Usenet 1994 October
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Subject: comp.sources.x Archives
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volume09 volume10 volume11 volume12 volume13
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volume19 volume20 volume21
index patchlog
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Subject: volume0 (Period: 8 August 88 - 12 August 88)
Welcome1.1 Welcome to comp.sources.x
index.v0 Index for volume 0
awm/part[01-13] Ardent Window Manager(X11)
xwatch/part01 replacement for xbiff and mailbox widget(X11)
Subject: volume1 (Period: 17 August 88 - 12 October 88)
geninfo.1 missing parts
archives.1 comp.sources.x archives
guidelines.1 Guidelines for postings to comp.sources.x
awm/patch7 awm: Ardent Window Manager(X11)
dclock/part01 dclock: A digital clock widget and driver
fonts/part[01-44] fonts: a variety of fonts
mailwatch/patch1 Mailwatch widget
mazedemo/part01 mazedemo: a maze demo program
menupane/part01 popup menu program for the X toolkit
select/part01 select: a selection widget
torch/part0[1-4] torch: dialog utilities
twm/part0[1-7] twm: Tom's Window Manager
qix/part01 qix: An arcade games for X
xfig/part[01-11] xfig: a MacDraw style line drawing editor(X11)
xfig/patch[3-4] xfig: a MacDraw style line editor
xipr/part01 xipr: dumps an X window to an Imagen Printer
xmille/part[01-18] xmille: Mille Bourne for X
xmoire/part01 xmoire, a screensaver
xphoon/part0[1-4] display phase of moon in root window(X10)
xphoon11/part0[1-4] Show phase of the Moon on root window
xplaces/part01 xplaces: toolplaces for X
xsecure/part01 xsecure: Secures a screen under X10
xtools/part01 xtools: an easy way to start X programs(X11)
Subject: volume2 (Period: 14 October 88 - 13 Jauary 89)
awm/patch8 Ardent Window Manager
bitimp/patch1 generic bitmap to Impress converter
emacs.vms/patch1 Gnu emacs for X/VMS, Patch1
font.info large font distribution
hpdoc.c3/part0[1-2] HP Widgets Documentation(Chapter 3)
hpdoc/part[01-20] HP Widgets Documentation
icccm.stat/part01 ICCCM Status Report
icccm/part0[1-7] Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual
intro2.1 Introduction to comp.sources.x
kaleid/part01 a colorful kaleidoscopic display
kaleid/patch1 kaleidoscope
kaleid2/part01 a colorful kaleidoscopic display, version 2
life/part0[1-2] A demo of continuous graphics in a Toolkit window
maze2/part01 a maze graphical maze solver
newrbf/part0[1-2] XReadBitmapFile() that reads Suntools icons, Sun rasterfile
postit/part0[1-2] postit notes
pspeedups/part0[1-2] Purdue speedups to Release 3 mfb code
showevent/part01 subroutine to print events in human readable form
widgetwrap/part01 a different interface to widget creation
widgetwrap/patch1 a differnet interface to widget creation
x.sh extraction shell script for hpdoc
x11.3/patch[1-6] X11 Release 3
xbgsun/part01 programs to display sun bitmaps under X11
xbrowser/part0[1-3] a browser
xchess/part0[1-6] gnu chess for X
xfig/patch[5-6] a MacDraw like graphics editor
xhp/patch1 HP Widget Set
xmille/patch1 mille bourne for X
xmonitor/part0[1-4] monitor X11 Server/Client communications
xmonitor/patch1 monitor X11 Server/Client communications
xpic/patch[1-2] draw and edit diagrams, figures, and pictures
xplaces2/part01 new improved toolplacements replacement
xpuzzle/part01 Another puzzle program
xscope/part0[1-2] A program for view 16 bit digital signals
xsetroot/patch1 set the root background
xtools/patch1 update to xtools
xtrek/part0[1-7] multiplayer startrek game
xtroff/patch3 a ditroff previewer for X
Subject: volume3 (Period: 13 January 89 - 8 May 89)
WidgetWrap/part01 varargs interface Widget routines
awm2/part[01-12] Ardent Window Manager, Patchlevel 9
backup need a volunteer for backup moderator
backup.2 found a volunteer for backup moderator
bdftools/part01 tools for processing bdf files
browserw/part01 file browsing widget
chaos/part01 The Chaos Game
chaos/patch1 The Chaos Game
clover/part01 color demo
copyright Renunciation of Moderator's Copyright
dragon/part[01-10] Dragon -- Game of Mah-Jongg
intro3.1 Introduction to comp.sources.x
intro3.2 List of sources in the archives
kaleid3/part01 a colorful kaleidoscopic display, version 3
kaleid3/patch4 a colorful kaleidoscopic display, version 3
moderation moderation
p2speedups/part0[1-4] Purdue speedups to R3 server, Release 2
p2speedups/patch1 Purdue speedups to R3 server, Release 2
roids/part01 Asteroids for X
secure/part01 patches/additions to provide extra security in X
x11.3/patch[8-9] X11 Release 3
xaw.load.patch/patch1 Xaw/Load.c and related patches
xbench/part0[1-4] xbench -- benchmark X servers
xbgsun/patch1 programs to display sun bitmaps under X11
xcmap/part01 display the default colormap
xcmap/patch1 display the default colormap
xcu/part[01-12] Xcu -- widget set from Cornell University
xcutbuf/part01 xcutbuf
xdbx.patch/part0[1-3] Patches to xdbx
xdbx/part0[1-3] x interface to dbx
xdvi/part0[1-3] dvi previewer
xdvi/patch[1-2] dvi previewer
xface/part01 xface -- displays USENIX FaceSaver pictures
xfig/patch6 a MacDraw like graphics editor
xgif/part01 program to display gif images on color servers
xgif/patch1 program to display gif images
xgone/part01 one more lockscreen program
xgraph/part0[1-6] xgraph -- graph points and functions
xlock/part01 latest version of xlock
xmandel/part01 xmandel -- mandelbrot program for color suns
xnetload/part01 xnetload -- multiple host xload program
xpaint/part0[1-3] MacPaint-like graphics
