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Assembly Source File
227 lines
ProgramStart: jmp ProgramSetup
OEM db 49h,42h,4Dh,20h,59h,55h,4Bh,21h
BytesPerSector dw 512
SectorsPerCluster db 1
ReservedSectors dw 1
NumberOfFATs db 2
NumberOfDirEntries dw 224
TotalSectors dw 2400
MediaDescriptor db 0F9h
SectorsPerFAT dw 7
SectorsPerTrack dw 15
NumberOfHeads dw 2
NumberOfHiddenSectors dw 0
BIOS_Parameter_Block BPB <>
SkyAttribute EQU 1Fh
CompanyAttribute EQU 1Bh
OOPSAttribute EQU 4Eh
MsgAttribute EQU 4Fh
InstrucAttribute EQU 4Bh
ShadowAttribute EQU 0Bh
OOPS_Line1 db 'OOPS!'
OOPS_Line1_Row EQU 6
OOPS_Line1_Col EQU 37
OOPS_Line2 db 'You''ve accidentally left a data disk'
OOPS_Line2_Row EQU 7
OOPS_Line2_Col EQU 22
OOPS_Line3 db 'in diskette drive A: while booting.'
OOPS_Line3_Row EQU 8
OOPS_Line3_Col EQU 23
OOPS_Line4 db 'Please open the drive bay door!'
OOPS_Line4_Row EQU 10
OOPS_Line4_Col EQU 25
Company_Line1 db 'My Company, Inc.'
Company_Line1_Row EQU 19
Company_Line1_Col EQU 33
Company_Line2 db 'P.O. Box 100'
Company_Line2_Row EQU 20
Company_Line2_Col EQU 34
Company_Line3 db 'Mytown, USA 11111'
Company_Line3_Row EQU 21
Company_Line3_Col EQU 32
MonochromeMode EQU 7
IDEAL ; allow SIZE operator
ProgramSetup: sti
mov ax,0 ; initialize...
mov ss,ax ; stack...
mov sp,ax ; registers
mov ax,07C0h ; trick to set...
push ax ; CS & IP...
mov ax,OFFSET CS_Loaded ; to appropriate...
push ax ; values
; set DS = CS
CS_Loaded: mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
Sky: mov ah,6 ; Init window
mov al,0 ; Blank entire window
mov bh,SkyAttribute ; Attribute
mov cx,0 ; Top, left = 0
mov dh,18 ; bottom row
mov dl,79 ; right column
int 10h ; video services
mov bh,CompanyAttribute ; New attribute
mov ch,19 ; top row
mov dh,24 ; bottom row
int 10h ; video services
mov ah,0Fh ; Get display mode
int 10h ; video services
cmp al,MonochromeMode ; if mono...
je MonochromeOOPS ; jump
ColorOOPS: mov ah,6 ; Init window
mov al,0 ; Blank entire window
mov bh,OOPSAttribute ; Attribute
mov ch,6 ; Top row
mov cl,20 ; Left column
mov dh,ch ; bottom row
mov dl,60 ; right column
int 10h ; video services
mov bh,MsgAttribute ; Attribute
mov ch,7 ; Top row
mov dh,9 ; Bottom row
int 10h ; video services
mov bh,InstrucAttribute ; Attribute
mov ch,10 ; Top row
mov dh,ch ; Bottom row
int 10h ; video services
mov bh,ShadowAttribute ; Attribute
mov ch,7 ; Top row
mov cl,61 ; Left column
mov dh,10 ; Bottom row
mov dl,62 ; Right column
int 10h ; video services
mov ch,11 ; Top row
mov cl,22 ; Left column
mov dh,ch ; Bottom row
mov dl,62 ; Right column
int 10h ; video services
jmp DisplayText
MonochromeOOPS: mov ah,6 ; Init window
mov al,0 ; Blank entire window
mov bh,070h ; Black on white
mov ch,6 ; Top row
mov cl,20 ; Left column
mov dh,10 ; bottom row
mov dl,60 ; right column
int 10h ; video services
DisplayText: mov bp,OFFSET OOPS_Line1 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE OOPS_Line1 ; byte count
mov dh,OOPS_Line1_Row ; row
mov dl,OOPS_Line1_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET OOPS_Line2 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE OOPS_Line2 ; byte count
mov dh,OOPS_Line2_Row ; row
mov dl,OOPS_Line2_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET OOPS_Line3 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE OOPS_Line3 ; byte count
mov dh,OOPS_Line3_Row ; row
mov dl,OOPS_Line3_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET OOPS_Line4 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE OOPS_Line4 ; byte count
mov dh,OOPS_Line4_Row ; row
mov dl,OOPS_Line4_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET Company_Line1 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE Company_Line1 ; byte count
mov dh,Company_Line1_Row ; row
mov dl,Company_Line1_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET Company_Line2 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE Company_Line2 ; byte count
mov dh,Company_Line2_Row ; row
mov dl,Company_Line2_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov bp,OFFSET Company_Line3 ; Message
mov cx,SIZE Company_Line3 ; byte count
mov dh,Company_Line3_Row ; row
mov dl,Company_Line3_Col ; column
call PrintString ; do it
mov ah,2 ; Set cursor
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dh,22 ; row
mov dl,0 ; column
int 10h ; video services
Delay2Seconds: mov ah,0 ; Read the clock
int 1Ah ; timer services
add dx,40 ; add about 2 seconds
mov bx,dx ; save in BX
CheckDelay: int 1Ah ; check the time again
cmp dx,bx ; 2 seconds yet?
jne CheckDelay ; if not, try again
ProgramEnd: int 25 ; re-boot computer
MASM ; return from IDEAL
PrintString PROC
; Input
; ds:bp = pointer to string to be printed
; dh = row
; dl = column
; cx = length of string
SetCursor: mov ah,2 ; set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page 0
int 10h ; video services
WriteText: mov ah,14 ; write character
PrintNextChar: mov al,ds:[bp] ; load char to write
int 10h ; video services
inc bp ; next character
loop PrintNextChar ; do again
ret ; done
PrintString ENDP
END ProgramStart