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Text File
990 lines
return the total amount of extended memory installed
return whether an ALT key is pressed
AnsiPrint St$
display a string which may contain ANSI codes
AntiSnow Slow%
make text-mode video routines slower, but prevents flicker on old CGAs
ArcCosD# (Nr#)
return the inverse cosine of a number
ArcCosHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
ArcCosHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
ArcCosS! (Nr!)
return the inverse cosine of a number
ArcCotD# (Nr#)
return the inverse cotangent of a number
ArcCotHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number
ArcCotHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a number
ArcCotS! (Nr!)
return the inverse cotangent of a number
ArcCscD# (Nr#)
return the inverse cosecant of a number
ArcCscHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a number
ArcCscHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a number
ArcCscS! (Nr!)
return the inverse cosecant of a number
ArcSecD# (Nr#)
return the inverse secant of a number
ArcSecHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic secant of a number
ArcSecHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic secant of a number
ArcSecS! (Nr!)
return the inverse secant of a number
ArcSinD# (Nr#)
return the inverse sine of a number
ArcSinHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
ArcSinHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
ArcSinS! (Nr!)
return the inverse sine of a number
ArcTanHD# (Nr#)
return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
ArcTanHS! (Nr!)
return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
AscM% (St$, Posn%)
combined ASC and MID$ functions
CalcAttr% Fore%, Back%
convert foreground and background colors into a color/attribute
CalcSize% TopRow%, LeftCol%, BottomRow%, RightCol%, SaveSize%
calculate the bytes needed to store a screen image, - 2
return the state of the CapsLock key toggle
return whether a CD-ROM drive is installed and available
CeilD# (Nr#)
return the smallest integer >= the specified number
CeilS! (Nr!)
return the smallest integer >= the specified number
Cent2Fahr! (Nr!)
convert from centigrade to Fahrenheit
CheckSum% (St$)
calculate a simple checksum for a string
Cipher St$, Password$
encrypt or decrypt a string
CipherP St$, Password$
encrypt or decrypt a string, leaving encrypted strings printable
clear the keyboard buffer of any pending keys
close an archive which was opened by FindFirstA
return the number of serial ports installed
CosHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic cosine of a number
CosHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic cosine of a number
CotD# (Nr#)
return the cotangent of a number
CotHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic cotangent of a number
CotHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic cotangent of a number
CotS! (Nr!)
return the cotangent of a number
CRC16 St$, HiCRC%, LoCRC%
return the 16-bit Xmodem-style CRC of a string
Crunch$ (St$, CharList$)
remove adjacent duplicates of a set of characters from a string
CscD# (Nr#)
return the cosecant of a number
CscHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic cosecant of a number
CscHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic cosecant of a number
CscS! (Nr!)
return the cosecant of a number
return whether a CTRL key is being pressed
Date2Num& (DateSt$)
convert a date from string format to a number
Deg2RadD# (Nr#)
convert from degrees to radians
Deg2RadS! (Nr!)
convert from degrees to radians
DelayV MilliSec%
provide a delay of roughly one millisecond, based on the video card
DelimExtract$ (St$, Delimiter$, Index%)
extract a specified delimited substring from a string
clear the screen, using DOS output and ANSI codes
DOSColor Fore%, Back%
set the screen colors, using DOS output and ANSI codes
DOSLocate Row%, Column%
set the cursor position, using DOS output and ANSI codes
DOSPrint St$
display a string using DOS output
return whether DR DOS is in use
EMSclose Handle%
close an EMS handle that was opened by EMSopen
return whether EMS memory is available
return how much EMS memory is available (in pages of 16k bytes)
EMSmap Handle%, PhysPage%, VirtPage%
map a page of EMS memory into an area you can reach
EMSopen Pages%, Handle%, ErrCode%
open a block of EMS memory for access (1 page = 16k bytes)
EMSopt Fast%
allow faster access to EMS memory, given some restrictions
EMSresize Handle%, Pages%, ErrCode%
change the size of an allocated block of EMS memory
return the segment at which you can access EMS memory by mapping it in
return the total amount of EMS memory (in pages of 16k bytes)
EMSver MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of the EMS driver
ErfD# (Nr#)
return the error function for a number
ErfS! (Nr!)
