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Assembly Source File
1,493 lines
.MODEL small
cseg segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:cseg
;; DCOMPRES - Keeps track of last access time and date for a file,
;; decompresses already compressed files when accessed
;; Copyright (c) 1989 by Ziff Communications Co.
;; Program by Ross M. Greenberg
org 100h
TRUE equ 1
FALSE equ 0
NULL equ 0
CR equ 0dh
LF equ 0ah
BELL equ 07h
jmp install ; It's traditional!
MAX_FILES equ 100 ; max files in index
FN_SIZE equ 14 ; filename + dot + extension
MAX_FN_SIZE equ 64 + FN_SIZE ; and the maximum path
;; this structure should be an even number of bytes or contortions in C will
;; occur
file struc
filename_len dw 0
filename db FN_SIZE dup (0)
left_ptr dw 0
right_ptr dw 0
date dw 2 dup (0)
time dw 2 dup (0)
status db 0 ;normal = 0, compressed = 1 , del = 2
access_cnt db 0 ; extra byte. Why not?
file ends
BUF_SIZE equ size file * MAX_FILES
NORMAL equ 0
num_files dw 0 ;don't separate these three!!!
dir_name2 db MAX_FN_SIZE dup(0)
buffer db BUF_SIZE dup(0)
tag db 0cdh, 020h, 'PCOMPRES' ; don't separate these two
TAG_LEN equ $ - tag
file_out db 'PCOMPRES.$$$', 0 ; or these two
FILE_OUT_LEN equ $ - file_out
index_name db 'INDEX.CMP',0 ; don;t separate these two
INDEX_NAME_LEN equ $ - index_name
dir_name db MAX_FN_SIZE dup(0)
dir_name3 db MAX_FN_SIZE dup(0)
dir_name4 db MAX_FN_SIZE dup(0)
file_name db FN_SIZE dup(0)
tmp_buffer db MAX_FN_SIZE dup(0)
tmp_buf2 db FN_SIZE dup(0)
dos_handle dw 0
in_handle dw 0
was_compressed dw 0
tmp_len dw 0
my_psp dw 0
users_psp dw 0
index_handle dw 0
file_seg dw 0
file_off dw 0
dirty_bit dw 0
in_use dw 0
switch_off dw 0
last_dos dw 0
old_dx dw 0
ignore_status dw 0
attributes dw 1
old_attrb dw 0
tag_buf db TAG_LEN dup (0)
table struc
cmp_code dw 0
suffix db 0
table ends
MAX_CODE equ 4096
codes db (MAX_CODE * size table) dup (0)
which_code dw 0
codes_used dw 0
stack db MAX_CODE dup (0)
s_ptr dw stack
INBUF_SIZE equ 3000
in_buffer db INBUF_SIZE dup (0)
out_buf db INBUF_SIZE dup (0)
out_handle dw 0
out_cnt dw 0
buff_cnt dw 0
buff_size dw 0
tmp db 0
hold dw 0
old_code dw 0
last_char db 0
incode dw 0
screen_msg db 'Decompressing File...Standby'
SCREEN_LEN equ ($ - screen_msg)
screen_attrb db SCREEN_LEN dup(09fh);
screen_segment dw 0b800h
SCREEN_OFFSET equ 2 * ((12 * 80) + (40 - SCREEN_LEN/2))
;; Function 6c -- new to DOS 4.x is a pain. All other functions operating
;; on files have consistent usage of ds:dx for the pointer to the file name.
;; Not this puppy. Dile name is in ds:si. Makes more sense, but it isn't
;; consistant. This kludge makes it *look* consistent
set_6c: cmp byte ptr cs:[last_dos + 1], 06ch
jnz not_6c1
mov cs:[old_dx], dx
mov dx, si
;; The reverse of the above
reset_6c: cmp byte ptr cs:[last_dos + 1], 06ch
jnz not_6c2
mov dx, cs:[old_dx]
;; Routine called by PCMANAGE to turn on and off the COMPRES program,
;; dump out and read back in the file (if one is on memory)
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov [switch_off], dx
mov bx, [index_handle] ; close file on change
cmp bx, 0 ; first time?
