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KERNEL4.HLP Edited by J. McKnight H 408-252-7396 1988-01-30
Extensible Layer: Defining Words
#USER ( -- a1 )
A variable that holds the count of how many user variables
are allocated.
USER ( -- )
Vocabulary that holds the multi-tasking versions of defining words.
ALLOT ( n )
Allocate space in the user area for a multi-tasking word.
CREATE <name> ( -- )
Define a word that returns the address of the next available user
memory location.
VARIABLE <name> ( -- )
Define a task type variable. Similar to the old FIG version word USER.
DEFER <name> ( -- )
Defines an execution vector that is local to a task.
Extensible Layer: ReDefining Words
>IS ( cfa -- data-address )
Maps a code field into a data field. If the word is in the USER class
of words, then the data address must be calculated relative to the
current user pointer. Otherwise it is just the parameter field.
(IS) ( cfa -- )
This word is compiled by IS. Sets the following DEFERred word to the
address on the parameter stack.
IS ( cfa -- )
Depending on STATE, either sets the following DEFERred word immediatly
or compiles the setting for later.
SELECT ( n1 --- )
Select drive n1 as the current disk drive to use as the DEFAULT
drive when no drive is specified. N1 ranges from 0 which is drive
A:, to a legal value up to 255 in DOS.
F: ( --- )
Select drive A:, B:, C:, D:, E: or F: as the default drive.
QUIT ( -- )
The main loop in Forth. Gets input from the terminal and Interprets
it. Responds with OK if healthy and repeats the process.
BOOT ( --- )
A defered word that performs initialization before executing QUIT.
You can change this defered word to perform your own initialization.
A DEFERed word chain, used by many system utilities that need to
specify a function to be performed at cold start time. See also
DEFERS for more information on how defered word chains work.
SEGSET ( --- )
A DEFERed word that contain the current function used to set up
the segment registers at cold start time. Typically contains
The default function to be performed on a WARM start. This word
is plugged into the DEFERed word WARMFUNC, to specify what is
done when the CONTROL BREAK key is pressed. See also WARMFUNC and
WARMFUNC ( --- )
A DEFERed word that is invoked when a warm start occurs. This
function is called whenever the CONTROL BREAK key is pressed.
1STCOLD ( --- f1 )
A flag to tell if COLD has been called yet.
WARM ( -- )
The WARM entry point for Forth, just calles the DEFERed word
WARMFUNC. A WARM start is invoked whenever the CONTROL BREAK key
is pressed.
COLD ( -- )
The high level cold start code. For ordinary forth, BOOT should
initialize and pass control to QUIT. Typically Boot contains HELLO.
START ( -- )
Minimal default initialization. This word is stuffed into BOOT
when compiling the KERNEL.COM file.
BIOSBKSAVE ( -- a1 )
A double variable that holds the BIOS Control Break vector so it
can be restored on exit from Forth.
DIV0SAVE ( -- a1 )
A double variable that holds the divide by zero interupt vector
so it can be restored on exit from Forth.
CTRLBKSAVE ( -- a1 )
A variable that holds the state of the low memory Control Break
flag so it can be restored on exit from Forth.
Restores the CONTROL BREAK DOS vectors to their original value
as when Forth was entered. The CONTROL BREAK and DIVIDE by 0
vectors are saved by the assembly language cold start routines
before Forth is entered.
DIV0STRT ( -- )
The default function to perform when a DIVIDE by 0 trap occurs.
This routine aborts. A divide by 0 trap calls DIV0FUNC, which
defers to this routine.
DIV0FUNC ( -- )
F-PC traps divide by 0 errors, and calls this defered word when
such an error is detected. You can change the contents of this
defered words to handle divide by 0 errors in your own program.
BYEFUNC ( --- )
A defered word which normally contains NOOP, provided so you
can specify a function to be performed before leaving back to
BYE ( -- )
Returns control to DOS. Performs the defered word BYEFUNC before
actually leaving.
DIVIDE0 ( status_reg CS IP AX BX CX DX SI BP -- )
The actual entry point from the divide by 0 trap, this word just
calls the deferd word DIV0FUNC. Normally the registers on the
stack are just discarded, but you can install your own routine
into DIV0FUNC to handle the divide by 0 error.
DIV0BK ( -- status_reg CS IP AX BX CX DX SI BP )
Handle the Divide by 0 interupt processing. You cannot reliably
return from a divide by zero interrupt.
RESTNEXT ( -- f1 )
A flag to determine if we want the next code restored.
SETBRK ( --- )
A subroutine not accessible directly from Forth that sets the
various interrupt vectors used by Forth.
A subroutine not accessible directly from Forth that saves
the Divide by 0 & Cntrl Brk interrupt vectors.
Set the CONTROL BREAK and DIVIDE by 0 traps to point to the
Forth provided functions, so we can handle them smoothly.
@REL>ABS ( a1 --- a2 )
Convert JMP address in a1+1 to an absolute memory address a2.
DEPTH ( -- n )
Returns the number of items on the parameter stack.
MAX.S ( -- a1 )
A variable that holds the maximum depth to be displayed of the
data stack with .S following.
.S ( -- )
Displays the contents of the parameter stack non destructively. Very
useful when debugging.
%.ID ( nfa -- )
Display the variable length name whose name field address is on the
stack. If it is shorter than its count, it is padded with underscores.
Only valid Ascii is typed.
.ID ( nfa -- )
A defered word. Display the variable length name whose name field
address is on the stack. If it is shorter than its count, it is
padded with underscores. Only valid Ascii is typed.
DUMP ( addr len -- )
A primitive little dump routine to help you debug after you have
changed the system source and nothing works any more.
RECURSE ( -- )
Makes the definition this word is used in call itself at the
point where it is used. ie. "RECUSION"
H. ( u -- )
Display the unsigned number in hex, with trailing blank. Does not
change the number base.
LMARGIN ( -- a1 )
The left margin setting used by ?LINE, ?CR. When a line
wrap occurs, then LMARGIN specifies how many spaces are printed
on the following line. Default value is 0.
RMARGIN ( -- a1 )
Controls the right margin, used by ?LINE, ?CR. Specifys
where to wrap the line. Default value is 70.
TABSIZE ( --- a1 )
Controls the TAB increment for TAB. Default is 8.
?LINE ( n -- )
Break the line at the cursor if there are less than n1 characters
till RMARGIN is encountered.
?CR ( -- )
Break the line at the cursor, if we have reached the right margin
as specified by RMARGIN.
TAB ( -- )
Print spaces to get to the next TAB increment as specified by
\ ( -- )
Comment till the end of this line.