xplaces.r3/patch1 toolplaces replacement
xprompt/part01 prompting program
xprompt/patch1 prompting program
xsaver/part0[1-3] Yet another screen saver
xsnap/part01 cbs@cad.cs.cmu.edu
xstatic/part01 generate random backgrounds and bitmaps
xwatchwin/part01 watch a window on another X server
xwatchwin2/part01 improved version of xwatchwin
xweb/part0[1-2] Webster client
xwps/part01 xwps -- dump window into a file for Poscript Printers
Subject: volume4 (Period: 5 Jun 89 - 13 Sep 89)
ansixlib/part01 ansi.xlib -- C++ or ANSI-C header files
aquarium/part0[1-2] Aquarium
computer.14.bdf/part01 computer.14.bdf --an OCR font
dclock/part01 dclock -- a digital clock
dragon/board.h board.h for Dragon
dragon/patch1 Dragon
Dragon/patch1 Dragon
dvi.pach3/patch3 dvi previewer (patch level 3)
dwim-twm.patch/patch1 dwim -- "Do What I Mean" Window Manager
info4.1 Info about installing x11-intro-doc submission
info4.2 Followup to x11-intro-doc posting
info4.3 README
info4.4 RAL-speedups archive mislabel
kterm/part0[1-4] kterm -- Kanji (japanese) xterm
kterm/patch1 kterm
ral.speedups/part0[1-3] R3 Sun Server Speedups
rtl-wm/patch1 rtl-wm patches
x11-intro-doc/part0[1-6] X11 Introduction Documentation
xconf/part0[1-5] xconf -- X-based conferencing tool
xcursor/part01 xcursor -- set the cursor for a window
xcursor/patch[1-2] xcursor
xcutbuf/patch1 xcutbuf
xdb/part01 xdb - "X Display Bitmap"
xdir/part0[1-2] xdir -- Directory Browser
xdir/patch1 xdir -- Directory Browser
xdvi/patch[4-5] xdvi, dvi previewer
xf/part0[1-2] xf -- display a list of filenames
xfish/part01 xfish -- see fish swim
xgen/part0[1-3] Xgen - An X-window based applications generator
xgone/patch[1-2] xgone
xhpgl/part01 Xhpgl hpgl 7470 for X10
xlogin/part01 xlogin
xmahjongg/part0[1-4] xmahjongg - (yet another) Mahjongg Game
xmtool/part0[1-3] xmtool -- X interface for ucbMail
xmtool/patch1 xmtool
xperfmon.patch/patch1 xperfmon
xpic/part[01-15] xpic -- pic previewer for X11
xplot/part01 Xplot
xplot/patch1 Patch to xplot (actually to the plot (3x) library)
xrobots/part01 xrobots
xtacho/part01 xtacho -- x cpu tachometer
xtetris/part0[1-3] xtetris - X version of tetris
xtroff/part[01-18] xtroff -- troff previewer for X11
xwps2/part01 Another xwps program
Subject: volume5 (Period: 13 Sep 89 - 28 Feb 90)
cxpr/part01 cxpr -- color xpr program
dwim/part01 dwim (Do What I Mean) patch for X11R4 TWM
eibw/part0[1-2] Emacs Info Browsing Widget
floatbg/part01 floatbg -- slowly modify the root window colors
golddig/part0[1-2] golddig -- A game for X11
golddig2/part0[1-4] golddig2 -- A game for X11
index5 Archive Listings
info Please READ this.
info5 Revised Mail Addresses for comp.sources.x
intro5 README
macstr/part01 macro-string enhancement for Xterm
patchlog5 patchlogs
startx/part01 startx - X Windows session initiator
tron/part0[1-2] Tron - Multiplayer Game
xchess-hpux/part01 xchess under HP-UX diffs
xchomp/part0[1-3] Xchomp -- Pac-Man(tm) game for X Windows
xdir/patch[2-4] xdir -- Directory Browser
xdvi/patch6[a-b] xdvi, dvi previewer
xdvi/patch7 xdvi: dvi previewer
xfade/part01 x fade -- demonstrate dubble buffering and font stuff
xfroot/part01 xfroot - fractal root windows
xfroot/patch[1-2] xfroot
xgifroot/part01 xgifroot - use gif images to set root background
xinfo/part0[1-2] Info Widget for X11R4
xldimage/part0[1-2] xloadimage
xldimage/patch2 xloadimage
xldimage/patch3.[12]-2 Xloadimage
xlife/part0[1-5] Xlife
xlock/part01 xlock -- lockscreen for X displays
xnetload/part01 New xnetload - version 1.5
xpclock/part01 xpclock - pendulum clock
xpclock/patch1 xpclock
xplaces2/patch1 xplaces2
xplot/patch2 Xplot
xrooms/part[01-14] Xrooms -- A Rooms implementation for X
xtacho/patch1 xtacho
xtartan/part01 Xtartan -- generate a Socttish tartan as background
xtartan/patch1 Xtartan -- generate a Socttish tartan as background
xview.demos/part0[1-6] XView example programs
xwps3/part01 Yet ANOTHER xwps program
xwps3/patch1 xwps3
Subject: volume6 (Period: 28 Feb 90 - 27 Apr 90)
dclock/part01 Dclock -- digital clock for X11R4
dclock/patch1 Dclock -- digital clock for X11R4
dwim/patch1 dwim (Do What I Mean) patch for X11R4 TWM
emxhelp/part01 X-emacs-helper
infow/part0[1-2] Emacs Info Browsing Widget
mri/part0[1-3] Motif Resource Interpreter
intro6.1 Introduction to comp.sources.x
intro6.2 Archive Listings
xchomp/part03 Xchomp -- pacman game for X11
vine/part01 vine -- grow plants on your workstation
vine/patch1 vine
wsxc/part01 WsXc - Poor man's UIL
wsxc2/part0[1-3] WsXc -- poor man's UIL
xbv/part01 Bitmap previewer for X11
xbv/patch1 xbv
xchess-hpux/patch1 xchess under HP-UX diffs
xchomp/part0[1-5] Xchomp -- pacman game for X11
xchomp/patch1 Xchomp -- pacman for X11
xchrono/part01 Xchrono -- a multi-timezone xclock
xchrono/patch1 Xchrono
xclock/part01 lclock -- clock with a logo face
xcol/part0[1-2] Xcol -- Color-Selector
xcpustate/part01 xcpustate
xdir/patch[3-4] xdir -- Directory Browser
xdvi/patch[7-8] xdvi
xfig2/part[01-15] xfig 2.0
xfig2/patch3 xfig 2.0
xfig2/patch4[a-c] xfig 2.0
xfig2/patch5[a-g] xfig 2.0
xfig2/patch6.[1-6] xfig 2.0
xfig2/patch7 xfig 2.0
xflip/part01 xflip/xmelt -- fun with your screen
xhextris/part0[1-2] xhextris
xldimage/patch3.[1-2]-2 Xloadimage
xldimage/patch[4-5] xloadimage
xmail/part0[1-6] xmail -- Mail front end for X11
xman/patch1 X11R3 xman changes to run under HP-UX
xmeter/part01 xmeter - Display rstat statistics for X11 R4
xnetld/patch1 xnetload
xnlock/part01 xnlock -- a lockscreen with a nose
xon/part01 XON: Start Remote X Clients with Minimum Overhead.