jz not_yet ; yes
inc [in_use]
push ax
push bx
mov ah, 051h
int 21h
mov [users_psp], bx
mov bx, [my_psp]
mov ah, 050h
int 21h
pop bx
pop ax
call update_file
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
push cx
push dx
mov ax, 04301h
mov dx, offset dir_name
mov cx, [old_attrb]
int 21h
pop dx
pop cx
mov [dir_name], 0
mov bx, [users_psp]
mov ah, 050h
int 21h
dec [in_use]
pop ds
;; New Dos Interrupt Service Routine
old_dos dw 0 ; first the offset
dw 0 ; then the segment
new_dos proc far
pushf ; save current flags,
sti ; and turn on ints
cmp ax, 0fedch ; our installation call?
jnz @F
mov ax, 0cdefh ; yes. Return the inverse
@@: cmp ah, 0dch ; one of our calls to toggle?
jnz @F ; no
call set_flag ; yes. Do it, and pass it on.
cmp cs:[in_use], TRUE ; no recursion!
jz @F
cmp cs:[switch_off], TRUE ; turned off?
jz @F
;; We care about any file access call. If not a function we care about,
;; simply call the original DOS
cmp ah, 0fh
jz open
; cmp ah, 013h
; jz delete
cmp ah, 016h
jz create
cmp ah, 03ch
jz h_create
cmp ah, 03dh
jz h_open
cmp ah, 06ch
jz h_open
; cmp ah, 041h
; jz n_delete
cmp ah, 04bh
jnz not_execute ; kludge
jmp execute
cmp ah, 05ah
jz h_create
cmp ah, 05bh
jz h_create
jmp dword ptr cs:[old_dos]
;; Process all the FCB calls
mov cs:[last_dos], ax ; save for re-execute later
mov cs:[in_use], TRUE ; no recursion!
call dword ptr cs:[old_dos] ; do the original call
jnc op_good ; if good continue
jmp op_failed ; else why bother?
push dx ; translate FCB filenames into
push ds ; ASCIIZ filenames
call fcb_stuff
push ax
push bx
mov ax, 03d00h ; open with handle for the
int 21h ; ioctl -- our psp
mov cs:[dos_handle], ax
call lookup ; main function call
mov bx, cs:[dos_handle] ; close file in our psp
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
pop dx
cmp cs:[was_compressed], TRUE ; must we play?
jnz normal1 ; no, skip
; yes, continue
;; first, close then delete the file using users fcb, then rename the tmp
;; file to the name in the fcb, then re-do the users operation
mov cs:[was_compressed], FALSE
push ax
mov ah, 010h
int 21h ; close the file
mov ah, 013h
int 21h ; delete it
;; use handle rename. Filename in tmp_buffer still. Decompressed in temp file
call rename
mov ax, cs:[last_dos] ; reissue the call
int 21h
pop ax
jmp op_failed ; common return
;; Process all handle operations here....
mov cs:[last_dos], ax
mov cs:[in_use], TRUE
call dword ptr cs:[old_dos] ; issue the users call.
jc op_failed ; if it failed, simply return
mov cs:[dos_handle], ax
call set_6c ; kludge on 4.x 6c call
call lookup ; main call, file is open
call reset_6c ; reset from 4.x call
cmp cs:[was_compressed], TRUE ; do anything unusual?
jnz normal2 ; no
;; Rename the file
push ax
call handle_stuff ; do the rename
mov ax, cs:[last_dos] ; issue original call again
int 21h
pop ax
mov cs:[in_use], FALSE
ret 2
;; Reset the compressed flag, close the file, delete it, rename it, return
handle_stuff proc near
mov cs:[was_compressed], FALSE
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov bx, cs:[dos_handle]
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset cs:tmp_buffer
mov ah, 041h
int 21h
call rename
pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
handle_stuff endp
;; handles a little differently. Obviously, the file must be decompressed
;; before the call...
mov cs:[in_use], TRUE
push ax
push bx
mov ax, 03d00h ; open with handle
int 21h
mov cs:[dos_handle], ax
call lookup ; main work
mov bx, cs:[dos_handle] ; close file
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
pop bx
pop ax
cmp cs:[was_compressed], TRUE ; skip exciting stuff?
jnz normal3 ; yes
push ax
call handle_stuff ; do the rename
pop ax
mov cs:[in_use], FALSE
jmp dword ptr cs:[old_dos] ; execute the program
new_dos endp
;; This routine makes an FCB entry, extended or not, into a semi-qualified
;; ASCIIZ filename
fcb_stuff proc near
push ax
push cx
push si
push di
push es
mov si, dx
cmp byte ptr ds:[si], 0ffh ; extended FCB?
