Labels:bar | bottle | box | bulletin board | chair | earth | fence | field | grandstand | grass | lodestone | person | plant | reckoner | seat | sky | stage | windowpane OCR: ABC EFGHU RLMNOP STUVWX 01234 3G7 89 g % 12 Thye TraJade fox thye Ax] dag. 18 The quiek brown fox jumps over the doot 24 The quiek brown fox jumps Over the lazy 36 T he quick brown ox jumps over the lazy Sop 48 The quick brown jum ps over the Iaz 60 The qui ck bro wn jum PS over T2 The qui@k bro wn X jum PS abed chigk STUVWXYZ dagi janps Aze1 jumt quie Azey