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Assembly Source File
3,938 lines
TITLE Modules for Modular Sequencer
; MusicBox Modular Sequencer, Version 2
; modules code
; author: John Dunn
; date: 03/07/86
; update: 03/20/88
; COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 John Dunn, All Rights Reserved
; Entered into the Public Domain, March 20, 1988
; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this
; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
; States export control laws.
; This software is made available AS IS, and the author makes no warranty
; about the software, its performance, or its conformity to any specification.
; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
; name and address address to:
; John Dunn, Senior Research Fellow
; Time Arts Inc.
; 3436 Mendocino Ave.
; Santa Rosa, CA 95401
include order.asm
include equates.asm
if debug
db 7fffh dup (?)
db 7fffh dup (?)
db 7fffh dup (0)
db 7fffh dup (0)
if debug
db 4096 dup (?)
db 4096 dup (0)
if debug
db 7fffh dup (?)
db 7fffh dup (?)
db 7fffh dup (0)
db 7fffh dup (0)
if debug
db 4096 dup (?)
db 4096 dup (0)
extrn ticka:byte,tickis:byte,fastflg:byte
extrn _header:byte
extrn varsav:word,cmdflg:byte,special:word,cmdcnt:byte
extrn locsav:word,cmdloc:word,vpage:word,curadr:word
extrn midip:byte,valflg:byte,asensf:byte
extrn @zero:near,magflg:byte,usrflg:byte,holdv:word
extrn colr:byte,lodflg:byte
extrn modnum:byte,doesc:word,clrchf:byte,curonf:byte
if debug
extrn show0:word,show1:word,show2:word,show3:word
public midisf,midixsf,mpmodf,mpadrf,mpadr
public mmcount,mmtick,mmreset,mmstart
midisf db 0 ; 0=no sync, 1=send sync
midixsf db 0 ; 0=not xtrn sync, NZ=is
mpmodf db 1 ; master program mode flag
mpadrf db 0 ; nz if change in prog address
mpadr db 0 ; master program address
mmcount dw 0 ; master measure count
mmtick dw 1 ; ticks left in current measure
mmreset db 1 ; master measure reset flag
mmstart db 1 ; master measurd start flag
public rseed,rhold,notetbl,notes
public xcax,xcbx,xccx,xcdx
public temp0,temp1,temp2,temp3
rseed dw 0 ; random number seed
rhold db 0 ; nz = holding
notes dw 4186,4435,4699,4978,5274,5588,5920,6272,6645,7040,7459,7902
; notes --> clocks
; nv = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
notetbl db 192, 96, 48, 24, 12, 6, 3, 2 ; normal
db 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 2 ; dotted
db 255,144, 72, 36, 18, 9, 5, 3 ; tripplett
xcax dw 0 ; register storage, used by xcall
xcbx dw 0
xccx dw 0
xcdx dw 0
temp0 db 0 ; temp storage, use within module
temp1 db 0
temp2 db 0
temp3 db 0
; the following are saved/loaded
public interv,mvlsav,mvlnum,mute,mutef,mprstf
public mbeat,mnote,mtempo,mclocks
public ctrlmap,pcva,pcvb,pcvc,pcvd,pcve,pcvf
mvlsav equ $ ; start of mod values to save
interv db 64 dup(0) ; intervals for modulation
mprstf db 0 ; master program reset flag
mute dw -1 ; channel mute flags
mutef db 1 ; 1=mute, 0=solo flag
mbeat db 4 ; master beats/measure
mnote db 24 ; master note value
mtempo db 78H ; master tempo
mclocks dw 96 ; master clocks/measure
pcva db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvb db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvc db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvd db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcve db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvf db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvg db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvh db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvx db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvy db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
pcvz db 16 dup (0) ; values sent to controller
ctrlmap db 7,1,2,3,4,5,64,65 ; midi controller map
ctrlmpp db 7,1,2,3,4,5,64,65 ; midi controller map
mvlnum equ $-mvlsav ; number of mod values to save
; Module Execution Code
; All inputs are word pointers to output word values.
; All outputs are binary words, with only the ls byte output.
; EQUATES for modules
vseg equ 4 ; offset to video seg addr
vaddr equ 6 ; offset to video page addr
outn equ 8 ; offset to output
numvar equ 10 ; number of input variables
var0 equ 12 ; offset to variable 0
var1 equ var0+2 ; offset to variable 1
var2 equ var1+2 ; etc.
var3 equ var2+2 ; etc.
var4 equ var3+2 ; etc.
var5 equ var4+2 ; etc.
var6 equ var5+2 ; etc.
var7 equ var6+2 ; etc.
var8 equ var7+2 ; etc.
var9 equ var8+2 ; etc.
var10 equ var9+2 ; etc.
var11 equ var10+2 ; etc.
var12 equ var11+2 ; etc.
var13 equ var12+2 ; etc.
var14 equ var13+2 ; etc.
var15 equ var14+2 ; etc.
var16 equ var15+2 ; etc.
var17 equ var16+2 ; etc.
var18 equ var17+2 ; etc.
var19 equ var18+2 ; etc.
var20 equ var19+2 ; etc.
var21 equ var20+2 ; etc.
var22 equ var21+2 ; etc.
slewe equ var22 ; programmer slew buffer
slewf equ slewe+6 ; etc.
slewg equ slewf+6 ; etc.
slewh equ slewg+6 ; etc.
pubuf equ slewh+6 ; programmer undo buffer
psbuf equ pubuf+16 ; programmer save buffer
onflg equ 1 ; bit mask for note-on
offlg equ 2 ; bit mask for note-off
sentf equ 4 ; bit mask for note-sent
extrn ticks:word,loops:word,seconds:word,secondf:byte
extrn todec:near,tonote:near,startm:near
extrn midatix:byte,misend:byte
extrn _cancel:near,workx:near,split:near
extrn turnon:near,turnoff:near,noop:near,curon:near,curoff:near
extrn mstart:byte,mstop:byte,mcont:byte,midata:byte,miflag:byte
extrn sendm:near,alloff:near,tomidi:near,allmidi:near,allclr:near
extrn tstmob:near,allclr:near,_mpuinf:byte,_mpuinm:byte
include macros.asm
; Global Parameter Module
; (only one copy available)
; Output: Stop flag (is high for 1 cycle prior to HLT)
; Inputs:
; 0: NZ Sets master programmer reset flag
; 1: value --> master programmer address
; 2: NZ sets menu for solo, 0 sets mute
; 3: NZ sets Program-mode flag to Program, Z sets to Play
; 4: Beats Per measure, change recaluclates tick-count "ticka"
; 5: Note value for above, change recaluclates tick-count
; 6: Tempo, change reclalculates tick-count
; 7: Reset RNG. Any change sets seed to new value
; 8: bit 0 set MIDI output sync, bit 1 sets input sync
; 9: NZ transition causes HLT, if FF then BYE
; 10 : initialized flag
; 10+:
; 11 : Copy of ticks remaining
; 11+: Transition (tick) flags
public _alpha
_alpha: cmp byte ptr var10[di],0ABh ; initialized yet?
jz alphaz ; yes, go on
mov byte ptr var10[di],0ABh ; no, set init values
initv var3,1 ; prog <-- 1
initv var4,4 ; beats <-- 4
initv var5,3 ; note <-- 3
initv var6,78h ; tempo <-- 78h
; 0: NZ Sets master programmer reset flag, Z releases
mov al,mprstf ; get master reset flag
and al,0FEH ; clear alpha reset bit
testv var0,-1 ; check for Z/NZ
jz alpha0a ; branch if Z
or al,1 ; ...if NZ
mov mmcount,0 ; clear measure count
mov cs:seconds,0 ; reset clock
mov cs:secondf,2 ; flag to show it
mov mmtick,1 ; reset to 1st note in measure
alpha0a:mov mprstf,al ; set/reset the flag
; 1: value --> master programmer address
getv al,var1 ; get the value
cmp al,mpadr ; any change
mov ah,0 ; setup to clear change flag
jz alpha1a ; no, branch
mov ah,1 ; yes, set change flag
mov mpadr,al ; set new address
alpha1a:mov mpadrf,ah ; flag change/no change
; 2: NZ sets menu for solo, 0 sets mute
mov al,1 ; set for mute
testv var2,-1 ; get the flag
jz alpha2a ; branch if solo
mov al,0 ; else set for solo
alpha2a:mov mutef,al ; set it
; 3: NZ sets Program-mode flag to Program, Z sets to Play
testv var3,-1 ; check for Z/NZ
mov al,0 ; ...if Z
jz alpha3a ; branch if Z
inc al ; ...if NZ
alpha3a:mov mpmodf,al ; set/reset the flag
; 4: Beats Per measure, change recaluclates
getv al,var4 ; get beats per measure
cmp mbeat,al ; compare with master beats/measure
jz alpha4z ; boogie if no change
or al,al ; don't allow 0 either
jz alpha4z ; /
mov mbeat,al ; else set new beats/measure
mov ah,mnote ; get clocks per note
mul ah ; ax = clocks/measure
mov mclocks,ax ; put away
; 5: Note value for above, change recaluclates
getv bl,var5 ; get note value
cmp mnote,bl ; compare with master note value
jz alpha5z ; boogie if no change
cmp bl,5 ; 0-5 allowed
ja alpha5z ; do nothing if > 6
mov bh,0 ; else xlate to clocks
add bx,offset dgroup:notetbl; /
mov al,[bx] ; al = clocks
mov mnote,al ; set new clocks/note
mov ah,mbeat ; get beats/measure
mul ah ; ax = clocks/measure
mov mclocks,ax ; put away
; 6: Tempo, change reclalculates tick-count
getv dl,var6 ; get beats per measure
mov fastflg,0 ; clear fast flag
cmp dl,0ffh ; fast as possible?
jnz alpha6b ; no, branch
mov fastflg,1 ; yes, set flag
alpha6b:cmp mtempo,dl ; compare with master tempo
jz alpha6z ; boogie if no change
mov mtempo,dl ; else set new value
cmp dl,5 ; must be > 5
ja alpha6a ; branch if ok
mov dl,6 ; else make it 6
alpha6a:mov ax,1456 ; calculate loop ticks
div dl ; /
mov ticka,al ; put it in the timer
; 7: Reset RNG. Any change sets seed to new value
getv al,var7 ; get rng seed
or al,al ; is zero?
jz alpha7z ; yes, don't set new seed
ror al,1 ; 1 --> 80H, etc.
mov ah,al ; 255 possible seeds
mov rseed,ax ; set the new seed
alpha7z:mov rhold,al ; set/clear hold flag
; 8: bit 0 sets output sync, bit 1 sets input sync
test valflg,-1 ; inputting values now?
jnz alpha8d ; yes, don't do nothin
getv dl,var8 ; get the flag
mov ax,0 ; clear sync flags
test dl,1 ; output sync?
jz alpha8a ; no, branch
mov al,1 ; yes, set out sync flag
alpha8a:test dl,2 ; input sync?
jz alpha8b ; no, branch
mov ah,1 ; yes, set input sync flag
alpha8b:mov midisf,al ; set sync out flag
mov midixsf,ah ; set external sync flag
test dl,6 ; defeat active sensing?
mov al,1 ; ...setup for no defeat
jz alpha8c ; no, branch
mov al,0 ; yes, clear active sensing flag
alpha8c:mov asensf,al ; set the flag
; 9: NZ transition causes HLT.