jnz @F ; normal
add si, 7 ; point to the filename, 7
; bytes into extended FCB
@@: push cs
pop es
mov di, offset cs:tmp_buf2 ; ASCIIZ buffer
cmp byte ptr ds:[si], 0 ; default drive?
jz @F ; yes
mov al, ds:[si] ; no. add drive to buffer
mov es:[di], al
add byte ptr es:[di], 'A' - 1
mov byte ptr es:[di + 1], ':'
add di, 2 ; to filename position
@@: inc si ; and bypass the drive in FCB
mov cx, 11 ; filename(8) + extension(3)
; always left justified, space
; filled
mov al, ds:[si]
cmp al, ' ' ; space?
jz @F ; yes, so skip it
mov es:[di], al ; no, stuff the character
inc di
@@: cmp cx, 4 ; at start of extension?
jnz @F
mov byte ptr es:[di], '.' ; yes. stuff a dot
inc di
@@: inc si
loop file_lp ; for entire filename
mov byte ptr es:[di], 0 ; zero the end byte
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset tmp_buf2 ; point to the ASCIIZ filename
fcb_stuff endp
;; Main routine.
;; 1. Determine if a file or device. If device, return.
;; 2. Determine if fixed disk. If not, return
;; 3. Fully qualify file/pathname with undocumented AH=60h call
;; 4. Save users PSP, reset with our own. Handle table in users might be
;; full...
;; 5. Scan path name, isolate last '\' (separates path from filename)
;; saving the length of the path.
;; 6. Save the path in one location, the filename in another
;; 7. Stuff the name of the index file to the tail of the path
;; 8. Determine if this is the same index filepath as already loaded
;; 9. If not, write file if needed.
;;10. Load new file. If not there, create one -- and dummy the file out.
;;11. Reset to the beginning of the binary tree index
;;12. Find the file in index. If found, then goto 14
;;13. File not in index. If room, add it and return: file has not been
;; compressed, obviously. New entry updated with current date and time.
;;14. If file not compressed, merely update date and time and return.
;;15. If file is compressed, check to make sure it is, then decompress it
;; into temporary file named PCOMPRESS.$$$ and return
;;16. If, upon examination file is not a compressed one, reset to normal
;; status
mov cs:[was_compressed], FALSE
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push dx
mov ax, 04400h ; ioctl call returns status
mov bx, cs:[dos_handle] ; in the dx register
mov cx, 2
xor dx, dx
int 21h
test dx, 080h ; devices have high bit set
pop dx
jz @F ; not set, a file
jmp done2 ; is a character device
@@: push cs ; a regular file
pop es
mov si, dx
mov di, offset tmp_buffer
mov ah, 60h ; undocumented DOS call to
int 21h ; fully qualify a file/path
; knows about SUBST and ASSIGN
mov dl, es:[di] ; get the disk letter
sub dl, 'A' - 1 ; A=1, B=2, etc...
mov ah, 1ch ; get disk parameters
int 21h
cmp byte ptr [bx], 0f8h ; on return, DS:BX points to
jz @F ; first FAT entry. F8 is fixed
jmp done2 ; disk. Anything else, we skip
@@: mov ah, 051h ; get users PSP, save
int 21h ; then swap our's in.
mov cs:[users_psp], bx
mov bx, cs:[my_psp]
mov ah, 050h
int 21h
;; separate the path from the filename into two buffers.
xor cx, cx
mov al, es:[di]
cmp al, 0 ; end of path? (ASCIIZ)
jz @F ; yes
inc cx
inc di
cmp al, '\' ; path delimiter?
jnz end_path
mov cs:[tmp_len], cx ; save length
jmp end_path
@@: push cs ; create path to filename
pop ds
mov si, offset cs:[tmp_buffer]
mov di, offset cs:[dir_name]
mov cx, cs:[tmp_len]
@@: movsb ; move the path over
loop @B
;; Stuff index name onto path
mov si, offset cs:[index_name]
@@: movsb
loop @B
;; Stuff temporary filename onto path
mov si, offset cs:[tmp_buffer]
mov di, offset cs:[dir_name3]
mov cx, cs:[tmp_len]
@@: movsb ; move the path over
loop @B
mov si, offset cs:[file_out]
mov cx, FILE_OUT_LEN
@@: movsb
loop @B
;; Same index name as last time?
