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Text File  |  1992-05-20  |  3KB  |  371 lines

  1. Standard monadic or dyadic operators.
  2. Conversions and similar elementary functions
  3. Transcendental functions.
  4. Arithmetic functions.
  5. Functions related to elliptic curves.
  6. Polynomials, power series and number fields.
  7. Vectors, matrices and linear algebra.
  8. Sums, products, integrals and similar functions.
  9. Plotting functions.
  10. Programming under GP
  11. ###Standard monadic or dyadic operators.
  12. +
  13. -
  14. *
  15. /
  16. \
  17. %
  18. divres
  19. ^
  20. shift
  21. shiftmul
  22. ==
  23. >=
  24. <=
  25. <
  26. >
  27. &&
  28. ||
  29. sign
  30. max
  31. min
  32. ###Conversions and similar elementary functions
  33. binary
  34. bittest
  35. ceil
  36. centerlift
  37. changevar
  38. conj
  39. cvtoi
  40. denom
  41. floor
  42. frac
  43. imag
  44. length
  45. lex
  46. lift
  47. matsize
  48. mod
  49. modp
  50. norm
  51. norml2
  52. numer
  53. permutation
  54. poly
  55. polyrev
  56. prec
  57. quadgen
  58. quadpoly
  59. random
  60. real
  61. rndtoi
  62. round
  63. rounderror
  64. setprecision
  65. setserieslength
  66. series
  67. simplify
  68. size
  69. trunc
  70. type
  71. valuation
  72. vec
  73. ###Transcendental functions.
  74. ^
  75. abs
  76. acos
  77. acosh
  78. agm
  79. arg
  80. asin
  81. asinh
  82. atan
  83. atanh
  84. bernreal
  85. bernvec
  86. cos
  87. cosh
  88. dilog
  89. eint1
  90. erfc
  91. eta
  92. euler
  93. exp
  94. gamh
  95. gamma
  96. hyperu
  97. incgam
  98. incgam3
  99. incgam4
  100. jbesselh
  101. jell
  102. kbessel
  103. ln
  104. lngamma
  105. logagm
  106. pi
  107. polylog
  108. polylogd
  109. polylogdold
  110. polylogp
  111. psi
  112. sin
  113. sinh
  114. sqr
  115. sqrt
  116. tan
  117. tanh
  118. teich
  119. wf
  120. wf2
  121. zeta
  122. ###Arithmetic functions.
  123. bezout
  124. bigomega
  125. bin
  126. boundfact
  127. boundcf
  128. buchimag
  129. buchreal
  130. cf
  131. cf2
  132. chinese
  133. classno
  134. compose
  135. comprealraw
  136. content
  137. divisors
  138. fact
  139. !
  140. factfq
  141. factmod
  142. factor
  143. fibo
  144. gcd
  145. hclassno
  146. hilb
  147. isfund
  148. isprime
  149. ispsp
  150. isqrt
  151. issqfree
  152. issquare
  153. kronecker
  154. lcm
  155. mu
  156. nextprime
  157. nucomp
  158. numdiv
  159. nupow
  160. omega
  161. order
  162. pf
  163. phi
  164. pnqn
  165. powrealraw
  166. prime
  167. primes
  168. primroot
  169. qfi
  170. qfr
  171. redcomp
  172. redreal
  173. redrealnod
  174. regula
  175. rhoreal
  176. rhorealnod
  177. sigma
  178. sigmak
  179. smallfact
  180. unit
  181. ###Functions related to elliptic curves.
  182. addell
  183. akell
  184. anell
  185. apell
  186. apell2
  187. chell
  188. chptell
  189. globalred
  190. hell
  191. hell2
  192. initell
  193. isoncurve
  194. localred
  195. lseriesell
  196. pointell
  197. matell
  198. ordell
  199. powell
  200. smallinitell
  201. subell
  202. zell
  203. ###Polynomials, power series and number fields.
  204. apprpadic
  205. base
  206. convol
  207. cyclo
  208. deriv
  209. disc
  210. discf
  211. eval
  212. factoredbase
  213. factoreddiscf
  214. factoredpolred
  215. factoredpolred2
  216. factornf
  217. factorpadic
  218. factpol
  219. galois
  220. galoisconj
  221. initalg
  222. integ
  223. isincl
  224. isisom
  225. laplace
  226. legendre
  227. modreverse
  228. newtonpoly
  229. ordred
  230. polint
  231. polred
  232. polred2
  233. polsym
  234. recip
  235. resultant
  236. resultant2
  237. reverse
  238. rootmod
  239. rootpadic
  240. roots
  241. rootslong
  242. rootsof1
  243. smallbase
  244. smalldiscf
  245. smallpolred
  246. smallpolred2
  247. sturm
  248. sturmpart
  249. subst
  250. taylor
  251. tchebi
  252. tchirnhausen
  253. ###Vectors, matrices and linear algebra.
  254. adj
  255. algdep
  256. char
  257. char1
  258. char2
  259. concat
  260. det
  261. det2
  262. eigen
  263. extract
  264. gauss
  265. hermite
  266. hess
  267. hilbert
  268. idmat
  269. indsort
  270. jacobi
  271. ker
  272. keri
  273. kerint
  274. kerint1
  275. kerint2
  276. kerr
  277. image
  278. indexrank
  279. intersect
  280. inverseimage
  281. lexsort
  282. lindep
  283. lll
  284. lll1
  285. lllgram
  286. lllgram1
  287. lllgramint
  288. lllgramkerim
  289. lllint
  290. lllkerim
  291. lllrat
  292. mat
  293. matextract
  294. matinvr
  295. matrixqz
  296. matrixqz2
  297. matrixqz3
  298. minim
  299. pascal
  300. rank
  301. signat
  302. smith
  303. sort
  304. sqred
  305. supplement
  306. trace
  307. trans
  308. vecsort
  309. ###Sums, products, integrals and similar functions.
  310. divsum
  311. hvector
  312. intgen
  313. intinf
  314. intnum
  315. intopen
  316. matrix
  317. prod
  318. prodeuler
  319. prodinf
  320. prodinf1
  321. solve
  322. sum
  323. sumalt
  324. suminf
  325. sumpos
  326. vector
  327. vvector
  328. ###Plotting functions.
  329. box
  330. cursor
  331. draw
  332. initrect
  333. killrect
  334. line
  335. lines
  336. move
  337. plot
  338. ploth
  339. ploth2
  340. plothraw
  341. point
  342. points
  343. postdraw
  344. postploth
  345. postploth2
  346. postplothraw
  347. rbox
  348. rline
  349. rmove
  350. rpoint
  351. string
  352. ###Programming under GP
  353. for
  354. fordiv
  355. forprime
  356. forstep
  357. goto
  358. if
  359. label
  360. until
  361. while
  362. kill
  363. pprint
  364. pprint1
  365. print
  366. print1
  367. read
  368. reorder
  369. texprint
  370. ###