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function GetHandle%(FileName$, Method$) public
local FileHandle%
' The function GetHandle% returns for the lowest available Turbo file
' handle with the requested file open in the specified mode. If no
' handles are available, the function returns 55.
' If the handle returned is < 1, then an error occured and file is not
' open. The value returned is the negative of the PB error code.
' For com ports FileName$ is "COM#" and Method$ is option block (CR, etc.).
' The LEN= option of basic is not supported and will always be 128 which
' is PB's default.
FileHandle% = freefile
on error goto FileOpenError
if left$(ucase$(FileName$),3) = "COM"_ ' CHECK IF COM PORT
and len(FileName$) = 4 then
open FileName$ +Method$ as FileHandle% ' IF IT IS OPEN AS COM PORT
open Method$, FileHandle%, FileName$ ' TRY TO OPEN AS FILE
end if
on error goto 0 ' TURN OFF ERROR CHECKING
GetHandle% = FileHandle% ' RETURN VALID HANDLE OR 0
exit function
GetHandle% = -err ' Return error code as negative
end function
function Exists% (FileSpec$) public
' The function Exists% returns a %True value if the file specified by
' FileName$ is on the current/specified disk drive.
FileSpec$ = FileSpec$ +chr$(0) ' Make filespec an ASCIIZ
reg %AX, &h3D00 ' DOS function 3D: Open File, read access
reg %DS, strseg(FileSpec$) ' Point DS:DX to FileSpec
reg %DX, strptr(FileSpec$)
call interrupt %DOS ' call DOS
if (reg(%Flags) and 1) = 0 then ' If carry flag clear then sucessful
reg %BX, reg(%AX) ' Move DOS handle from AX to BX
reg %AX, &h3E00 ' DOS function 3E: Close File
call interrupt %DOS ' call DOS
Exists% = %True ' Return TRUE
else ' Otherwise
Exists% = %False ' Return FALSE
end if
end function
function FileNameProper$ (FileName$) public
local NameProper$
NameProper$ = FileName$
while instr(NameProper$, "\") > 0
NameProper$ = mid$(NameProper$, instr(NameProper$, "\") +1)
if instr(NameProper$, ".") > 0 then
NameProper$ = left$(NameProper$, instr(NameProper$, ".") -1)
end if
if instr(NameProper$, ":") > 0 then
NameProper$ = mid$(NameProper$, instr(NameProper$, ":") +1)
end if
FileNameProper$ = NameProper$
end function
function FileNamePath$ (FileName$) public
local NamePath$
NamePath$ = FileName$
if instr(NamePath$, "\") > 0 or instr(NamePath$, ":") > 0 then
while right$(NamePath$, 1) <> "\" and right$(NamePath$, 1) <> ":"
NamePath$ = left$ (NamePath$, len(NamePath$) -1)
NamePath$ = ""
end if
FileNamePath$ = NamePath$
end function
function DefaultExt$ (FileName$, Ext$) public
if instr(FileName$, ".") > 0 then
DefaultExt$ = FileName$
DefaultExt$ = ChangeExt$ (FileName$, Ext$)
end if
end function
function ChangeExt$ (FileName$, Ext$) public
if instr(Ext$, ".") > 0 then
Ext$ = mid$(Ext$, instr(Ext$, ".") +1)
end if
Ext$ = left$(Ext$, 3)
ChangeExt$ = FileNamePath$ (FileName$) _
+FileNameProper$ (FileName$) + "." +Ext$
end function
function GetBytes$ (Handle%, FileOffset&, BytesToGet%) public
' Purpose ......| Read specified number of bytes from a binary file
' Author/Date ..| Michael E. Flenniken 1-18-90
' Notes ........| File must be opened in binary mode before this function is
' | called. There is no error checking, so the program will
' | crash if the file isn't opened in binary mode.
local BytesRead$
seek Handle%, FileOffset&
get$ Handle%, BytesToGet%, BytesRead$
GetBytes$ = BytesRead$
end function
function GetKeyPress$ (PromptStmt$, Valid$, Echo%) public
' Purpose ......| Prompt user to press a key and validate, with or w/o echo
' Author/Date ..| Michael E. Flenniken 1-18-90
' Notes ........| PromptStmt$ is the text to prompt user with. GetKeyPress$
' | normally moves the cursor to the next line upon
' | completion, but if PromptStmt$ is null and Echo% = 0 then
' | cursor position will be unchanged.
' | Valid$ is a list of valid keys presses to accept. If Valid$
' | is null then all keys are valid.
' | If Echo% is 0 the validated key press will not be sent to
' | the screen.
local KeyPress$
if PromptStmt$ <> "" then
? PromptStmt$; " ";
end if
while len(KeyPress$) = 0
KeyPress$ = inkey$
if instr(Valid$, KeyPress$) = 0 and len(Valid$) > 0 then
KeyPress$ = ""
end if
if Echo% then
? KeyPress$;
elseif len(PromptStmt$) > 0 then
' ?
end if
GetKeyPress$ = KeyPress$
end function
sub StdOut (OutLine$, Term%) public
' Purpose ......| Send output to DOS stdout
' Author/Date ..| Michael E. Flenniken 6-6-90
' Notes ........| OutLine$ is the text to send to DOS stdout
' | Term% is the terminating character(s) to send. If Term% is
' | 13, a CR and LF is sent, otherwise it is ignored.
if Term% = 13 then
OutLine$ = OutLine$ +chr$(13, 10)
end if
OutLine$ = OutLine$ +"$"
reg (%AX), &h0900
reg (%DX), strptr (OutLine$)
reg (%DS), strseg (OutLine$)
call interrupt &h21
end sub