return the error function for a number
Evaluate Expression$, Result!, ErrCode%
return the result of a numeric expression
return the constant "e" (used in natural logarithms, etc)
return the constant "e" (used in natural logarithms, etc)
FactD# (Nr%)
return the factorial of a number
FactS! (Nr%)
return the factorial of a number
Fahr2Cent! (Nr!)
convert from Fahrenheit to centigrade
FindFirstA Archive$, Filename$, ErrCode%
find the first file matching a wildcard spec within an archive
FindFirstF Buffer$, Filename$, FAttr%, ErrCode%
find the first file matching a wildcard spec in a directory
FindNextA ErrCode%
continue to find files matching a wildcard spec within an archive
FindNextF Buffer$, ErrCode%
continue to find files matching a wildcard spec in a directory
FloorD# (Nr#)
return the largest integer <= the specified number
FloorS! (Nr!)
return the largest integer <= the specified number
return the number of floppy drives available
FloppyType DriveA%, DriveB%
return the drive types of the first and second floppies, if any
G13Box X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Fill%
draw a box in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
clear the screen in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Color Fore%, Back%
set the default screen colors in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Ellipse CenterX%, CenterY%, XRadius%, YRadius%
draw a circle or ellipse in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13GetColor Fore%, Back%
get the default screen colors in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13GetLocate Row%, Column%
get the cursor position in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13GetPel% (X%, Y%)
get the color of a specified point in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Line X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%
draw a line in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Locate Row%, Column%
set the cursor position in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13MakeBMP File$, X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, ErrCode%
make a .BMP file from an image in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Mode Graphics%
switch between 320x200 256-color VGA mode and text mode
G13Plot X%, Y%
plot a point in 320x200 256-color VGA mode and text mode
G13Polygon X%, Y%, Radius%, Vertices%, Angle!
draw a regular polygon in 320x200 256-color VGA mode and text mode
G13ShowBMP File$, X%, Y%, ErrCode%
show a .BMP file on screen in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13WrCh Ch%
display an ASCII character in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13Write St$
display a string in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
G13WriteLn St$
display a string with a <CR><LF> in 320x200 256-color VGA mode
GCDI% (Nr1%, Nr2%)
return the greatest common denominator of two numbers
GCDL& (Nr1&, Nr2&)
return the greatest common denominator of two numbers
Get4DOSv MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of 4DOS installed, if any
GetAttrF% (Buffer$)
return the attribute of a file matched by FindFirstF
return the CRC of an archived file
return the date of an archived file
GetDateF$ (Buffer$)
return the date of a file matched by FindFirstF/FindNextF
GetDisplay Adapter%, Mono%
return the display adapter and monitor type
GetDOSv MajorV%, MinorV%
return the DOS version
GetEMSm TotalPages%, FreePages%
return the amount of EMS memory (in pages of 16k bytes)
GetEMSv MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of the EMS driver installed
return the amount of BIOS extended memory available
return the name of a file in an archive
GetNameF$ (Buffer$)
return the name of a file matched by FindFirstF/FindNextF
GetPal& (ColorNr%)
return the color value for a color number in 256-color modes
GetPalRGB ColorNr%, RedI%, GreenI%, BlueI%
return the RGB values for a color number in 256-color modes
GetSizeA OriginalSize&, CurrentSize&
return the sizes of a file in an archive
GetSizeF$ (Buffer$)
return the size of a file matched by FindFirstF/FindNextF
return the storage method used on a file in an archive
return the time of a file in an archive
GetTimeF$ (Buffer$)
return the size of a file matched by FindFirstF/FindNextF
GetXMSm LargestFree&, TotalFree&
return the amount of XMS memory in kbytes
GetXMSv MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of the XMS driver
GGVBox X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Fill%
draw a box in any VESA graphics mode
clear the screen in any VESA graphics mode
GGVColor Fore%, Back%
set the default screen colors in any VESA graphics mode
close up VESA graphics routines, restore former video mode
GGVEllipse CenterX%, CenterY%, XRadius%, YRadius%
draw a circle or ellipse in any VESA graphics mode
GGVGetColor Fore%, Back%
get the default screen colors in any VESA graphics mode
GGVGetLocate Row%, Column%
get the cursor position in any VESA graphics mode
GGVGetPel% (X%, Y%)
get the color of a specified point in any VESA graphics mode
initialize VESA graphics routines
GGVLine X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%
draw a line in any VESA graphics mode
GGVLocate Row%, Column%
set the cursor position in any VESA graphics mode
GGVMakeBMP File$, X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, ErrCode%
make a .BMP file from an image in any 256-color VESA graphics mode
GGVMode Graphics%
switch into any VESA graphics mode
GGVPlot X%, Y%
plot a point in any VESA graphics mode
GGVPolygon X%, Y%, Radius%, Vertices%, Angle!
