"whole, all, entire; ~a europa all europe, the whole of europe"
"tsar, tzar, czar"
"tsarevitch, tzarevitch, czrevitch"
"tsarina, tzarina, czarina"
"tub; leje jak z ~ra it`s rains cats and dogs"
"zob cebula ; (kwiatowa) bulb; (w│osowa) root"
"guild, corporation"
"feature, sink, distinctive mark"
"mark, stamp, characterize"
"cede, transfer"
"slip, note, label"
"fillter; ~ s│≤wka drawl one`s words"
"tile-works, brick-yard"
"litle brick, tile; (sk│adka) share"
"brick colured"
"brick, tile"
"aim, purpose, end; design, ocject, goal, scope; (na tarczy) bull`s eye; mierzyµ do u~ take aim, level one`s gun; ~ po£miewiska laughing-stock; ~em for the purpose (czego£ of sth); w tym ~u for this purpose; to nie ma ~u that`s of no avail; mieµ na ~u have for one`s object"
"(w odniesieniu do twarzy) complexion; (w odniesieniu do garderoby) darn, darning"
"ceramics, pottery"
"ceremony; fuss"
"ceremonial, ceremonious, fussy"
"orthodox church"
"centner, quintal"
"spool, bobbin, duct; ~ moczowa uretha; (w strzykawce) tube"
"cornflower, blue-bottle"
"zob chodziµ"
"hut, hovel"
"outwork, working at home"
"homeworker, outworker"
"cad, boor"
"caddish, boorish"
"character; (rola, funkcja) capacity; ~ pisma handwritting; cz│owiek z ~em man of haracter; brak ~u lack of principle, want of backbone; w ~ze dyrektora in the capacity of director"
"characteristic (dla kogo£, czego£ of sb, sth)"
"(description of the) character"
"characterization; make-up"
"characterize; make-up (na kogo£ for sb); ~ siΩ make-up"
"rattle in one`s throat"
"cought up, expectorate"
"rattling (in the throat), jabber"
"cachetctic creature"
"~e brushwood, coppice, shrubs"
"hut, cabin"
"willing; dla ~cego nie ma nic trudnego where there`s a will there`s a way"
"want, be willing; intend, desire, wish; chcΩ I will; chce mi siΩ I want, I have (half) a mind (czego£ to do sth); chce mi siΩ spaµ I want to sleep. I have (half) a mind to go sleep, I feel as if I could sleep. I have (half) a mind to go sleep; chce mi siΩ piµ I am thirsty; chcia│bym I should like"
"greedy man"
"greed, convetousness"
"greedy, covetous"
"siΩ boast (czym£ of sth) pride oneself (czym£ on sth)"
"chemical; zwi╣zek ~ chemical compound"
"zob char│actwo"
"zob charlak"
"(wola) will, willingness; (po┐╣danie) desire inclination, itch; mieµ ~ have a mind; z mi│╣ chΩci╣ with pleasure, gladly"
"whack, flap, slap; ~ kogo£ w twarz slap sb`s face"
"bread; ~ z mas│em bread and butter; ~ powszedni daily bread"
"employer, master"
"sty, pigsty"
"lick, lap up, slabber; (szlochaµ) sob"
"glory, pride"
"siΩ be proud (czym£ of sth), glory (czym£ in sth)"
"glorious, illustrious"
"splash, gurgle"
"lap up"
"cooldown, become cool"
"cold soup"
"chill, (make) cool, refrigerate; ~ siΩ cool down, get cold"
"absorb, suck up"
"absorbent, absorptive instrument"
"power of absorption"
"absorptive, capacious"
"peasant; (cz│owiek) fellow, chap"
"boy, lad"
"boy`s, boy`s, boyish"
"cool, coolness"
"(wielka ilo£µ) swarm, large quantity"
"(ro£lina) hop; (artyku│ przemys│owy) hops"
"cloud; z wielkiej ~y ma│y deszcz much cry and little wool"
"~ czo│o frown, knit the brow; ~ siΩ become cloudy, cloud"
"sprite, imp"
"choµ thought, atthough, as, even so little; ~ 5 pens≤w fivepence at least"
"even if; at the very least; by way of example"
"pavement, sidewalk; (dywan) carpet, rug"
"walk, go; ~ do szko│y go to shool, attend school; ~ na wyk│ady attend lectures; ~ oko│o czego£ busy oneself with sth; (w kartach) lead; ~ w czym£ wear sth; ~ w kolor poprzedniego wyj£cia follow suit; ~ za kim£ follow sb; o co chodzi? what is the mattter?"