; Value of FF causes BYE.
tick var9,var11+1 ; clock tick
jc alpha9c ; /
jmp alpha9z ; boogie if no tick
getv al,var9 ; check for FF (split)
cmp al,0ffh ; wanna split?
jz alpha9e ; yes, do it
jmp alpha9a ; no, branch to HLT
call alloff ; process all notes off
jmp split ; become history
alpha9a: ; HLT
mov bx,6E0H ; menu text offset
call turnon ; turn on the menu text
or mprstf,2 ; set HLT flag
mov al,0fch ; send MIDI STOP command
call allmidi ; /
; display number of calculation clocks available
alpha11:mov al,tickis ; get ticks remaining
cmp al,var11[di] ; same as before?
jz alpha11z ; yes, boogie
mov var11[di],al ; no, save new value
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
or al,al ; test for bottoming out
jz alpha11a ; branch if Z
and byte ptr es:(160*13-1)[bx],0F7H; lowlight if NZ
jmp short alpha11b ; then branch around highlight
alpha11a:or byte ptr es:(160*13-1)[bx],8; highlight if Z
alpha11b:tohex ; convert to hex word
mov es:(160*13)[bx],ah; put to the screen
mov es:(160*13+2)[bx],al; /
; shunt stop flag to output
alphax: mov al,mprstf ; get the flag
shr al,1 ; HLT is bit 2
putn al ; send it out
nextl ; show it
; absolute time counter
; output: ticks count AND input0
; input: 0: hold, 1: period, 2: AND mask
public _beta
_beta: hold var0 ; hold?
jz beta0 ; no, branch
mov al,0 ; yes, clear clock
jmp short betax ; exit
beta0: mov ax,cs:ticks ; get timer value
getv cl,var1 ; get period
shr ax,cl ; bump
getv ah,var2 ; get AND mask
and al,ah ; AND them
betax: putn al ; send to output
; seconds counter
; output: seconds count AND input0
; input: 0: hold/reset
; 1: nz = minutes
; 2: offset
public _secs
_secs: hold var0 ; hold?
jz secs0 ; no, branch
mov ax,cs:seconds ; yes, get current second count
mov var2[di],ax ; set new time offset
jmp short secsz ; exit
secs0: mov ax,cs:seconds ; get timer value
sub ax,var2[di] ; subtract offset
mov dx,0 ; double word
getv ch,var1 ; get clock flag
test ch,-1 ; leave free count?
jz secsx ; yes, branch
mov bx,60 ; no,/60
div bx ; /
cmp ch,1 ; want seconds?
jnz secsx ; no, do minutes
mov al,dl ; yes, mod for secs
secsx: putn al ; send to output
mov colr,yellow ; set color to yellow
mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
add bx,478 ; point to readout
call todec ; do it
mov colr,green ; fix it back to green
cmp ch,1 ; want seconds?
jnz secsz ; no, branch
mov byte ptr es:[bx],':'; yes, print ':'
secsz: nextv
; simple loop counter
; output: loop count AND input0
; input: 0: hold, 1: period, 2: AND mask
public _lambda
_lambda:hold var0 ; hold?
jz lambda0 ; no, branch
mov al,0 ; yes, clear clock
jmp short lambdax ; exit
lambda0:mov ax,cs:loops ; get count
getv cl,var1 ; get period
shr ax,cl ; bump
getv ah,var2 ; get AND mask
and al,ah ; AND them
lambdax:putn al ; send to output
; measure clock
; output: measure start strobe, with delay
; input:
; 0: Hold
; 1: delay value
; 2x: countdown
; 2z: trip flag
public _mclk
_mclk: mov byte ptr outn[di],0; clear output
hold var0 ; hold?
jnz mclkx ; yes, exit
mov al,var2+1[di] ; trip flag on?
or al,mmstart ; or measure start?
jz mclkx ; no, exit
test byte ptr var2+1[di],1; trip flag?
jnz mclk0 ; yes, go countdown
getv al,var1 ; no, get delay value
inc al ; 0 --> 1
mov var2[di],al ; set new countdown
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1; set trip flag
mclk0: dec byte ptr var2[di] ; count down
jnz mclkx ; exit if not end of count
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],0; else clear trip flag
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output
mclkx: nextl ; exit
; measure clock
; output: clock strobe
; input: 0: reset, 1: count, 2x:countdown timer, 2z: copy of count
public _mclock
_mclock:hold var0 ; hold?
jz mclock2 ; no, branch
getv al,var1 ; yes, reset
mov ah,al ; /
mov var2[di],ax ; /
jmp short mclockz ; exit with output=0
mclock2:test mmstart,1 ; measure start?
jz mclockz ; no, exit
mov ah,1 ; yes, set output=1
getv al,var1 ; get current count
cmp al,var2+1[di] ; same as before?
jz mclock1 ; yes, branch
mov var2+1[di],al ; no, set new count
mclock0:mov al,var2+1[di] ; reset timer
mov var2[di],al ; /
jmp short mclockx ; exit
mclock1:dec byte ptr var2[di]; tick
jz mclock0 ; branch if end of count
mclockz:mov ah,0 ; else set output=0
mclockx:mov outn[di],ah ; send output
nextl ; exit
; simple loop counter
; output: clock strobe
; input: 0: reset, 1: count, 2: offset
; 3x:countdown timer, 3z: copy of count
public _gamma
_gamma: testv var1,-1 ; clock = 0
jz gammaz ; yes, just exit
hold var0 ; hold?
jz gamma0 ; no, branch
mov al,byte ptr cs:loops; get count
and al,1 ; /
mov var3[di],al ; reset clock counters
jmp short gammaz ; split
gamma0: getv ah,var1 ; get current count
cmp ah,var3+1[di] ; same as before?
jz gamma1 ; yes, branch
cmp ah,1 ; set to 1?
jnz gamma3 ; no, branch
mov ah,2 ; yes, set to 2
gamma3: mov al,byte ptr cs:loops; get count
and al,1 ; /
mov var3[di],ax ; /
gamma1: getv al,var2 ; get offset trigger
cmp al,ah ; out of range?
jb gamma4 ; no, branch
mov al,0 ; yes, zip it
gamma4: cmp al,var3[di] ; same as count?
jnz gamma2 ; no, branch
mov byte ptr outn[di],1; yes, set output flag
gamma2: inc byte ptr var3[di]; tick
cmp ah,var3[di] ; reached count?
jnz gammaz ; no, exit
mov byte ptr var3[di],0; yes, reset timer
gammaz: nextt ; exit
; simple loop counter
; output: clock strobe
; input: 0: reset, 1: count
; 2x:countdown timer
public _muclk
_muclk: testv var1,-1 ; clock = 0
jz muclkz ; yes, just exit
hold var0 ; hold?
jnz muclk0 ; yes, reset & exit
dec byte ptr var2[di]; count down
jnz muclkz ; exit if not 0
mov byte ptr outn[di],1; set output
muclk0: getv al,var1 ; else get count
mov var2[di],al ; put it away
muclkz: nextt ; exit
; Note Clock
; output: 0/Veloc input value
; inputs:
; 0: Reset & hold
; 1: Sync pulse
; 2: Note value 0-7, +10H tripplett, +20H dotted
; 3: Sustain value 0-255
; 4: Clock offset value
; 5: Velocity value
; 6x: note countdown
; 6+: nz = wait for sync with measure
; 7x: note-on clocks
; 7+: AB = has been initialized
; 8x: nz = sync countdown flag
; 8+: offset value changed flag
public _clock,_klock
_klock: nop ; same routine, different address
cmp byte ptr var7+1[di],0ABH; initialized yet?
jz clock00 ; yes, branch
mov byte ptr var7+1[di],0ABH; no, initialize
initv var1,1 ; sync
initv var2,3 ; note
initv var5,1 ; velocity
mov word ptr var6[di],0 ; flags
mov byte ptr var7[di],0 ; flags
clock00:hold var0 ; hold?
jnz clock01 ; yes, go do it
getv al,var4 ; change in offset value?
cmp al,var8+1[di] ; /
jz clock0 ; no, branch
clock01:getv al,var4 ; get sync offset
mov var8+1[di],al ; clear change flag
inc al ; bump sync count so 0 --> 1
mov var6+1[di],al ; set up sync offset count
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; clear output
mov byte ptr var6[di],0 ; clear note count
jmp clockx ; exit
clock0: test byte ptr var6+1[di],-1 ; waiting for sync?
jz clock1 ; no, branch
getv al,var1 ; sync start?
or al,byte ptr var8[di] ; or countdown?
jnz clock0a ; yes, branch
jmp clockx ; no, exit
clock0a:mov byte ptr var8[di],1 ; set offset flag
dec byte ptr var6+1[di] ; countdown sync
jz clock0b ; branch on if 0
jmp clockx ; else exit
clock0b:mov byte ptr var8[di],0 ; clear offset flag
clock1: cmp byte ptr var6[di],0 ; at end of note?
jz clock1b ; yes, branch
jmp clock2 ; no, countdown
clock1b:getv bl,var2 ; get note value
mov dl,bl ; save in dl for dot/tripplet
and bl,7 ; mask
mov bh,0 ; else xlate to clocks
add bx,offset dgroup:notetbl; /
test dl,10h ; triplett?
jz clock1c ; no, branch
add bx,8 ; yes, bump table addr
jmp short clock1d ; branch around dot
clock1c:test dl,20h ; dot?
jz clock1d ; no, branch
add bx,16 ; yes, bump table addr
mov cl,[bx] ; cl = clocks
getv dl,var3 ; dl = sustain value
mov al,1 ; al = 1 clock
cmp dl,0 ; sustain = min
jz clock1e ; yse, exit sust.
mov al,cl ; al = nv (clocks)
cmp dl,0ffh ; sustain = max
jz clock1e ; yes, exit legato
mul dl ; ax = nv * sust
mov al,ah ; al = nv * sust / 256
or al,al ; /
jnz clock1e ; go if > 0
inc al ; else make 1
clock1e:mov var6[di],cl ; set new note value
sub cl,al ; off = nv - on
mov var7[di],cl ; set new off-time
jmp short clock2a ; send out the note
clock2: dec byte ptr var6[di] ; count down note
jnz clock2a ; branch if not eon
jmp clock1b ; if end of note, do a new one
clock2a:mov al,0 ; setup for note-off
mov ah,var6[di] ; get note clock countdown
cmp ah,var7[di] ; > note-off time?
jbe clock2b ; no, send note off
getv al,var5 ; yes, send velocity
clock2b:putn al ; send to output
clockx: nextl ; exit
; Loop Timer
; output: delayed pulse
; inputs: 0: strobe, 1: delay, 2: hold
; 3x: strobe clock, 4x: delay count, 4z: hold count
public _ltimer
test byte ptr var4[di],-1 ; delay high?
jz ltimer1 ; no, branch
dec byte ptr var4[di] ; yes, count down
jnz ltimerz ; exit if not finished
ltimer0:mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
jmp short ltimerz ; then exit
ltimer1:test byte ptr var4+1[di],-1 ; hold high?
jz ltimer2 ; no, branch
dec byte ptr var4+1[di] ; yes, count down
jnz ltimerz ; exit if not finished
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; else clear output
jmp short ltimerz ; then exit
ltimer2:tick var0,var3 ; strobe tick?
jnc ltimerz ; no, just exit
getv al,var1 ; yes, get delay
getv ah,var2 ; ...get hold
or ah,mprstf ; /
mov var4[di],ax ; set them up
or al,al ; delay = 0?
jz ltimer0 ; yes, go set
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; else clear output
ltimerz:nextl ; exit
; Clock Timer
; output: delayed pulse
; inputs: 0: clock, 1: strobe, 2: delay, 3: hold
; 4x: strobe clock, 5x: delay count, 5z: hold count
public _ctimer
tickb1 var1,var4 ; strobe tick?
jnc ctimer2 ; no, go on
getv al,var2 ; yes, get delay
getv ah,var3 ; ...get hold
or ah,mprstf ; /
mov var5[di],ax ; set them up
or al,al ; delay = 0?
jz ctimer0 ; yes, go set
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; clear output
jmp short ctimerz ; exit
ctimer2:tick var0,var4 ; clock tick?
jnc ctimerz ; no, branch
test byte ptr var5[di],-1 ; delay high?
jz ctimer1 ; no, branch
dec byte ptr var5[di] ; yes, count down
jnz ctimerz ; exit if not finished
ctimer0:mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
jmp short ctimerz ; then exit
ctimer1:test byte ptr var5+1[di],-1 ; hold high?
jz ctimerz ; no, branch
dec byte ptr var5+1[di] ; yes, count down
jnz ctimerz ; exit if not finished
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; else clear output
ctimerz:nextl ; exit
; Abs Timer
; output: delayed pulse
; inputs: 0: strobe, 1: delay, 2: hold, 3: period
; 4: timer value
; 5x: b0=delay flag, b1=hold flag
; 5z: clock
public _atimer
test byte ptr var5[di],1 ; delay high?
jz atimer1 ; no, branch
mov ax,cs:ticks ; yes, get timer value
sub ax,var4[di] ; get lapsed time
getv dl,var1 ; get delay time
mov dh,0 ; /
getv cl,var3 ; get period
shl dx,cl ; bump
cmp dx,ax ; out of gas?
jnb atimerz ; no, exit
mov ax,cs:ticks ; get current ticks
mov var4[di],ax ; save it
atimer0:mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output
hold var2 ; hold?
jz atimer3 ; no, clear flag & exit
mov byte ptr var5[di],2 ; yes, set hold flag
jmp short atimerz ; then exit
atimer1:test byte ptr var5[di],2 ; hold high?