draw a regular polygon in any VESA graphics mode
GGVShowBMP File$, X%, Y%, ErrCode%
show a .BMP file on screen in any 256-color VESA graphics mode
display an ASCII character in any VESA graphics mode
GGVWrite St$
display a string in any VESA graphics mode
GGVWriteLn St$
display a string with a <CR><LF> in any VESA graphics mode
GN0Box X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Fill%
draw a box in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
clear the screen in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Color Fore%, Back%
set the default screen colors in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Ellipse CenterX%, CenterY%, XRadius%, YRadius%
draw a circle or ellipse in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0GetColor Fore%, Back%
get the default screen colors in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0GetLocate Row%, Column%
get the cursor position in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0GetPel% (X%, Y%)
get the color of a specified point in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Line X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%
draw a line in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Locate Row%, Column%
set the cursor position in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0MakeBMP File$, X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, ErrCode%
make a .BMP file from an image in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Mode Graphics%
switch between 360x480 256-color VGA mode and text mode
GN0Plot X%, Y%
plot a point in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Polygon X%, Y%, Radius%, Vertices%, Angle!
draw a regular polygon in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GGVShowBMP File$, X%, Y%, ErrCode%
show a .BMP file on screen in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0WrCh Ch%
display an ASCII character in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0Write St$
display a string in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN0WriteLn St$
display a string with a <CR><LF> in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
GN5Box X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, Fill%
draw a box in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
clear the screen in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Color Fore%, Back%
set the default screen colors in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Ellipse CenterX%, CenterY%, XRadius%, YRadius%
draw a circle or ellipse in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5GetColor Fore%, Back%
get the default screen colors in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5GetLocate Row%, Column%
get the cursor position in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5GetPel% (X%, Y%)
get the color of a specified point in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Init ModeNr%, ScrWidth%, ScrHeight%
initialize Tseng 4000 256-color routines
GN5Line X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%
draw a line in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Locate Row%, Column%
set the cursor position in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5MakeBMP File$, X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%, ErrCode%
make a .BMP file from an image in any Tseng 4000 256-color VGA modes
GN5Mode Graphics%
switch between text mode & any Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Plot X%, Y%
plot a point in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Polygon X%, Y%, Radius%, Vertices%, Angle!
draw a regular polygon in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5ShowBMP File$, X%, Y%, ErrCode%
show a .BMP file on screen in any Tseng 4000 256-color VGA modes
GN5WrCh Ch%
display an ASCII character in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5Write St$
display a string in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GN5WriteLn St$
display a string with a <CR><LF> in Tseng 4000 256-color SVGA mode
GoodDate% (DateSt$)
determine whether a date is valid
return the state of the Insert key toggle
return the state of joystick A button 1
return the state of joystick A button 2
return the state of joystick B button 1
return the state of joystick B button 2
JButtons A1%, A2%, B1%, B2%
return the state of all joystick buttons
JoinRGB& (ColorValue&, RedI%, GreenI%, BlueI%)
combines RGB values into a single color value
JPos AX%, AY%, BX%, BY%
return the X,Y positions of both joysticks
return the keyboard type (nonzero if "enhanced" keyboard)
Kg2Pound! (Nr!)
