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170 lines
unit generic;
uses dos,crt;
var m:array[0..25] of string; { used by menus and message boxes }
{############################## dos routines ##############################}
procedure formfeed; { sends formfeed to PRN }
procedure chngdrv(c:char); { changes to drive c }
function lastdrive:char; { returns last drive installed on machine }
procedure copyfile(s,s2:string);
{ copies file s to s2. heap must be small enough for command.com to load. }
function filefound(s:string):boolean; { returns true if file s is found }
procedure renamefile(s,ss:string);
{ renames file s to ss. overwrites file ss if it already exists }
procedure delfile(s:string); { deletes file s }
procedure warmboot; { does a warm reboot (ctrl-alt-del). real mode only. }
procedure coldboot; { does a cold reboot (reset button). real mode only. }
{################################ sound routines ###########################}
procedure beep(i,j:integer); { does a sound at freq i for j/1000 secs }
procedure nogosound; { sound effect }
procedure click1; { sound effect }
procedure click2; { sound effect }
{############################# mouse routines ############################}
procedure sm; { shows mouse. text thru vga vidmodes only. }
procedure hm; { hides mouse. text thru vga vidmodes only. }
procedure resetmouse(setgrafmouse:boolean);
{ resets mouse. use resetmouse at program start &
after switching between graphics & text modes.
if setgrafmouse=true, sets mouse x and y bounds
to getmaxx and getmaxy (for graphics mode). }
procedure pause(doclick:boolean); { waits until a mouse button is pressed.
if doclick is true, then does a click sound when button is pressed. }
function hasmouse:boolean; { returns true if machine has a mouse }
function mousex:integer; { returns current mouse x coord }
function mousey:integer; { returns current mouse y coord }
function mousebutton:integer;
{ returns current mouse button value.
0 = no buttons pressed.
1 = button 1 being pressed.
2 = button 2 being pressed.
3 = buttons 1 & 2 being pressed.
4 = button 3 being pressed.
5 = buttons 1 & 3 being pressed.
6 = butons 2 & 3 being pressed.
7 = buttons 1, 2, & 3 being pressed. }
procedure putmouse(x,y:integer); { puts mouse to mouse coords x,y }
procedure getmouse(var x,y,b:integer);
{ gets current mouse status. x=mousex, y=mousey, b=mousebutton. }
procedure nobutton; { waits until no mouse buttons are being pressed }
{########################## conversion routines ############################}
function i2s(i:longint):string; { converts integer or longint to string }
function r2s(r:real):string; { converts a real to a string }
function s2i(s:string):integer; { converts string to integer }
function noslash(s:string):string;
{ returns s without trailing backslash (except root dirs). s is a path or
dir name. }
function slash(s:string):string;
{ returns s with trailing backslash if needed. s is a path or dir name }
procedure upit(var s:string); { converts a string to uppercase }
function s2r(s:string):real; { converts a string to a real }
{############################### math routines ############################}
function isin(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2:integer):boolean;
{ returns true if point x,y is in the area x1,y1 (UL corner),
x2,y2 (LR corner). }
procedure ulim2(var i:longint; j:longint); { upper limits longint i to j }
procedure llim2(var i:longint; j:longint); { lower limit longint i to j }
procedure llim(var i:integer; j:integer);
{ lower limits i to j. if i<j then i:=j }
procedure ulim(var i:integer; j:integer);
{ upper limits i to j. if i>j then i:=j }
function greaterof(i,j:integer):integer; { returns the greater of i and j }
function lesserof(i,j:integer):integer; { returns the lesser of i and j }
function inrng(i,lb,ub:integer):boolean; { returns true if lb<=i and i<=ub. }
function dice(i:integer):integer;
{ returns roll of an i sided die. use randomize at program start. }
{############################ joystick routines ###########################}
procedure getstick(var x,y,b1,b2:integer);
{ gets current joystick status. x,y are stick cooords.
b1,b2 are buttons 1 & 2 status. }
{############################ text routines ###############################}
procedure cursor(i:integer); { sets cursor. 0=off, 1=normal, 2=full block. }
function iscolor:boolean; { returns true if machine supports color text. }
procedure box(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer); { draws text box }
procedure col(i,j:integer); { sets text colors to i on j }
procedure cls(i,j:integer); { does a col(i,j) and then clears text screen }
procedure say(i,j:integer; s:string);
{ writes S at i,j (x,y) using current text colors }
procedure fill(x1,y1,x2,y2,color:integer); { fills text area }
procedure fore(i:integer); { sets text foreground color }
procedure bak(i:integer); { sets text background color }
procedure center(i:integer; s:string);
{ writes s centered at row i in current text colors }
function menu(i:integer):integer;
{ does text menu. returns option # selected. uses global array m.
i is # of items in menu. m[0] is title. m[1] thru m[i] are
options. }
procedure msg(i:integer);
{ does text message box w/ pause. uses array m. i is # of lines in msg }
function getstr(i:integer):string;
{ does string input box. uses array m. i is # of lines in prompt }
{################################ keyboard routines #######################}
function rshiftpressed:boolean; { returns true if right shift is pressed }
function lshiftpressed:boolean; { returns true if left shift is pressed }
function ctrlpressed:boolean; { returns true if ctrl is pressed }
function altpressed:boolean; { returns true if alt is pressed }
function scrolllockon:boolean; { returns true if scroll lock is on }
function numlockon:boolean; { returns true if num lock is on }
function capslockon:boolean; { returns true if caps lock is on }
function inserton:boolean; { returns true if insert is on }
procedure nokey; { waits until no keyboard keys are being pressed }