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Assembly Source File
153 lines
; _______________________________________________________________
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; | CopyRight (c) 1989,1990 Steven Lutrov |
; |_______________________________________________________________|____
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; | program title : fastbit.asm | | ___
; | author : Steven Lutrov | | |
; | revision : 4.00 | | |
; | date : 1991-11-01 | | |
; | language : turbo assembler | | |
; | | | |
; | description : assembly functions for bit mannipulation. | | |
; | : tested with turbo pascal ver 5.0 5.5 | | |
; | | | |
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code segment word public
assume cs:code
public bytetohex,rotatebyteleft,rotatewordleft,rotatebyteright
public rotatewordright,wordtohex
;function bytetohex(num :byte;): stype;
bytetohex proc far
push bp ;save bp
mov bp,sp ;set stack frame
les di,dword ptr[bp+8] ;es:di pts to return string
sub si,si ;si counts chars
mov bl,[bp+6] ;get the value to convert
mov cl,2 ;string length
mov es:[di],cl ;set string descriptor
shl cl,1 ;cl=4 bits=one-half byte
bytetohex1: sub bh,bh ;clear bh
shl bx,cl ;shift in one-half byte
cmp bh,10 ;is it '0' - '9'?
jl bytetohex2 ;if not, jump ahead
add bh,55 ;10+55 = 'a', etc...
jmp short bytetohex3 ;jmp ahead
bytetohex2: add bh,48 ;0+48 = '0', etc...
bytetohex3: inc di ;pt to next byte of strx
mov es:[di],bh ;place char in the strx
inc si ;test char counter
cmp si,2 ;end of string?
jne bytetohex1 ;jump if not
pop bp ;restore bp
ret 2
bytetohex endp
;function rotatewordleft(num: word; nbits :byte;): word;
rotatewordleft proc far
mov bx,sp ;set stack frame
mov cl,ss:[bx+4] ;number of bits to rotate
mov ax,ss:[bx+6] ;get the integer
rol ax,cl ;make the rotation
ret 4
rotatewordleft endp
;function rotatebyteright(num,nbits :byte;) :byte;;
rotatebyteright proc far
mov bx,sp ;set stack frame
mov cl,ss:[bx+4] ;number of bits to rotate
mov al,ss:[bx+6] ;get the byte
ror al,cl ;make the rotation
ret 4
rotatebyteright endp
;function rotatebyteleft(num,nbits :byte) :byte;;
rotatebyteleft proc far
mov bx,sp ;set stack frame
mov cx,ss:[bx+4] ;number of bits to rotate
mov al,ss:[bx+6] ;get the byte
rol al,cl ;make the rotation
ret 4
rotatebyteleft endp
;function rotatewordright(num: word; nbits :byte;): word;
rotatewordright proc far
mov bx,sp ;set stack frame
mov cl,ss:[bx+4] ;number of bits to rotate
mov ax,ss:[bx+6] ;get the integer
ror ax,cl ;make the rotation
ret 4
rotatewordright endp
;function wordtohex(num: word): stype;
wordtohex proc far
push bp ;save bp
mov bp,sp ;set stack frame
les di,dword ptr[bp+8] ;es:di pts to return string
sub si,si ;si counts chars
mov ax,[bp+6] ;get the value to convert
mov cl,4 ;shifts one-half byte
mov es:[di],cl ;set string descriptor
mov bl,ah ;start with high byte
wordtohex1: sub bh,bh ;clear bh
shl bx,cl ;shift in one-half byte
cmp bh,10 ;is it '0' - '9'?
jl wordtohex2 ;if not, jump ahead
add bh,55 ;10+55 = 'a', etc...
jmp short wordtohex3 ;jmp ahead
wordtohex2: add bh,48 ;0+48 = '0', etc...
wordtohex3: inc di ;pt to next byte of strx
mov es:[di],bh ;place char in the strx
inc si ;test char counter
test si,1 ;is strx ctr odd or even?
jnz wordtohex1 ;do 2nd half char if odd
cmp si,2 ;another byte to do?
jne wordtohex4 ;jump if not
mov bl,al ;fetch low byte
jmp short wordtohex1 ;start over on 2nd byte
wordtohex4: pop bp ;restore bp
ret 2
wordtohex endp
code ends