convert kilograms to pounds
return whether the left ALT key is pressed (for "enhanced" keyboards)
return whether the left CTRL key is pressed (for "enhanced" keyboards)
return whether the left SHIFT key is pressed
MatchFile% (Pattern$, Filename$)
determine whether a filename matches a wildcard filespec
MouseCursorG CursorNr%
select a mouse graphics cursor
make the mouse cursor invisible
return the number of mouse buttons (if any mouse) and initialize mouse
return the state of the left mouse button
MouseLClick Count%, X%, Y%
for left mouse button, return number of clicks & position at last click
MouseLocate X%, Y%
set the mouse cursor position
MouseLRelease Count%, X%, Y%
for left mouse button, return number of releases & position at last click
return the state of the middle mouse button (if any)
MouseMClick Count%, X%, Y%
for middle mouse button, return number of clicks & position at last click
MouseMRelease Count%, X%, Y%
for middle mouse button, return number of releases & position at last click
return the state of the right mouse button
MouseRClick Count%, X%, Y%
for right mouse button, return number of clicks & position at last click
MouseRRelease Count%, X%, Y%
for right mouse button, return number of releases & position at last click
make the mouse cursor visible
return the X position of the mouse cursor
return the Y position of the mouse cursor
MouseWindow X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%
restrict the range of the mouse cursor to the specified area
Num2Date$ (DateNr&)
convert a number to a date
return the state of the NumLock key toggle
return the math chip installed (0 none, 1 8087, 2 80287, 3 80387)
return the date of the BIOS ROM
return the type of the computer based on the BIOS (PC, XT, AT, etc)
return the constant "pi"
return the constant "pi"
PopWindow TRow%,LCol%,BRow%,RCol%,Frame%,Attr%,Grow%,Shade%,TFore%,Title$
display a pop-up window
Pound2Kg! (Nr!)
convert pounds to kilograms
copy the screen to the printer
return the type of CPU installed
return the number of parallel ports installed
return the state of the right ALT key (for "enhanced" keyboards)
Rad2DegD# (Nr#)
convert from radians to degrees
Rad2DegS! (Nr!)
convert from radians to degrees
return the state of the right CTRL key (for "enhanced" keyboards)
ReColorArea TopRow%, LefCol%, BottomRow%, RightCol%, Attr%
change a specified area of the screen to a specified color
Reverse St$
reverse the order of characters in a string
RInstr St$, SubSt$, Posn%
return the position of the last occurrence of a substring within a string
RotateL% (Nr%, Count%)
rotate the bits in a number left
RotateLL& (Nr&, Count%)
rotate the bits in a number left
RotateR% (Nr%, Count%)
rotate the bits in a number right
RotateRL& (Nr&, Count%)
rotate the bits in a number right
return the state of the right SHIFT key
return the number of available SoundBlaster XMS handles
SBFreeXMS Handle%
release a SoundBlaster XMS handle
SBGetActive FM%, DskVoice%, MemVoice%, Auxiliary%, MIDI%
return activation state of various SoundBlaster drivers
SBGetDrivers FM%, DskVoice%, MemVoice%, Auxiliary%, MIDI%
return existence state of various SoundBlaster drivers
SBGetVer MajorV%, MinorV%
return version of SBSIM SoundBlaster driver
SBGetVolume Source%, LeftVol%, RightVol%
return SoundBlaster volume level(s)
SBInitSrcFile DriverNr%, FileName$, ErrCode%
set up a SoundBlaster driver to access a file
SBInitSrcXMS Handle%, ErrCode%
set up a SoundBlaster driver to access XMS
return SBSIM interrupt number (if any) for SoundBlaster
SBIsFree% (Handle%)
return whether a SoundBlaster handle is in use
SBLoadXMS FileName$, Handle%, ErrCode%
load a file into XMS for SoundBlaster use
SBMapMIDI Mapper%
set MIDI mapping for SoundBlaster
SBPause DriverNr%
pause a specified SoundBlaster driver
SBPlay DriverNr%
play something through a specified SoundBlaster driver
SBResume DriverNr%
resume playing a paused SoundBlaster driver
SBSetVolume Source%, LeftVol%, RightVol%
set SoundBlaster volume levels
SBStatus% (DriverNr%)
return the state of a given SoundBlaster driver
SBStop DriverNr%
stop play on a given SoundBlaster driver
return the key in the keyboard buffer without removing it
ScreenRest0 Scr$, TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%
[internal] restore a block of text to the screen
ScreenRestore Scr$, TopRow%, LeftCol%
restore a block of text to the screen
ScreenSave$ TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%
save an area of the screen to a string
ScreenSave0 Scr$, TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%
[internal] save an area of the screen to a string
ScrollDown TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%, Times%, Attr%
scroll an area of the screen down or clears it
ScrollLeft TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%, Times%, Attr%
scroll an area of the screen left or clears it
return the state of the ScrollLock key toggle
ScrollRight TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%, Times%, Attr%
scroll an area of the screen right or clears it
ScrollUp TRow%, LCol%, BRow%, RCol%, Times%, Attr%
scroll an area of the screen up or clears it
SecD# (Nr#)
return the secant of a number
SecHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic secant of a number
SecHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic secant of a number
SecS! (Nr!)
