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/ 2,000 Fonts / SIR001F-Two_Thousand_Fonts.iso / rhollow / type1 / r12he___.pfb / r12he___.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-06-07  |  56KB
Labels: bar | bottle | bulletin board | earth | field | grandstand | grass | paper | person | reckoner | seat | sky | stage
OCR: bcdefohijklnnooar ABCDE FGHIJKI MNOPORS TUVW ZXXI 01345 789 Ov% + 12 hnnpe Mhos 18 The quick bpowin fos jumps the lazy 24 The quick brown fox junnps OVP the lazy dog. 36 The quick bro wn fox jum ps over the lazy 48 The quick bro wn fox jum ps over 6 The quick bro wn fox jump 72 The quick bro fox ABCD GHIJKI TUVWXYZ 0123456 Tihe qanile huangss Mhaos juinps