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397 lines
900913 -Version 1.0
901004 -File menu: 'RX logfile' now opens a dialogbox for
logfile selection. Standard filetype is .LOG.
901017 -New menu 'Qth': calculate distance and direction
from qth locators. The results are displayed and assigned
to the texts 'distance' and 'direction'.
901101 -Version 1.1
901125 -New display function "SPECTRUM".
901204 -Converter schematics changed: OP-AMP output now connected
to DSR.
901205 -Version 1.2
901212 -TX speaker control changed to smooth out tone. Timer 2 was
reprogrammed for each and every bit send. Now the timer 2
is only touched when absolutely neccessary.
-Number of stopbits changed from 2 to 1.5.
-QTH calculator: Field QTH2 is now selected on activation.
-The startup value of the audio center frequency can now be set
from a configuration file using the command "SET AFCENTER <x>",
where <x> is an integer between 500 and 2000.
-The startup value of the audio frequency difference between the
mark and space tone can now be set from a configuration file
using the command "SET AFSHIFT <x>", where <x> is an integer
between 25 and 1000.
901216 -Idle character transmission can now be controlled using the
"Diddle on/off" function on the "Keying" menu.
-The startup state of the "Diddle" flag can be set from a config
file using the "SET DIDDLE ON" or "SET DIDDLE OFF" commands.
-Config files can be selected and processed "on the fly" using
the "Load .cfg file" item on the "File" menu. This is handy,
if the next qso partner is from a different country and you
want to switch to a different set of standard phrases.
-ALT-X will terminate the program.
901222 -Prototype of callsign decoder added. Database needs update.
Select item "Callsign" on "QTH" menu to activate function or
hit ALT-C (this may change).
-Parser for config files changed. Token "" is now recognized as
a NULL token. This is handy for "undefining" text elements
from config files.
901228 -Added line to "SCOPE" function to show current center frequency
for precise tuning. Green color on color displays, white
on monochrome.
910109 -Added TXDELAY. This is the minimum delay required for the
transmitter after activating the ptt line. Can be set from a
config file using the "SET TXDELAY <x>" command, where <x> is
the number of milliseconds to wait.
-Added TXWAIT. This is an additional delay until the first
character is sent, just to give your qso partner a chance for
fine tuning to your signal. Can also be set from a config file
using the "SET TXWAIT <x>" command, where <x> is the number
of milliseconds to wait.
910128 -Added help text for SPECTRUM function.
910211 -Added preliminary version of WORD entrymode. Toggled by
control-W from the RTTY window.
Rules for WORD entrymode:
When the SPACEBAR is hit the characters between the current
cursor position and the first blank to the left of the cursor
will be send to the TX buffer, followed by a blank.
When the ENTER key is hit the characters between the current
cursor position and the first blank to the left of the cursor
will be send to the TX buffer. In the next step all characters
from the current cursor position to the end of the line will be
send to the TX buffer, ignoring trailing blanks. Finally the
usual carriage-return/line-feed sequence is send.
If this explanation leaves you in total confusion then simply
give it a try.
Please note that word-wrap is not yet implemented for WORD mode.
-Added preliminary version of transmit monitoring. Toggled by
control-P from the RTTY window. Characters are echoed to the RX
window on transfer to the TX buffer. This will probably change
in the future!
910213 -Added word-wrap for WORD entrymode.
-Added help text for RTTY, TUNE and SCOPE display.
910216 -Added line drawing routines to speed up SPECTRUM display.
910217 -Changes to TX monitoring: characters send to the TX buffer are now
displayed on the line separating the RX window from the TX window.
The P option, controlled by control-P, is now enabled on startup.
910307 -Help text for RTTY updated.
910308 -Version 1.3
910503 -Title corrected for "Load Config File" file select box.
910514 -Added PADELAY. This is the minimum delay required by the PA to switch
to TX mode. The PTT line is active but the speaker is still turned off.
PADELAY can be set from a config file using the "SET PADELAY <x>"
command, where <x> is the number of milliseconds to wait.
-Added capacitor to transmit circuit schematics to remove DC offset
on the mic input.
910519 -The size of the receive buffer can now be set using the
"set rxbuffersize <n>" command.
-INSERT mode no longer turned off when moving to another line.
910520 -The size of the transmit buffer can now be set using the
"set txbuffersize <n>" command.
910521 -The "Send text" function now displays all texts in alphabetical order.
