You can taste a lot of different flavours in the food that you eat. If you test your sense of taste, you will find that it is not only your tongue which detects flavours, your nose has a lot to do with it too.
For this experiment, you will need a blindfold, a large glass of water, 4 different flavoured fruit drinks and four small glasses.
1) Pour each fruit drink into a separate glass.
2) Blindfold a friend and get them to sip each drink and then tell you what it is. Remember to use the water to wash out the mouth after each sip.
3) Now repeat the experiment, but this time get your friend to hold his/her nose when tasting each drink.
Did your friend have more or less success in identifying the flavours when he/she was holding his/her nose?
Most people would find it more difficult because we also need to smell something as well as taste it in order to recognise a flavour.