"moment, while, instant; co ~a every moment; do tej ~i up to this moment; lada ~a at any minute; na ~Ω for a moment; od tej ~i at the last moment at the eleventh hour; w tej (danej) ~i at the moment; z ~╣ oon upon; z ~╣ jego przybycia on his arrival; za ~Ω in a moment"
"for the moment, for the present, temporarily"
"momentary, temporary"
"grip, grasp, seizure; (spos≤b) catch; (w walce) grapple, catch"
"catch, seize; ~ za serce go to the heart; ~ siΩ catch hold (czego£ of sth); ~ siΩ £rodk≤w take measures"
"incline; ~ czo│a do reverence (przed kim£ to sb); ~ siΩ incline (ku upadkowi) decline"
"cunning, astuteness"
"cunning, astute, crafty"
"litle body, corpuscle"
"(korpus) body; (miΩso) flesh; jΩdrne ~ firm flesh; krew i ~ blood abd flesh; sta│e solid; ~ niebieskie celestial body"
"~ przechodz╣ mi po plecach my flesh creeps, it makes my flesh creep"
"narrowness, tihtness"
"narrow, tight; (o mieszkaniu) cramped; (o butach) tight; ~o nam w tym wozie we are huddlet in this car"
"cake, tart, tartlet"
"dough, paste"
"cut, (na kawa│ki) cut up"
"draught; file, march, course; w ~u roku in the course of the year; ~ dalszy (c.d.) continued; ~ dalszy nast╣pi (c.d.n.) to be continued; jednym ci╣giem at stretch; w dalszym ~u co£ robiµ to continue to do sth; ~ ptak≤w passage of birds; seqence"
"continuous, continued"
"draw; (ku sobie); pull; (wlec) drag; haul; poci╣gaµ, nΩciµ) attract; korzy£i derive; ~ dalej (dalej co£ robiµ) continue, cary on; tu ci╣gnie there is a draught here; ~ siΩ (o przestrzeni) extend, stretch; (o czasie) last, continue"
"(loterii) drawning"
"(grawitowaµ) gravitate; weigh; lie heavy press heavily; na domu ~╣ d│ugi the house is encumbered with debs"
"heavy, weighty; (o pracy, sytuacji itp.) hard; (o chorobie) serious; (o ranie) dangerous; (trudny) difficult"
"heavily; hard; with difficulty; ~ mu idzie w ┐yciu it goes hard with him; ~ mu idzie praca he finds it hard to work; ~ pracowaµ work hard; ~ strawny hard to digest, indigestible"
"heaviness, weight; £rodek ~ci centr of gravity; si│a ~ci gravity"
"zob ci╣zyµ"
"blow, stroke; zadaµÅ~ strike a blow"
"hew, chop"
"brat ~y first cousin; siostra ~a first cousin"
"hurl, trow"
"ciskaµ; press; (o bucie) pinch; ~ siΩ press. crowd"
"stillness, calm, peace"
"pressure, presion"
"blindman`s buff; graµ w ~Ω play blindman`s buff"
"economize, scrape together"
"hole; (wiΩzienie) choke"
"hatchet; (kij alpinistyczny) alpenstock"
"throng, crowd"
"nausea, inspidity, dullnes"
"nauseating; insipid, dull"
"levy customs"
"duty custom; customs; custom duty; op│acanie ~ a clearence"
"what; ~ do as regards; ~ do mnie as for me; ~ miesi╣c every month; ~ za po┐ytek z tego? what`s the use od it? what use is it?; ~ za widok! what is sight; dopiero co just now"
"every day"
"daily, everyfay; trivial"
"retire, withdraw; (odwo│ywaµ)repeal, recall, retract; (np, s│owo to go bac on one`s word); (zegarek) pu back; ~ siΩ draw back, withdraw, retreat, retire"
"siΩ withdrawal, retraction"
"anything; (nieco) some, something;~ b╣dƒ no matter what; it does not matter what; ~ on zrobi whatever he may do"
"socle, base"
"fillet of vension"
"~ lepiej better and better; ~ wiΩcej more and more"
"every-year, yearly"
"something, anything; ~ w tym rodzaju something like that; ~ nieco£ a like"
"what, what if; ~ to ? what is it? ~ z tego? what thought?; no i ~? what now?"
