
(Reference: error)
XX. The Next Hack
(Reference: next)
XX. Hacking the Code
(Reference: code)
Jim Brain, Embedded System Designer, Brain Innovations, Inc. (BII) (onlin=
e sig)
j.brain@ieee.org "Above views DO reflect my employer, since I'm my empl=
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, VR, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!=
<a href=3Dhttp://www.msen.com/~brain/>Jim Brain: BII, VR, and CBM info</a=
> =20
#! rnews 1121
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.mathworks.=
From: Larry Haynes <larry.haynes@worldnet.att.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: c64 to pc serial
Date: 9 Jul 1996 18:29:04 GMT
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4ru8dg$lks@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net>
References: <4rt2v2$1b58@serra.unipi.it>
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pacino@cli.di.unipi.it (Lelio Pacino) wrote:
>It may be a common question.......but i have a printer (star NL-10)
>with detachable interface for c64, now i want to use it with my pc >(ser=
ial port
>I think),so i need know how to make compatible signals (c64 is not stand=
> serial), have you any possible electronic schema? Thank you.
If it is the "detachable interface" that I'm thinking of, once it
is removed you should be able to use a standard parallel port to=20
printer cable.
#! rnews 1095
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.cais.net!n=
From: dgdela01@homer.louisville.edu (Dan Delaney)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Zip Drives
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 15:42:08 -0400
Organization: University of Louisville, Louisville KY USA
Lines: 7
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <dgdela01-0907961542080001@pubs07a.adm-houchens.louisville.ed=
References: <pine.sgi.3.93.960702020504.17156a-100000@heart.engr.csulb.ed=
u> <zxfnl1x.arca93@delphi.com> <31df2ef4.7d0e@netcom.ca> <4rpkas$1o0m@use=
NNTP-Posting-Host: pubs07a.adm-houchens.louisville.edu
In article <4rpkas$1o0m@useneta1.news.prodigy.com>, RVTP18B@prodigy.com
(David Tuomi) wrote:
> I've used a ZIP on my 128, but only by hooking it up to my 128 through =
> CMD SCSI hard drive. The ZIP drives are a tad inconvenient in that the=
Might I ask WHERE CAN I GET one of these CMD-HD SCSI adapters for the C64=
#! rnews 701
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.mathworks.=
From: koutsos@students.uiuc.edu (koutsos angelo john)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: FS: cartridges for the C64
Date: 9 Jul 1996 20:28:35 GMT
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <4rufdj$2nb@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ux4.cso.uiuc.edu
I have Jumpman Jr. In the original box for the C64
it is unopened !!
I also have Star Trek with docs,
Grid Runner,
Radar Rat Race
(above are loose cartridges)
please make me an offer!!
#! rnews 941
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!newsf=
From: simeon@sndcreate.win.net (Simeon Amburgey)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Lots of Stuff For Sale...
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 17:08:26 -0400
Organization: Sound Creations
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <MPLANET.31e2ca3bsimeon989681@news.win.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: dial-02.win.net
X-Newsreader: MicroPlanet Gravity v1.00 (30 Day Trial)
I have some Commodore stuff I need to sell.
1 C-64
1 C-64c
2 1541 Floppy Drives
1 1750 Ram Expansion Unit Expanded to 1 meg with Battery Backup
1 Super Snapshot with reset switch
1 MIDI interface with lots of sequencing software
1 KXP2180 24pin printer
1 G-Wiz Printer interface
1 Mouse
Lots more
No reasonable offer refused
Simeon Amburgey
Louisville, KY
Amiga user
#! rnews 2054
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!news.texas.net!news.kei.com!news.=
From: ceejack@crl.com (Jack Vander White)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: C=3D64 Users get last laugh
Date: 9 Jul 1996 14:50:06 -0700
Organization: Humanity Against Late-Night Infomercials
Lines: 40
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4ruk6e$llr@crl13.crl.com>
References: <4ruak0$nun@katbert.ipa.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: crl13.crl.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Jim Self (himselfo@ipa.net(JimSelf)) wrote:
: If you are ever the least bit intimidated by derogatory
: remarks about owning/using old Commodore computers,
: think about this:
: In the late 1940's you could buy an old used up Model T
: Ford for $10 to $20. The Model A was slightly higher. A
I paid $35 for my '29 A coupe in '51. A whole two weeks wages=20
back then.
: Museums for our old computers are popping up everywhere.
Here in Silicon country seems like everyone is planning or
opening a museum. I see requests in local echos almost daily
for old computers, but not PCs.
: Can't you get a C=3D64 now for under a hundred dollars?
: You'll have fun.
: You'll have the last laugh.
We have a couple of hundred BBS's locally. Most run by programmers
or hardware people from the local plants of Intel, Hewlett-Packard,=20
Apple/Mac, Packard Bell, etc.. About half have a 64 or 128 setup=20
running in addition to their latest Pentium.=20
Before the Army's Signal Depot shut down I found out that about=20
half the repair tech's there were still running 64's or 128's at
home for their own pleasure. Some even using them to run diagnostics
for the army stuff they were repairing.=20
Jack VW
: P.S. (Analogy) Do you suppose in 30 years we will be able
: to buy an old worn out Columbia space ship for the=20
: equivalent of $10 (1945), $100 (1996) and make private
: journeys into outer space. (Of course we'd fix it up)
: That may seem far-fetched but then so was the idea of=20
: owning a desk computer such as the C=3D64 for $100.