jz atimer2 ; no, branch
mov ax,cs:ticks ; yes, get timer value
sub ax,var4[di] ; get lapsed time
getv dl,var2 ; get hold time
mov dh,0 ; /
getv cl,var3 ; get period
shl dx,cl ; bump
cmp dx,ax ; out of gas?
jnb atimerz ; no, exit
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; ...clear output
atimer3:mov byte ptr var5[di],0 ; yes, clear flags
jmp short atimerz ; then exit
atimer2:tick var0,var5+1 ; strobe tick?
jnc atimerz ; no, just exit
mov ax,cs:ticks ; get current ticks
mov var4[di],ax ; save it
testv var1,-1 ; delay = 0
jz atimer0 ; yes, go set
mov byte ptr var5[di],1 ; else flag delay
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; ...clear output
atimerz:nextl ; exit
; Seconds Timer
; output: delayed pulse
; inputs: 0: strobe, 1: delay, 2: hold, 3: period
; 4: timer value
; 5x: b0=delay flag, b1=hold flag
; 5z: clock
public _stimer
test byte ptr var5[di],1 ; delay high?
jz stimer1 ; no, branch
mov ax,cs:seconds ; yes, get timer value
sub ax,var4[di] ; get lapsed time
getv dl,var1 ; get delay time
mov dh,0 ; /
getv cl,var3 ; get period
shl dx,cl ; bump
cmp dx,ax ; out of gas?
jnb stimerz ; no, exit
mov ax,cs:seconds ; get current ticks
mov var4[di],ax ; save it
stimer0:mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output
hold var2 ; hold?
jz stimer3 ; no, clear flag & exit
mov byte ptr var5[di],2 ; yes, set hold flag
jmp short stimerz ; then exit
stimer1:test byte ptr var5[di],2 ; hold high?
jz stimer2 ; no, branch
mov ax,cs:seconds ; yes, get timer value
sub ax,var4[di] ; get lapsed time
getv dl,var2 ; get hold time
mov dh,0 ; /
getv cl,var3 ; get period
shl dx,cl ; bump
cmp dx,ax ; out of gas?
jnb stimerz ; no, exit
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; ...clear output
stimer3:mov byte ptr var5[di],0 ; yes, clear flags
jmp short stimerz ; then exit
stimer2:tick var0,var5+1 ; strobe tick?
jnc stimerz ; no, just exit
mov ax,cs:seconds ; get current ticks
mov var4[di],ax ; save it
testv var1,-1 ; delay = 0
jz stimer0 ; yes, go set
mov byte ptr var5[di],1 ; else flag delay
mov byte ptr outn[di],0 ; ...clear output
stimerz:nextl ; exit
; interference clock
; inputs: 0: hold/reset input
; 1-4: clock inputs
; 5x:
; 5z: clock ticks
; output: strobe upon any clock input
public _iclock
hold var0 ; hold?
jz iclock0 ; no, branch
jmp iclockz ; else exit
iclock0:tick var1,var5+1 ; clock
jnc iclock1 ; branch if no tick
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
tickb1 var2,var5+1 ; clock
jnc iclock2 ; branch if no tick
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
tickb2 var3,var5+1 ; clock
jnc iclock3 ; branch if no tick
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
tickb3 var4,var5+1 ; clock
jnc iclockz ; branch if no tick
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; else set output
iclockz:nextt ; exit
; interference clock
; inputs: 0: clock
; 1: hold/reset input
; 2-5: count inputs
; 6x:
; 6z: clock ticks
; 7-8: change detectors
; 9-10:countdown registers
; output: strobe upon any clock input
public _kclock
hold var1 ; hold?
jz kclocka ; no, branch
kclockb:mov ax,101H ; yes, clear registers
mov var9[di],ax ; /
mov var10[di],ax ; /
jmp kclockz ; exit
kclocka:tick var0,var6+1 ; clock
jc kclockd ; do it if tick
jmp kclockz ; branch if no tick
kclockd:getv al,var2 ; input change?
getv ah,var3 ; /
cmp ax,var7[di] ; /
jz kclockc ; no, branch
mov var7[di],ax ; yes, reset
jmp short kclockb ; /
kclockc:getv al,var4 ; input change?
getv ah,var5 ; /
cmp ax,var8[di] ; /
jz kclock0 ; no, branch
mov var8[di],ax ; yes, reset
jmp short kclockb ; /
kclock0:test byte ptr var9[di],-1 ; register zero'd?
jz kclock1 ; yes, branch
dec byte ptr var9[di] ; no, count down
jnz kclock1 ; branch if not zero'd
getv al,var2 ; else get count
mov byte ptr var9[di],al ; reset register
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output strobe
kclock1:test byte ptr var9+1[di],-1 ; register zero'd?
jz kclock2 ; yes, branch
dec byte ptr var9+1[di] ; no, count down
jnz kclock2 ; branch if not zero'd
getv al,var3 ; else get count
mov byte ptr var9+1[di],al ; reset register
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output strobe
kclock2:test byte ptr var10[di],-1 ; register zero'd?
jz kclock3 ; yes, branch
dec byte ptr var10[di] ; no, count down
jnz kclock3 ; branch if not zero'd
getv al,var4 ; else get count
mov byte ptr var10[di],al ; reset register
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output strobe
kclock3:test byte ptr var10+1[di],-1 ; register zero'd?
jz kclockz ; yes, branch
dec byte ptr var10+1[di] ; no, count down
jnz kclockz ; branch if not zero'd
getv al,var5 ; else get count
mov byte ptr var10+1[di],al ; reset register
mov byte ptr outn[di],1 ; set output strobe
kclockz:nextt ; exit
; Index counter, incrementing
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: inc/dec 3x: tick flag
; output: index
public _icount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz icount0 ; branch if no hold
mov word ptr outn[di],100h; else zip output/index
jmp short icountx ; exit with video update
icount0:tick var0,var3 ; clock tick
jc icount1 ; branch if there is a tick
nextx ; else exit easy
icount1:testv var2,-1 ; test inc/dec flag
jnz icount2 ; branch if decrement
inc word ptr outn[di]; inc index
jmp next ; exit with video update
icount2:dec word ptr outn[di]; dec index
icountx:nextv ; exit
; Index counter, with mask
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: mask
; 3x: tick flag, 3z: tick count
; output: index
public _ocount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz ocount0 ; branch if no hold
mov byte ptr var3+1[di],0; else zip index
jmp short ocountx ; exit with video update
ocount0:tick var0,var3 ; clock tick
jnc ocountx ; branch if no tick
inc byte ptr var3+1[di]; inc index
ocountx:getv al,var2 ; get the mask
and al,var3+1[di] ; and with count
putn al ; send it out
nextv ; exit
; Index counter, adding
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: increment 3x: tick flag
; output: index
public _jcount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz jcount0 ; branch if no hold
mov word ptr outn[di],100H; else zip output/index
jcountx:jmp next ; exit
jcount0:tick var0,var3 ; clock tick
jc jcount1 ; branch if there is a tick
nextx ; else exit easy
jcount1:getv al,var2 ; get the increment
add outn[di],al ; add to the index
nextv ; exit with video update
; Index counter, adding with upper limit
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: increment
; 3: inc/dec 4: top limit 5x: tick
; output: index
public _kcount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz kcount0 ; branch if no hold
testv var3,-1 ; counting up or down
jnz kcounta ; branch if counting down
mov al,0 ; up, set to bottom limit
jmp short kcountb ; /
kcounta:getv al,var4 ; down, set to top limit
kcountb:mov ah,al ; /
mov outn[di],ax ; /
jmp next ; exit
kcount0:tick var0,var5 ; clock tick
jc kcount1 ; branch if there is a tick
nextx ; else exit easy
kcount1:mov dl,0 ; dl = 0 = bottom
getv dh,var4 ; dh = the top limit
jmp lcountk ; continue with lcount routine
; Index counter, adding with upper and lower limit
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: increment
; 3: inc/dec 4: top limit 5: bottom limit
; 6x: tick
; output: index
public _lcount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz lcount0 ; branch if no hold
testv var3,-1 ; counting up or down
jnz lcounta ; branch if counting down
getv al,var5 ; up, set to bottom limit
jmp short lcountb ; /
lcounta:getv al,var4 ; down, set to top limit
lcountb:mov ah,al ; /
mov outn[di],ax ; /
jmp next ; exit
lcount0:tick var0,var6 ; clock tick
jc lcount1 ; branch if there is a tick
nextx ; else exit easy
lcount1:getv dl,var5 ; dl = the lower limit
getv dh,var4 ; dh = the top limit
cmp dh,dl ; top < bottom ?
jnb lcountk ; no, branch
xchg dh,dl ; yes, swap
lcountk:inc dh ; bump so top is included
getv al,var2 ; al = the increment
getv ah,var3 ; ah = inc/dec
test ah,-1 ; inc or dec?
jnz lcount2 ; branch if dec
; ; counting up
add al,outn+1[di] ; add inc to index
cmp al,dh ; over the top?
jna lcount3 ; no, branch
sub al,dh ; yes, subtract top
add al,dl ; add bottom
lcount3:mov ah,al ; set new index
dec al ; show index -1
mov outn[di],ax ; /
jmp next ; display & exit
; ; counting down
lcount2:mov cl,outn+1[di] ; get index
sub cl,al ; subtract inc
jc lcount5 ; branch if rollover
cmp cl,dl ; below the limit
jnb lcount4 ; no, branch
lcount5:add cl,dh ; yes, add top
sub cl,dl ; subtract bottom
lcount4:mov ch,cl ; set new index
mov outn[di],cx ; /
jmp next ; display & exit
; Index counter, adding with upper and lower limit
; inputs: 0: clock up, 1: hold/reset 2: increment
; 3: inc/dec 4: top limit 5: bottom limit
; 6x: tick
; output: index
public _mcount
hold var1 ; hold?
jz mcount0 ; branch if no hold
testv var3,-1 ; counting up or down
jnz mcounta ; branch if counting down
getv al,var5 ; up, set to bottom limit
jmp short mcountb ; /
mcounta:getv al,var4 ; down, set to top limit
mcountb:mov ah,al ; /
mov outn[di],ax ; /
jmp next ; exit
mcount0:tick var0,var6 ; clock tick
jc mcount1 ; branch if there is a tick
nextx ; else exit easy
mcount1:getv dl,var5 ; dl = the lower limit
getv dh,var4 ; dh = the top limit
cmp dh,dl ; top < bottom ?
jnb mcountk ; no, branch
xchg dh,dl ; yes, swap
mcountk:inc dh ; bump so top is included
getv al,var2 ; al = the increment
getv ah,var3 ; ah = inc/dec
test ah,-1 ; inc or dec?
jnz mcount2 ; branch if dec
; ; counting up
add al,outn+1[di] ; add inc to index
cmp al,dh ; over the top?
jna mcount3 ; no, branch
mov al,dh ; get hi count
sub al,dl ; get hi-lo
shr al,1 ; /2
mov ah,al ; hold
shr al,1 ; 1/4
add al,ah ; 3/4
add al,dl ; offset from bottom
mcount3:mov ah,al ; set new index
mov outn[di],ax ; /
jmp next ; display & exit
; ; counting down
mcount2:mov cl,outn+1[di] ; get index
sub cl,al ; subtract inc
jc mcount5 ; branch if rollover
cmp cl,dl ; below the limit
jnb mcount4 ; no, branch
mcount5:mov cl,dh ; get hi count
sub cl,dl ; get hi-lo
shr cl,1 ; 1/2
shr cl,1 ; 1/4
add cl,dl ; offset from bottom
mcount4:mov ch,cl ; set new index
mov outn[di],cx ; /
jmp next ; display & exit
; Index counter, incrementing, 16 bit
; inputs: 0: clock up
; 1: hold/reset
; 2: reset count lo
; 3: reset count hi
; 4: reset
; 5: shift output
; 6: up/down
; 7x:tick flag
; 8: index
; output: index
public _ncount
testv var4,-1 ; reset?
jz ncount0 ; no, branch
getv al,var2 ; yes, get reset count lo
getv ah,var3 ; ... and reset count hi
mov var8[di],ax ; reset
ncount0:hold var1 ; hold?