"stink (czym£ of sth) smell nasty"
"bring back to consciousness, revive"
"miracle, wonder, prodigy; dokazywaµ ~≤w work wonders"
"blackly; ubieraµ siΩ na ~ dress in black; malowaµ na ~ pain black"
"brownishblack, tawny"
"black-money-market speculator"
"magic; r≤┐d┐ka ~ska sorcerere`s wand"
"humus, vegetable mould"
"black; (od s│o±ca) swarthy; ~ rynek black market"
"witch, hag"
"charming, enchanting"
"zob czarci"
"charming, fascinating"
"witchcraft, sorcery; magic"
"time; ~em sometimes; do ~u for a time; jest najwy┐szy ~ it is high time; na ~ in (good) time; przed niedawnym ~em a short time ago; urzΩdowy ~ miejscowy standart time; w ~ie in the time, at the time; wolny ~ spare time; z ~em in course of time; za ~≤w at the time; za moich ~≤w in my time; tense; ~ przesz│y preterite, past; ~ przysz│y future; teraƒniejszy present"
"lurk (na kogo£ for sb)"
"lurking, lying in ambush, watch; na ~ach in ambush on the watch"
"particle, small part"
"adorer, worshipper"
"adore, worship, respect"
"respectable, honourable"
"character, letter; ~i letters, type"
"na ~ on (with) an empty stomach; jestem na ~ I have not broken my fast"
"ksi╣┐ka ~kowa checque book; rachunek ~ y drawing account; obr≤t ~y business in cheques. cheque system"
"insolence, impudence"
"insolent, impudent"
"chasm, abyss; (du┐y otw≤r) aperture"
"(night-) cap; urodziµ siΩ w czepku be born with a silver spoon i one`s mouth"
"siΩ cling, hang on czego£ to sth); try to pick up a quarrel, tease"
"hood, cap"
"gang, band"
"shell, shard, sher; (czaszka) skull"
"cherry; cherry tree"
"blacken, maken black"
"blacking; printing-ink"
"blakken, become black"
"black soup"
"blackness, black colour; (,ot│och) mob, rabble"
"draw, scoop"
"(o chlebie) become stale; (o cz│owieku) become brisk, vigorous robust"
"steleness, robustness"
"redden, become red (na twarzy) blush"
"redness, red colour; (w kartach) hearts"
"(horoba) dysentery"
"red; malowaµ na ~ paint red"
"comb; (konia) curry; (len) hackle; (we│nΩ) card"
"woested, cardet wool"
"shool-fees; tultion fe"
"honour, respect; oddawaµ ~ do honour show respect; ku czci in honour"
"often, frequently"
"often, frequenty"
"zob czΩsty"
"reitative; frequentative"
"treat (kogo£ czym£ sb to sth); ~ siΩ treat oneself (czym£ to sth)"
"part, partial"
"part, portion; ~µ sk│adowa component (part) ~ zamienna spare part; lwia ~ lion`s part; piΩµ ~£ci £wiata five continents; po ~ci for the most part, mostly"
"zob cz│owiek"
"member; (ko±czyna) limb"
"female member"
"litle fellow"
"humanity; human nature"
"(ludzie) man (people), human being"
"scamper off, bolt"
"siΩ crawl, creep"
"forehead, brow; na czele at the head; stawiµ ~ face, weather (czemu£ sth)"
"frontal; (przoduj╣cy) leading"
"tap, plug"
"little tap, stopper; tampon"
"stop (up), plug; tampon"
"smal boat; skiff; (tkackie) shuttle"
"punt, canoe, yawl"
"(o wieku) forty years old; (o kresie czasu) forty years"
"(o wieku) four years old; (o okresie czasu) four years"
"four hunred"
"forelock, tuft, brac siΩ za ~y come to blows; mieµ w ~ie be tight"
"crested, tufted"
"siΩ squabble"
"feeling, sensation"
"feel; ~ do kogo£ urazΩ bear sb a grudge; ~mu z ust his breath smells; ~ czosnkiem it smells of garlic; ~ siΩ feel; ~ siΩ dobrze feel all right, feel well; ~ siΩ szczΩ£liwym feel happy"
"sentry, sentinel"
"vigilance, watchfullness; ~ partyjna party vigilance"
"vigilant, watchful, wary"
"antenna; ~ki antennae"
"tenderness, sensitiveness"
"tender, sensitive, delicate; byµ ~m have a thin skin"
"self-assertive, contentious"
"watch (nad czym£, kim£ over sth, sb); (nie spaµ) wake"
"watch, wake"
"thursday; wielki czwartek maundy thursday"
"fourth; jedna ~a one fourth; p≤│ do ~tej half pas three; o ~ej at four"
"na ~ach on all fours; (budynek) ~ dwelling house for labourers"
"(w zdaniach pytaj╣cych podrzΩdnych) if, whether ( w zdaniach g│≤wnych pyt, nie t│um.)"
"lurk (na kogo£ for sb)"
"somebody`s anybodys"
"~ ... tym the... the; ~ prΩdzej as quckly as possible"
"deed, act, feat; exploit; ~ pierwszomajowy first may deed; wprowadziµ w czyn carry into effect"
"do act"
"doing, acting, mieµ z kim£ do ~a have to do with sb"
"factor, agent; ~ miarodajny competent authority"
"activity, function, action, operation"
"active; ~ stan rachunk≤w assets; sklep jest ~ the shop is open"
"rent; (procent) interest; dom ~owy tenement-house"
"furuncle, boil"
"fair copy"
"purity, cleanness, tidiness; chasisty"
"pure clean; tidy; chaste; mint; ~a angielszczyzna pure eglish; ~a prawda plain truth; ~ sumienie clear consistence; ~y arkusz blank sheet; ~y doch≤d net profit; m≤wiµ ~o po polsku speak pure Polish; przepisaµ na ~o make a fair copy; wyj£µ na ~o get off clear"
"cleaning, purgation"
"clean, cleanse, purity; purge; (metale) refine"
"reading; ksi╣┐ka do czytania reading book, reader; nauka ~nia instruction in reading"