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// BDE - (C) Copyright 1995 by Borland International
// blobsmpl.c
#include "snipit.h"
#define NAMELEN 20 // Set name length to 20 characters
#define DATELEN 9 // Set date length to 9 characters
static const char szTblName[] = "BLOBSMPL"; // Table to create
static const char szTblType[] = szPARADOX; // Table Type to use
static SNIPFAR FLDDesc fldDesc[] = {
1, // Field number
"First Name", // Field name
fldZSTRING, // Field type
fldUNKNOWN, // Field dubtype
NAMELEN, // Field size ( 1 or 0,
// except BLOB or string )
0, // Decimal places ( 0 ) -
// computed
0, // Offset in record ( 0 )
0, // Length in bytes ( 0 )
0, // For null bits ( 0 )
fldvNOCHECKS, // Validity checks ( 0 )
fldrREADWRITE // Rights
2, "Middle Name", fldZSTRING, fldUNKNOWN,
NAMELEN, 0, 0, 0, 0,
3, "Last Name", fldZSTRING, fldUNKNOWN,
NAMELEN, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, "DOB", fldDATE, fldUNKNOWN,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
20, 0, 0, 0, 0,
{ // Note that Memo fields in PARADOX require a
// size - this is the amount of the BLOB which
// is stored within the actual table as well
// as being stored in the .MB file.
6, "General Info", fldBLOB, fldstMEMO,
20, 0, 0, 0, 0,
}; // Array of field descriptors
static SNIPFAR IDXDesc idxDesc[] = {
{ // Primary Index
"Full Name", // Name
1, // Number
{ NULL }, // Tag name ( for dBase )
{ NULL }, // Optional Format ( BTREE,
// HASH, etc )
TRUE, // Primary?
TRUE, // Unique?
FALSE, // Descending?
TRUE, // Maintained?
FALSE, // SubSet?
FALSE, // Expression index?
NULL, // For QBE only
3, // Fields in key
1, // Length in bytes
FALSE, // Index out of date?
0, // Key type of expression
{ 1,2,3 }, // Array of field numbers
{ 0 }, // Key expression
{ 0 }, // Key condition
FALSE, // Case insensitive
0, // Block size in bytes
// Number of fields in the table
const unsigned uNumFields = sizeof(fldDesc) / sizeof (fldDesc[0]);
// Number of indexes in the table
const unsigned uNumIndexes = sizeof(idxDesc) / sizeof(idxDesc[0]);
void FillFullRecord(hDBICur, pBYTE);
void FillHalfRecord (hDBICur, pBYTE);
DBIResult FillFields (hDBICur hCur, pCHAR pszFNAME, pCHAR pszMNAME,
pCHAR pszLNAME, UINT16 uMonth, UINT16 uDay, UINT16 uYear,
pCHAR pszPOB, pBYTE pRecBuf);
void FillString(pCHAR);
void FillHalfString (pCHAR);
void DispBlob(hDBICur , pBYTE);
// Function:
// SimpleBlobIO();
// Description:
// This example shows how to read and write BLOBs. This example
// will cover how to access entire BLOB information and sections
// of a BLOB.
SimpleBlobIO (void)
DBIResult rslt; // Value returned from IDAPI functions
hDBIDb hDb; // Handle to the database
hDBICur hCur; // Handle to the table
CURProps TblProps; // Table properties
pBYTE pRecBuf = NULL; // Pointer to the record buffer
CRTblDesc crTblDsc; // Create Table descriptor
BOOL bOverWrite = TRUE; // Overwrite, yes/no flag
UINT16 rcdSize; // Size of the record
Screen("*** Simple BLOB I/O Example ***\r\n");
Screen(" Initializing IDAPI...");
if (InitAndConnect(&hDb) != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
Screen(" Setting the database directory...");
rslt = DbiSetDirectory(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblDirectory);
ChkRslt(rslt, "SetDirectory");
// Initialize the table create descriptor.
memset(&crTblDsc,0, sizeof(CRTblDesc));
strcpy(crTblDsc.szTblName, szTblName) ;
strcpy(crTblDsc.szTblType, szTblType) ;
crTblDsc.iFldCount = uNumFields ;
crTblDsc.pfldDesc = fldDesc ;
crTblDsc.iIdxCount = uNumIndexes ;
crTblDsc.pidxDesc = idxDesc ;
Screen(" Create the %s table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiCreateTable(hDb, bOverWrite, &crTblDsc);
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "CreateTable") != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
rslt = DbiOpenTable(hDb,(pCHAR) szTblName,(pCHAR) szTblType,
xltFIELD, FALSE, NULL, &hCur);
if (ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenTable") != DBIERR_NONE)
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Allocate memory for the record buffer
rslt = DbiGetCursorProps(hCur, &TblProps);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetCursorProps");
rcdSize = TblProps.iRecBufSize;
pRecBuf = (pBYTE)malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * rcdSize);
// Fill the database with a string set in the FillRecord
// function.
FillFullRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Display the BLOB.