jnz ncountx ; branch if no hold
tick var0,var7 ; clock tick
jnc ncountx ; branch if no tick
mov ax,1 ; setup for inc
testv var6,-1 ; up or down
jz ncount1 ; branch if up
mov ax,-1 ; else setup for down
add var8[di],ax ; bump index
ncountx:mov ax,word ptr var8[di] ; get the index
getv cl,var5 ; get shift byte
shr ax,cl ; bump right
putn al ; send it out
nextv ; exit
; Sequencer/Switcher
; inputs: 0: stage addr, 1 - 16: stages, xl: old stage
; output: value of stage pointed to by var0
public _wseq
getv al,var0 ; get variable0
and al,15 ; 16 stages
mov cl,al ; save it
mov ch,var1+32[di] ; get saved last stage
and ch,15 ; just to be safe
mov var1+32[di],al ; store the new stage
mov ah,0 ; make new stage into word
add ax,ax ; /
mov bx,ax ; bx = offset to the stage
mov bx,var1[bx+di] ; get the value
mov al,[bx] ; /
putn al ; send to output
; got the value, now clear old stage led, and set the new
cmp cl,ch ; have stages changed?
jz wseqx ; no, then just exit
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; point to leds
add ch,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul ch ; ax = offset to old stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],yellow; turn the led off
add cl,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul cl ; ax = offset to new stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],hi+red; turn the led on
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
nextv ; show the output
; Sequencer/Switcher
; inputs: 0: stage addr, 1 - 8: stages, xl: old stage
; output: value of stage pointed to by var0
public _xseq
getv al,var0 ; get variable0
and al,7 ; 8 stages
mov cl,al ; save it
mov ch,var1+16[di] ; get saved last stage
and ch,7 ; just to be safe
mov var1+16[di],al ; store the new stage
mov ah,0 ; make new stage into word
add ax,ax ; /
mov bx,ax ; bx = offset to the stage
mov bx,var1[bx+di] ; get the value
mov al,[bx] ; /
putn al ; send to output
; got the value, now clear old stage led, and set the new
cmp cl,ch ; have stages changed?
jz xseqx ; no, then just exit
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; point to leds
add ch,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul ch ; ax = offset to old stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],yellow; turn the led off
add cl,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul cl ; ax = offset to new stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],hi+red; turn the led on
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
nextv ; show the output
; Sequencer/Switcher
; inputs: 0: stage addr, 1 - 4: stages, xl: old stage
; output: value of stage pointed to by var0
public _yseq
getv al,var0 ; get variable0
and al,3 ; 4 stages
mov cl,al ; save it
mov ch,var1+8[di] ; get saved last stage
and ch,3 ; just to be safe
mov var1+8[di],al ; store the new stage
mov ah,0 ; make new stage into word
add ax,ax ; /
mov bx,ax ; bx = offset to the stage
mov bx,var1[bx+di] ; get the value
mov al,[bx] ; /
putn al ; send to output
; got the value, now clear old stage led, and set the new
cmp cl,ch ; have stages changed?
jz yseqx ; no, then just exit
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; point to leds
add ch,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul ch ; ax = offset to old stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],yellow; turn the led off
add cl,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul cl ; ax = offset to new stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],hi+red; turn the led on
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
nextv ; show the output
; Sequencer/Switcher
; inputs: 0: stage addr, 1 - 2: stages, xl: old stage
; output: value of stage pointed to by var0
public _zseq
getv al,var0 ; get variable0
and al,1 ; 1 stages
mov cl,al ; save it
mov ch,var1+4[di] ; get saved last stage
and ch,1 ; just to be safe
mov var1+4[di],al ; store the new stage
mov ah,0 ; make new stage into word
add ax,ax ; /
mov bx,ax ; bx = offset to the stage
mov bx,var1[bx+di] ; get the value
mov al,[bx] ; /
putn al ; send to output
; got the value, now clear old stage led, and set the new
cmp cl,ch ; have stages changed?
jz zseqx ; no, then just exit
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; point to leds
add ch,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul ch ; ax = offset to old stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],yellow; turn the led off
add cl,4 ; offset to 2nd var loc in screen
mov al,160 ; point to stage led
mul cl ; ax = offset to new stage led
mov di,ax ; put in di for indexing
mov byte ptr es:[bx+di],hi+red; turn the led on
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
nextv ; show the output
; Sequencer/Switcher
; output: "a" input if var0 AND var1 = 0, else "b" input
; inputs:
; 0, 1: test inputs, ANDed to give flag
; 2: input stage "a"
; 3: input stage "b"
public _useq
_useq: getv dl,var0 ; get flag vars
getv dh,var1 ; /
mov ch,yellow ; set up led colors
mov cl,red+hi ; /
getv al,var2 ; get "a" input
and dh,dl ; test
jz useq0 ; branch if "b" input
xchg ch,cl ; else setup for 2nd
getv al,var3 ; get "b" input
useq0: gettag ; get screen address of leds
add bx,799 ; set up input leds
mov es:[bx],cl ; do the leds
mov es:160[bx],ch ; /
putn al ; send to output
nextv ; exit
; Sequencer/Switcher
; output: "a" input if var0 AND var1 = 0, else "b" input
; inputs:
; 0, 1: test inputs, ANDed to give flag
; 2: input stage "a"
; 3: input stage "b"
; 4: offset
public _vseq
_vseq: getv dl,var0 ; get flag vars
getv dh,var1 ; /
mov ch,yellow ; set up led colors
mov cl,red+hi ; /
getv al,var2 ; get "a" input
and dh,dl ; test
jz vseq0 ; branch if "b" input
xchg ch,cl ; else setup for 2nd
getv al,var3 ; get "b" input
vseq0: gettag ; get screen address of leds
add bx,799 ; set up input leds
mov es:[bx],cl ; do the leds
mov es:160[bx],ch ; /
getv ah,var4 ; get the offset
add al,ah ; put them together
putn al ; send to output
nextv ; exit
; Pass input thru to output on nz test input, zero on low
; inputs: 0: switch
; 1: value1, 2: value2
; output: value/0
public _passt
_passt: getv al,var1 ; al = input a
mov ch,yellow ; set up led colors
mov cl,red+hi ; /
testv var0,-1 ; test a/b switch
jz passt1 ; branch if 1st input
getv al,var2 ; al = input b
xchg ch,cl ; else setup for 2nd
passt1: putn al ; put it away
gettag ; get screen address of leds
dec bx ; /
mov bp,bx ; save it
add bx,640 ; bx = screen addr of 1st led
mov es:[bx],cl ; do the leds
mov es:160[bx],ch ; /
nextv ; show it
; Pass input thru to output on nz test input, zero on low
; inputs: 0: switch
; 1: value1, 2: value2, 3: offset
; output: value/0
public _passq
_passq: getv al,var1 ; al = input a
mov ch,yellow ; set up led colors
mov cl,red+hi ; /
testv var0,-1 ; test a/b switch
jz passq1 ; branch if 1st input
getv al,var2 ; al = input b
xchg ch,cl ; else setup for 2nd
passq1: getv ah,var3 ; get offset
add al,ah ; /
putn al ; put it away
gettag ; get screen address of leds
dec bx ; /
mov bp,bx ; save it
add bx,640 ; bx = screen addr of 1st led
mov es:[bx],cl ; do the leds
mov es:160[bx],ch ; /
nextv ; show it
; Standard 256 byte sequencer with input mask
; inputs: 0: address 1: write enable, 2: input, 3: input mask
; 4x: module number, 4z, init flag
; output: byte addressed by address
public _pseq
_pseq: cmp byte ptr var4+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jnz pseq2 ; no, branch
test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pseq1 ; yes, no go
mov ax,seg bufsp ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var0 ; get address
mov dh,0 ; /
mov bh,var4[di] ; get hi address
mov bl,0 ; /
add bx,dx ; set up as index
mov dx,bx ; save
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
putn al ; send it out
testv var1,-1 ; write enabled?
jz pseq1 ; no, branch
getv al,var2 ; yes, get input
getv ah,var3 ; get mask
and al,ah ; mask the input
not ah ; complement
mov bx,dx ; get address again
and es:[bx],ah ; clear old bits
or es:[bx],al ; put in new bits
; or _mpab,8 ; set buffer used flag
pseq1: nextv ; exit with video update
pseq2: mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov var4[di],al ; save it
mov byte ptr var4+1[di],0abh; set init flag
initv var3,0ffh ; mask <- FF
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
tohex ; convert to hex
mov es:-2[bx],al ; show the default number
nextx ; exit
; magenta input
public upseq
upseq: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset upseqx
mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the output value
mov var4[di],al ; save
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
upseqx: mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the new channel
xchg var4[di],al ; set it, get orig patch
mov outn[di],al ; restore
jmp _cancel ; exit
; Standard 256 byte sequencer with offset
; inputs: 0: address, 1: offset, 2x: mod #, 2z: init flag
; output: byte addressed by address
public _qseq,_rseq,_sseq,_tseq
_tseq: nop
_sseq: nop
_rseq: nop
_qseq: cmp byte ptr var2+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jnz qseq1 ; no, branch
test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz qseq0 ; yes, no go
mov ax,seg bufsp ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var1 ; get offset
mov dh,0 ; (not needed)
getv bl,var0 ; get address
mov bh,var2[di] ; get hi address
add bl,dl ; set up as index
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
putn al ; send it out
qseq0: nextv ; exit with video update
qseq1: mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov var2[di],al ; save it
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],0abh; set init flag
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
tohex ; convert to hex
mov es:-2[bx],al ; show the default number
nextx ; exit
; magenta input
public uqseq
uqseq: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset uqseqx
mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the output value
mov var2[di],al ; save
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
uqseqx: mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the new channel
xchg var2[di],al ; set it, get orig patch
mov outn[di],al ; restore
jmp _cancel ; exit
; 65K byte Sequencer with input mask
; inputs: 0: address lo, 1: address hi,
; 2: write enable, 3: input, 4: input mask, 5x: init flag
; output: byte addressed by address + offset
public _puseq
cmp byte ptr var5[di],0abh; initialized?
jnz puseq2 ; no, branch
mov ax,seg buffs ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var0 ; get address lo
getv dh,var1 ; get address hi
mov bx,dx ; set up as index
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
putn al ; send it out
testv var2,-1 ; write enabled?
jz puseq1 ; no, branch
getv al,var3 ; yes, get input
getv ah,var4 ; get mask
and al,ah ; mask the input
not ah ; complement
mov bx,dx ; get address again
and es:[bx],ah ; clear old bits
or es:[bx],al ; put in new bits
; or _mpab,4 ; set buffer used flag
puseq1: nextv ; exit with video update
puseq2: mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov byte ptr var5[di],0abh; set init flag
initv var4,0ffh ; mask <- FF
nextx ; exit
; 65K byte sequencer with offset
; inputs: 0: address lo, 1: address hi, 2: offset
; output: byte addressed by address
public _quseq,_ruseq,_suseq,_tuseq
_tuseq: nop
_suseq: nop
_ruseq: nop
mov ax,seg buffs ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var0 ; get address lo
getv dh,var1 ; get address hi
getv bl,var2 ; get offset
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,dx ; set up as index
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
putn al ; send it out
nextv ; exit with video update
; Delay Sequencer
; inputs: 0: clock, 1: page address, 2: read offset, 3: write enable,
; 4: input, 5: offset, 6x: clock tick
; inputs: 0: clock
; 1: input
; 2: read offset
; 3: write enable
; 4: offset
; 5x: page address
; 5z: index
; 6x: clock tick
; 6z: init flag
; output: byte addressed by index (hi byte of output addr) + var2
; AND 15 + (var1 * 16), AFTER write operation.