mov si, offset cs:[dir_name]
mov di, offset cs:[dir_name2]
mov cx, cs:[tmp_len]
repz cmpsb ; pop out on no match
cmp byte ptr cs:[di], 'I' ;first letter of "INDEX.CMP"
jnz @F ; not a match
cmp cx, 0 ; all through and a match?
jnz @F
jmp a_match ; yes
; no match, fall through
;; New index file. Close the old one first, then create a new one
;; if needed with blank entries.
@@: mov bx, [index_handle] ; close file on change
cmp bx, 0 ; first time?
jz @F ; yes
call update_file ; update the old file and
mov ah, 03eh ; do the close
int 21h
push cx
mov ax, 04301h
mov dx, offset dir_name2
mov cx, [old_attrb]
int 21h
pop cx
@@: mov ax, 04300h ; save the current attributes
mov dx, offset dir_name
int 21h
jc no_file
mov [old_attrb], cx
mov ax, 04301h ; make it readable
mov dx, offset dir_name
mov cx, 0
int 21h
mov ax, 3d02h ; open the new file up
mov dx, offset dir_name
int 21h
jc no_file ; no file. Create one.
mov cs:[index_handle], ax
mov bx, ax
mov cs:[num_files], 0 ;; ??
mov cx, size num_files + BUF_SIZE + MAX_FN_SIZE
mov dx, offset cs:[num_files] ; buffer to read into
mov ah, 03fh
int 21h
jnc a_match ; read okay!
mov ah, 03ch ; create a new file
mov dx, offset cs:dir_name
mov cx, 0
int 21h
push cs:[attributes] ; mov attributes as if old file
pop cs:[old_attrb]
jnc @F
jmp done ;problem
;; Zero out what will be the contents of the new file
@@: mov bx, ax
mov cs:[index_handle], ax
mov cx, size num_files + BUF_SIZE + MAX_FN_SIZE
; Zero out buffer
mov di, offset cs:num_files
@@: mov byte ptr cs:[di], 0
inc di
loop @B
mov si, offset cs:[dir_name] ; but load index file name
mov di, offset cs:[dir_name2]
mov cx, cs:[tmp_len]
@@: movsb
loop @B
;; write out with zero files, index filename, an empty buffer
mov cx, BUF_SIZE + size num_files + MAX_FN_SIZE
mov dx, offset cs:num_files
mov ah, 040h
int 21h
call commit ; make sure it gets written
;; At this point, the index is loaded into memory. Find the file
mov si, offset cs:[tmp_buffer]
add si, cs:[tmp_len] ;pointer to filename
mov di, offset cs:[file_name]
mov cs:[file_seg], es
mov cs:[file_off], di
@@: mov al, ds:[si] ; move filename again
mov es:[di], al
inc di
inc si
cmp al, 0
jnz @B
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, 1 ; get first one
call get_pointer ; bx gets pointer to entry
mov ds, cs:[file_seg] ; source seg
push cs
pop es ; target seg - the buffer
mov si, cs:[file_off] ; get back the filename
mov di, bx
add di, filename ; and point to it in record
mov cx, word ptr cs:[bx].filename_len
cmp cx, 0
jz no_match ; if empty record
@@: mov al, ds:[si]
cmp al, es:[di]
jnz no_match ; try again
inc si
inc di
loop @B
inc cs:[dirty_bit] ; found it!
call update ; a match. Update it.
jmp done
mov bx, cs:[users_psp] ;reset users PSP and return
mov ah, 050h
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;; Current entry isn't what we want. Try next one.
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, [bx].left_ptr ; assume less than
mov dx, left_ptr
jl @F
mov ax, [bx].right_ptr ; greater than, use right pointer
mov dx, right_ptr
@@: cmp ax, 0 ; end of the line?
jz @F ; yes
call get_pointer ; bx points to next entry
jmp look_lp ; se if a match
;; insert routine
@@: cmp cs:[num_files], MAX_FILES ; full already?
jnz @F ; no
jmp done ; yes. Ignore it.