return the secant of a number
SetCaps TurnOn%
set the state of the CapsLock key toggle
SetEnhKbd TurnOn%
set whether to use "enhanced" keyboard handling
SetInsert TurnOn%
set the state of the Insert key toggle
SetNum TurnOn%
set the state of the NumLock key toggle
SetPal ColorNr%, ColorValue&
set the color value for a color number in 256-color modes
SetPalRGB ColorNr%, RedI%, GreenI%, BlueI%
set the RGB values for a color number in 256-color modes
SetPrtSc TurnOn%
set whether the PrtSc key should work
SetScroll TurnOn%
set the state of the ScrollLock key toggle
ShiftL% (Nr%, Count%)
shift the bits in a number left
ShiftLL& (Nr&, Count%)
shift the bits in a number left
return the state of the shift keys
ShiftR% (Nr%, Count%)
shift the bits in a number right
ShiftRL& (Nr&, Count%)
shift the bits in a number right
SinHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic sine of a number
SinHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic sine of a number
SpeedKey RepDelay%, RepRate%
set the keyboard speed for AT-type computers
SplitRGB ColorValue&, RedI%, GreenI%, BlueI%
splits a color value into RGB values
TanHD# (Nr#)
return the hyperbolic tangent of a number
TanHS! (Nr!)
return the hyperbolic tangent of a number
return whether a carrier is detected (telecomm)
terminate the serial communications handler
TCDTR State%
set the state of the DTR (telecomm)
TCFlowCtl State%
set whether to use hardware flow control (telecomm)
flush the telecomm input buffer
flush the telecomm output buffer
TCInit Port%, InSize%, OutSize%, ErrCode%
initialize the serial communications routines
retrieve an incoming (telecomm) character
return whether any characters are waiting to be retrieved (telecomm)
return whether any characters are waiting to be sent (telecomm)
TCParms Parity$, WordLength%, StopBits%
initialize the serial port
TCSpeed Bps&
set the "baud rate" (telecomm)
TCWrite St$
write a string to the telecomm output buffer
TCWriteLn St$
write a string and a <CR><LF> to the telecomm output buffer
TInstr St$, Types%, Posn%
return the position of the first of a given type of characters in a string
TypeIn St$
enter a string as if you had typed it from the keyboard
UnCalcAttr Attr%, Fore%, Back%
convert a color/attribute into foreground and background colors
get pixel height of character font in current VESA mode
get pixel width of character font in current VESA mode
get number of colors in current VESA mode
get info on the first VESA graphics mode available
get info on the first VESA graphics mode available
get whether current VESA mode is monochrome (-1 yes, 0 no)
get whether current VESA mode is a text mode (-1 yes, 0 no)
get screen width in current VESA mode
get screen height in current VESA mode
VesaVersion MajorVer%, MinorVer%
see if VESA graphics support is available and get driver version
WeekDay$ (DateSt$)
return the day of the week for a given date
WinCheck MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of Windows that is running (if any)
XMSclose Handle%
close an area of XMS memory that was opened by XMSopen
return whether XMS memory exists
return the size of the largest free block of XMS memory (kbytes)
XMSopen KBytes&, Handle%, ErrCode%
open an area of XMS memory for access
XMSread Handle%, Posn&, Bytes&, DSeg%, DOfs%
get information from XMS memory
XMSresize Handle%, KBytes&, ErrCode%
change the size of an allocated area of XMS memory
return the total amount of XMS memory available (kbytes)
XMSver MajorV%, MinorV%
return the version of the XMS driver installed, if any
XMSwrite Handle%, Posn&, Bytes&, DSeg%, DOfs%
store information in XMS memory
XQPrint St$, Row%, Column%, Attr%
display a string at very high speed
XQPrintOver St$, Row%, Column%, Attr%
display a string at very high speed, overlaying any existing text