; Thus, a read offset of 0 causes the output to track the input,
; an offset of 1 tracks 1 clock behind, etc.
public _euseq
cmp byte ptr var6+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jnz euseqi ; no, go do it
tick var0,var6 ; clock tick
jnc euseqx ; exit if no tick
mov ax,seg buftu ; setup seg register
mov cl,var5[di] ; ch = buffer page addr low
mov ch,0 ; cx = buffer page addr
add ax,cx ; ax = seg addr of 16 byte buffer
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
mov ah,var5+1[di] ; ah = index offset
testv var3,-1 ; write enabled?
jz euseq2 ; no, branch
getv al,var1 ; yes, get input
mov bl,ah ; set up offset
and bl,15 ; 15 bytes in the buffer
mov bh,0 ; /
mov es:[bx],al ; write the byte
euseq2: getv al,var2 ; al = read offset
neg al ; read behind
add al,ah ; al = index-offset
and al,15 ; 15 bytes in the buffer
mov bl,al ; set up an index pointer
mov bh,0 ; /
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the read byte
getv dl,var4 ; get offset
add al,dl ; add to output
putn al ; send it out
inc ah ; bump index
mov var5+1[di],ah ; set the new index
nextv ; exit with video update
euseqx: nextx
euseqi: mov byte ptr var6+1[di],0abh; set init flag
initv var3,1 ; write enable
mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov ah,0 ; zip index
mov var5[di],ax ; save it
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
tohex ; convert to hex
mov es:-2[bx],al ; show the default number
nextx ; exit
; magenta input
public ueuseq
ueuseq: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset ueuseqx
mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the output value
mov var5[di],al ; save
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
ueuseqx:mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the new channel
xchg var5[di],al ; set it, get orig patch
mov outn[di],al ; restore
jmp _cancel ; exit
; set/clear mute flags
; inputs: 0: flags 0-7, 1: flags 8-15,
; 2: shift, 3: mask
; 4x: last var0, 4z: last var1
; output: 16bit mute word, shifted & masked
public _domute
_domute:test valflg,-1 ; inputting now
jnz domutex ; yes, just get them
getv al,var0 ; get mute flags
getv ah,var1 ; /
not ax ; flip polarity
mov dx,ax ; save it
xor ax,var4[di] ; bits set are changes
mov var4[di],dx ; save the new value
mov cx,ax ; save flag bits
not ax ; flip flag bits
and mute,ax ; strip changed bits
and cx,dx ; get new changed bits
or mute,cx ; put them away
domutex:mov dx,mute ; get the mute word
getv cl,var2 ; get the shift
ror dx,cl ; shift right
not dl ; flip bits
getv al,var3 ; get mask
and al,dl ; mask the mute flags
putn al ; send it out
nextv ; exit
; External call via software interrupt
; output: returned value of AL
; inputs:
; 0: clock
; 1: interrupt number
; 2: value loaded into AH
; 3: value loaded into AL
; 4: value loaded into BH
; 5: value loaded into BL
; 6: value loaded into CH
; 7: value loaded into CL
; 8: value loaded into DH
; 9: value loaded into DL
; 10x: clock tick
public _xcall
_xcall: tick var0,var10 ; tick clock
jnc xcallx ; exit if no tick
getv al,var1 ; get the interrupt number
test al,-1 ; anything there
jz xcallx ; no, exit
mov byte ptr cs:xcalli+1,al; set up the int number
getv ah,var2 ; load registers
getv al,var3 ; /
getv ch,var4 ; /
getv cl,var5 ; /
mov bp,cx ; /
getv ch,var6 ; /
getv cl,var7 ; /
getv dh,var8 ; /
getv dl,var9 ; /
mov bx,bp ; /
push si ; save needed registers
push di ; /
push ds ; /
xcalli: int 64 ; go do it
pop ds ; restore registers
pop di ; /
pop si ; /
mov xcax,ax ; save registers
mov xcbx,bx ; /
mov xccx,cx ; /
mov xcdx,dx ; /
pushf ; get flags
pop ax ; /
putn al ; send low flags to output
xcallx: nextv ; exit
; read a register after xcall
; output: xcall register storage
; inputs: 0: strobe, 1: register number, 2x: clock tick
; 0 = al, 1 = ah, 2 = bl, 3 = bh,
; 4 = cl, 5 = bh, 6 = dl, 7 = dh
public _rcall
_rcall: tick var0,var2 ; clock tick
jnc rcallx ; exit if no clock
getv al,var1 ; get the register number
and ax,7 ; 8 registers allowed
mov bx,offset dgroup:xcax; get table location
add bx,ax ; add offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the register
putn al ; send it out
rcallx: nextv ; exit
; read a byte from the keyboard
; output: ascii keyboard data
; inputs: 0: hold
public _xkbd
hold var0 ; hold?
jnz xkbdx ; yes, exit
and byte ptr outn[di],7fh; strip old key flag
mov ah,6 ; dos direct console i/o
mov dl,0ffh ; input request
int 21h ; call dos
jz xkbdx ; exit if no input
or al,al ; function key
jz xkbd0 ; yes, don't set flag
or al,80H ; set new key flag
xkbd0: putn al ; send it out
xkbdx: nextv ; exit
; read a byte from MIDI to s-sequencer
; output: index into s-sequencer
; inputs: 0: reset strobe, 1: enable, 2x: tick
public _xmidii
tick var0,var2 ; strobe tick?
jnc xmidii0 ; no, branch
mov cs:midatix,0 ; yes, clear index
xmidii0:getv al,var1 ; get write enable flag
mov cs:misend,al ; set/clear the flag
mov al,cs:midatix ; get index
putn al ; send it out
nextv ; exit
; show output buffer status
; inputs: none
; output: flag bits 0,1 set if output buffer not empty
public _tstmob
_tstmob:call tstmob ; check it
putn al ; send it out
nextl ; show it
; show mpu input flags, set mpu input mask
; 0 = no input, 1=mpu#1, 2=mpu#2
; inputs: 0: reset input flag
; 1: mpu input mask
; 2x init flag
; output: mpu input flags
public _mpuins
_mpuins:cmp byte ptr var2[di],0abh ; initialized?
jnz mpuins0 ; no, branch
getv al,var1 ; get mask byte
mov cs:_mpuinm,al ; set mask
mov al,cs:_mpuinf ; get mpu input flag
putn al ; send it out
testv var0,-1 ; want to clear mpu flag?
jnz mpuins1 ; no, branch
mov cs:_mpuinf,0 ; clear mpu flag
mpuins1:nextl ; show it
mpuins0:mov byte ptr var2[di],0abh ; no, set init values
initv var1,3 ; default is all ok
nextx ; exit
; output a byte to output port
; output: none
; inputs:
; 0: clock
; 1: value to be output
; 2: output port address hi
; 3: output port address lo
; 4x: clock tick
public _outpb
_outpb: tick var0,var4 ; clock tick
jnc outpbx ; exit if no clock
getv dh,var2 ; get the address
getv dl,var3 ; /
getv al,var1 ; get the value
out dx,al ; send it out
outpbx: nextx ; exit
; input a byte from input port
; output: value from port
; inputs:
; 0: clock
; 1: input port address hi
; 2: input port address lo
; 3x: clock tick
public _inptb
_inptb: tick var0,var3 ; clock tick
jnc inptbx ; exit if no clock
getv dh,var1 ; get the address
getv dl,var2 ; /
in al,dx ; get the value from port
putn al ; send it
inptbx: nextv ; exit & show
; input a byte from memory
; output: value from memory
; inputs:
; 0: clock
; 1: seg addr hi
; 2: input port address hi
; 3: input port address lo
; 4x: clock tick
public _peek
_peek: tick var0,var4 ; clock tick
jnc peekx ; exit if no clock
getv dh,var1 ; get seg hi
getv ah,var2 ; get address hi
getv bl,var3 ; get address lo
mov bh,ah ; bx = address
mov dl,0 ; dx = seg
mov es,dx ; es = seg
mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
putn al ; send it
peekx: nextv ; exit & show
; output a byte to memory
; output: none
; inputs:
; 0: clock
; 1: value to be output
; 2: seg addr hi
; 3: input port address hi
; 4: input port address lo
; 5x: clock tick
public _poke
_poke: tick var0,var5 ; clock tick
jnc pokex ; exit if no clock
getv al,var1 ; get the value
getv dh,var2 ; get seg hi
getv ah,var3 ; get address hi
getv bl,var4 ; get address lo
mov bh,ah ; bx = address
mov dl,0 ; dx = seg
mov es,dx ; es = seg
mov es:[bx],al ; put the byte
putn al ; send it
pokex: nextx ; exit
; System Exclusive Receive
; inputs:
; 0: Address Low of sequencer "S" where data will go
; 1: Address High of sequencer "S"
; 2: Strobe to start receive
; 3: Shift output value
; 4xz: Index into seq "s"
; 5x: strobe tick
; output: Next available seq addr, shifted right by input 3
public _sxget
_sxget: tick var2,var5 ; wanna do it?
jc sxget0 ; yes, branch
jmp sxgetx ; no, exit to readout
sxget0: mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
mov al,'X' ; set output byte
mov es:320[bx],al ; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ; /
mov ax,80H ; to set hi bit
mov outn[di],ax ; trash output
or es:321[bx],al ; put to the screen
or es:323[bx],al ; /
sxget6: call allclr ; clear midi channel
mov word ptr var4[di],-2 ; setup error flag
mov cs:miflag,0 ; clear input data flag
mov ax,seg buffs ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var0 ; get address lo
getv dh,var1 ; get address hi
mov bx,dx ; set up as index
mov bp,cs:ticks ; get timer
add bp,11640 ; timeout in 20 sec.
sxget1: test cs:miflag,-1 ; anything there?
jnz sxget2 ; yes, branch
cmp bp,cs:ticks ; timeout?
jnz sxget1 ; no, keep looking
jmp sxgetx ; yes, exit
sxget2: mov cs:miflag,0 ; clear input flag
cmp cs:midata,0f0h ; system exclusive?
jnz sxget1 ; no, keep looking
mov byte ptr es:[bx],0f0h ; yes, send the data
inc bx ; bump index
jz sxgetx ; exit if index overflow
sxget3: test cs:miflag,-1 ; anything there?
jnz sxget4 ; yes, branch
cmp bp,cs:ticks ; timeout?
jnz sxget3 ; no, keep looking
sxget4: mov cs:miflag,0 ; clear input flag
mov al,cs:midata ; get the data
mov es:[bx],al ; put it in the seq memory
cmp al,0f7h ; EOX?
jz sxget5 ; yes, branch
inc bx ; bump index
jz sxgetx ; exit if index overflow
jmp short sxget3 ; else back to the loop
sxget5: mov var4[di],bx ; set the new index
mov _header+7,1 ; set buffer used flag
sxgetx: mov ax,var4[di] ; get the index
inc ax ; bump one
getv cl,var3 ; get shift byte
shr ax,cl ; bump right
putn al ; send it out
mov al,7fH ; to set lo bit
mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
and es:321[bx],al ; put to the screen
and es:323[bx],al ; /
nextv ; exit
; System Exclusive Send
; inputs:
; 0: Address Low of sequencer "S" where data is found
; 1: Address High of sequencer "S"
; 2: Strobe to start send
; 3: Shift output value
; 4xz: Index into seq "s"
; 5x: strobe tick
; output: Next available seq addr, shifted right by input 3
public _sxput
_sxput: tick var2,var5 ; wanna do it?
jc sxput0 ; yes, branch
jmp sxputx ; no, exit to readout
sxput0: mov word ptr var4[di],-2 ; setup error flag
mov midip,0 ; set midi port 0
mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
mov al,'X' ; set output byte
mov es:320[bx],al ; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ; /
mov ax,80H ; to set hi bit
mov outn[di],ax ; trash output
or es:321[bx],al ; put to the screen
or es:323[bx],al ; /
mov ax,seg buffs ; setup seg register
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr
getv dl,var0 ; get address lo
getv dh,var1 ; get address hi
mov bp,dx ; set up as index
sxput1: call allclr ; clear midi channels
sxput2: mov al,es:[bp] ; get the data byte
mov ah,al ; save in ah
call allmidi ; send it to buffer
sendmb ; send it to MIDI
cmp ah,0f7h ; EOX?
jz sxput3 ; yes, branch
inc bp ; bump index
jz sxputx ; exit if index overflow
jmp short sxput2 ; else back to the loop
sxput3: mov var4[di],bp ; set the new index
sxputx: mov ax,var4[di] ; get the index
inc ax ; bump one
getv cl,var3 ; get shift byte
shr ax,cl ; bump right
putn al ; send it out
mov al,7fH ; to set lo bit
mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
and es:321[bx],al ; put to the screen
and es:323[bx],al ; /
nextv ; exit
; MIDI Program change
; inputs:
; 0: channel
; 1: delay
; 2: strobe
; 3: input
; 4x: strobe tick
; output: none
public _patcho
test lodflg,-1 ; load happen?
jnz patcho1 ; yes, force change
test clrchf,3 ; clear chan flag?
jz patcho2 ; yes, force change
or clrchf,2 ; setup to clear
jmp patcho1 ; go do it
patcho2:tick var2,var4 ; clock tick
jnc patchox ; exit if no strobe
patcho1:call allclr ; clear all midi channels
getv al,var0 ; get channel
mchan al ; /
or al,0c0H ; MIDI Program Change
call tomidi ; send it to midi
getv al,var3 ; get value input
mov outn[di],al ; send to output
and al,127 ; strip msb
call tomidi ; send to midi
getv al,var1 ; get delay value
or al,al ; split if 0
jz patchox ; /
mov ah,0 ; make it a word
add ax,cs:ticks ; add current ticks
patcho0:cmp al,byte ptr cs:ticks ; reached it yet?
