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This README file contains important, last minute information
about Turbo Debugger 1.5. The HELPME!.DOC file on the TURBO
DEBUGGER HELP/UTILITIES disk also answers many common Technical
Support questions.
1. How to Get Help
2. Installation
3. Notes and Restrictions
4. About Turbo Debugger 1.5
5. Files on the Disks
If you have any problems, please read this file, the
HELPME!.DOC file, and the Turbo Debugger manual first. If you
still have a question and need assistance, help is available
from the following sources:
1. Type GO BOR on the CompuServe bulletin board system for
instant access to the Borland forums with their libraries of
technical information and answers to common questions.
If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed special
offer, and write for full details on how to receive a free
IntroPak containing a $15 credit toward your first month's on-
line charges.
2. Check with your local software dealer or users' group.
3. Write to us at the following address:
Borland International
Turbo Debugger Technical Support
1800 Green Hills Road
P.O. Box 660001
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-0001
Please remember to include your serial number or we will be
unable to process your letter.
4. If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait and you have sent
in the license agreement from the front of your manual, you may
call the Borland Technical Support Department at (408) 438-5300.
Please have the following information ready before calling:
a. Product name and serial number on your original distribution
disk. Remember to have your serial number ready before calling.
b. Product version number. The version number is displayed when
running Turbo Debugger and pressing the <Shift + F10> keys.
c. Computer brand, model, and the brands and model numbers of
any additional hardware.
d. Operating system and version number. (The version number can
be determined by typing VER at the MSDOS prompt.)
e. Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
f. Contents of your CONFIG.SYS file.
You should read the rest of this README file to get further information
about this release before you do the installation.
The TURBO DEBUGGER/INSTALLATION disk contains a program called INSTALL.EXE
that will assist you with the installation of Turbo Debugger 1.5.
To start the installation, change your current drive to the one that has
the install program on it and type INSTALL. You will be given instructions
in a box at the bottom of the screen for each prompt. For example, if you
will be installing from drive A:, you would type
If you have difficulty reading the text displayed by the INSTALL
program, it accepts an optional command-line parameter that forces
it to use black and white colors:
a:install /B - Forces INSTALL into BW80 mode
Specifying the /B parameter may be necessary if you are using an
LCD screen or a system that has a color graphics adapter and a
monochrome or composite monitor.
There are three options for installation:
1. Hard Disk - INSTALL will copy all Turbo Debugger files onto
your hard disk and put them into subdirectories. The default
subdirectories are
Turbo Debugger Directory: C:\TD
Example Subdirectory: C:\TD
By default, all files from the distribution disks are placed
in the Turbo Debugger Directory. If you would rather
separate the examples programs into their own subdirectory
as well, edit the default example files path before
2. Floppy Disk - This option will build a working Turbo
Debugger 4-disk set that will work on a two-drive system. Be
sure to have four formatted disks ready before you start.
Install will build:
Program Disk - Turbo Debugger main program, README file, and
the Turbo Debugger customization program.
Work Disk - Turbo Debugger working overlay file and Help
Utilities Disk - Turbo Debugger utilities.
Examples Disk - Example programs for use with Turbo
The Turbo Debugger UTILITIES/EXAMPLES distribution disk contains
several files with an .ARC file extension: TDEXAMPL.ARC, TAEXAMPL1.ARC,
TAEXAMPL2.ARC, and CHAPXMPL.ARC. These files contain several other
files that have been compressed and placed inside an archive. You can
de-archive them yourself by using the UNPACK.COM utility.
For example,
unpack tdexampl
unpacks all the files stored in the TDEXAMPL.ARC archive into the
current directory.
INSTALL gives you a choice of copying the .ARC files intact or
de-archiving and copying all of the individual files onto your
hard disk during the installation process. Note that INSTALL does
not unpack the TAEXAMPL1.ARC, TAEXAMPL2.ARC, or CHAPXMPL.ARC files
from the UTILITIES/EXAMPLES disk. These files contain example
programs for Turbo Assembler.
o You need to set the files directive in your CONFIG.SYS file to
at least FILES = 10, preferably FILES = 20. If you have trouble
doing the File/OS Shell command or if TD can't find your source
modules, make sure the FILES directive is in your CONFIG.SYS.
o FNxxxx variants of floating-point instructions are not supported in the
built-in assembler in the CPU window.
o The Fxxxx instructions do not generate an FWAIT in Turbo
Debugger. You must manually code an FWAIT before floating-point
instructions if needed.
o A single Ctrl-Break inside a DOS function call waiting for console
input will not interrupt DOS and return control to Turbo Debugger.
You can either press Ctrl-Break once and then end the console input
function by pressing Enter, or press Ctrl-Break twice. You will then
interrupt DOS and Turbo Debugger will bring up a CPU Viewer showing
code inside DOS. At this point, you can look around inside your
program, but you might not be able to use F7 or F8 to trace or step
inside DOS. You should use only F9 at this point, possibly after
setting a breakpoint inside your program.
o If you are using TD386, make sure that you use the -e option if
you have loaded any TSRs or device drivers that are using
extended memory. The value to indicate after the -e is the total
amount (in Kbytes) of extended memory being used by other appli-
cations before loading TD386. If you do not use this option, TD386
may overwrite extended memory that is being used by the other
applications. For example, if a disk-caching program that uses
extended memory is loaded and you do not use the -e option, the
program may write incorrect information to your hard disk.
o Version 1.5 of Turbo Debugger has been designed to support the new
Object Oriented Language of Turbo Pascal 5.5. This means if you want
to debug Object Oriented Programs, you must use the 1.5 version of
Turbo Debugger. However, earlier versions of Turbo Debugger will
support programs compiled with the new Turbo Pascal 5.5 as long as
the programs do not contain Object Oriented code.
You may obtain an upgrade from Turbo Pascal 5.0 to Turbo Pascal 5.5,
including the new Turbo Pascal Object Oriented Programming Guide,
by contacting Customer Service here at Borland.
INSTALL EXE - Installs Turbo Debugger on your system
README COM - Program to display the README and other text files
TD EXE - Turbo Debugger Program
TD OVL - Turbo Debugger Program Overlay
README - This file!
HELPME! DOC - Text file with the answers to many common questions.
Please read HELPME!.DOC before calling Technical Support.
TDHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger Help File
TDINST EXE - Configuration Customization program
TDUTIL ARC - Packed file that contains the following Turbo
Debugger Utilities:
TD386 EXE - Utility for 80386 virtual debugging
TDH386 SYS - Device driver for TD386.EXE and the 80386 debug
TDMAP EXE - Utility to extract debug information from .MAP files
TDREMOTE EXE - Remote debugging kernel
TDRF EXE - Remote file transfer utility
TDSTRIP EXE - Utility to strip debug information off .EXE files
TDUMP EXE - Utility to dump executable and object files
UNPACK COM - Utility to unpack .ARC files
TDCONVRT EXE - Utility to convert CodeView information to Turbo
Debugger information
TDPACK EXE - Utility to compress debug information
TDNMI COM - TSR to clear NMI every half second
UNPACK COM - Utility to unpack .ARC files
TDEXMPL ARC - Packed file that contains Turbo Debugger examples
TAEXMPL1 ARC - Packed file that contains Turbo Assembler examples
TAEXMPL2 ARC - Packed file that contains Turbo Assembler examples
CHAPXMPL ARC - Packed file that contains Turbo Assembler examples