xpic/patch11 xpic -- pic previewer for X11
xplaces/part01 xplaces
xplumb/part01 plumbing
xpw/part0[1-4] xpw 3.0 -- Poplog Widget Set
xpwdoc/part0[1-2] Xpw Documentation
xsbm/part01 xshowbitmap -- display bitmaps in a scrollable viewport
xscan/part0[1-3] Scantool -- Read from a scanner
xselect/part01 Xselect -- set/read properties from keyboard/script
xstart/part01 xstart
xtroff/patch9 xtroff -- postscript previewer for X11
Subject: volume7 (Period: 27 Apr 90 - 27 Jun 90)
.junk2 Attention comp.sources.x archivers!
Tgif/part[01-21] Tgif-1.2 -- Xlib based 2-D drawing tool
awl/part[01-18] AWL -- layout language for widget hierarchies
ball/part01 Ball -- bounce balls around the screen
infow/patch1 Emacs Info Browsing Widget
intro7/Part01 Introduction to comp.sources.x
ppmtoxpm/part01 ppmtoxpm
psycho2/part01 psychoII, psycho that runs on root windows
scrawl/part01 scrawl
sm/part0[1-2] sm - A session manager
sm/patch1 sm - a session manager
spider/part0[1-9] Spider -- double-deck solitar game
spider/patch1 Spider
spread/part01 spread -- spread a particular color
tgif/part01 tgif -- Xlib based 2-D drawing tool
ufo/part01 ufo -- fly objects around one or more displays
vga/part0[0-8] VGA X11 Server
wscrawl/part01 Wscrawl
xcal/part0[1-2] xcal -- a calendar program
xcal/patch1 xcal
xce/part01 X color editor
xcmap/patch1 xcmap
xcoledit/part01 xcoloredit -- colour mixing/editing tool
xdm/patch1.0[1-2] xdm
xdvi/patch9.[1-2] xdvi (dvi previewer)
xgns/part01 xgns - interface to the geographic nameserver
xlock/patch4 xlock -- lockscreen for X displays
xmail/patch1.0[1-5] xmail -- Mail front end for X11
xmeter/patch[1-2] xmeter - Display rstat statistics for X11R4
xpaste/part01 xpaste
xpaste/patch1 xpaste
xplato/part01 xplato - support for ASCII PLATO Protocol
xpostit/part01 Xpostit for X11R4
xsel/patch1 Xselect -- set/read properties from keyboard/script
xtiff/part01 Xtiff -- TIFF previewer
xtiff/patch[1-3] xtiff
xufo/part01 xufo -- Unidentified Flying Object for X
Subject: volume8 (Period: 27 Jun 90 - 28 Aug 90)
.junk OOoopss. Xlife was 8 parts, not ten.
.junk4 Comp.sources.x out for 2 weeks.
arch.sites8 Archive Sites (how to get X sources for free)
ball2/part01 Ball 2.0
chaos/part[01-10] chaos
dtree/part0[1-2] dtree
gnuplot.patch/part01 Gnuplot 2.0 X11 drivers
intro8 Introduction to comp.sources.x
next.patch/part01 Patches for NeXT platform
rterm/part01 rterm
tgif/patch2.0[1-3] tgif (tgif-1.9 => tgif-1.12)
tgif/patch3.0[1-3] tgif
tgif/patch[4-5] tgif
vpuzzle/part01 Vpuzzle -- screen destruction program :-)
vtwm.patch/part01 vtwm patch to allow "snug"ging of windows
wcl/part0[1-6] wcl - Widget Creation Library
wscrawl/part0[1-5] wscrawl
xbiff2/part01 xbiff2
xbv/patch3 xbv - bitmap previewer
xcal/patch2 Xcal
xcoledit/patch1 xcoloredit -- colour mixing/editing tool
xdbx/part0[1-7] xdbx -- Dbx for X11
xdiff/part01 xdiff
xditv.patch/part01 pic support for xditview
xfig2.8/part[01-21] xfig -- X Drawing Tool
xfont.patch/patch xfontsel font list enhancement
xgrabsc/part0[1-2] xgrabsc -- make images of portions of the screen
xiconw/part01 xseticonwindow
xinvaders/part0[1-5] xinvaders -- space invaders for X
xinvaders/patch1 xinvaders -- space invaders for X
xinvaders/patch2.0[1-2] xinvaders -- space invaders for X
xlife/part0[1-8] Xlife 2.0
xlife/patch8 xlife 2.0
xlogin/part01 xlogin
xmail/patch2.0[1-5] xmail
xmenu/part01 xmenu - popup menus from shell scripts
xmenu/patch1 xmenu
xmntns/part01 Fractal mountains in 3D, by brownian motion
xpeg/part0[1-2] Xpeg -- pegboard for X
xpostme/part01 xpostme (xpostit-2)
xswarm/part01 xswarm
yabv/part01 Yet Another Bitmap Viewer
Subject: volume9 (Period: 28 Aug 90 - 18 Oct 90)
acm/part0[1-5] acm, X aerial combat simulation
choas/patch1 chaos
colxterm/Part[00-14] Info about color xterm posting
dlaf/part01 Diffusion Limited Aggregate Fractal
info9.1 Introduction to comp.sources.x