@@: inc cs:[num_files] ; increase the count
mov ax, cs:[num_files]
add bx, dx ; left or right pointer offset
mov cs:[bx], ax
inc cs:[dirty_bit]
call get_pointer ; point to empty record
;; copy the name into the buffer
mov ds, cs:[file_seg] ; source seg
push cs
pop es ; target seg - the buffer
mov si, cs:[file_off] ; get back the filename
mov di, bx
add di, filename
xor cx, cx
@@: movsb
inc cx
cmp byte ptr ds:[si], 0
jnz @B
;; set up the rest of the entry
mov byte ptr es:[di], 0 ; trailing null: nice for 'C'
mov cs:[bx].filename_len, cx
mov cs:[bx].left_ptr, 0
mov cs:[bx].right_ptr, 0
mov cs:[bx].access_cnt, 1
mov cs:[bx].status, NORMAL
inc cs:[dirty_bit]
call update ; add date and time
jmp done
;; Returns bx as in bx = (ax * size entry) + buffer offset
;; ax is the entry we seek
get_pointer proc near
push cx
push dx
dec ax
mov bx, ax
mov cx, size file
mul cx
xchg ax, bx
add bx, offset cs:[buffer]
pop dx
pop cx
get_pointer endp
;; Write all the stuff in the current buffer out to disk
update_file proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov cs:[dirty_bit], 0 ; now we're clean
xor cx, cx ; lseek to beginning
xor dx, dx
mov ax, 04200h
mov bx, cs:[index_handle]
int 21h
mov dx, offset num_files ; write it
mov cx, BUF_SIZE + size num_files + MAX_FN_SIZE
mov ah, 040h
int 21h
call commit ; make sure it's written
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
update_file endp
;; Add date and time. If compressed, decompress.
mov ah, 02ah ; get the date
int 21h
mov cs:[bx].date, cx
mov cs:[bx].date + 2, dx
mov ah, 02ch ; get the time
int 21h
mov cs:[bx].time, cx ; stuff them
mov cs:[bx].time + 2, dx
inc cs:[bx].access_cnt ; up the access count
cmp cs:[ignore_status], TRUE
jz do_it_anyway
cmp cs:[bx].status, COMPRESSED
jnz @F ; normal
push bx ; save the entry pointer
call decompress ; expand the file
pop bx
mov cs:[bx].status, NORMAL ; reset the status
inc cs:[dirty_bit] ; we have to write now.
@@: ret
;; Is it really compressed?
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
;; Read the first few bytes, see if it matches our unique entry
mov dx, offset cs:tmp_buffer
add dx, filename
mov ax, 3d00h
int 21h
jc bad_decom2 ; can't decompress if can't open!
mov cs:[in_handle], ax
mov bx, ax
mov cx, TAG_LEN ; read the first coupla bytes in
mov dx, offset cs:tag_buf
mov ah, 03fh
int 21h
jc bad_decom ; too short for one of ours!
cmp ax, TAG_LEN
jl bad_decom
mov si, offset cs:tag ; our tag line?
mov di, dx
mov cx, TAG_LEN
@@: mov al, byte ptr cs:[si]
cmp al, byte ptr cs:[di]
jnz bad_decom
loop @B ; a match?
call do_decomp ; yes! Decompress it
mov bx, cs:[in_handle] ; close the file
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
cmp cs:[bx].status, NORMAL ; if it was normal, don't set dirty bit
jz @F
mov cs:[dirty_bit], TRUE
@@: pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;; Open a duplicate handle on the file, then close the duplicate handle.
;; This causes brain damaged dos to commit the file, regardless of
;; version
commit proc near
push ax
push bx
mov ah, 045h
mov bx, cs:[index_handle]
int 21h
mov bx, ax
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h
pop bx
pop ax
commit endp
;; LZW compression routines
;; Zero out the table.
init_tab proc near
push ax
push cx
push si
push ds
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 256
mov si, offset cs:codes
push cs
pop ds
mov [si].cmp_code, 0
mov [si].suffix, al
inc al
add si, size table
loop lp
mov cs:[codes_used], 256
pop ds
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
init_tab endp
;; Actual decompression routine
do_decomp proc near
call paint ; XT owners don't think we crashed...
