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Assembly Source File
282 lines
; STATUS version 1.01
; (c) 1992 John T. Opincar, Jr.
; CID: 71631,541
; 02/27/92
; You are free to distribute STATUS in any manner you choose and use STATUS
; in any setting, including commercial without any obligation to me. The
; only thing that I ask is that you do not distribute modified versions of
; STATUS without including the original code and documentation in its
; entirety. If you feel inclined to distribute STATUS with your own
; modifications (which I would discourage), ***PLEASE*** keep your changes
; in seperate files, and make the seperation and changes obvious to anyone
; who might subsequently encounter the ZIP.
; I have been informally supporting STATUS on CIS, and do not want a zillion
; messages about problems introduced by others. In lieu of making your own
; changes, I would prefer that you send me mail describing the additional
; features you would like to see in STATUS. The exceptional performance
; gains yielded by STATUS are the result of several key assumptions about
; how it will be used. Before making a suggestion, please read the section
; in the documentation entitled, "What Makes STATUS Tick." The main
; motivation behind this version of STATUS was input I received from users.
PUBLIC _barOffset, _barChar, _barColor, _barActive
PUBLIC _numOffset, _numColor, _numActive
PUBLIC _ticks, _isColor, _active, _lastRec, _recnoPtr
PUBLIC _timeron, _timeroff
EXTRN __aFldiv:FAR ;MS C runtime library routine for dividing longs
EXTRN setint:FAR ;see ints.asm
_barOffset dw 0 ;offset into video memory for bar display
_barChar dw 176 ;character to be used for bar display
_barColor dw 7 ;color attribute for bar display
_barActive dw 1 ;non-zero if bar display is to be used
_numOffset dw 160 ;offset into video memory for number display
_numColor dw 7 ;color attribute for number display
_numActive dw 1 ;non-zero if number display is to be used
_ticks dw 18 ;number of timer ticks between display updates
_isColor dw 1 ;non-zero if color monitor present
_active dw 0 ;non-zero if display is active
_lastRec dd 1 ;number of records in the database
_recnoPtr dd 0 ;pointer to the current record #
installed dw 0 ;non-zero if timer isr has been installed
tickcount dw 0 ;number of ticks until next display update
lastPercent dw 0 ;0 <= lastPercent <=50, last displayed percent
old8h dw 2 dup(0) ;old timer interrupt vector
;PURPOSE: Initializes progress display. Installs timer routine if not yet
; installed
_timeron proc far
cmp installed,0 ;see if timer routine installed
jne setactive
mov ax,SEG timerctrl ;install timer int
push ax
mov ax,OFFSET timerctrl
push ax
mov ax,08h
push ax
add sp,6
mov old8h[0],ax ;save old timer interrupt vector
mov old8h[2],dx
mov installed,1
setactive: mov bx,0b000h ;load proper video segment
cmp _isColor,0
je notcolor3
mov bx,0b800h
notcolor3: mov es,bx
mov di,_numOffset
add di,4
mov ax,_numColor
mov BYTE PTR es:[di],'0' ;show 0 percent
mov es:[di + 1],al
mov ax,_ticks
mov tickcount,ax
mov lastPercent,0
mov _active,1
_timeron ENDP
;PURPOSE: Turns of progress display.
_timeroff proc far
push es
push di
mov _active,0 ;disable progress display
mov bx,0b000h ;load proper video segment
cmp _isColor,0
je notcolor2
mov bx,0b800h
notcolor2: mov es,bx
cmp _barActive,0 ;is bar active?
je noBar
mov ax,50 ;fill in complete bar
mov di,_barOffset
mov bx,_barChar
mov cx,_barColor
mov bh,cl
bloop: mov es:[di],bx
add di,2
dec ax
jnz bloop
noBar: cmp _numActive,0 ;is number active?
je offDone
mov di,_numOffset
mov ax,_numColor
mov BYTE PTR es:[di],'1' ;show 100 percent
mov es:[di + 1],al
mov BYTE PTR es:[di + 2],'0'
mov es:[di + 3],al
mov BYTE PTR es:[di + 4],'0'
mov es:[di + 5],al
offdone: pop di
pop es
_timeroff ENDP
oldtimer label dword
cs_old8h dw 2 dup(?)
TIMERCTRL proc far
push ds
push cx ;load old timer address into code seg
mov cx,DGROUP
mov ds,cx
assume ds:DGROUP
mov cx,old8h
mov cs:cs_old8h,cx
mov cx,old8h[2]
mov cs:cs_old8h[2],cx
pop cx
cmp _active,0 ;see if we're active
jne decrement
jmp calloldtime
decrement: dec tickcount ;check for need to update display
jz rollover
jmp calloldtime
rollover: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push es
mov ax,_ticks ;reset tickcount
mov tickcount,ax
les si,_recnoPtr
mov ax,es:[si]
add si,2
mov dx,es:[si]
shl ax,1 ;ax:dx = (recno() * 50), uses shift-add
rcl dx,1 ;technique to avoid long multiply
mov bx,ax
mov cx,dx
shl ax,1
rcl dx,1
shl ax,1
rcl dx,1
shl ax,1
rcl dx,1
add bx,ax
adc cx,dx
shl ax,1
rcl dx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,cx
mov bx,WORD PTR _lastRec[2] ;load up for call to long div
push bx
mov bx,WORD PTR _lastRec[0]
push bx
push dx
push ax
call FAR PTR __aFldiv ;note, no stack clean up needed
;here. Very strange.
mov cx,ax ;see if we really need to
sub ax,lastPercent ;update display
jbe restoreregs
push cx
mov bx,0b000h ;load video segment
cmp _isColor,0
je notcolor
mov bx,0b800h
notcolor: mov es,bx
cmp _barActive,0 ;is bar display active?
je noBar2
mov bx,_barChar ;fill in bar extension from last call
mov cx,_barColor
mov bh,cl
mov di,_barOffset
add di,lastPercent
add di,lastPercent
barloop: mov es:[di],bx
add di,2
dec ax
jnz barloop
noBar2: cmp _numActive,0 ;is number active?
je storelp
pop ax ;display progress as percent number
push ax
shl ax,1
mov di,_numOffset
add di,4
mov bx,10
mov cx,_numColor
numloop: cmp ax,0
je storelp
div bl
add ah,48
mov es:[di],ah
mov es:[di + 1],cl
sub ah,ah
sub di,2
jmp numloop
storelp: pop cx ;set lastPercent to current position
mov lastPercent,cx
restoreregs:pop es
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
calloldtime:pop ds ;jump to old timer routine
assume ds:nothing
jmp oldtimer