-Texts for shift-f1 - shift-f9 keys renamed from SHIFT_Fx to SHIFT_F0x.
910522 -TX monitoring: transmitted text is now displayed in the RX window
and is written to the log file.
-Control-HOME and Control-END now scroll the RX window one page
backward and foreward.
-Control-LEFT and Control-RIGHT now scroll the RX window one line
backward and foreward.
910523 -The number of lines in the RX window buffer and in the TX window
buffer can now be set from hc.cfg using the commands
"set rxwindowlines <n>" and "set txwindowlines <n>".
910530 -Added "Send text file" function to FILE menu.
-PAGE-UP and PAGE-DOWN now works for TX window.
910531 -Control-D sends date and time. Use \d in predefined texts.
-SCOPE and SPECTRUM display can now be stopped for examination
using the ENTER key or the right mouse button.
910602 -Added End-Of-Text marker to automatically switch back to
receive mode. The eot character can be specified in a .cfg
file using the "set endoftext <n>" command. See hc.cfg for
-In predefined texts \e will be replaced by the currently
selected End-Of-Text character.
-Added item "External Converter" to "Keying" menu. If this
option is enabled, a mark/space signal from an external modem
is expected at the CTS pin of the COM port. Note that the
miniconverter is still required. There will be no reception
if it's not there or has no input signal.
(De)Activated also by ALT-F9/ALT-F10 any time (this may go away).
910608 -FSK output now available on DTR pin during transmit.
910609 -New menu INFO added.
910630 -Added "Define 'CALL'" and "Define 'NAME'" to TEXT menu for
fast (re)definition of your qso partners call and name.
910706 -There was a delay during allocation of the RX and TX windows
on first entry to the tty screen. For a few seconds the display
looked like the program had crashed.
910707 -Added "DOS shell" command to FILE menu.
910810 -SPECTRUM function:
'*' toggles line/dot mode,
'+' toggles 'shadow' (color displays only)
-SCOPE function redesign for more accurate timing on slow XTs.
PAGE-UP/PAGE-DOWN keys increase/decrease sample rate.
910815 -The maximum transmit line length can be set from a .cfg file
using the "set txlinelength <x>" command, where <x> is the
number of characters per line. See hc.cfg for an example.
910816 -Added support for SuperVGA text modes. Some VGA cards have
special text modes e.g. 80x60 or 132x44. Activate desired mode
before starting HamComm. Most cards come with a utility program to
do this. Only the modes where the video display buffer starts at
segment B800 are supported.
910818 -SCOPE function:
'+' toggles display of the decoded mark/space signal.
Default is off.
910820 -Added experimental mode for morse code reception.
Activate via MODE menu or hit F2.
910904 -Added qso counter for use in contest. There are three new
selections on the TEXT menu to
- set the counter,
- send the current value or
- advance and send.
The send functions can also be called from predefined texts
using the \# and \+ sequences.
910910 -Morse code reception improved.
910914 -Added TX routines for CW mode. Special characters:
'@' = -.-.- KA
'#' = ........ ERROR
'$' = ...-.- SK
910923 -Name of BAUD menu changed to SPEED.
-Added WPM selection to SPEED menu.
911006 -Added 'Automatic Frequency Control' (AFC) for RTTY reception
(ALT-F7/ALT-F8 or KEYING menu). AFC is active in RTTY modes
only (not CW) when the RTTY screen is selected.
911014 -CW transmit: corrected coding for characters 'W' and ')'.
Added character '_'.
-If the CURSOR-DOWN key is depressed while the cursor is on the
bottom line of the TX window, the TX window is now scrolled up
one line. The top line is lost, the bottom line is empty.
911015 -Version 2.0
911120 -Added item to PORT menu to enable/disable PC speaker.
-Added "set speaker <on|off>" command for .CFG files.
911201 -AFSK tones are now available on pin TxD of the COM port.
911211 -Added macro keys. After activation of the keystroke recorder
all keystrokes are processed normally but are also written into
a buffer. If one of the macro keys ALT-1, ALT-2, ALT3...ALT-0
is hit, recording terminates and the collected keystrokes are
assigned to the macro key.
- Select "Macro recorder" on the FILE menu. A message box
pops up to confirm that recording has been started. A blinking
"RECORDING" indicator is also displayed at the bottom.
- Enter keystrokes to be recorded (250 max).
Note: To avoid circular references a macro definition can NOT
include other macro keys.
