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Assembly Source File
394 lines
; FileFitr.asm v0.13 11/17/91 ;
; Utility to return an errorlevel based upon a comparison of the ;
; size of a file specified on the command line as compared to free ;
; diskspace on the specified disk drive. ;
; ;
; Program handles drive_not_ready errors, file_not_found errors, ;
; and non-existent_drive_errors. Also, program is smart enough to ;
; view filesizes in terms of cluster size of target drive. This ;
; ensures that the returned errorlevel is accurate. ;
; ;
; Syntax: FileFitr [d:][\path][filename] <drive> ;
; ;
; [filename] may contain a drive and/or path specification and ;
; refers to a single file, or a fileset when wildcards ;
; are used. ;
; ;
; [drive] the disk drive to inspect for freespace and then compare ;
; the file's size against. If not specified, defaults to ;
; current default drive. ;
; ;
; Errorlevels returned: ;
; ;
; errorlevel = 0 0 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; errorlevel = 1 1 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; errorlevel = 2 2 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; errorlevel = 3 3 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; ... ;
; errorlevel = 10 10 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; ... ;
; errorlevel = 163 163 file copies will fit on disk. ;
; ... ;
; errorlevel = 249 249 (or more) file copies will fit on disk. ;
; ... ;
; errorlevel = 250 reserved for future error ;
; errorlevel = 251 reserved for future error ;
; ;
; errorlevel = 252 source file not found ;
; errorlevel = 253 source drive not ready ;
; errorlevel = 254 target drive not ready ;
; errorlevel = 255 user error / help request ;
; ;
; Notes: ;
; As coded, this program can deal with disks with up to 65,535 ;
; free clusters (which might reasonably represent 32mb for 512 ;
; byte clusters, up through about 524mb for 8kb clusters. This ;
; should suit the needs of most people. :-) ;
; ;
; Also, by the same token, this program can only process batches ;
; of files which total less than 65535 clusters. Once again, not ;
; a problem. ;
; ;
; v0.10 10/16/91 initial coding (modification of compsize.asm) ;
; v0.11 10/17/91 added full wildcard totalling ability. ;
; v0.12 10/18/91 added discrete file/disk error code returns. ;
; fixed minor bug in chekflop routine. ;
; v0.13 11/17/91 added drive reset to chekflop routine (thanks to ;
; Mark Tutt of FidoNet 1:363/88) ;
; ;
; <Legal Status> ;
; In the spirit of cooperation and education within the computing ;
; community, and in the hope that someone may benefit: ;
; ;
; This program is released into the Public Domain. ;
; ;
; Please don't abuse this concept of sharing of information. ;
; ;
; <General Disclaimer> ;
; Please note that this program was written for my personal use ;
; and that I am not a professional programmer. Thus, although I ;
; have made every effort to ensure that the code is bug free and ;
; performs as advertised, I can make no guarantees of suitability ;
; or performance - use at your own risk! ;
; ;
; In any case, this source code is provided for your inspection, ;
; enlightenment, and/or general amusement. ;
; ;
; I welcome any and all comments, criticisms, suggestions, or bug ;
; reports at the address below. ;
; ;
; Written for and assembled under Microsoft QuickC ver 2.01 ;
; (Should also assemble under Masm with no problems) ;
; Bruce Desmond Sacramento, Ca. Fidonet (1:203/39.9) ;
; Directives
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
org 100h
; Extract [filespec] and [size] from PSP
first: mov di,offset fspb ;initialize dynamic filespec buff
mov al,0
mov cx,128 ;want 128 bytes of nuls
rep stosb
; Strip off leading spaces and check parms s'more
ffsp: mov si,80h ;if no filespec then show help
lodsb ;and bail out
cmp al,0
jna died
llup: mov dl,[si] ;get a char
cmp dl,13 ;is it a CR? (uhoh!)
je died
cmp dl,32 ;leading space? (trash it)
jne gfil
inc si
jmp llup ;keep looping until valid char
; Extract any passed [filespec] from PSP
gfil: mov di,0 ;initialize write counter to 0
mov bx,offset fspb ;start of filespec buffer
flup: mov dl,[si] ;get a char
inc si
cmp dl,13 ;is it a CR?
je chkdrv
cmp dl,32 ;trailing space? (end of spec)
je gots
;wildcard rejection code is right here. uncomment next 4 lines
;to not permit use of wildcards in filespec.
; cmp dl,'*' ;is it a wildcard?
; je died ;(Wildcards are verboten)
; cmp dl,'?' ;is it a wildcard?
