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Text File  |  1993-07-19  |  6KB  |  87 lines

  1. FROM THE PUBLISHER                                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608680.000
  2. GRAPEVINE                                            ;9
  3.  Down in the Mouth                                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608550.000
  4.  Cutting the Grass                                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608551.000
  5.  So What's New?                                      ;2\MOY\060892\0608552.000
  6.  Breaking Up Is Hard to Do                           ;2\MOY\060892\0608553.000
  7.  Cookbook                                            ;2\MOY\060892\0608554.000
  8.  But Can They Read Putts?                            ;2\MOY\060892\0608555.000
  9. THE WEEK: MAY 24-30, 1992                            ;9
  10.  NATION                                              ;9 
  11.   The G.O.P. Splits on The Abortion Plank            ;2\MOY\060892\0608990.000
  12.   An Energetic Compromise                            ;2\MOY\060892\0608991.000
  13.   Closed-Door Policy                                 ;2\MOY\060892\0608993.000
  14.   Keeping It Straight                                ;2\MOY\060892\0608994.000
  15.  WORLD                                               ;9
  16.   Upping the Pressure On Serbian Aggression          ;2\MOY\060892\0608995.000
  17.   Moscow Plans Its Next Show Trial                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608996.000
  18.   The Generals Hold On                               ;2\MOY\060892\0608997.000
  19.   Fear and Famine                                    ;2\MOY\060892\0608998.000
  20.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\060892\0608999.000
  21.  BUSINESS                                            ;9
  22.   A London Venture Is Falling Down                   ;2\MOY\060892\06089911.000
  23.   Save Me a Cheap Seat                               ;2\MOY\060892\06089912.000
  24.   Look Out, L.L. Bean                                ;2\MOY\060892\06089913.000
  25.  SOCIETY                                             ;9
  26.   A Summit on Women                                  ;2\MOY\060892\06089914.000
  27.   Deadly Triangles                                   ;2\MOY\060892\06089915.000
  28.   Goodbye, Eli                                       ;2\MOY\060892\06089919.000
  29.   The Temple of Love Crumbles                        ;2\MOY\060892\06089920.000
  30.   Finish Line                                        ;2\MOY\060892\06089921.000
  31.  HEALTH & SCIENCE                                    ;9
  32.   Coming Soon to a Salad Near You                    ;2\MOY\060892\06089922.000
  33.   Ten-Minute AIDS Test                               ;2\MOY\060892\06089923.000
  34. MILESTONES                                           ;9
  35.  Recovering:Bob Traxler                              ;2\MOY\060892\0608540.000
  36.      Ailing:Glenn Ford                               ;2\MOY\060892\0608541.000
  37.        Died:Philip Habib                             ;2\MOY\060892\0608542.000
  38.             Tony ("Big Tuna") Accardo                ;2\MOY\060892\0608543.000
  39.             Mrithi                                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608544.000
  40. COVER STORIES                                        ;9
  41.  The Balkans:Land of Slaugther                       ;2\MOY\060892\06089925.000
  42.  The Butcher of The Balkans                          ;2\MOY\060892\06089926.000
  43.  A Chronic Case of Impotence                         ;2\MOY\060892\06089927.000
  44. U.S. POLICY                                          ;9
  45.  Did Bush Create This Monster?                       ;2\MOY\060892\06089928.000
  46.  Paper Tiger?                                        ;2\MOY\060892\06089929.000
  47. REFUGEES                                             ;9
  48.  Send `Em Back!                                      ;2\MOY\060892\06089930.000
  49. U.S. POLITICS                                        ;9
  50.  Dial D for Democracy                                ;2\MOY\060892\06089931.000
  51.  The Presidency:"There's a Little Extra Gray"        ;2\MOY\060892\0608unk.000
  52. THE CAMPAIGN                                         ;9
  53.  Clinton's Forgotten Childhood                       ;2\MOY\060892\06089932.000
  54. INTERVIEW                                            ;9
  55.  Conrad, Weber, & Wirth:Mr. Smith Leaves Washington  ;2\MOY\060892\0608510.000
  56. EDUCATION                                            ;9
  57.  Knowledge for Sale                                  ;2\MOY\060892\0608120.000
  58. BUSINESS                                             ;9
  59.  The Office Goes Airborne                            ;2\MOY\060892\0608200.000
  60. ENVIRONMENT                                          ;9
  61.  Brazil's Two Faces                                  ;2\MOY\060892\0608330.000
  62.  Rio: Soiled Gem                                     ;2\MOY\060892\0608331.000
  63.  Where Mankind and Nature Get Along                  ;2\MOY\060892\0608332.000
  64. HEALTH                                               ;9
  65.  Ultra Think Fast                                    ;2\MOY\060892\0608130.000
  66. TELEVISION                                           ;9
  67.  Why Shows Live or Die                               ;2\MOY\060892\06089933.000
  68. LIVING                                               ;9
  69.  Kicking the Habit                                   ;2\MOY\060892\0608140.000
  70. PROFILE                                              ;9
  71.  Paul McCartney:Paul At Fifty                        ;2\MOY\060892\0608520.000
  72. REVIEWS                                              ;9
  73.  Books:Einstein's Inspiring Heir                     ;2\MOY\060892\06089934.000
  74.  Books:An American Tragedy                           ;2\MOY\060892\06089935.000
  75.  Cinema:The Menace Is Missing                        ;2\MOY\060892\06089936.000
  76.  Cinema:The Third Man Scheme                         ;2\MOY\060892\06089937.000
  77.  Music:You Won't See Them Cry                        ;2\MOY\060892\06089938.000
  78.  Music:Packaged Pyrotechnics                         ;2\MOY\060892\06089939.000
  79.  Short Takes                                         ;2\MOY\060892\06089940.000
  80. PEOPLE                                               ;9
  81.  Real Live Roc                                       ;2\MOY\060892\0608500.000
  82.  Teriyaki Salsa                                      ;2\MOY\060892\0608501.000
  83.  Problem Child With Child                            ;2\MOY\060892\0608502.000
  84.  Lady Perot                                          ;2\MOY\060892\0608503.000
  85. ESSAY                                                ;9
  86.  Making Things Happen in Rio                         ;2\MOY\060892\0608640.000