jnz patcho0 ; no, loop
; Programmer output values
; inputs: 0x: channel
; output: sequencer send to the controller
public _pcouta
_pcouta:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcouta0 ; yes, branch
pcouti: mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov var0[di],al ; save it
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
tohex ; convert to hex
mov es:-2[bx],al ; show the default number
mov byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; set init flag
pcouta0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutax ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcva ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutax:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutb
_pcoutb:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutb0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutb0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutbx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvb ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutbx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutc
_pcoutc:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutc0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutc0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutcx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvc ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutcx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutd
_pcoutd:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutd0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutd0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutdx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvd ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutdx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoute
_pcoute:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoute0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoute0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutex ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcve ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutex:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutf
_pcoutf:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutf0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutf0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutfx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvf ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutfx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutg
_pcoutg:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutg0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutg0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutgx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvg ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutgx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcouth
_pcouth:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcouth0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcouth0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcouthx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvh ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcouthx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutx
_pcoutx:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutx0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutx0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutxx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvx ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutxx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcouty
_pcouty:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcouty0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcouty0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutyx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvy ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutyx:nextv ; exit with display
public _pcoutz
_pcoutz:cmp byte ptr var0+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz pcoutz0 ; yes, branch
jmp pcouti ; no, initialize
pcoutz0:test usrflg,1 ; user input
jnz pcoutzx ; yes, no go
mov bl,var0[di] ; get channel
mov bh,0 ; bx = channel
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvz ; add table to offset
mov al,[bx] ; get the value
putn al ; send it out
pcoutzx:nextv ; exit with display
; magenta input
public upcout
upcout: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset upcoutx
mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the output value
mov var0[di],al ; save
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
upcoutx:mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov al,outn[di] ; get the new channel
xchg var0[di],al ; set it, get orig patch
mov outn[di],al ; restore
jmp _cancel ; exit
; add switch
; inputs: 0: switch bits
; 1-8: switch inputs
; output: sequencer send to the controller
public _addswa
_addswa:getv dl,var0 ; get the bits byte
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,640 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var1 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,8 ; 8 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz addswa3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short addswa4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop addswa1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
addswax:nextv ; exit with display
; Programmer add switch output values
; inputs: 0-3: switch inputs
; 4: control byte
; output: sequencer send to the controller
public _psouta
_psouta:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
mov cl,4 ; get shift
shr dl,cl ; shift down
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psouta3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psouta4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psouta1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutax:nextv ; exit with display
public _psoutc
_psoutc:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
mov cl,4 ; get shift
shr dl,cl ; shift down
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psoutc3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psoutc4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psoutc1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutcx:nextv ; exit with display
public _psoutb
_psoutb:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psoutb3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psoutb4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psoutb1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutbx:nextv ; exit with display
public _psoutd
_psoutd:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psoutd3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psoutd4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psoutd1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutdx:nextv ; exit with display
; Programmer add switch output values
; inputs: 0-3: switch inputs
; 4: control byte 5: shift
; output: sequencer send to the controller
public _psoute
_psoute:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
getv cl,var5 ; get shift
shr dl,cl ; shift down
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psoute3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psoute4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psoute1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutex:nextv ; exit with display
public _psoutf
_psoutf:getv dl,var4 ; get the value
getv cl,var5 ; get shift
shr dl,cl ; shift down
and dl,15 ; mask
gettag ; es:bx = screen addr of tag
dec bx ; drop back 1 for led
add bx,480 ; bx = screen addr of 1st stage led
mov bp,bx ; bp = leds
add di,var0 ; point to first stage
mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov al,0 ; clear the add register
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
test dl,ah ; is the bit hi?
jz psoutf3 ; no, turn it off
mov byte ptr es:[bp],red+hi ; else turn the led on
mov bx,[di] ; get the value addr
add al,[bx] ; add in the value
jmp short psoutf4 ; branch
mov byte ptr es:[bp],yellow ; turn the led off
add di,2 ; point to next val
shl ah,1 ; bump bit pointer
add bp,160 ; point to next led
loop psoutf1 ; do it again
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
putn al ; send it out
psoutfx:nextv ; exit with display
; MIDI sys excl send (8 bytes max)
; inputs: 0: trigger, 1-8 input values to send, 9x: clock tick
; output: none
public _sysxo
tick var0,var9 ;
jnc sysxox ; exit if no tick
mov al,0F0H ; send sys ex opcode
call allmidi ; send to midi
mov cx,8 ; 8 data bytes
sysxo1: getv al,var1 ; get byte
test al,80H ; don't send if ms bit is hi
jnz sysxo2 ; /
call allmidi ; else dump to midi
sysxo2: add di,2 ; bump pointer
loop sysxo1 ; do them all
mov al,0F7H ; send eox
call allmidi ; /
sysxox: nextx ; exit
; MIDI Control change
; inputs: 0: clock, 1: channel, 2: Control number, 3: Control value
; 4x: clock tick
; output: none
public _ctrlo
tick var0,var4 ; clock tick
jnc ctrlox ; exit if no tick
getv al,var1 ; get channel
mchan al ; strip & set
or al,0B0H ; MIDI Control Change
call tomidi ; send it to midi
getv al,var2 ; get control number
and al,127 ; /
call tomidi ; send data to midi
getv al,var3 ; get control value
and al,127 ; /
call tomidi ; send data to midi
ctrlox: nextx
; MIDI Control mapping
; first group of control modules
public _mapo
_mapo: test usrflg,1 ; inputting now
jnz mapox ; yes, exit
mov bp,si ; save si
mov si,6[di] ; set up for show
mov es,4[di] ; /
mov bx,offset dgroup:ctrlmap; point to control map
add si,320 ; point to 1st value screen location
add di,var0 ; point to 1st value in module
mov cx,8 ; # of values
mapo1: mov al,[bx] ; look at value
cmp al,[di] ; same as in module?
jz mapo1a ; yes, branch
mov [di],al ; no, make same
tohex al ; display
mov es:[si],ah ; /
mov es:2[si],al ; /
mapo1a: inc bx ; next map number
add di,2 ; next value location
add si,160 ; next screen location
loop mapo1 ; do another
mov si,bp ; restore si
mapox: nextx ; exit
public umapo
umapo: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset umapox
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov dl,10[bx+di] ; get current value
shr bx,1 ; /2 for byte table
dec bx ; 1->n --> 0->n-1
mov di,offset dgroup:ctrlmap; point to control map
mov [di+bx],dl ; set new ctrl code
jmp _cancel
; MIDI Control mapping
; second group of control modules
public _mapp
_mapp: test usrflg,1 ; inputting now
jnz mappx ; yes, exit
mov bp,si ; save si
mov si,6[di] ; set up for show
mov es,4[di] ; /
mov bx,offset dgroup:ctrlmpp; point to control map
add si,320 ; point to 1st value screen location
add di,var0 ; point to 1st value in module
mov cx,8 ; # of values
mapp1: mov al,[bx] ; look at value
cmp al,[di] ; same as in module?
jz mapp1a ; yes, branch
mov [di],al ; no, make same
tohex al ; display
mov es:[si],ah ; /
mov es:2[si],al ; /
mapp1a: inc bx ; next map number
add di,2 ; next value location
add si,160 ; next screen location
loop mapp1 ; do another
mov si,bp ; restore si
mappx: nextx ; exit
public umapp
umapp: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset umappx
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov dl,10[bx+di] ; get current value
shr bx,1 ; /2 for byte table
dec bx ; 1->n --> 0->n-1
mov di,offset dgroup:ctrlmpp; point to control map
mov [di+bx],dl ; set new ctrl code
jmp _cancel
; MIDI note out.
; All parameters except Velocity are sent when changed.
; Velocity changes are ignored except zero transitions.
; When Velocity = 0, a Key-off message is sent with the currently
; saved note; the first NZ Velocity seen will send a Key-on message
; with the note value at the input, which gets saved, and the given
; velocity level. While Velocity stays NZ, any change in note values
; will cause an immediate Key-off message with the old note, then a
; Key on message with the new note, and the latest Velocity value for
; that note.
; inputs:
; 0: Channel
; 1: Hold
; 2: Hold AND
; 3: Transpose
; 4: Transpose
; 5: Velocity Offset
; 6: Release Value
; 7, 9,11,13: Note value
; 8, 10,12,14: Velocity
; ---------------------
; 15x,16x,17x,18x: saved note
; 15+,16+,17+,18+: velocity tick flags
; ---------------------
; outn+1: b7 = initialized flag
; ---------------------
; temp0: transpose offset
; temp1: velocity offset
; temp2: release value
; temp3: enable flag
; ---------------------
; dh: channel
public _noteo,_noteo1,_noteo2,_noteo3
test byte ptr outn+1[di],80h ; initialized?
jnz noteo1 ; yes, branch
; initialize
mov cx,8 ; 4 note+velocity inputs
mov bx,0 ; use for index
noteo0: mov byte ptr var15[bp+di],0 ; clear
inc bx ; bump index
loop noteo0 ; loop
initv var2,0ffh ; Hold mask <- FF
mov byte ptr outn+1[di],80h ; set init flag
nextx ; ... on to next module
; Get Channel Number
noteo1: getv dh,var0 ; get it
mchan dh ; mask & set
xchg outn[di],dh ; save for next time
cmp outn[di],dh ; same as last?
jnz noteo2a ; no, mute with old
; Check for Enable/Mute
mov temp3,0 ; zip enable flag
getv al,var1 ; get enable
getv ah,var2 ; get enable mask
and al,ah ; /
jz noteo2a ; mute if not enabled
mov al,mprstf ; stop set
or al,lodflg ; or load flag
jz noteo2x ; branch if no mute
noteo2a:mov temp3,1 ; else set it
noteo2x:mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
dec bx ; point to led
test temp3,1 ; test for z
mov al,red ; set up for z
jnz noteo2b ; branch if z
mov al,red+hi ; else set up for nz
noteo2b:mov es:[bx],al ; set the led
; Get note Transpose value
getv al,var3 ; get it
getv ah,var4 ; get it
add al,ah ; add together
mov temp0,al ; put it away
; Get Velocity offset
getv al,var5 ; get it
mov temp1,al ; put it away
; Get Release value
getv al,var6 ; get it
and al,127 ; strip msb
mov temp2,al ; put it away
; Key/velocity "A"
push si ; save si
mov si,di ; use as saved value ptr
add si,var15 ; si = onv, si+1 = vflag
mov bp,4 ; do 4 of them
noteo4: test temp3,1 ; mute?
jnz noteo4a ; yes, branch
getv ah,var8 ; get velocity
or ah,ah ; is it on?
jnz noteo4b ; yes, branch
noteo4a:test byte ptr 1[si],1 ; was note on
jz noteo4x ; no, exit
mov al,[si] ; yes, turn old note off
call noteoff ; /
mov byte ptr 1[si],0 ; zip vflag
jmp noteo4x ; exit
noteo4b:test byte ptr 1[si],1 ; was note on
jnz noteo4c ; yes, branch
getv al,var7 ; get the note
add al,temp0 ; add offset
mov [si],al ; save it
call noteon ; turn it on
mov byte ptr 1[si],1 ; flag it
jmp noteo4x ; exit
noteo4c:getv al,var7 ; get the note
add al,temp0 ; add offset
cmp al,[si] ; has it changed?
jz noteo4x ; no, exit
xchg al,[si] ; yes, swap new w old
call noteoff ; turn old off
mov al,[si] ; turn new on
call noteon
add si,2 ; bump pointers
add di,4 ; /
dec bp ; dec loop index
jnz noteo4 ; loop
pop si ; restore si
; Note On
; call nv in al, v in ah
xchg al,dh ; get channel
or al,090H ; MIDI Key-on
call tomidi ; send Key-on+channel
xchg al,dh ; get nv, restore channel
and al,127 ; strip msb
call tomidi ; send Note value
mov al,ah ; get velocity
add al,temp1 ; add offset
jns noteon1 ; branch if < 128
mov al,127 ; else make 127
noteon1:call tomidi ; send Velocity
ret ; exit
; Note Off
; call nv in al
xchg al,dh ; get channel
or al,080H ; MIDI Key-off
call tomidi ; send Key-off+channel
xchg al,dh ; get nv, restore channel
and al,127 ; strip msb
call tomidi ; send Note value
mov al,temp2 ; get release value
call tomidi ; send release value
ret ; exit
; MIDI channel output controller
; inputs:
; 0: channel
; 1: Hold
; 2: Program change
; 3: After Touch
; 4: Pitch Bend
; ---------------------
; 5: Volume (mapo 0)
; 6: Mod whl (mapo 1)
; 7: controller A (mapo 2)
; 8: controller B (mapo 3)
; 9: controller C (mapo 4)
; 10:controller D (mapo 5)
; 11:controller 1 (mapo 6)
; 12:controller 2 (mapo 7)
; ---------------------
; 13x: old program change
; 13+: old after touch
; 14x: old pitch bend
; 15x - 18+: old controller values
; ---------------------
; outn+1: b7 = initialized flag
; ---------------------
; dh: channel
public _chano,_chanl
_chanl: mov bp,offset dgroup:ctrlmpp; index for ctrlmap
jmp chanl0 ; start w 2nd map
_chano: mov bp,offset dgroup:ctrlmap; index for ctrlmap
chanl0: test byte ptr outn+1[di],80h ; initialized?