info9.2 Archive Sites (how to get X sources for free)
rterm/patch1 rterm
sco.patches/part[01-12] patches for X11R4 for SCO UNIX
snftobdf/part01 snftobdf
sun.serpatch/part01 Xsun for CG8/CG9
sunclock/part01 Sunclock - a world-view of the day
tvtwm/part0[1-9] TWM with a virtual root window
tvtwm/patch[1-3] tvtwm
xdesk/part01 xdesk - a simple desktop command manager
xengine/part01 xengine: reciprocating engine for X
xengine/patch1 xengine: reciprocating engine for X
xgrabsc/patch[1-2] xgrabsc
xicon/part01 xicon - stupid little icons representing programs to run
xicon/patch1 xicon
xinvaders/patch3 xinvaders
xloadimage/part0[1-9] xloadimage
xloadimage/patch1 xloadimage 2.01
xmahjongg/part0[1-5] xmahjongg
xmeter/part01 xmeter
xmines/part0[1-3] xmines
xmon/part0[1-5] Xmon - X protocol monitor
xmon/patch[1-2] Xmon - X Protocol Monitor
xnlock/patch1 xnlock - X version of "nlock"
xrolo/part0[1-3] xrolo -- an XView rolodex
xtiff/patch4 xtiff
xtwrap/part01 XtWrap -- R4 Xt-style varargs interface for R3 intrinsics
xv/part0[1-8] XV -- successor to XGIF
xv/patch1 xv
xwater/part01 xwater - a simple but fun simulation of water
Subject: volume10 (Period: 18 Oct 90 - 29 Dec 90)
.junk Introduction to comp.sources.x
.junk1 Archive Sites (how to get X sources for free)
.junk2 new archive site
acm/patch1 acm, X aerial combat simulation 1.0
bdf2ps/part01 BDF to Postscript program
boss/part0[1-6] boss -- transfer data from Casio BOSS to workstations
boxx/patch1 boss -- transfer data from Casio BOSS to workstations
contool/part0[1-6] contool -- replacement for 'cmdtool -C'
contool/patch[1-2] contool -- replacement for 'cmdtool -C'
exedit/part01 exedit
infow/part0[1-2] Info Widget
spider/patch2 spider
sun.serpatch/part0[1-2] Xsun for CG8/CG9
tgif/patch6.0[1-3] tgif
tvtwm/patch4 tvtwm
wcl/part[01-12] wcl -- widget creation library
xbd/part0[1-3] xbd -- Boulder-dash (a game)
xboard/part0[1-3] xboard
xcal/part0[1-3] xcal
xchrom/part01 xchrom
xdvi/patch10.01 xdvi
xdvi/patch10.2 xdvi
xfig2/patch9.0[1-6] xfig -- X Drawing Tool
xhpgl/part0[1-2] hpgl -- HPGL for X11
xicon/part01 xicon
xloadimage/patch2 xloadimage
xlock/part0[1-3] xlock
xmines/patch1 xmines
xmon/patch3 Xmon - X protocol monitor
xpbiff/part01 xpbiff -- xbiff with popups
xpbiff/patch1 xpbiff -- xbiff with popups
xprompt2/part01 xprompt2
xrolo/patch1 xrolo -- an XView rolodex
xsel/patch2 xsel
xt-examples/part0[1-5] Examples from New Xt Book
xtrek/part[01-11] xtrek
xv/part[01-10] xv - display and manipulate images
xv/patch3 xv - display and manipulate images
Subject: volume11 (Period: 31 Dec 90 - 26 Feb 91)
.junk Introduction to comp.sources.x (new material enclosed)
.junk1 Archive Sites (how to get X sources for free)
boss/patch[1-2] boss transfer data from Casio BOSS to workstations
catcher/part0[1-5] catcher -- drag and drop manager
catcher/patch1 catcher - drag and drop manager
contool/patch3 contool -- replacement for 'cmdtool -C'
dbiff/part0[1-2] dbiff -- double-enhanced xbiff
ill.xbm/part01 Optical Illusion bitmaps
kriegspiel/part0[1-3] kriegspiel - a chess variant
mosaic/part01 mosaic
seahaven/part0[1-2] seahaven - solitaire card game
square.xbm/part01 square.xbm -- a bitmap for root windows
tgif/patch6.0[1-6] tgif
tgif/patch7 tgif
wcl/part[01-35] wcl - Widget Creation Library
xboard/part0[1-3] xboard -- extension to XChess
xdrop/part01 Xdrop - drag and drop application
xdvi/patch11.0[1-2] xdvi
xrolo/patch[2-3] xrolo -- an XView rolodex
xstrek/part[01-14] Another Star Trek Game
xsun/part0[1-2] Xsun24 version 1.1
xsunclock/patch[1-2] xsunclock - enhacned oclock
xswarm/part01 xswarm version 2.2
xtartan/part0[1-2] xtartan
xwave/part01 xwave
xxgdb/part0[1-8] xxgdb - X front end for gdb
Subject: volume12 (Period: 2 Mar 91 - 12 May 91)
.junk How to post submissions -- new pet-peeve top 10 list!!!
.junk1 How to get X sources for free.
