Hint="Click on the right arrow button to continue..."
Welcome="This Pilot will help you to create a Newsletter"
Finished="Make It!"
FinishLabel="You can go back and review your choices, or you can edit your newsletter within PrintIt!."
btStart="Start again"
btPrev="Go back"
QuitMsg="Are you sure you want to quit this Pilot?"
FinMsg1="Your Newsletter has been created"
FinMsg2="You can now press the Exit button and customise your newsletter in PrintIt!"
FinExit="Exit to PrintIt!"
BackgroundPath = "..\system\"
BackgroundFile_16 = "main04uk.plt"
BackgroundFile_256 = "main08uk.plt"
NoBackFile = "Can't find Pilot background bitmap!"
Startup_16 = "init04uk.plt"
Startup_256 = "init08uk.plt"
PwkLoadMsg = "Please wait: Loading PrintIt!..."
PwkLockedRetryMsg = "PrintIt! is in use by another Pilot. Exit the other Pilot and press Retry to try again, or press Cancel to quit this Pilot"
BGHide = "Hide the desktop"
LoMem = "There is not enough free memory for all the features of this Pilot. It is recommended that you close down some other applications and restart this Pilot."
H_LoMemTitle = "Romtech Pilots"
NoFonts="There are no TrueType fonts installed on your system. Please install fonts before running Pilots."