jnz chano1 ; yes, branch
; initialize
initv var1,1 ; Hold <- 1
initv var4,080h ; Bend <- 80H
initv var5,07fh ; Volume <- 7fH
mov byte ptr outn+1[di],80h ; set init flag
chano0: mov cx,12 ; 12 save areas
mov bx,0 ; use for index
chano0a:mov byte ptr var13[bx+di],-1; set to force change
inc bx ; bump index
loop chano0a ; loop
or clrchf,2 ; setup to clear
nextx ; ... on to next module
; Get Channel Number
getv dh,var0 ; get it
mchan dh ; mask & set
test valflg,-1 ; inputting values?
jnz chano1a ; yes, branch out
xchg outn[di],dh ; save for next time
cmp outn[di],dh ; same as last?
jnz chano0 ; no, force change
; Check for Hold
getv al,var1 ; get hold
or al,mprstf ; or program reset
or al,lodflg ; or load flag
or al,clrchf ; clear chan flag?
jnz chano1b ; yes, force change
mov al,0 ; clear led flag
chano1b:mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
dec bx ; point to led
test al,-1 ; test for z
jz chano1c ; branch if z
mov byte ptr es:[bx],red ; clr the led
jmp chano0 ; reset stuff
chano1c:mov byte ptr es:[bx],red+hi ; set the led
; Patch Change
getv al,var2 ; get input value
cmp al,var13[di] ; any change
jz chano2x ; no, branch
and al,7fh ; mask
mov var13[di],al ; yes, store the new value
mov ah,0C0H ; MIDI Patch Change
or ah,dh ; add in channel info
xchg al,ah ; fix
call tomidi ; send it to midi
xchg al,ah ; fix
call tomidi ; send value to midi
; Aftertouch
getv al,var3 ; get input value
cmp al,var13+1[di] ; any change
jz chano3x ; no, branch
and al,127 ; strip msb
mov var13+1[di],al ; yes, store the new value
mov ah,0D0H ; MIDI After Touch
or ah,dh ; add in channel info
xchg al,ah ; fix
call tomidi ; send it to midi
xchg al,ah ; fix
call tomidi ; send value to midi
; Pitch Bend
getv al,var4 ; get input value
cmp al,var14[di] ; any change
jz chano5x ; no, branch
mov var14[di],al ; yes, store the new value
; add al,80h ; center for pitch bend
shr al,1 ; strip lsb
rcr ch,1 ; put in ch
rcr ch,1 ; mov into position
and ch,64 ; clean it up
mov ah,0E0H ; MIDI Pitch Bend
or ah,dh ; add in channel info
xchg ah,al ; fix
call tomidi ; send it to midi
mov al,ch ; fix
call tomidi ; send ls value to midi
mov al,ah ; fix
call tomidi ; send ms value to midi
; Controllers mapped by mapo module into array: ctrlmap 0-5
push si ; save si
mov si,di ; use as pointer
add si,var15 ; /
mov cx,6 ; 6 to do
getv al,var5 ; get input value
cmp al,[si] ; any change
jz chano6a ; no, branch
and al,127 ; strip msb
mov [si],al ; yes, store the new value
mov ah,0B0H ; MIDI Control Change
or ah,dh ; add in channel info
xchg ah,al ; fix
call tomidi ; send it to midi
mov al,ds:[bp] ; mapped ctrl number
call tomidi ; send it to midi
xchg ah,al ; fix
call tomidi ; send value to midi
chano6a:inc bp ; bump pointers
inc si ; /
add di,2 ; /
loop chano6 ; loop
; Controllers mapped by mapo module into array: ctrlmap 6,7
mov cx,2 ; 2 to do
getv al,var5 ; get input value
and al,127 ; strip msb, test for Z
jz chano7b ; branch if Z
mov al,127 ; else make 127
chano7b:cmp al,[si] ; any change
jz chano7a ; no, branch
mov [si],al ; yes, store the new value
mov ah,0B0H ; MIDI Control Change
or ah,dh ; add in channel info
xchg ah,al ; fix
call tomidi ; send it to midi
mov al,ds:[bp] ; mapped ctrl number
call tomidi ; send it to midi
xchg ah,al ; fix
call tomidi ; send value to midi
chano7a:inc bp ; bump pointers
inc si ; /
add di,2 ; /
loop chano7 ; loop
pop si ; restore si
nextx ; exit
; MIDI event programmer/sequencer
; normal output, all inputs are magenta user inputs.
; -- all number inputs use addr+1 to hold output flag copy
; inputs:
; 0x: user input to change address
; 1x: end address
; 2x: Undo switch
; 2+: user input flag
; 3x: Store switch
; 3+: initialized flag
; 4x: Recall switch
; 4+: module number
; 5x: Save switch
; 6x: Measures to next (first of sequencer data)
; 7x: stage 1
; 8x: stage 2
; 9x: stage 3
; 10x: stage A
; 11x: stage B
; 12x: stage C
; 13x: stage D
; 14x: stage w slew E
; 15x: slew value for E
; 16x: stage w slew F
; 17x: slew value for F
; 18x: stage w slew G
; 19x: slew value for G
; 20x: stage w slew H
; 21x: slew value for H
; slewc: slew value buffer C
; slewd: slew value buffer D
; slewe: slew value buffer E
; slewf: slew value buffer F
; pubuf: Undo Buffer
; psbuf: Save Buffer
public _progo
_progo: cmp byte ptr var3+1[di],0abh; initialized?
jz progoii ; yes, branch
mov cx,98 ; big mother
mov bx,var0 ; clear variable space
progoi: mov byte ptr [bx+di],0 ; zip it
inc bx ; bump address
loop progoi ; loop
mov al,modnum ; get module number
mov byte ptr var4+1[di],al ; save it
mov byte ptr var3+1[di],0abh; set init flag
progoii:test usrflg,1 ; user input now?
jz progo0 ; no, branch
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; yes, set show differences
nextx ; ...easy exit
; process master reset
progo0: mov al,mpadrf ; address change?
or al,al ; /
jz progo0a ; no, branch
mov al,mpadr ; yes, get master address
mov var0[di],al ; set local address = master
mov bp,si ; save si
mov es,4[di] ; get screen seg addr
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
test mpmodf,1 ; programming or playing?
jz progo1 ; branch if playing
jmp progo2 ; else jump to programming
; mode = playing
progo1: test mmstart,1 ; master measure start?
jz progo1b ; no, branch
cmp byte ptr var6[di],0 ; local measure count = 0?
jz progo1a ; yes, branch
dec byte ptr var6[di] ; no, count down 1
jmp short progo1b ; ...on to the next
; address change
progo1a:mov al,var1[di] ; is end <= address
cmp al,byte ptr var0[di] ; /
jbe progo1b ; yes, don't bump address
test mprstf,-1 ; master reset?
jnz progo1b ; yes, don't bump address
inc byte ptr var0[di] ; else bump sequencer address
progo1b:mov al,var0[di] ; has address changed
cmp al,var0+1[di] ; /
jz progo1c ; no, branch
putn al ; yes, send it out
call sq_ob ; yes copy seq to output buffer
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; set show differences
showpq 0 ; display address
progo1c:showpq 6 ; display measure counter
jmp progo3 ; branch to common stuff
; mode = programming
; address change
progo2: mov al,var0[di] ; has address changed
cmp al,var0+1[di] ; /
jz progo2a ; no, branch
putn al ; yes, send it out
call ob_ub ; output buf to undo buf
call sq_ob ; sequencer to output buf
showpq 0 ; display the new value
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; set show differences
; measures counter
mov al,var6[di] ; measures value changed?
cmp al,var6+1[di] ; /
jz progo2e ; no, branch
mov var6+1[di],al ; yes, clear flag
showpv 6 ; display measure counter
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; set show differences
; undo button
test byte ptr var2[di],1 ; undo button pushed?
jz progo2b ; no, branch
mov byte ptr var2[di],0 ; clear the button
call ub_ob ; swap undo with output
jmp short progo2z ; show & tell
; store button
test byte ptr var3[di],1 ; store button pushed?
jz progo2c ; no, branch
mov byte ptr var3[di],0 ; clear the button
call sq_ub ; sequencer to undo buf
call ob_sq ; output buffer to seq
; or _mpab,2 ; set buffer used flag
jmp short progo2z ; show & tell
; recall button
test byte ptr var4[di],1 ; recall button pushed?
jz progo2d ; no, branch
mov byte ptr var4[di],0 ; clear the button
call ob_ub ; output buf to undo buf
call sb_ob ; save buf to out buf
jmp short progo2z ; show & tell
; save button
test byte ptr var5[di],1 ; save button pushed?
jz progo2x ; no, branch
mov byte ptr var5[di],0 ; clear the button
call ob_sb ; output buf to save buf
progo2z:mov byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; set show differences
; common code for programming or playing
; process outbyte
mov al,var7[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var7+1[di] ; /
jz progo3a ; no, jmp to next
mov var7+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvx ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo3a:showpv 7 ; update display
mov al,var8[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var8+1[di] ; /
jz progo3b ; no, jmp to next
mov var8+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvy ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo3b:showpv 8 ; update display
mov al,var9[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var9+1[di] ; /
jz progo3c ; no, jmp to next
mov var9+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvz ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo3c:showpv 9 ; update display
; send non-slew output values
mov al,var10[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var10+1[di] ; /
jz progo4a ; no, jmp to next
mov var10+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcva ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo4a:showpv 10 ; update display
mov al,var11[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var11+1[di] ; /
jz progo4b ; no, jmp to next
mov var11+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvb ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo4b:showpv 11 ; update display
mov al,var12[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var12+1[di] ; /
jz progo4c ; no, jmp to next
mov var12+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvc ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo4c:showpv 12 ; update display
mov al,var13[di] ; out byte change?
cmp al,var13+1[di] ; /
jz progo4d ; no, jmp to next
mov var13+1[di],al ; yes, set flag
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvd ; point to outval table
mov [bx],al ; put value to the table
progo4d:showpv 13 ; update display
; send values with slew
mov bx,slewe ; point to slew buffer
mov dx,var14[di] ; get input & target
mov cl,var15[di] ; get rate
call pslew ; get new slew value
cmp var14[di],dx ; did it change?
mov var14[di],dx ; (put it away)
jz progo4e ; no change,split
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcve ; point to outval table
mov [bx],dh ; put value to the table
progo4e:showpp 14 ; update display
showpq 15 ; display & flag rate
mov bx,slewf ; point to slew buffer
mov dx,var16[di] ; get input & target
mov cl,var17[di] ; get rate
call pslew ; get new slew value
cmp var16[di],dx ; did it change?
mov var16[di],dx ; (put it away)
jz progo4f ; no change,split
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvf ; point to outval table
mov [bx],dh ; put value to the table
progo4f:showpp 16 ; update display
showpq 17 ; display & flag rate
mov bx,slewg ; point to slew buffer
mov dx,var18[di] ; get input & target
mov cl,var19[di] ; get rate
call pslew ; get new slew value
cmp var18[di],dx ; did it change?
mov var18[di],dx ; (put it away)
jz progo4g ; no change,split
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvg ; point to outval table
mov [bx],dh ; put value to the table
progo4g:showpp 18 ; update display
showpq 19 ; display & flag rate
mov bx,slewh ; point to slew buffer
mov dx,var20[di] ; get input & target
mov cl,var21[di] ; get rate
call pslew ; get new slew value
cmp var20[di],dx ; did it change?
mov var20[di],dx ; (put it away)
jz progo4h ; no change,split
mov bl,var4+1[di] ; bx = Channel
mov bh,0 ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:pcvh ; point to outval table
mov [bx],dh ; put value to the table
progo4h:showpp 20 ; update display
showpq 21 ; display & flag rate
; module execution ends here
; clean up & display output value
test byte ptr var2+1[di],1 ; show differences?
jz progo6a ; no, branch
call sq?ob ; show if ob <> seq
progo6a:mov si,bp ; restore si
mov byte ptr var2+1[di],0 ; clear user input flag
nextv ; display output, exit
; subroutine to update slew value
; call with bx = slew buffer offset (slewc, slewd, etc.)