acm/part0[1-9] acm - X aerial combat simulation
bdftools/part0[1-2] bdftools -- tools for working with BDF fonts
kriegspiel/patch1 kriegspiel - a chess variant
kterm/part[01-18] kterm - kanji xterm
olvwm/part[01-16] olvwm - Open Look Virtual Window Manager
r4.sun.patch/part01 X server patch for sun4's
sharky/part01 sharky -- an X Cursor
stank/part0[1-3] stank
sungc9/part01 sungc9 -- patches for X server to run on sun cg9
tgif/part[01-23] tgif
tgif/patch1 tgif
tvtwm/patch5 tvtwm
xancur/part0[1-4] xancur - root cursor animation program
xcal/part01 xcal
xcal/patch1 xcal3.2
xdf/part01 xdf
xdvorak/part01 xdvorak: Dvorak keyboard layout for X
xicon/part01 xicon
xmartin/part01 xmartin - son of xfroot
xmenu2/part01 xmenu2 -- an OSF/Motif version of "xmenu"... [ plus enhancements ]
xpbiff/part01 xpbiff
xrlogin/part01 xrlogin - X client for creating rlogin and telnet sessions
xrlogin/patch1 xrlogin - X client for creating rlogin and telnet sessions
xroach/part01 xroach
xroach/patch1 xroach
xrolo/patch[4-5] xrolo -- an XView rolodex
xstrek/patch1 xstrek
xtiff/part0[1-2] xtiff
xtr/part0[1-3] xtr
xxgdb/patch1 xxgdb - X front end for gdb
Subject: volume13 (Period: 12 May 91 - 27 Aug 91)
catcher/patch2 catcher -- drag and drop manager
contool/patch4.0[1-2] contool -- replacement for 'cmdtool -C'
font-browser/part0[1-2] X Font Browser
imagemagic/part[01-21] ImageMagick - Graphics display programs
kterm/patch[1-3] kterm - kanji xterm
tvtwm/patch6 tvtwm
unclutter/part01 unclutter
unclutter/patch1 unclutter
unclutter2/part01 unclutter V2
xbattle/part01 xbattle
xboard/part0[1-6] xboard
xboard/patch[1-2] xboard
xcal/part0[1-4] xcal
xdtm/part[01-11] xdtm - X Desktop Manager for the X Window System
xfbrowse/part01 X11 Font Browser
xfig2.9/patch10.0[1-4] xfig2
xmail/part[01-11] xmail
xmeter/patch6 xmeter
xrainbow/part0[1-5] xrainbow
xsh/part01 xsh
xtmenu/part01 xtmenu
xtroff/part[01-14] xtroff - Troff Previewer for X
xxgdb/patch2 xxgdb
Subject: volume14 (Period: 27 Aug 91 - 25 Oct 91)
.junk How to post submissions (if you've never read it, read it again.)
.junk1 How to get X sources for free.
boss/patch3 Boss
contool/patch1 contool
mxgdb/part[01-10] mxgdb -- motif version of xxgdb
olvwm/patch1 olvwm - Open Look Virtual Window Manager
olvwm/patch2.0[1-3] olvwm - Open Look Virtual Window Manager
ora.vol6/part[01-11] Examples from the Motif Programmer's Manual (ORA-Vol. 6)
ora.vol6/patch1 Examples from the Motif Programmer's Manual (ORA-Vol. 6)
pext/part0[1-4] PEXt, A PEX Toolkit
pig/part0[1-3] pig -- hearts-like card game
tclock/part01 tclock -- transparent clock
tclock/patch1 tclock -- transparent clock
ultrix.patch/part0[1-2] ddx support for ULTRIX 4.2 and X11R4
xalarm/part01 xalarm -- alarm clock for X
xantfarm/part01 xantfarm -- an X ant farm...
xarchie/part01 xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie
xarchie/patch1 xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie
xascii/part01 xascii -- ASCII previewer
xbaff/part01 xbaff -- But Another Folder Flasher
xbmtohr/part01 X11-Bitmap to Apple II-Hires Graphic Filters
xchrom/part01 Xchrom 1.6 - A CHROMACHRON like clock (color)
xdf/part01 xdf version 2.01
xgrabscr/part0[1-2] xgrabsc -- grab portions of the screen
xlbiff/part01 xlbiff -- yet *another* biff program
xmalarm/part0[1-2] Motif Alarm program
xmalarm/patch1 xmalarm
xmartin2.2/part01 xmartin 2.2 - grandson of xfroot
xpipeman/part0[1-3] xpipeman -- game using waterpipes
xpsringies/part0[1-6] xspringies -- it's a spring simulator...no
xrload/part01 xrload - xload that monitors tcp/ip activity
xtici/part[01-23] xtici -- TekColor Editor
xtoolplaces/part0[1-2] xtoolplaces
xxgdb/patch3 xxgdb
Subject: volume15 (Period: 25 Oct 91 - 4 Feb 92)
info1 How to post submissions (if you've never read it, read it again.)
info2 How to get X sources for free.
olvwm-3.0/part[01-21] OpenLook Virtual Window Mgr (3.0)
xgen/part[01-17] Xgen - GUI generator for shell-like programs
xhearts/part0[1-6] xhearts (w/ patch #1)
xmail/part0[1-9] xmail
Subject: volume16 (Period: 4 Feb 92 - 9 Mar 92)
X11R5-fix09/part01 X11R5 public fix #9
catclock/part0[1-4] Motif Xclock
contool-3.2/part0[1-5] Contool 3.2
contool-3.2a/part0[1-7] contool 3.2A (Final Release)
engarde/part0[1-2] engarde - an X/MOTIF strategy game
hman/part0[1-6] hyperwidget & manual browser
lyap/part0[1-2] Lyapunov exponent calculator (MOTIF)
olvwm-3.0/patch1 olvwm 3.0
pan/part0[1-6] pan - Post A Note (for Open Windows)
pdraw-1.0/part0[1-2] pdraw 1.0 - PEX/PHIGS drawing program
spy.vs.bob/part01 Spy vs "BoB"
timex/part01 timex - to keep track of time you spend
vex.v2r2/part[01-29] Video Extension for X (v2r2)
vex.v2r2/patch[1-3] vex.v2r2 patch #1
x3d/part0[1-6] 3D Wireframe viewer
xabacus/part0[1-4] X abacus
xalarm-3.02/part0[1-3] Xalarm 3.02
xalarm-3.02/patch1 xalarm 3.02
xcmdpanel-1.1/part0[1-2] xcmdpanel - command panel interface for X
xcmdpanel-1.1/patch1 xcmdpanel: version 1.1 to 1.2
xephem/part[01-24] xephem - astronomical ephemeris program.
