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/ The Amiga Game Guide / AmigaGameGuide_CD.iso / Amiga / Tools / EasyFind / src / swedish / EasyFind.ct (.txt)
Amiga Catalog Translation file  |  1977-12-31  |  4KB  |  239 lines

  1. ## version $VER: EasyFind/Swedish.ct 1.00 (08.05.97)
  2. ## language swenska
  3. ## codeset 0
  4. ; 08.05.1997   (C) Oepir Risti Translations
  5. ;adapted to EasyFind2.0 16.08.1997
  6. msgMemoryError
  7. Inte tillr
  8. ckligt med minne!
  9. msgSelectPath
  10. Specificera s
  11. msgCancel
  12. Avbryt
  13. msgError
  14. msgMuimasterError
  15. Hittar ej muimaster.library!
  16. msgNoIndexName
  17. Indexfil ej specificerad!
  18. msgNoIndexFile
  19. Specificerad fil 
  20. r ej en indexfil
  21. msgIndexError
  22. Hittar ej indexfil
  23. msgInvert
  24. Invertera
  25. msgNone
  26. Avmarkera
  27. msgDelete
  28. Radera
  29. msgCopy
  30. Kopiera
  31. msgUnpack
  32. Dekomprimera
  33. msgArchive
  34. Arkivera
  35. msgRead
  36. msgShow
  37. msgPath
  38. msgSearchword
  39. msgSearch
  40. msgNewIndexfile
  41. Skapa ny indexfil
  42. msgcase
  43. Skilj mellan versaler och gemener
  44. msgDirNames
  45. Biblioteksnamn
  46. msgExact
  47. Exakt
  48. msgIndexsearch
  49. Indexs
  50. kning
  51. msgOptions
  52. jligheter
  53. msgProgram
  54. Program
  55. msgIndexfile
  56. Indexfil
  57. msgPacker
  58. Komprimerare
  59. msgUnpacker
  60. Dekomprimerare
  61. msgTextviewer
  62. Textvisare
  63. msgPictureviewer
  64. Bildvisare
  65. msgSave
  66. Spara
  67. msgStop
  68. Avbryt
  69. msgSearching
  70. ker...
  71. msgAboutMUI
  72. Om MUI
  73. msgAboutEasyFind
  74. Om EasyFind
  75. msgQuit
  76. Avsluta
  77. msgProject
  78. Projekt
  79. msgOK_Cancel
  80. OK|Avbryt
  81. msgDelSelectedEntries
  82. Radera valda element
  83. msgSelDestPath
  84. Specificera destinationss
  85. msgSelDestArchive
  86. Specificera destinationss
  87. g och arkiv
  88. msgReplaceIndexfile
  89. Filen ifr
  90. ga existerar redan; ers
  91. msgGuide
  92. EasyFind_Swedish.guide
  93. msgMinStack
  94. tt stackstorleken till 40000
  95. msgDMSSelect
  96. Specificera DMS-enhet
  97. msgFileInfo
  98. Filinformation
  99. msgScript
  100. \033lS-Script
  101. msgPure
  102. \033lP-Pure
  103. msgArchivebit
  104. \033lA-Arkiv
  105. msgReadable
  106. \033lR-L
  107. msgWritable
  108. \033lW-Skrivbar
  109. msgExecuteable
  110. \033lE-Exekverbar
  111. msgDeletable
  112. \033lD-Raderbar
  113. msgProtectionbits
  114. Skyddsbitar
  115. msgFileName
  116. msgDate
  117. Datum
  118. msgComment
  119. Kommentar
  120. msgSize
  121. \033cStorlek
  122. msgRename
  123. msgSetDate
  124. ndra datum
  125. msgSetComment
  126. ndra kommentar
  127. ;-------------------
  128. ;new strings in V2.0
  129. ;-------------------
  130. msgCreaIfile
  131. Creating Indexfile...
  132. msgIndex
  133. Index
  134. msgInfo
  135. msgAction
  136. Action
  137. msgFiletypes
  138. filetypes
  139. msgStorage
  140. storage
  141. msgNewIfile
  142. New Indexfile
  143. msgCreaNewIfile
  144. Create new indexfile
  145. msgCurrent
  146. current
  147. msgFiletype
  148. filetype
  149. msgOK
  150. msgFilename
  151. filename
  152. msgRNC
  153. Replace|Next|Cancel
  154. msgFileexists
  155. File already exists !
  156. msgIdirnotfound
  157. Directory for indexfiles not found !
  158. msgErrwriteifile
  159. Could not write indexfile !
  160. msgMaxfound
  161.  files/directories found.
  162. msgContCancel
  163. Continue|Cancel
  164. msgHotDelete
  165. msgHotCopy
  166. msgHotRead
  167. msgHotShow
  168. msgHotInvert
  169. msgHotNone
  170. msgHotUnpack
  171. msgHotArchive
  172. msgHotSearch
  173. msgHotSave
  174. msgHotInfo
  175. msgHotAction
  176. msgBubSList
  177. List of the found files.\nDoubleclick starts the\nfor these filetype selected action.
  178. msgBubPath
  179. EasyFind searchs within these path
  180. msgBubSword
  181. Name of the searched file/directory\No wildcards are needed
  182. msgBubSearch
  183. Select path and start search
  184. msgBubInvert
  185. Invert the selection within the list.
  186. msgBubDelete
  187. Delete all selected files
  188. msgBubUnpack
  189. Unpack all selected archives
  190. msgBubRead
  191. Read all selected files
  192. msgBubNone
  193. Unselect all files
  194. msgBubCopy
  195. Copy all selected files
  196. msgBubArchive
  197. Archive all selected files
  198. msgBubShow
  199. Show all selected pictures
  200. msgBubInfo
  201. Show info about the selected file.
  202. msgBubAction
  203. Start actions for the filetypes of the selected files
  204. msgBubFtypes
  205. List of known filetypes.\nDoubleclick to select action.
  206. msgBubSelType
  207. Name and path of the program/script\nwhich shall be started for this filetype.
  208. msgBubcasesensitive
  209. cksichtigung der Gro
  210. - und\nKleinschreibung bei der Suche
  211. msgBubDirnames
  212. Verzeichnisse mit Inhalt anzeigen, wenn das \n Suchwort im Verzeichnisnamen vorkommt
  213. msgBubExact
  214. Look only for whole words
  215. msgBubIndexsearch
  216. Use indexfiles for search
  217. msgBubPacker
  218. Name and arguments of the packer
  219. msgBubUnpacker
  220. Name and arguments of the unpacker
  221. msgBubTextview
  222. Name and path of the textviewer
  223. msgBubPicview
  224. Name and path of the pictureviewer
  225. msgBubPrefsave
  226. Save Preferences of EasyFind
  227. msgBubIfile_in_use
  228. List of Indexfiles which are used while the next search
  229. msgBubIfile_storage
  230. List of indexfile which are currently not in use
  231. msgBubtostor
  232. Move selected indexfiles to storage
  233. msgBubtouse
  234. Move selected indexfiles to "in use"
  235. msgBubNewIfile
  236. Name of the new indexfile
  237. msgBubNewIfilePath
  238. Select path and start creation of a new indexfile