; dx = input/output (dh), target (dl)
; cl = rate
; returns with dx = input/output, target
; formula:
; initialize:
; input * 256 --> sum; input --> output
; thereafter until sum/256 = target:
; sum - input + target --> sum
; sum/256 --> output
; buffer offsets for values:
; 0: sum
; 2: saved input
; 3: saved target
; 4: saved rate
; 5: busy
pslew: test byte ptr 5[bx+di],1 ; busy?
jnz pslewa ; yes, branch
cmp dl,dh ; no, see if target=output
jnz pslewb ; not equal, go slew
cmp dh,2[bx+di] ; else see if input has changed
jz pslewx ; exit if no change
pslewb: mov 3[bx+di],dl ; save target
mov 2[bx+di],dh ; save input
mov 4[bx+di],cl ; save rate
mov dh,dl ; target --> output
or cl,cl ; rate = 0?
jz pslewx ; yes, just exit
; test mpmodf,1 ; programming or playing?
; jnz pslewx ; just exit if programming
mov byte ptr 5[bx+di],1 ; else flag busy
mov al,2[bx+di] ; ax = input * 128
mov ah,0 ; /
mov cl,7 ; /
shl ax,cl ; /
; mov ah,2[bx+di] ; ax = input * 256
; mov al,0 ; /
mov [bx+di],ax ; set new sum
mov dh,2[bx+di] ; input --> output
jmp short pslewx ; exit
pslewa: dec byte ptr 4[bx+di] ; countdown
jnz pslewx ; /
or cl,cl ; rate set to 0?
jnz pslewc ; no, go on
mov dh,dl ; yes, set output=target
jmp short pslewz ; exit finished
pslewc: mov 4[bx+di],cl ; save rate count
mov ax,[bx+di] ; ax = sum
mov cl,2[bx+di] ; cx = input
mov ch,0 ; /
sub ax,cx ; ax = sum - input
mov cl,3[bx+di] ; cx = target
add ax,cx ; ax = sum - input + target
mov [bx+di],ax ; save new sum
mov cl,7 ; ax = new sum / 128
shr ax,cl ; /
mov dh,al ; dh = new sum / 128
; mov dh,ah ; dh = new sum / 256
pslewz: cmp dh,dl ; output = target
jnz pslewx ; no, exit
mov byte ptr 5[bx+di],0 ; yes, flag not busy
pslewx: ret ; exit
; subroutines to copy sequencer buffers
; ob_sb = obuf --> sbuf = output buffer to save buffer
; ob_ub = obuf --> ubuf = output buffer to undo buffer
; ob_sq = obuf --> seq = output buffer to sequencer
; sb_ob = sbuf --> obuf = save buffer to output buffer
; sq_ob = seq --> obuf = sequencer to output buffer
; sq_ub = seq --> ubuf = sequencer to undo buffer
; ub_ob = ubuf <-> obuf = undo buffer swapped with output buffer
; sq?ob = show red if sq <> ob, else show yellow
; ob_sb = obuf --> sbuf = output buffer to save buffer
ob_sb: mov bx,di ; use bx for sbuf addr
add bx,psbuf ; bx = sbuf addr
jmp short ob_ub0 ; go do it
; ob_ub = obuf --> ubuf = output buffer to undo buffer
ob_ub: mov bx,di ; use bx for sbuf addr
add bx,pubuf ; bx = ubuf addr
ob_ub0: mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; /
mov cx,16 ; 16 in a loop
ob_ubl: mov al,[si] ; get obuf byte
mov [bx],al ; put it away
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
loop ob_ubl ; loop til done
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; ob_sq = obuf --> seq = output buffer to sequencer
ob_sq: mov ah,var4+1[di] ; offset for channel
mov al,0 ; /
add ax, seg bufpa ; base seg of seq buffer
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr of seq buf
mov al,var0[di] ; get seq step
mov bl,16 ; bump up
mul bl ; ax = seq addr
mov bx,ax ; es:bx = seq addr
mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; /
mov cx,16 ; 16 in a loop
ob_sql: mov al,[si] ; get buffer byte
mov es:[bx],al ; put to sequencer
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
loop ob_sql ; loop til done
mov es,4[di] ; restore screen seg addr
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; sb_ob = sbuf --> obuf = save buffer to output buffer
sb_ob: mov bx,di ; use bx for sbuf addr
add bx,psbuf ; bx = sbuf addr
mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; /
mov cx,16 ; 16 in a loop
sb_obl: mov al,[bx] ; get sbuf byte
mov [si],al ; put to obuf
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
loop sb_obl ; loop til done
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; sq_ob = seq --> obuf = sequencer to output buffer
sq_ob: mov ah,var4+1[di] ; offset for channel
mov al,0 ; /
add ax,seg bufpa ; base seg of seq buffer
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr of seq buf
mov al,var0[di] ; get seq step
mov bl,16 ; bump up
mul bl ; ax = seq addr
mov bx,ax ; es:bx = seq addr
mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; /
mov cx,16 ; 16 in a loop
sq_obl: mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte
mov [si],al ; put it away
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
loop sq_obl ; loop til done
mov es,4[di] ; restore screen seg addr
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; sq_ub = seq --> ubuf = sequencer to undo buffer
sq_ub: mov ah,var4+1[di] ; offset for channel
mov al,0 ; /
add ax, seg bufpa ; base seg of seq buffer
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr of seq buf
mov al,var0[di] ; get seq step
mov bl,16 ; bump up
mul bl ; ax = seq addr
mov bx,ax ; es:bx = seq addr
mov si,di ; use si for sbuf addr
add si,pubuf ; si = ubuf addr
mov cx,16 ; 16 bytes to move
sq_ubl: mov al,es:[bx] ; get seq byte
mov [si],al ; put it in ubuf
loop sq_ubl ; loop til done
mov es,4[di] ; restore screen seg addr
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; ub_ob = ubuf <-> obuf = undo buffer swapped with output buffer
ub_ob: mov bx,di ; use bx for sbuf addr
add bx,pubuf ; bx = ubuf addr
mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; /
mov cx,16 ; 16 in a loop
ub_obl: mov al,[si] ; get obuf byte
xchg [bx],al ; put it away
mov [si],al ; swap
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
loop ub_obl ; loop til done
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; sq?ob show red for each of the 16 values when sq <> ob,
; else show yellow
sq?ob: mov ah,var4+1[di] ; offset for channel
mov al,0 ; /
add ax, seg bufpa ; base seg of seq buffer
mov es,ax ; es = seg addr of seq buf
mov cx,ax ; cx = copy of above
mov al,var0[di] ; get seq step
mov bl,16 ; bump up
mul bl ; ax = seq addr
mov bx,ax ; es:bx = seq addr
mov si,di ; get offset to obuf
add si,var6 ; ds:si = offset to obuf
push bp ; save current bp
mov bp,ds:4[di] ; bp = screen seg
mov dx,6[di] ; dx = screen address
add dx,160*6+480 ; dx = offset to var6
dec dx ; back up to point to label
xchg dx,di ; di = offset to var6
; ; dx = old di (save)
mov ah,16 ; 16 in a loop
sq?obl: mov al,es:[bx] ; get the byte at var
cmp [si],al ; same
mov al,yellow ; pretend it is
jz sq?ob2 ; yes, branch
mov al,red
sq?ob2: mov es,bp ; get screen seg
mov es:[di],al ; set color
mov es,cx ; seq seg
inc bx ; bump pointers
add si,2 ; /
add di,160 ; /
dec ah ; loop til done
jnz sq?obl ; /
pop bp ; restore bp
mov di,dx ; restor variable indes
mov es,4[di] ; restore screen seg addr
mov si,6[di] ; get screen ofst addr
; process magenta inputs
public uprogo
uprogo: pop ax ; stack bullshit
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
cmp magflg,0 ; no-value?
jnz uprogb ; no, branch
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
xor byte ptr 10[bx+di],1 ; flip value of input
uprogr: jmp _cancel ; exit
uprogb: mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset uprogr ; data exit
jmp workx ; on to the next stage
; beep a note on the pc speaker
; inputs: 0: gate, 1: pitch, 2x: note flags
; output: gate
public _bopo
test mprstf,-1 ; stopped?
jz bopogo ; no, go on
call toneoff ; yes, turn off the speaker
jmp bopox ; exit
bopogo: getv al,var0 ; get the gate
mov dl,var2[di] ; dl = on/off flags
or al,al ; gate on?
jz bopo1 ; no, branch
and dl,offlg xor -1 ; yes, clear off flag
test dl,onflg ; is on flag set?
jz bopo2 ; no, branch
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
nextx ; yes, easy exit
bopo2: or dl,onflg ; no, set on flag
mov var2[di],dl ; put it away
; note on
getv al,var1 ; get the pitch
call pitch ; play it
mov cx,dx ; /
call toneset ; /
call toneon ; /
mov ah,-1 ; load True
putn ah ; flag to the output
jmp short bopox
bopo1: and dl,onflg xor -1 ; clock is off, clear on flag
test dl,offlg ; off flag set?
jnz bopo3 ; yes, easy exit
or dl,offlg ; no, set the off flag
mov var2[di],dl ; put it away
call toneoff ; turn off the note
mov ah,0 ; load False
putn ah ; flag to the output
mov di,2[si] ;; set di pointing to variable list
nextx ; exit
; play tones on the pc speaker
; initialize timer chip
; Just called once
; mov al,2*40h+3*10h+3*2
; out 43h,al
; convert from frequency to period
; input: frequency in CX
; output: period in CX
freq: push dx
push ax
mov dx,12H
mov ax,34deh
div cx
mov cx,ax
pop ax
pop dx
; convert from a pitch to a number
; input: pitch number in al
; output: value for TONESET in DX
pitch: push cx
push bx
push ax
mov ah,0
mov cl,12
div cl
mov dl,al
mov al,ah
sal ax,1
mov bx,ax
mov cx,notes[bx]
call freq
xchg cx,dx
neg cl
add cl,8
sal dx,cl
pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
; select a tone
; input: tone in CX
; output: none
toneset:push ax
mov al,cl
out 42h,al
jmp short $+2
mov al,ch
out 42h,al
pop ax
; turn tone on
toneon: push ax
in al,61H
or al,3
out 61h,al
pop ax
; turn tone off
toneoff:push ax
in al,61h
and al,0fch
out 61h,al
pop ax
; pushbutton routine
; output is turned on/off every other push
; input is set only by user routine
public _pusha
nextl ; exit
public upusha
upusha: mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
xor byte ptr 8[di],1; flip the output
pop ax ; keep stack right
jmp _cancel ; return clean
; pushbutton routine
; output is a single strobe, lasting from start of loop to priority.
; input is set only by user routine
public _pushb
public upushb
upushb: mov di,varsav ; point to variable list
mov byte ptr 8[di],1; set hi
pop ax ; keep stack right
jmp _cancel ; return clean
; pushbutton routine
; output is incremented/decremented every push, depending on
; cursor location on magenta pad.
; input is set only by user routine
public _pushc
_pushc: nextv ; update screen
public upushc
upushc: pop ax ; stack bullshit
cmp magflg,1 ; inc/dec?
jnz upushc1 ; no, branch
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov ax,curadr ; up or down button?
cmp ax,cmdloc ; if same, it's up
jz upushc2 ; branch if same
dec byte ptr outn[di] ; dec output value
jmp _cancel ; exit
upushc2:inc byte ptr outn[di] ; inc output value
jmp _cancel ; exit
upushc1:mov cmdflg,10 ; set up special routine
mov special,offset upushc3 ; data exit
jmp workx ; exit
upushc3:mov di,varsav ; get value table
mov al,byte ptr var0[di] ; get new value
mov byte ptr outn[di],al ; send it out
jmp _cancel ; exit
; Exit routine for modules that use msb of output byte.
; It displays output value, then executes the next module on the list.
; assumes di has been set to variable table
next: mov es,4[di] ; get seg addr
mov bx,6[di] ; get module screen address
mov al,8[di] ; get output value
tohex ; convert to hex word
mov es:320[bx],ah ; put to the screen
mov es:322[bx],al ; /
nextx ; easy exit
; Just execute the next module on the list.
public _dummy
_dummy: nextx ; easy exit
; this code converts in-line macros to jumps at the end of modules
public _nextv,_nextx,_nextl,_nextt
_nextv: @nextv
_nextx: @nextx
_nextl: @nextl
_nextt: @nextt
; user input routines for magenta inputs
public ugatel
ugatel: pop ax
jmp _cancel