xfig-2.1.3/part[01-25] Xfig 2.1.3
xfig4xgraph/part01 xfig drivers for xgraph
xlax/part01 xlax - send keyboard input to multiple windows
xmag/part01 Magnifier (MOTIF)
xmag/patch1 xmag
xxgdb/patch6 patch xxgdb 1.06 from 1.05
Subject: volume17 (Period: 18 Mar 92 - 29 Jun 92)
bricons/part0[1-2] bricons - command panel
contool-3.2a/patch1 Contool 3.2a
lyapunov-xlib/part0[1-2] Xlib only lyapunov
tcl-editor/part[01-16] point text editor (TCL and TK)
vex.v2r2/patch4 vex.v2r2
xautolock-8.0/part01 xautolock (patchlevel 8)
xbae/part[01-12] Xbae widgets (MOTIF)
xbouncebits/part01 xbouncebits - moving bouncing bitmaps
xdvi/part0[1-3] xdvi, dvi previewer
xdvi/part04[a-b] xdvi, dvi previewer
xdvi/part05 xdvi
xdvi/patch1[3-5] xdvi
xetat/part0[1-2] xetat : graphical system activity reporter
xnetload/part01 Xwindow based ethernet load monitor
xnlock/patch2 xnlock patch (version 2.0.1)
xparty/part0[1-4] Xparty - multi-person conference call (MOTIF)
xrsh-5.4/part01 New xrsh/xrlogin: Version 5.4
xsleep/part01 xsleep - trivial X program that sleeps and exits
xtexcad-1.2/part[01-10] TeXcad (X) version 1.2
xv-gauge/part01 xv-gauge (XVIEW) sampling demo
xwebster-motif/part0[1-3] xwebster (MOTIF)
Subject: volume18 (Period: 8 Jul 92 - 1 Mar 92)
X11R5-fix10/part0[1-2] X11R5 public fix #10
X11R5-fix11/part01 X11R5 public fix #11
X11R5-fix12/part0[1-5] X11R5 public fix #12
X11R5-fix13/part0[1-5] X11R5 public fix #13
X11R5-fix14/part0[1-2] X11R5 public fix #14
X11-fix15/part01 X11R5 public fix #15
X11-fix16/part0[1-3] X11R5 public fix #16
X11R5-fix17/part0[1-2] X11R5 public fix #17
bibview/part[01-20] bibview - BibTeX GUI
bricons-1.0/part0[1-2] bricons - iconic command panel
ftptool-4.3/part[01-12] Ftptool 4.3 (XVIEW)
none/part[01-15] wscrawl
olvwm-3.0/patch2.0[1-4] olvwm 3.0
wclock/part0[1-4] Wclock - another X clock
xalarm-3.04/part0[1-5] Xalarm 3.04
xalarm-3.04/patch1 xalarm-3.04
xbae/patch2 Xbae 3.6 -> 3.7
xdtree/part0[1-3] xdtree (Motif)
xgrabsc-2.1/part0[1-5] xgrabsc v2.1 - grab screen dump
xmandel/part0[1-3] Xmandelbrot
xmris/part0[1-9] Xmris - an X video game
xmris/patch1 Xmris
xmris/patch1.0[1-5] xmris version 2.00
xrotfont/part0[1-3] Xrotfont - draw rotated text
xsol/part0[1-4] xsol - solitare game for X windows
xsplinefun/part01 Xsplinefun
xview-1.0/part0[1-2] xvier v1.0 - cute GO'ish game
xvtdl-3.0/part0[1-6] XVTDL 3.0
Subject: volume19 (Period: 1 Mar 92 - 21 May 93)
Jetedit/part0[1-4] Jetedit - A Motif text editor
Jetedit/patch0[1-3] Jetedit - A Motif text editor
Xod/part0[1-4] Xod - Octal dump for Xwindows
Xtoolplaces/part0[1-3] Xtoolplaces - save current X desktop window information
blast/part01 blast - X Shape Extension program to blast holes in your windows
indx19v01-08 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume01 through Volume08
indx19v09-16 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume09 through Volume16
indx19v17-18 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume17 through Volume18
intro19 Introduction to comp.sources.x
logwatcher/part01 logwatcher - a graphical monitor for dynamic {log,mail,...} files
mines/part01 mines - Yet another mines game
mit.patch24 X11R5 public fix #24 available
patchlog19 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.x
pixmon/part0[1-3] pixmon - a pixel graphics backend
wclock/patch01 wclock - Wclock - another X clock
wkshTree/part0[1-2] wkshTree - Windowing Korn Shell Widget Tree. Examples of wksh widgets.
workman/part0[1-9] workman - CD player for HP, Sun, DEC, Linux
xblockbuster/part0[1-5] xblockbuster - a variation of the break-out type games
xblockbuster/patch0[1-2] xblockbuster - a variation of the break-out type games
xbmbrowser/part01 xbmbrowser - browse bitmaps in a directory V1.0
xephem/part[01-21] xephem - astronomical ephemeris program
xfsm/part01 xfsm - X Files System Monitor
xgetftp/part0[1-4] xgetftp - Friendly anonymous ftp tool
xgetftp/patch0[1-2] xgetftp - Friendly anonymous ftp tool
xinvaders/part0[1-3] xinvaders - space invaders for X
xmail/part[01-10] xmail - X Window System interface to the mail program
xodometer/part0[1-4] xodometer - Track pointer and measure distance moved
xpt/part01 xpt - An X Periodic Table
xpt/patch01 xpt - An X Periodic Table
xruler/part01 xruler - vertical/horizontal transparent ruler or grid
xspringies/part[01-16] xspringies - it's a spring simulator...no, it's a game
xtmines/part0[1-2] xtmines - A game where you try to cross a minefield
xvertext/part0[1-2] xvertext - functions for drawing text at ANY ANGLE in an X window
xview-1.0/patch01 xview-1.0 - cute GO'ish game
xfig/part[01-27] xfig - Draw amd manipulate objects in an X-Window
xroute/part01 xroute - Route X-Protocol through Internet gateway
Subject: volume20 (Period: 23 May 93 - 25 Sep 1993)
intro20 Introduction to comp.sources.x
indx20v01-08 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume01 through Volume08
indx20v09-16 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume09 through Volume16
indx20v17-19 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume17 through Volume19
imagemagic/part[01-38] imagemagic - X11 image processing and display
kdrill/part01 kdrill - Kanji drill program
mrolo/part0[1-2] mrolo - Motif rolodex
patchlog20 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.x
pexdraw/part[01-14] pexdraw - A PEX drawing program
x11r5-info X11R5 public fix #25 available
xarchie/part[01-24] xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie, v2.0.6
xarchie/patch01 xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie
xball/part0[1-5] xball - simulate bouncing balls in a window
xblockbuster/patch03 xblockbuster - a variation of the break-out type games
xboing/part[01-26] xboing - a simple blockout type game
xclipboard/part0[1-2] xclipboard - Load, save and print the X clipboard
xdvi/patch16[a-b] xdvi - dvi previewer
xdvi/patch17 xdvi - dvi previewer
xephem/patch01 xephem - astronomical ephemeris program
xfig/patch01 xfig - Draw amd manipulate objects in an X-Window
xgrabsc/part0[1-5] xgrabsc - Grab and dump X displays
xmps/part0[1-3] xmps - Motif process monitor
xroute/patch0[1-2] xroute - Route X-Protocol through Internet gateways
xpt/part0[1-2] xpt - An X Periodic Table
Subject: volume21 (Period: 25 Sep 1993 - current)
intro21 Introduction to comp.sources.x
indx21v01-08 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume01 through Volume08
indx21v09-16 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume09 through Volume16
indx21v17-20 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume17 through Volume20
patchlog21 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.x
xarchie/patch0[2-3] xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie
kdrill/part0[1-2] kdrill - A program to quiz folks on kanji
lyap/part0[1-3] lyap - Calculate Lyapunov fractals
mrolo/part0[1-3] mrolo - Motif rolodex
xsysstats/part01 xsysstats - A partial perfmeter clone
sxpc/part01 sxpc - Silly X Protocol Compressor
notes/part0[1-2] notes - an X11R5 note pad based on the Athena Widget set
xwinpr/part01 xwinpr - Print an X-Window
xtamil/part0[1-4] xtamil - X bdf Tamil font having both ASCII and Tamil in the same font
xfig/patch02[a-p] xfig - Draw amd manipulate objects in an X-Window
pan/part0[1-6] pan - A post a note program
mrolo/patch0[1-2] mrolo - Motif rolodex
xsysstats2/part01 xsysstats2 - A partial perfmeter clone
xfsp/part0[1-2] xfsp - X based front-end for the FSP package
xvig/part[01-10] xvig - XviG Graphics Library
xsokoban/part0[1-4] xsokoban - Simple but complex move the stones game
sokoban/part01 sokoban - Missing files from XSokoban posting
xmcd/part01 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part01/13
xmcd/part02 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part02/13
xmcd/part03 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part03/13
xmcd/part04 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part04/13
