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/ 2,000 Fonts / SIR001F-Two_Thousand_Fonts.iso / wacky3 / type1 / y67e____.pfb / y67e____.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-05-02  |  35KB
Labels: bulletin board | daily | earth | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: abcdeighiiklmnop AXM ABCREFGHI ZXXMARJSHOAONWTYF 23456789 t0 #5 {}{}f}":;f? The quick hrawn fox jumps over the lazy deg. arown tax jumps over the tazy day. tuict fax jump the tazy dag. fsx the tazy 7 0123456789 hrown iumus aver tuick brawn iums uuick rawn iunns itns rswn iuns