call init_tab
mov cs:[which_code], 0 ; initialize a bunch of variables
mov cs:[hold], 0
mov cs:[s_ptr], offset cs:stack ; not a real stack
mov cs:[out_cnt], 0
mov cs:[buff_cnt], 0
mov cs:[buff_size], 0
mov cs:[tmp], 0
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset cs:dir_name3 ; create the temporary file
xor cx, cx
mov ah, 03ch
int 21h
mov cs:[out_handle], ax
call get_code ; read a code in
mov bl, al ; save it
call stuff ; stuff on the stack
call unstuff ; unstuff into the output file
mov cs:[old_code], ax ; save it
mov cs:[last_char], bl ; save it
call get_code ; loop. Get a code. expand it.
jc exit ; we're done on carry
cmp ax, RESET_TABLE ; table full in compressor?
jnz no_exit
call init_tab ; yes. Reset everything
call get_code ; and start over
mov bl, al
call stuff
call unstuff
mov cs:[old_code], ax
jmp decode ; now we're back to normal
call output ; exit. Force output of last code
mov bx, cs:[out_handle]
mov ah, 03eh
int 21h ; close decomp'ed temp file
mov cs:[was_compressed], TRUE
call paint ; Yo! XT owner! Wake up!
ret ; good-run exit point
mov cs:[incode], ax ; save the code
cmp ax, cs:[codes_used] ; already in table?
jl @F ; yes
;; Special class of codes for highly repetitive strings. The code can
;; be transmitted before it exists! So, we simply add a new code
mov ax, cs:[old_code]
mov bl, cs:[last_char]
call stuff
@@: push ax ; save the code
mov cx, size table ; get the suffix
mul cx
mov si, ax
add si, offset cs:codes
pop ax
cmp ax, 256 ; "low" code?
jl @F ; yup. End loop
mov bl,cs:[si].suffix
call stuff ; enter onto stack
mov ax, cs:[si].cmp_code ; next code in code sequence
jmp @B ; loop
@@: mov bl, cs:[si].suffix ; do the last char
mov cs:[last_char], bl ; and save it
call stuff ; add to stack
call unstuff ; write out whole stack
cmp cs:[codes_used], MAX_CODE ; full table?
jz @F ; yup
;; Add the code into the table
mov ax, cs:[codes_used]
mov cx, size table
mul cx
mov si, ax
add si, offset cs:codes
mov ax, cs:[old_code]
mov cs:[si].cmp_code, ax
mov al, cs:[last_char]
mov cs:[si].suffix, al
inc cs:[codes_used] ; up the number of codes used in table
@@: mov ax, cs:[incode] ; save original code
mov cs:[old_code], ax
jmp decode ; next!
do_decomp endp
;; The codes are actually 12 bit entities: a byte and a half. So, take
;; turns reading two bytes, returning 12 bits, then one byte, returning
;; old half byte (a nibble) and new byte. That's a code. And it fits
;; within a register. How nifty!
cmp cs:[which_code], 0 ; even or odd code?
jnz odd_code
call get_byte ; get the first byte
jc get_code_ret ; eof
xor ax, ax
mov al, byte ptr cs:[tmp] ; get byte
mov cl, 4 ; and pop it down a nibble
shl ax, cl
call get_byte ; get next byte
jc get_code_ret ; eof
mov bx, ax ; turn it into a code and save
xor ax, ax ; left over nibble.
mov al, byte ptr cs:[tmp]
mov cs:[hold], ax
and cs:[hold], 0fh ; set the leftover flag.
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
or ax, bx
mov cs:[which_code], 1
jmp get_code_ret
mov ax, cs:[hold] ; retrieve left over nibble
mov cl, 8 ; pop it up
shl ax, cl
call get_byte ; get next byte
jc get_code_ret ; eof? Shouldn't happen
or al, byte ptr cs:[tmp] ; add it in
mov cs:[which_code], 0 ; set for even read next time
ret ; code in ax
;; characfter in bl gets stuffed onto stack
push si
mov si, cs:[s_ptr]
inc cs:[s_ptr]
mov byte ptr cs:[si], bl
pop si
;; Get characters off stack in reverse order. Add to buffer. Write buffer
;; if it gets too large
push ax
push bx
push si
mov si, cs:[s_ptr]
dec si
cmp si, offset cs:stack
jl unstuff_end
cmp cs:[out_cnt], INBUF_SIZE
jnz @F
call output
@@: mov al, byte ptr cs:[si]
mov bx, cs:[out_cnt]
inc cs:[out_cnt]
add bx, offset cs:out_buf
mov byte ptr cs:[bx], al
jmp unstuff_lp
mov cs:[s_ptr], offset cs:stack ; reset the stack
pop si
pop bx
pop ax
;; Write the data out to the output temporary file
output proc near
cmp cs:[out_cnt], 0
jz output_ret
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
mov bx, cs:[out_handle]
mov cx, cs:[out_cnt]
mov ah, 040h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset cs:out_buf
int 21h
mov cs:[out_cnt], 0
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
output endp
;; Read a buffer in. Return next byte in buffer, reading in buffers as
;; required.
