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/ 2,000 Fonts / SIR001F-Two_Thousand_Fonts.iso / wacky3 / type1 / y68n____.pfb / y68n____.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-05-02  |  31KB
Labels: bottle | bulletin board | door | fence | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: ahcdeighijklmnopgrstuvwxyz ARCDEFGHIJKL MNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 @#5% ><{}\":? The quick hrnwn Inxjumps nver the lazy dng. The quick hrown tnx jumps DBAY the dog. The quick hrown tox jumps nver the lazy dng. The quick hrnwn inx iumps aver the lazy dog. The uuick hrawn tox jumps nver the lazy dog. The quick hrawn tox jumps nver the lazy The quick hrown t0x jumps nver 9123456789 guick brnwn jups over