#! rnews 602
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.mathworks.=
From: joy daidola <joydaidola@delphi.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Homecomputer museum
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 96 20:09:31 -0500
Organization: Delphi (info@delphi.com email, 800-695-4005 voice)
Lines: 2
Message-ID: <RtGse8T.joydaidola@delphi.com>
References: <31DFC7B2.709D@algonet.se>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bos1d.delphi.com
X-To: Hakan Karlsson <Hakan_k@algonet.se>
Hi! If you are interested in atari stuffI have a bunch I have no use for.=
#! rnews 817
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.cais.net!h=
From: joy daidola <joydaidola@delphi.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: WT.Trade...stuff
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 96 20:14:17 -0500
Organization: Delphi (info@delphi.com email, 800-695-4005 voice)
Lines: 7
Message-ID: <ZtGvmsZ.joydaidola@delphi.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bos1d.delphi.com
Hi! I am in despirate need of a 386 or
486 computer..I have loads of great
Commie stuff i could trade, as well as asmall amount of cash..If any inte=
E-mail me and I'll tell you what I have.
A laptop would be great,,I need windows.
a mouse and modem..any other software
would be great..Thanks..Please help!!!
#! rnews 1685
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!cs.utexas.ed=
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
X-Comment-To: ChrisC
From: Pontus Berg <Pontus.Berg@p71.anet.canit.se>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 96 19:45:26 +0200
Subject: ANNOUNCE: C64 Prog Ref Gu
Message-ID: <836966726@p71.f411.n201.z2.ftn>
References: <1244570100@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com>
Organization: BoArDgasm, Farsta, Sweden
X-FTN-MSGID: 2:201/411.71 31e31946
X-FTN-REPLY: sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com 4a2ea1f4
X-FTN-Tearline: Spot 1.3a #676
X-FTN-Origin: BoArDgasm, Farsta, Sweden (2:201/411.71)
X-FTN-SEEN-BY: 201/411=20
X-FTN-PATH: 201/411=20
X-FTN-PATH: 201/411
Lines: 18
In a message of 04 Jul 96 ChrisC wrote to All:
C> 1) I don't believe it was the original source code, but a dissasembly
C> and commented code. It is not illegal to reference code in a book a=
C> long as noone uses it to program thier own drive.
It isn't even a disassembly but a a three column description; Name, addre=
ss and
description of the routines! I find that hard to see as something illegal=
, even
looking at it and being picky!
) o/ Bacchus@FairLight.COM Fido: 2:201/411.71 (
) (# HTTP://WWW.Canit.Se/ANet/p71.html (
... In those days dollars were scarce and time wasplentiful (ah, college =
... now dollars are scarce andso is time.
Bruce R. McFarling
#! rnews 2509
Path: pravda.aa.msen.com!news1.best.com!nntp.primenet.com!news.cais.net!h=
From: gsz@dial.pipex.com (George Szaszvari)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: 1526 printer ribbons?
Date: 10 Jul 1996 00:38:42 GMT
Organization: Romulan Ale Symposium
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <4ruu2i$4kn@soap.news.pipex.net>
References: <4rn9i3$s7l@soap.news.pipex.net> <31E28D5E.3599@space.honeywe=
NNTP-Posting-Host: ac187.du.pipex.com
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.6
In article <31E28D5E.3599@space.honeywell.com>,=20
bjheyboer@space.honeywell.com says...
>The 1526 is no a Centronics printer. Are you sure that's what you have?=
>There was an IEEE-488 version (connector looks like Centronics but short=
>-- 22 pins rather than 36), I think its the 4023.
>Assuming it is a 1526 or 4023 (if I have the number right), the ribbon i=
>the same as a Mannesman Tally Spirit 80. Most stationary stores have a=20
>ribbon list they can order from, and the Spirit 80 is listed by most=20
>manufacturers, but not always the CBM's.
>BEWARE that some are selling inked ribbons for use in these printers in=20
>addition to the carbon-film ones. They are not designed for that --=20
>stick with the carbon-film ones even though they are more expensive to=20
>use. Ribbon type is usually a code in the ribbon listing -- be sure to=20
>check. The 1526 has square pins and very little space between pins and=20
>head. Carbon-film ribbons don't leave a residue in the pins, but inked=20
>ribbons DO. This will cause the pins to stick and the resultant increase=
>in power required to "fire" the pins can damage the head.
Thanks for all this fascinating and useful info!=20
Regarding whether the 1526 is centronics or not, I can't say (having just
acquired it) except to quote the six page "manual" that comes with it and=
describes the interface (with edge connector) as *parallel centronics* an=
has a tape that allows the printer to be treated as if it were a device o=
the serial bus. I'll be checking it out in the next few weeks and will le=
the group know in due course....
Thanks for the responses so far...
George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
*** Acorn Archimedes..ARM Club * Commodore64..ICPUG * NW London CC ***