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Text File
259 lines
{ TEGL Windows ToolKit II }
{ Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 TEGL Systems Corporation }
{ All Rights Reserved. }
{$I Switches.inc }
UNIT TwKernel;
{-- TYPE definitions for DIALOGUES }
twDialogPtr = ^twDialogItem;
twDialogItem = RECORD
x1, y1 : integer; {-- display relative on window }
x2, y2 : integer;
sx1, sy1 : integer; {-- xor box selection indicator locations }
sx2, sy2 : integer;
active : boolean; {-- set true if active, false if non-selectable }
len : byte; {-- length of input string (max) }
places : byte; {-- for floating point display }
ms : msclickptr; {-- store the associate mouse click ptr }
ms_edit: msclickptr; {-- associated editior mouse clikc ptr }
tdtype : integer; {-- type of dialogue item, def in twcommon }
message: ^string; {-- prompt or message }
msnum : integer; {-- mouse click number association }
number : integer; {-- simply the counter }
clusNum: integer; {-- cluster number, for grouping items together }
clusItem: integer; {-- cluster item, item of group }
data : pointer; {-- points to data item, nil if not required }
strdata: ^string; {-- store intermediate string }
Prev : twdialogPtr; {-- point to previous dialog item }
Next : twdialogPtr; {-- point to next dialog item }
action : CallProc; {-- user event (attaches to button) }
twMenuPtr = ^MenuItem;
MenuItem = RECORD
Next : Pointer; {-- points to next, NIL if last }
Item : byte; {-- just a counter }
prompt : String[20]; {-- the menu item name }
om : OptionmPtr; {-- what pulls down from it }
MouseNum : Integer; {-- store associated mouse num }
Entries : byte; {-- }
EntryActive : Boolean; {-- true if active }
EntryCall : CallProc; {-- point to event if its not a pull down}
{-- The WinFrame record is an 'object-like' data structure. It contains }
{-- all the data items required to program and manipulate a complex window.}
{-- All the procedure and functions which access this data record start with }
{-- tw<name> and the parameter list is AT LEAST ONE but may be more, and the
{-- first parameter is always a WinFramePtr. In this respect the WinFramePtr }
{-- points to what would be called 'self' in an object-oriented version. }
{-- Note that this only mimics an object version. It is done to make }
{-- the switch to a true object oriented version easier. }
winframe = RECORD
ifs : ImageStkPtr; {-- pointer from image stack }
iconifs : ImageStkPtr;
firsttime : boolean; {-- flag for window drawing. DO NOT TOUCH!}
redrawonmove : boolean; {-- force redraw after a window move }
style : FrameDrawFunc; { -- window framestyle }
thickness : integer; { -- window framethickness }
x1,y1,x2,y2 : Word; { -- window coordinates }
mx1,my1,mx2,my2 : word; {-- store window size before maximize }
wx1,wy1,wx2,wy2 : Word; { -- window working coordinates }
{ -- these are the absolute coordinates inside }
{ -- the window allowing for header, border, }
{ -- menu and sliders. }
wmaxx,wmaxy : Word; { -- the maximum working area }
minx,miny,maxx,maxy : Word; { -- min max for resize }
font : Pointer; { -- font to use for text output }
displayfont : Pointer; { -- font for header, menus }
theight : Byte; { -- text height in pixels }
twidth : Byte; { -- text width in pixels }
rows : Byte; { -- number of rows in the working window }
cols : Byte; { -- number of cols in the working window }
curx : Integer; { -- cursor location (col, row) }
cury : Integer;
textattr : byte; { -- traditional text char attribute }
CharClear : Boolean; { -- clear character before drawing new one }
bordercolor : Integer; { -- color scheme }
headercolor : Integer;
framecolor : Integer;
framecolor2 : Integer;
fillcolor : Integer;
textcolor : Integer;
{-- Header and buttons stuff }
Header : boolean; { -- if header shown }
HeaderStr : String[twMaxHeaderLen];
Maximize : boolean; { -- true if minimize, maximize OK }
Maximized : boolean; { -- true if we are maximized }
ThickStore : integer; { -- remember thickness when maximized }
Minimized : boolean; { -- true if we are now an icon }
Icon : Pointer; { -- icon to display when window minimized }
{-- SLIDERS - up down }
UpDownslider : Boolean; { -- true if updown slider shown }
UpDnSlidePer : Integer; { -- set to sliders relative position %}
UpbuttonPress: Boolean; { -- set true if up button was pressed }
DnButtonPress: Boolean; { -- set true if down button was pressed }
UpDownEvent : CallProc; { -- user event to process up down slider action }
UpDownSldPtr : SliderPtr; { -- store slider pointer }
UpDownRange : Integer; { -- scale of the slider }
UpDownStep : Integer; {-- button step value }
{-- Left right }
LeftRightSlider : Boolean; { -- true if leftright slider shown }
