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Text File  |  2006-10-19  |  1KB  |  24 lines

  1. 10 'Program AX130A.BA accesses and pro-     grams the Tandy DMP130A dot matrix      printer.
  2. 20 'Copyright 1987 R.L. Banks, modified by Robert Benson (11/8/91)
  3. 30 IFPEEK(1)=171THENPOKE61194,0:CALL28189ELSEPOKE64173,0:CALL23161
  4. 40 DIMP$(16),O(16):P=160:Z$=CHR$(27):C$=SPACE$(39)
  5. 50 FORX=1TO16:READP$(X):NEXTX
  7. 70 S=S+1:PRINT@120,C$:PRINT@P-(20+LEN(P$(S))/2),P$(S)
  8. 80 IFS<=16THENGOSUB100
  9. 90 IFS=16THENS=0:GOTO70ELSE70
  10. 100 PRINT@247,"<S>elect  <M>ore or <Q>uit"
  11. 110 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN110
  12. 120 IF(I$="S")OR(I$="s")THENIF(INP(187)AND6)=2GOTO130ELSEPRINT@247,"    PRINTER NOT READY!    ":GOTO190
  13. 130 IF(I$="M")OR(I$="m")THENRETURNELSEIF(I$="S")OR(I$="s")THEN160
  14. 140 IF(I$="Q")OR(I$="q")THENMENU
  15. 150 PRINT@247,"  INVALID ENTRY... RETRY! ":GOTO190
  16. 160 I=S:IF(I=8)OR(I=14)THENLPRINTZ$+CHR$(O(I))+CHR$(1):GOTO200
  17. 170 IF(I=9)OR(I=15)THENLPRINTZ$+CHR$(O(I))+CHR$(0):GOTO200
  18. 180 LPRINTZ$+CHR$(O(I))
  19. 190 BEEP:FORG=1TO500:NEXTG:GOTO100
  20. 200 CLS:PRINT@10,"DMP 130A  Programmer":GOTO90
  21. 310 DATA Normal (10cpi),Compressed (12cpi),Condensed (17cpi),Microfont, Correspondence Normal (10cpi),Correspondence Compressed (12cpi),Porportionally Spaced
  22. 320 DATA Start Italics,End Italics,Start Bold  ,End Bold  ,Start Elongation,End Elongation,Start Subscript,Start Superscript,End Sub/Superscript 
  23. 330 DATA 19,23,20,77,18,29,17,66,66,31,32,14,15,83,83,88