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/ 2,000 Fonts / SIR001F-Two_Thousand_Fonts.iso / basic2 / type1 / b44l____.pfb / b44l____.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1994-04-21  |  16KB
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: abcdefghilmnopor tuuw xuz CHI 0123456789 1e#$h-f* The quiek brown tax humps suer Laz dag. The quick broun tox iumps ouer the lazy dog The brown sdunt ouer the lazy dog The brown tox jum ps over the lazy dog. The brown tox jum pS over the lazy dog. The brown tox jum pS over the lazy The brown jum ouer stuunxyz ABCOEFEH JHLMOPOAS 0123456799 quich Vazy ouen