Labels:computer | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | window | windowpane OCR: Selection Example by E.R X List Item 0 List Item List Item List Item List Item List Item List Item List Item List Item Itcm 9 Item 10 Item Item Item Item Item Item Item istItem List Ttem List Item 20 List Item Highlight 1or more List Items then The reason for the pu.. option here is to show you a simple way to Highlighted List Items Curso Coordinates Start tHere: Startx: 2580 StartY: 3780 See what the appap Cursor or whether Coordinates or not to an your Item left: should Those he Coordinates selected Basically you're trapping the items between these X:750 Y: 2010 Coor dinates . Startx is the coordinate a which you will start the berp from(this never changes) Starty the coordinate Highight Itema ther reasor find Jeft decide beap