;; Return with carry set when you reach EOF.
get_byte proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ax, cs:[buff_cnt]
cmp ax, cs:[buff_size]
jnz buffer_ok
mov dx, offset cs:in_buffer
mov cx, INBUF_SIZE ; must be evenly divisible by 1.5
mov bx, cs:[in_handle]
mov ah, 03fh
int 21h
mov cs:[buff_size], ax
mov cs:[buff_cnt], 0
cmp ax, 0
jz eof
mov bx, cs:[buff_cnt]
inc cs:[buff_cnt]
mov al, byte ptr cs:[bx + in_buffer]
mov cs:[tmp], al
jmp get_byte_ret
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
get_byte endp
;; Simply rename the temporary file into the real filename name
rename proc near
push ax
push dx
push di
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov di, offset cs:tmp_buffer
mov dx, offset cs:dir_name3
mov ah, 056h
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop dx
pop ax
rename endp
;; Paint message on screen by exchanging bytes. Two calls and everything
;; is back to normal
paint proc near
push ax
push cx
push si
push di
push es
mov es, cs:[screen_segment]
xor di, di
mov cx, SCREEN_LEN
mov ax, word ptr es:[si]
xchg al, cs:[screen_msg + di]
xchg ah, cs:[screen_attrb + di]
mov word ptr es:[si], ax
inc si
inc si
inc di
loop scr_lp1
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
paint endp
;; end of resident code
;; start of transient code
;; See if we're already installed. If so, print a message and exit
;; Otherwise, save the old Dos interrupt vector, take it over for our
;; purposes, output a nice message, and save our own psp in the code
;; segment before exiting with a bunch of memory saved
mov ax, 0fedch
int 21h
cmp ax, 0cdefh
jnz @F
jmp already_in
@@: mov ax, 03521h
int 21h
mov cs:[old_dos], bx
mov cs:[old_dos + 2], es
mov ax, 02521h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset new_dos
int 21h
mov dx, offset good_inst_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ah, 051h
int 21h
mov cs:[my_psp], bx
mov ax, 03100h
mov si, 80h ; point to arguments
mov cl, byte ptr [si]
xor ch, ch
cmp cx, 0
jz @F
@@: inc si
cmp byte ptr [si], '-'
jz got_minus
cmp byte ptr [si], '/'
jnz not_arg
cmp byte ptr [si + 1], 'i'
jz got_arg
cmp byte ptr [si + 1], 'I'
jnz not_ignore
mov cs:[ignore_status], TRUE
jmp not_arg
not_ignore: ; -A#
cmp byte ptr [si + 1], 'a'
jz got_arg2
cmp byte ptr [si + 1], 'A'
jnz not_arg
mov al, byte ptr [si + 2]
sub al, '0'
jl not_arg
cmp al, 3
jg not_arg
;0= visible, writable
;1= hidden, writable
;2= visible, not writable
;3= hidden, not writable
test al, 1
jz not_hidden
or cs:[attributes], 2
test al, 2
jz not_write_protect
or cs:[attributes], 1
loop @B
@@: mov dx, offset install
shr dx, 1
shr dx, 1
shr dx, 1
shr dx, 1
inc dx
int 21h
int 20h
mov dx, offset bad_inst_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ax, 04c01h
int 21h
bad_inst_msg db CR, LF, BELL, 'DCOMPRES already installed...'
db CR, LF, '$'
good_inst_msg db CR, LF, 'DCOMPRES Copyright (c) 1989 by Ziff Communications Co. Program by Ross M. Greenberg'
db CR, LF, LF, 'COMPRESS installed.', CR, LF, LF, '$'
@@ equ good_inst_msg
cseg ends
end start