Screen("\r\n This is the BLOB information in Record #1\r\n");
DispBlob(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Create another record and fill it with the same
// data. However, change the BLOB info with DbiPutBlob.
FillHalfRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Display the BLOB.
Screen("\r\n This is the BLOB information in Record #2\r\n");
DispBlob(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Clean up.
Screen("\r\n Close the %s table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiCloseCursor(&hCur);
ChkRslt(rslt, "CloseCursor");
Screen(" Delete the %s table...", szTblName);
rslt = DbiDeleteTable(hDb, (pCHAR) szTblName, (pCHAR) szTblType);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DeleteTable");
Screen(" Close the database and exit IDAPI...");
Screen("\r\n*** End of Example ***");
// Function:
// FillFullRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Input: hCur - Cursor to Table
// pRecBuf - Record Buffer
// Return: Dbi Result
// Desc: This function takes the cursor and fills the record
// buffer with pre-assigned values (static values for this
// example). It returns an error if we encounter one.
// This function makes the code a bit more readable.
FillFullRecord (hDBICur hCur, pBYTE pRecBuf)
pCHAR pGenInfo; // Buffer to contain the string which is
// written to the BLOB field.
DBIResult rslt; // Return value from IDAPI functions
// Initialize the record buffer before filling it
rslt = DbiInitRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "InitRecord");
// Allocate a buffer that is capable of holding a large string.
pGenInfo = (pCHAR) malloc(sizeof (CHAR) * 1200);
if (pGenInfo == NULL)
// Function will fill the pGeninfo pointer with a string
// that is larger than 256 bytes.
// Fill the fields of the buffer. The fields are filled directly,
// but a variable could be used that would hold the string, date or
// BLOB information.
FillFields(hCur, "Charlie", "L", "Carm", 12, 24, 55, "New York",
// Open the BLOB. To write or read from a BLOB you must open the
// BLOB first. All that is needed is the cursor, the record buffer,
// the field number and the rights. If the BLOB is opened in
// ReadWrite mode, the table must be opened in ReadWrite mode also.
rslt = DbiOpenBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, dbiREADWRITE);
ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenBlob");
// Put the whole BLOB into the field.
rslt = DbiPutBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, 0, (strlen(pGenInfo) + 1),
(pBYTE) pGenInfo);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutBlob");
// Append a record to the table.
rslt = DbiAppendRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "AppendRecord");
rslt = DbiFreeBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6);
ChkRslt(rslt, "FreeBlob");
// Function:
// FillHalfRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Input: hCur - Cursor to Table
// pRecBuf - Record Buffer
// Return: Dbi Result
// Desc: This function takes the cursor and fills the record
// buffer with pre-assigned values (static values for this
// example). It returns an error if we encounter one.
// This function makes the code a bit more readable.
FillHalfRecord (hDBICur hCur, pBYTE pRecBuf)
pCHAR pGenInfo; // Buffer to contain the string which is
// written to the BLOB field.
UINT16 GenLen; // Length of the string
DBIResult rslt; // Return value from IDAPI functions
// Initialize the record buffer before filling it.
rslt = DbiInitRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "InitRecord");
// Allocate a buffer that is capable of holding a large string.
pGenInfo = (pCHAR) malloc(sizeof (CHAR) * 1200);
if (pGenInfo == NULL)
// Function will fill the pGeninfo pointer with a string
// that is larger than 256 bytes.
// Fill the fields of the buffer. The fields are filled directly,
// but a variable could be used that would hold the string, date or
// BLOB information.
FillFields(hCur, "Ronald", "P", "Halter", 8, 15, 70, "Chicago",
// Open the BLOB. To write or read from a BLOB you must open the
// BLOB first. All that is needed is the cursor, the record buffer,
// the field number and the rights. If the BLOB is opened in
// ReadWrite mode, the table must be opened in ReadWrite mode also.
rslt = DbiOpenBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, dbiREADWRITE);
ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenBlob");
// Put the whole BLOB into the field
rslt = DbiPutBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, 0, (strlen(pGenInfo) + 1),
(pBYTE) pGenInfo);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutBlob");
// Get the length of the present BLOB information before changing
// it.
GenLen = strlen(pGenInfo);
// Clear the pGenINfo Buffer.
memset(pGenInfo,0, sizeof(pGenInfo));
// Fill the pGenInfo buffer with a new string.
// Change half of the present BLOB value by
// putting a new string in the second half of the BLOB.
// Use the length of the originally inserted BLOB divided
// by two to find the halfway point and add one to compensate
// for the odd length.
rslt = DbiPutBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, (GenLen/2), strlen(pGenInfo),
(pBYTE) pGenInfo);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutBlob");
// Append a record to the table.
rslt = DbiAppendRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "AppendRecord");
rslt = DbiFreeBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6);
ChkRslt(rslt, "FreeBlob");
// Function:
// FillString(pString);
// Input: pString - A string buffer that will be written into by the
// function
// Return: None (The input string is modified.)
// Desc: This example fills the input string with a preset string,
// which is larger than 256 bytes.