- Hit one of the macro keys: press and hold the ALT key and hit
one of the keys 1,2,3..0 in the top row of the alpha keyboard.
Do not use the numeric keypad !
A message box will appear to confirm that recording has been
Every time the macro key is hit the recorded keystroke sequence
will be replayed.
Macro files:
Macro definitions can be saved to a file by selecting "Save
macros" from the FILE menu. The usual file select box pops up
with a suggested .MAC files type.
To load a .MAC file select "Load macros" from the FILE menu.
Default macros:
When HamComm is started it will look for the file HC.MAC along
the current PATH.
911220 -Max center frequency set to 2400Hz.
911226 -Bugfix in vertical line drawing routine for CGA displays.
920104 -SCOPE function: hit '*' to enable/disable grid display.
Improves readability on LCD displays.
920107 -Control-X clears current TX window line.
920110 -Added item "Save RX Win & Log" to FILE menu. Starts logging
RX window text just like "Start RX Logging" but also saves
the current window contents to logfile.
920111 -Added "set insertmode <on|off>" command for .CFG files.
-Added "set entrymode <line|word>" command for .CFG files.
920112 -Active logfile is now automatically closed on exit.
920113 -Control-Z sends current time. Use \z in text elements.
-If the text elements "logrxlabel" and "logtxlabel" are defined
they will be evaluated and inserted at the beginning of every
newly written line of the logfile.
"logrxlabel" is used with received text, "logtxlabel" is used
with transmitted text. See HC.CFG for an example.
920220 -Mode for Timer 0 is now restored on exit.
920301 -Added new commandline options to control the video mode for
the graphics displays:
-cga mode 6, 640x200 2-color
-ega mode 10h, 640x350 16-color
-vga mode 12h, 640x480 16-color
-herc hercules graphics mode, 720x348 2-color
920319 -The prefix database for the callsign decoder is now a plain
ASCII file and can be updated with a text editor.
920406 -Added "set prefixfile <file>" command for .CFG files.
The default name for the prefix file is HC.PRE.
920528 -TX window: cursor-up/down jumps to end of line if cursor right
of last character. Cursor-left in first column goes to end of
previous line.
920601 -SPECTRUM now displays the data after the second low-pass to
make the display look better. The old mode is still available
for converter checkout. Hit the '-' key to toggle between
raw and filtered data.
920611 -Version 2.1
921214 -Bugfix: the macro keys did not work with the "define call"
and "define name" functions from the TEXT menu.
-The IRQ line driver is now disabled on deselection
of a COM port. Two or more serial ports can use the
same IRQ, but not at the same time.
921215 -Added "set baud <n>" command for .CFG files to specify the
baud value for RTTY. The default value is 45 baud.
-Added "set wpm <n>" command for .CFG files to specify the WPM
value for CW transmission. The default baud value is 15 WPM.
921216 -Added "set autounshift <on|off>" command for .CFG files.
-Added "set keying <normal|reverse>" command for .CFG files.
921217 -Added "set wxdecode <on|off>" command for .CFG files.
-Added "set mode <m>" command for .CFG files.
-Added "WX decoder" toggle to TEXT menu to enable/disable
the SHIP/SYNOP decoder.
930106 -Added "set extconv <on|off>" command for .CFG files.
930208 -Added "Word mode" toggle to TEXT menu.
930213 -Added "AutoUnshift" toggle to TEXT menu.
930214 -Added "Force SHIP decode" and "Force SYNOP decode" to TEXT menu.
930222 -Added "Blank lines" toggle to TEXT menu.
930304 -SPECTRUM changed to zoom in/out at center of x-axis if possible.
-Added marker to SPECTRUM display for mark and space tones.
930314 -Added display of com port parameters to INFO menu, item HamComm.
930315 -Added "set timezone <id>" for .CFG files to set a timezone
identifier for all dates controlled by HamComm.
The identifier has a maximum length of 3 characters.
-Added "set timediff <n>" for .CFG files to specify the number of
seconds from the PCs current time to the specified timezone.
930316 -Name of rxlogfile now displayed at top of RX/TX screen.
RX buffer count deleted, QSO count moved to bottom of screen.
-Modified behavior of file select boxes: insert mode active
on startup, leading wildcard '*' removed.
-Added "set rxlogfile <filename>" for .CFG file to automatically
open a logfile on startup.
930616 -Version 2.2