; je died
mov [bx+di],dl ;write char to data buffer
inc di
jmp flup
gots: cmp di,0 ;check again for passed filespec
ja zlup
died: mov ah,9 ;crashed, burned, mangled beyond
mov dx,offset help ;recognition. Say "bye-bye"...
int 21h
jmp done
; Extract any passed [drive] from PSP
zlup: mov cl,[si] ;get a char
inc si
cmp cl,13 ;is it a CR? (done!)
je chkdrv
cmp cl,32 ;leading or trailing space? (skip)
je zlup
or cl,32 ;lowercase it
cmp cl,97 ;at least an 'a' ?
jb died
cmp cl,122 ;no more than a 'z' ?
ja died
mov nulbuf,cl ;prepend drive letter to buffer
sub cl,96 ;resolve to digit (A=1, B=2, etc)
mov driv,cl ;store drive letter
; check if [drive] is drive A or B (a floppy). check drive ready
chkdrv: mov di,offset nulbuf ;check [disk_drive]
call chekflop
jnc chkfil
mov byte ptr [ecode],254 ;load target drive error code
jmp done
; check if [filename] has a drive A or B (a floppy). check drive ready
chkfil: mov di,offset fspb ;check [filename]
call chekflop
jnc getfsp
mov byte ptr [ecode],253 ;load source drive error code
jmp short done
; Get freespace of specified drive
getfsp: mov ah,36h ;get disk free space
mov dl,driv ;retrieve drive desired
int 21h
cmp ax,0ffffh ;did error occur?
jne clusmat
mov byte ptr [ecode],254 ;load target drive error code
jmp short done ;bad juju!
clusmat: xor dx,dx ;byte/clust = sect/clust * byte/sect
mul cx ;sector/cluster * byte/sector
mov clsize,ax ;store cluster size
mov freecl,bx ;store free clusters
; Search for first file match (trick to check exist and get size)
fndfil: mov dx,offset fspb ;location of filespec
mov cx,00000110b ;any combination of H,S,A,R attribs
mov ah,4eh ;find first match
int 21h
jnc addtot
mov byte ptr [ecode],252 ;load file not found error code
jmp short done ;if bad filespec or no files exit
addtot: call getsize ;retrieve filesize
add sitot,ax ;lump in returned filesize
; Search for next file match (trick to check exist and get size)
fndnxt: mov ah,4fh ;find next match
int 21h
jc cmpsize ;if no more files then finish up
call getsize ;retrieve filesize
add sitot,ax ;lump in returned filesize
jmp short fndnxt
; Compare filesize total (in sitot) to freespace (in freecl)
cmpsize: mov bx,sitot ;retreive clust/file total
cmp bx,0 ;is filesize zero?
ja cmpclu
mov al,249 ;load return code
jmp short prebail
cmpclu: mov ax,freecl ;retrieve free clusters
xor dx,dx
div bx ;files_per_disk = freeclust/clus_per_file
cmp ax,249 ;change any number over 249 to 249
jna prebail
mov al,249
prebail: mov ecode,al
; Bail out with errorlevel
done: mov al,ecode ;retreive errorlevel
mov ah,04ch ;exit with errorlevel
int 21h
; function getsize Retrieve found filesize (from DTA).
; Filesize returned in AX
getsize proc near
mov bx,09ah ;offset in DTA of 4byte filesize
mov dx,word ptr[bx+2] ;get high word
mov ax,word ptr[bx] ;get low word
div clsize ;clust/file = filesize/clustersize
;remember that integral clusters are
;allocated for file storage
cmp dx,0 ;any leftovers?
je norndup
inc ax ;bump to next even cluster
norndup: ret
getsize endp
; function chekflop check drive in passed string pointed at by di
; returns: CF set if error
chekflop proc near
mov dx,[di] ;grab first 2 bytes
cmp dh,':' ;drive designator?
jne nodrive
and dl,0dfh ;uppercase
sub dl,65 ;drive digit (0-25d)
cmp dl,1 ;ignore hard disks
ja nodrive
mov cl,1 ;sector 1
mov ch,0 ;track 0
mov dh,0 ;side 0
mov ah,4
int 13h ;verify sector
jnc nodrive ;drive was ok
mov ah,0 ;reset drive
int 13h
nodrive: clc
chekflop endp
; Equates
; Data buffer(s)
nulbuf db 0,':\nul' ;target drive check buffer
freecl dw 0 ;free clusters
clsize dw 0 ;cluster size
sitot dw 0 ;clusters/file total
ecode db 255 ;errorlevel to return
driv db 0 ;default drive number
help db 13,10,13,10
db 'FileFitr.com v0.13 11/17/91 '
db 'errorlevel for compare of filesize(s) to freespace',13,10
db ' Released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN by Bruce Desmond (1:203/39.9)',13,10,13,10
db 'Syntax: FileFitr [d:][\path][filename] <drive>',13,10,13,10
db '[filename] - compare size of file(s) to freespace. If wildcards'
db 13,10
db ' (* and/or ?) used, all matches totaled and compared.'
db 13,10,13,10
db '<drive> - inspect this drive and compare size[filename] to freespace.'
db 13,10
db ' If not specified, current default disk is used.'
db 13,10,13,10
db 'Errorlevels:',13,10,13,10
db ' 0 = 0 file copies will fit on disk',13,10
db ' ...',13,10
db ' 137 = 137 file copies will fit on disk',13,10
db ' ...',13,10
db ' 249 = 249 (or more) file copies will fit on disk',13,10
db ' ...',13,10
db ' 250 = reserved 251 = reserved',13,10
db ' 252 = source file not found 253 = source drive not ready',13,10
db ' 254 = target drive not ready 255 = syntax error or help request'
db 13,10,'$'
fspb db 0 ;Dynamic Filespec data buffer
_TEXT ends
end first