xmcd/part05 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part05/13
xmcd/part06 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part06/13
xmcd/part09 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part09/13
xmcd/part08 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part08/13
xmcd/part07 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part07/13
xmcd/part10 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part10/13
xmcd/part13 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part13/13
xmcd/part12 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part12/13
xmcd/part11 xmcd - X11/Motif CD audio player, Part11/13
xcal/part02 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part02/08
xcal/part01 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part01/08
xcal/part04 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part04/08
xcal/part05 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part05/08
xcal/part07 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part07/08
xcal/part06 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part06/08
xcal/part03 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part03/08
xcal/part08 xcal - A calendar program for X, Part08/08
xmine/part01 xmine - X11-based version of the popular PC game Minesweeper, Part01/01
xaniroc/part01 xaniroc - change the root window cursor into a rotating X, Part01/01
t3d/part01 t3d - 3D Flying Balls as Clock, Part01/01
perf/part01 perf - A better perfmeter clone, Part01/01
xwit/part01 xwit - a miscellany of trivial X11 functions, Part01/01
xforward/part01 xforward - X through a firewall, Part01/01
walls/part01 walls - horizontal walls for multiheaded Suns under X11R5, Part01/01
xmine/patch01 xmine - X11-based version of the popular PC game Minesweeper, Patch01
xmine/patch02 xmine - X11-based version of the popular PC game Minesweeper, Patch02
xmoveit/part01 xmoveit - Move windows around screen by time, Part01/01
xteddy/part03 xteddy - Put a teddy bear on your desktop, Part03/03
xteddy/part04 xteddy - Put a teddy bear on the desktop, Part04/04
xteddy/part02 xteddy - Put a teddy bear on the desktop, Part02/04
xteddy/part01 xteddy - Put a teddy bear on the desktop, Part01/04
xsokoban3.1/part06 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part06/07
xsokoban3.1/part01 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part01/07
xsokoban3.1/part05 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part05/07
xsokoban3.1/part04 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part04/07
xsokoban3.1/part03 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part03/07
xsokoban3.1/part02 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part02/07
xsokoban3.1/part07 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Part07/07
xmove/part01 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part01/16
xmove/part03 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part03/16
xmove/part04 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part04/16
xmove/part05 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part05/16
xmove/part06 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part06/16
xmove/part07 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part07/16
xmove/part02 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part02/16
xmove/part09 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part09/16
xmove/part10 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part10/16
xmove/part11 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part11/16
xmove/part08 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part08/16
xmove/part13 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part13/16
xmove/part15 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part15/16
xmove/part16 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part16/16
xmove/part12 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part12/16
xmove/part14 xmove - PD pseudoserver for moving clients between displays, Part14/16
xvortex/part01 xvortex - display an infinite vortex of concentric rings, Part01/01
xc_clock/part01 xc_clock - Xlib based clock which can change time shown by moving hands, Part01/01
xfsm/part01 xfsm - a simple file system monitor which runs under X11, Part01/02
xfsm/part02 xfsm - a simple file system monitor which runs under X11, Part02/02
xmountains/part01 xmountains - generates scrolling fractal mountains, Part01/01
libsx/part01 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part01/06
libsx/part02 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part02/06
libsx/part05 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part05/06
libsx/part06 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part06/06
libsx/part03 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part03/06
libsx/part04 libsx - a simple X library for writing applications, Part04/06
xslower/part01 xslower - simulates limited-speed X, Part01/01
xsokoban3.1/patch01 xsokoban3.1 - Simple but complex move the stones game, Patch01
xmountains/patch01 xmountains - generates scrolling fractal mountains, Patch01
intro22 Introduction to comp.sources.x
indx22v01-08 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume01 through Volume08
indx22v09-16 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume09 through Volume16
indx22v17-21 Index for comp.sources.x, Volume17 through Volume21
patchlog22 Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.x
xslideshow/part01 xslideshow - Show images width fade-ins and fade-outs between, Part01/04
xslideshow/part02 xslideshow - Show images width fade-ins and fade-outs between, Part02/04
xslideshow/part03 xslideshow - Show images width fade-ins and fade-outs between, Part03/04
xslideshow/part04 xslideshow - Show images width fade-ins and fade-outs between, Part04/04
contool/part01 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part01/08
contool/part02 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part02/08
contool/part03 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part03/08
contool/part04 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part04/08
contool/part05 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part05/08
contool/part06 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part06/08
contool/part07 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part07/08
contool/part08 contool - replacement for 'cmdtool -C', Part08/08
xmoondial/part01 xmoondial - a phase-of-the-moon dial for clocks, Part01/01
xmcd/part01 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part01/12
xmcd/part02 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part02/12
xmcd/part03 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part03/12
xmcd/part04 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part04/12
xmcd/part05 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part05/12
xmcd/part06 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part06/12
xmcd/part07 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part07/12
xmcd/part08 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part08/12
xmcd/part09 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part09/12
xmcd/part10 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part10/12
xmcd/part11 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part11/12
xmcd/part12 xmcd - X11/Motif CD Player, Part12/12
xising/part01 xising - a microcanonical Ising simulation for Xwindows, Part01/01
xmountains/patch02 xmountains - generates scrolling fractal mountains, Patch02
kdrill/part01 kdrill - A program to quiz folks on kanji, Part01/02
kdrill/part02 kdrill - A program to quiz folks on kanji, Part02/02
notes/part01 notes - an X11R5 note pad based on the Athena Widget set, Part01/03
notes/part02 notes - an X11R5 note pad based on the Athena Widget set, Part02/03
