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/ 2,000 Fonts / SIR001F-Two_Thousand_Fonts.iso / rhollow / type1 / r25he___.pfb / r25he___.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-06-08  |  52KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | fence | grandstand | grass | paper | person | reckoner | sky | water | window
OCR: abcdef-hijklmi lnopgratuwwxyz AB CD EF GHIJKLMNO POR STUVWXYZ 12345 67 89 #$% []{}] 12 The qmick bresn juunmya the dog 18 The quick brown fox over the lazy dog 24 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy Sop 36 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 48 The quick bro wn fox Ju m over the 60 Th e qui ck brown fox ju m 72 Th e qui ck br 0 wn 1 hijklm tuvwxyz STUVXYZ juunmpoa