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372 lines
; QT-C128X.Z - patch code for QTERM on the Commodore 128, using the
; SwiftLink-232 serial cartridge from Dr. Evil Laboratories.
; written 5/20/90 D. Goodenough
; modified 6/24/90 D. Goodenough to enable and disable the ACIA on entry and
; exit, added code to manipulate DTR and Break for the ^O . and ^O , functions.
; modified 6/27/90 D. Goodenough to only disable the ACIA on exit if DCD
; is inactive. That allows a temporary escape from QTERM when online to
; do a directory or whatever without hanging up.
.macro readin addr
ld (0xff04),a
ld bc,addr
in a,(c)
ld (0xff02),a
.macro wrtout addr
ld (0xff04),a
ld bc,addr
out (c),a
ld (0xff02),a
; modist - return with z flag clear iff there is a char waiting at modem port
.org 0x0110
modist: ld hl,(_base_)
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
xor (hl)
; modin - read char from modem port: modist has been used to check it's there
.org 0x0120
modin: ld hl,(_base_)
inc (hl)
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
inc hl
ld d,0
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
; modost - return with z flag clear iff the modem can accept another char
.org 0x0130
modost: readin 0xde01
and 0x10
; modout - send char to modem port
.org 0x0140
modout: wrtout 0xde00
; sbreak - start a break condition on line
.org 0x0150
sbreak: ld a,(cmnd)
or 0x0c
jr fincmd
; ebreak - terminate break condition
.org 0x0160
ebreak: jr dtron
; dtroff - disable dtr to cause modem to hang up
.org 0x0170
dtroff: xor a
jr fincmd
; dtron - re-enable dtr
.org 0x0180
dtron: ld a,(cmnd)
fincmd: wrtout 0xde02
; setbd - take byte in a, from baud table, use it to set baud rate
.org 0x0190
setbd: ld l,a ; done elsewhere - see patch area
ld a,(ctrl)
and 0xf0
or l
ld (ctrl),a
jp finbd
; these next eight are byte pairs - the first byte is used by setbd above.
; the second is a -1 for an active baud rate entry, and a 0 for inactive
.org 0x01a0
b38400: db 0,0
b19200: db 0,0
b9600: db 0xc,-1
b4800: db 0xa,-1
b2400: db 0x8,-1
b1200: db 0x7,-1
b600: db 0x6,-1
b300: db 0x5,-1
; setmod - take a byte from the mode table, use it to set the uart mode
.org 0x01b0
setmod: ld e,a
ld hl,cmnd
and 0b11100000
ld d,a
ld a,(hl)
jp finmod
; now the twelve mode bytes for setting comm format
.org 0x01c0
n17: db 0b00000100
n18: db 0b00000000
n27: db 0b00010100
n28: db 0b00010000
e17: db 0b01100100
e18: db 0b01100000
e27: db 0b01110100
e28: db 0b01110000
o17: db 0b00100100
o18: db 0b00100000
o27: db 0b00110100
o28: db 0b00110000
.org 0x01cc
resrvd: db 0 ; reserved
; xfersz - number of K to read / write to disk during protocol transfers:
; must be 1 / 2 / 4 / 8. Generally this is best left at 8 unless you have
; a REALLY slow disk, when writing / reading 8K at a time causes timeouts.
; Drop this to 4 or 2 to do disk access in smaller chunks to help avoid
; the timeout problem
.org 0x01cd
xfersz: db 2 ; send 2K at a time: CBM disks are slooowww.
; this can be bumped to 8 if you're using a
; 1750 REU as drive M:
; speed - simply the cpu speed for a z80 in mhz.