notes/part03 notes - an X11R5 note pad based on the Athena Widget set, Part03/03
xgdvorak/part01 xgdvorak - german version of dvorak keyboard layout, Part01/01
Jetedit/patch04 Jetedit - A Motif text editor, Patch04
imagemagick/part01 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part01/53
imagemagick/part02 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part02/53
imagemagick/part03 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part03/53
imagemagick/part04 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part04/53
imagemagick/part05 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part05/53
imagemagick/part06 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part06/53
imagemagick/part07 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part07/53
imagemagick/part08 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part08/53
imagemagick/part09 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part09/53
imagemagick/part10 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part10/53
imagemagick/part11 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part11/53
imagemagick/part12 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part12/53
imagemagick/part13 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part13/53
imagemagick/part14 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part14/53
imagemagick/part15 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part15/53
imagemagick/part16 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part16/53
imagemagick/part17 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part17/53
imagemagick/part18 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part18/53
imagemagick/part19 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part19/53
imagemagick/part20 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part20/53
imagemagick/part21 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part21/53
imagemagick/part22 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part22/53
imagemagick/part23 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part23/53
imagemagick/part24 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part24/53
imagemagick/part25 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part25/53
imagemagick/part26 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part26/53
imagemagick/part27 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part27/53
imagemagick/part28 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part28/53
imagemagick/part29 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part29/53
imagemagick/part30 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part30/53
imagemagick/part31 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part31/53
imagemagick/part32 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part32/53
imagemagick/part33 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part33/53
imagemagick/part34 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part34/53
imagemagick/part35 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part35/53
imagemagick/part36 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part36/53
imagemagick/part37 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part37/53
imagemagick/part38 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part38/53
imagemagick/part39 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part39/53
imagemagick/part40 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part40/53
imagemagick/part41 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part41/53
imagemagick/part42 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part42/53
imagemagick/part43 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part43/53
imagemagick/part44 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part44/53
imagemagick/part45 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part45/53
imagemagick/part46 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part46/53
imagemagick/part47 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part47/53
imagemagick/part48 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part48/53
imagemagick/part49 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part49/53
imagemagick/part50 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part50/53
imagemagick/part51 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part51/53
imagemagick/part52 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part52/53
imagemagick/part53 imagemagick - X11 image processing and display, Part53/53
xmotd/part01 xmotd - Message-of-the-day browser, Part01/01
xmine-athena/part01 xmine-athena - X11-based version of the popular PC game Minesweeper, Part01/02
xmine-athena/part02 xmine-athena - X11-based version of the popular PC game Minesweeper, Part02/02
xdrop/part01 xdrop - drag and drop application, Part01/02
xdrop/part02 xdrop - drag and drop application, Part02/02
sp/part01 sp - Xlib based paint program, Part01/03
sp/part02 sp - Xlib based paint program, Part02/03
sp/part03 sp - Xlib based paint program, Part03/03
xelm/part01 xelm - A Motif interface to ELM, Part01/01
xpserv/part01 xpserv - Xlib/PostScript Printing server, Part01/03
xpserv/part02 xpserv - Xlib/PostScript Printing server, Part02/03
xpserv/part03 xpserv - Xlib/PostScript Printing server, Part03/03
xising-v22/part01 xising-v22 - a microcanonical Ising simulation for X windows, Part01/01
xcb/part01 xcb - Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections, Part01/01
fontcvt/part01 fontcvt - routines for manipulating X11 font specifications, Part01/01
xtexcad/part01 xtexcad - drawing utility producing LaTeX pictures, Part01/05
xtexcad/part02 xtexcad - drawing utility producing LaTeX pictures, Part02/05
xtexcad/part03 xtexcad - drawing utility producing LaTeX pictures, Part03/05
xtexcad/part04 xtexcad - drawing utility producing LaTeX pictures, Part04/05
xtexcad/part05 xtexcad - drawing utility producing LaTeX pictures, Part05/05
xbclock/part01 xbclock - yet another clock, Part01/01
xofm/part01 xofm - an Oracle Database monitor running under X11, Part01/01
xdvi/part01 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part01/11
xdvi/part02 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part02/11
xdvi/part03 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part03/11
xdvi/part04 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part04/11
xdvi/part05 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part05/11
xdvi/part06 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part06/11
xdvi/part07 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part07/11
xdvi/part08 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part08/11
xdvi/part09 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part09/11
xdvi/part10 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part10/11
xdvi/part11 xdvi - dvi previewer, Part11/11
xarchie/patch04 xarchie - An X browser interface to Archie, Patch04
vgp/part01 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part01/12
vgp/part02 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part02/12
vgp/part03 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part03/12
vgp/part04 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part04/12
vgp/part05 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part05/12
vgp/part06 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part06/12
vgp/part07 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part07/12
vgp/part08 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part08/12
vgp/part09 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part09/12
vgp/part10 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part10/12
vgp/part11 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part11/12
vgp/part12 vgp - Vector Globe Projection, Part12/12