LfRtSlidePer : Integer; { -- }
LfButtonPress: Boolean; { -- true if left button was pressed }
RtButtonPress: Boolean; { -- ture if right button was pressed }
LeftRightEvent: CallProc; { -- user event to process left right slider action }
LeftRightSldPtr: SliderPtr; { -- store slider pointer }
LeftRightRange: Integer;
LeftRightStep: Integer;
Resize : Boolean; { -- true if resizeable }
Moveable : Boolean; { -- true if window is moveable }
Buffered : Boolean;
Proportional: Boolean; { -- true if text is displayed proportionally }
Wrap : Boolean; { -- true if text is to wrap at border }
{-- framemenu }
Om : OptionmPtr; { -- the alt-space bar menu }
{-- twMenu }
MenuEntries : Byte; { -- number of main menu bar selections }
MenuThickness: Byte; { -- depends on number of lines }
Menu : twMenuPtr; { -- points to first item, NIL if none }
MenuLast : twMenuPtr; { -- last item added }
{-- }
{$IFDEF twWorld }
{-- world coordinate data items follow, procedures in 'twWorld.pas' }
wcx1,wcy1,wcx2,wcy2 : wcFloat; {-- coordinate system range to use }
wcHeight,wcWidth, {-- width an hight in defined system }
wcXoff,wcYoff, {-- offset to normalize }
wcXfac,wcYfac : wcFloat; {-- factor to multiply by (transforms) }
{-- for 'twGraph.pas' - standard graph calls, window relative }
clipping : Boolean; {-- clipping for twgraph & twworld }
gvars : GraphVars; {-- used to set the graph unit state }
{-- for 'twdialog.pas' - anchor pointer for dialog list }
twdanchor : twDialogPtr; {-- anchor, starting point for list }
twdcurrent : twDialogPtr; {-- current is also the last item }
twdcount : Word; {-- counts the number of dialog entries }
twdfont : pointer;
{-- procedural pointers follow }
closeevent : Callproc; { -- userdefined Close from mouse click}
menucloseevent : CallProc; { -- userdefined close from menu }
redrawevent : Callproc; { -- redraw window event }
aboutevent : CallProc { -- the about selection from space bar menu }
WinFramePtr = ^WinFrame;
Function FindWinFrame(ifs : ImageStkPtr) : WinFramePtr;
Procedure twClear(wf : WinFramePtr);
Procedure twClose(wf : WinFramePtr);
function twcloseEvent(ifs : ImageStkPtr; ms : MsClickPtr) : Word;
function twMenuCloseEvent(ifs : ImageStkPtr; ms : MsClickPtr) : Word;
Procedure twSetCloseEvent(wf: WinFramePtr; event: CallProc);
Procedure twSelect(wf : WinFramePtr);
Procedure twWriteXY(wf : WinFramePtr; col,row :Integer; s : string);
Procedure twFixUp(wf : WinFramePtr);
Procedure twDefineMouseClickArea(wf : WinFramePtr;
x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_ : Word;
active : Boolean;
action : CallProc);
Procedure twPutPict(wf : WinFramePtr; x,y : Integer; Image:Pointer; Color :Integer);
Procedure twMenuItem(wf : WinFramePtr; s : String; Active: Boolean);
Procedure twSubMenuItem(wf : WinFramePtr; s : String; Active: Boolean; event : CallProc);
Procedure twSetBorderColor(wf : WinFramePtr; Color : Byte);
Procedure twSetFont(wf : WinFramePtr; font: pointer);
Procedure twSetDisplayFont(wf : winFramePtr; Font: Pointer);
Procedure twSetMaximize(wf : WinFramePtr; tf : Boolean);
Procedure twSetMinimizeIcon(wf : WinFramePtr; Icon : Pointer);
Procedure twSetRedraw(wf : WinFramePtr; Redraw_ : CallProc);
Procedure twSetResize(wf : WinFramePtr; tf: Boolean);
Procedure twSetUpDownSlider(wf : WinFramePtr; Active : Boolean);
Procedure twSetLeftRightSlider(wf : WinFramePtr; Active : Boolean);
Procedure twSetUpDownRange(wf: WinFramePtr; range,step : Integer);
Procedure twSetLeftRightRange(wf: WinFramePtr; range,step: Integer);
Procedure twSetUpDownEvent(wf: WinFramePtr; Event : CallProc);
Procedure twSetLeftRightEvent(wf : WinFramePtr; Event : CallProc);
Procedure twScrollDown(wf : winFramePtr; Num : Integer);
Procedure twScrollUp(wf : WinFramePtr; Num : Integer);
Procedure twSetFillColor(wf : WinFramePtr; Color: Byte); {-- background }
Procedure twSetColor(wf : WinFramePtr; Color: Byte); {-- foreground }
Procedure twSetThickness(wf : WinFramePtr; Thickness : Byte);
Procedure twInit(VAR wf : WinFramePtr; x_,y_,x1_,y1_ : Word);
Procedure twSetWinFrameColors(wf : WinFramePtr; Color1, Color2 : Byte);
Procedure twSetWindowStyle(wf: WinFramePtr; Style : FrameDrawFunc);
Procedure twSetHeader(wf : WinFramePtr; s : String);
Procedure twUnSelect(wf : WinFramePtr);
Procedure twDrawWindowFrame(wf : winframeptr);
WinFrameStkPtr = ^WinFrameStk;
WinFrameStk = Record {-- for maintaining linked list of windows }
Next : WinFrameStkPtr; {-- points to next window frame, NIL if no more }
Item : WinFramePtr; {-- points to actual window frame data }
num : integer; {-- count it. }
WinFrameAnchor : WinFrameStkPtr = NIL; {-- anchor linked list in data seg}
WinCount : Integer = 0; {-- increment as each window is opened }