FillString (pCHAR pString)
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n"
" This is a test of the BLOB functions. The power of "
"a BLOB is that it can contain anything.\r\n");
// Function:
// FillHalfString(pString);
// Input: pString - A string buffer that will be written into by the
// function
// Return: None (The input string is modified.)
// Desc: This example fills the input string with a preset string,
// which is larger than 256 bytes. The string used is different
// from the one used in FillString().
FillHalfString (pCHAR pString)
" This is line 1 of the BLOB functions. The power of a"
" BLOB is that it is dynamic and quick.\r\n"
" This is line 2 of the BLOB functions. The power of a"
" BLOB is that it is dynamic and quick.\r\n"
" This is line 3 of the BLOB functions. The power of a"
" BLOB is that it is dynamic and quick.\r\n"
" This is line 4 of the BLOB functions. The power of a"
" BLOB is that it is dynamic and quick.\r\n");
// Function:
// DispBlob(hCur, pRecBuf);
// Input: hCur - Table Cursor
// pRecBuf - Record Buffer
// Return: None
// Desc: This function displays the BLOB field that is pointed to by
// the cursor and which resides in the record buffer. The
// function displays the whole BLOB and then half of the BLOB.
// It uses DbiGetBlob with and without a range to accomplish
// this.
DispBlob (hDBICur hCur, pBYTE pRecBuf)
UINT32 BlobSize; // Size of the BLOB
UINT32 ActualSize; // Actual size of the BLOB as read
// from the table
pBYTE phBlob = NULL; // Pointer to BLOB data
pBYTE phHalfBlob = NULL; // Pointer to BLOB data
DBIResult rslt;
rslt = DbiInitRecord(hCur, pRecBuf);
ChkRslt(rslt, "InitRecord");
// Get the record from the table.
rslt = DbiGetRecord(hCur, dbiWRITELOCK, pRecBuf, 0);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetRecord");
// Open the BLOB. The BLOB must be opened before reading from
// or writing to it.
// This part locks the record in the previous function DbiGetRecord
// with the WRITELOCK option. No lock on the BLOB is needed as the
// BLOB will not be modified.
rslt = DbiOpenBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, dbiREADONLY);
ChkRslt(rslt, "OpenBlob");
// Now get the size of the BLOB
rslt = DbiGetBlobSize(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, &BlobSize);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetBlobSize");
// Allocate the memory for the BLOB buffer.
phBlob = (pBYTE)malloc( sizeof(BYTE) * (UINT16)BlobSize);
// Allocate memory for the pHalfBlob buffer
phHalfBlob = (pBYTE)malloc(((sizeof(BYTE) * (UINT16)BlobSize)/2)+2);
// Initialize the buffers to 0. Cast the Blobsize to UINT16 because
// the memset function expects a UINT16. (Assume for the example that
// the BLOB is less than 64K in size.
memset(phBlob, 0, (UINT16)BlobSize);
memset(phHalfBlob, 0, ((UINT16)BlobSize/2)+ 2);
// Get the BLOB from the table.
rslt = DbiGetBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, 0, BlobSize, phBlob, &ActualSize);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetBlob");
Screen(" This is the whole BLOB Field\r\n");
// Now we are going to get half the BLOB and display that. To get
// half the BLOB we start at half the total size (BlobSize/2) and
// retrieve the bytes (BlobSize/2).
rslt = DbiGetBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6, ((BlobSize) / 2), ((BlobSize) / 2),
phHalfBlob, &ActualSize);
ChkRslt(rslt, "GetBlob");
Screen(" This is half of the BLOB field\r\n");
rslt = DbiFreeBlob(hCur, pRecBuf, 6);
ChkRslt(rslt, "FreeBlob");
// Function:
// FillFields(hCur, pszFirst, pszMiddle, pszLast, iMonth,
// iDay, iYear, pszPOB, pRecBuf);
// Input: hCur - Cursor handle
// pszFirst - First Name
// pszMiddle - Middle Name
// pszLast - Last Name
// iMonth - Month
// iDay - Day
// iYear - Year
// pszPOB - Place of birth
// pRecBuf - record buffer
// Return: Result of adding the fields to the record buffer
// Description:
// This function will add data to a pre-existing
// record buffer.
FillFields (hDBICur hCur, pCHAR pszFirst, pCHAR pszMiddle, pCHAR pszLast,
UINT16 iMonth, UINT16 iDay, UINT16 iYear, pCHAR pszPOB,
pBYTE pRecBuf)
DBIDATE dDate; // Date structure
DBIResult rslt; // Return value from IDAPI functions
// First Name.
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 1, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) pszFirst);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Middle Name.
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 2, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) pszMiddle);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Last Name.
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 3, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) pszLast);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Date of Birth.
rslt = DbiDateEncode(iMonth, iDay, iYear, &dDate);
ChkRslt(rslt, "DateEncode");
// If the date is legal we add it to
// the fourth field in the record. (Date of Birth)
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 4, pRecBuf, (pBYTE)&dDate);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");
// Place of Birth.
rslt = DbiPutField(hCur, 5, pRecBuf, (pBYTE) pszPOB);
ChkRslt(rslt, "PutField");