.org 0x01ce
speed: db 2 ; A slow CPU (which is odd, because they
; put a Z80B in there)
; escape - this is the character used as the escape char: since the addresses
; in the table tend to move, we just put the byte here, and then transfer
; to the table later
.org 0x01cf
escape: db 'o' & 0x1f ; use ^O on the 128
; the signon message - change this to be appropriate for your system
.org 0x01d0
signon: db 'Commodore 128 / SwiftLink-232\0'
; now the string for clear screen
.org 0x01f0
clrs: db 'z' & 0x1f, 0
; moveto - this routine is called with a word in hl - h = row
; l = column to move to, at 109 is a routine to print a char in c,
; at 10c is a routine to print a decimal number in hl (for ansi tubes)
.var scrout 0x0109
.var decout 0x010c
.org 0x0200
moveto: push hl ; save coords
ld c,'\e'
call scrout ; lead in escape
ld c,'='
call scrout ; leadin '='
pop hl
push hl
ld a,h ; row to a
call poff ; out it goes w/ offset
pop hl
ld a,l ; col to a
poff: add a,' ' ; add offset
ld c,a
jp scrout ; & print it
; these next strings are used to do various screen functions. There are
; eight of them, and immediately preceding them is a flag byte. Each string
; has a bit in the byte, and if a capability is present, its bit should
; be set. This byte is an absolute necessity, as various programs use it
; to tell if various things are present.
.org 0x022f
tcbits: db 0b11111111 ; bits are:
; 0: bright b_brite 1
; 1: dim b_dim 2
; 2: delete line b_delln 4
; 3: insert line b_insln 8
; 4: delete character b_delch 16
; 5: insert character b_insch 32
; 6: clear end line b_cleol 64
; 7: clear end screen b_cleos 128
.org 0x0230
brites: db '\e(\0'
.org 0x0238
dims: db '\e)\0'
.org 0x0240
dlstr: db '\eR\0'
.org 0x0248
ilstr: db '\eE\0'
.org 0x0250
dcstr: db '\eW\0'
.org 0x0258
icstr: db '\eQ\0'
.org 0x0260
ceol: db '\eT\0'
.org 0x0268
ceos: db '\eY\0'
; Entry and exit hooks. These are provided to perform custom initialisation
; on startup, and also to perform custom code on exit.
.org 0x0270
entry: jp init
.org 0x0273
exit: jp deinit
.org 0x0276
user: ret
.org 0x0279
kbmap: ret
.var prompt 0x027c
; finally a patch area that is provided for patching odd systems that need
; a lot of space.
.org 0x0280
ld a,(b2400)
call setbd
ld a,(n18)
call setmod
pop hl
ld (retadr),hl
ld sp,0x04fe
ld de,(6)
ld hl,{icode - endi} - [256 + 2 + 3]
add hl,de
ld (6),hl
ld (hl),0xc3
inc hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
inc hl
xor a
ld (hl),a
ld (_base_),hl
ld (_here_ + 1),hl
inc hl
ld (hl),a
push hl
ld hl,(0xfdfe)
ld (_jint_ + 1),hl
ld (_ivec_),hl
pop hl
ld de,257
add hl,de
push hl
ex de,hl
ld hl,icode
ld bc,{endi - icode}
pop hl
ld (0xfdfe),hl
ld hl,(retadr)
jp (hl)
readin 0xde01
and 0x40
call nz,dtroff
ld hl,(_ivec_)
ld (0xfdfe),hl
push hl
push bc
push af
ld bc,0xde01
in a,(c)
and 8
jr z,icdone
_here_: ld hl,0 ; filled in later
ld a,(hl) ; get output pointer
inc hl
ld c,(hl) ; get input pointer
inc c
cp c ; is the buffer full
jr z,icdone ; yes - ignore this
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld bc,0xde00
in a,(c)
ld (hl),a
icdone: pop af
pop bc
pop hl
_jint_: jp 0 ; also filled in later
_base_: dw 0
_ivec_: dw 0
retadr: dw 0
cmnd: db 0b00001011
ctrl: db 0b00010000
finmod: and 0b00011111
or d
ld (hl),a
wrtout 0xde02
inc hl
ld a,e
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
and 0b11100000
ld d,a
ld a,(hl)
and 0b00011111
or d
ld (hl),a
wrtout 0xde03
; MUST terminate by 0x04ff