Voyagers to the Outer Planets 2: Uranus
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83 lines
.title dcmprs
;_TITLE DCMPRS, a subroutine to decompress a line of image data
;_CALL_SEQ the FORTRAN call is
; CALL DCMPRS (ibuf, obuf, nb, ns, tree)
;_ARGS ibuf - input compressed bit string (character variable)
; obuf - output decompressed image line (character variable)
; (both ibuf and obuf must declared as character
; variables in by the calling program)
; nb - number of bytes in input string
; ns - number of bytes expected in output line
; tree - binary tree for decompressing line
;_DESC The routine uses each successive bit in the input
; string to trace down the tree to the leaf. The value
; of the pixel is stored in the leaf. If diff is true
; the routine reconstructs the undifferenced pixel
; value. For VAX/VMS users using the fortran versions
; of the decompression software, this macro version
; can replace the fortran version of the same name. By
; utilizing the macro version, the speed of the decompression
; software will improve by a factor of 2. This routine
; only works with the fortran versions of the decompression
; software
;_HIST 28Jul87, DMcMacken, ISD, Flagstaff, Original version
; local variables
root: .long ;tree root pointer
.entry dcmprs,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11>
movl 4(ap),r11 ;input buffer descriptor
movl 4(r11),r11 ;input buffer address
movl 8(ap),r10 ;output buffer descriptor
movl 4(r10),r10 ;output buffer address
movl @12(ap),r9 ;number input bytes
movl @16(ap),r8 ;number output samples expected
movl 20(ap),r7 ;address of code tree
movl #1023,r5
mull2 #5,r5
movzwl (r7)[r5],root
decl root
mull2 #5,root
decl r8 ;count first sample
decl r9 ;..it is not compressed
movzbw (r11)+,r6 ;get first sample
movb r6,(r10)+ ;return it unchanged
movl root,r5 ;pointer to root of tree
loop: movzbw (r11)+,r3 ;get next byte
movl #7,r4 ;bit pointer
lp2: bbc r4,r3,right ;test input bit
;0 - right
;1 - left
movw 4(r7)[r5],r5 ;get left pointer
brb cont ;continue
right: movw 2(r7)[r5],r5 ;get right pointer
cont: decl r5 ;compute new
mull2 #5,r5 ;...offset
cmpw #-1,(r7)[r5] ;at leaf?
beql next ;no, go to next branch
movw (r7)[r5],r2 ;yes, get value
subw2 r2,r6 ;compute difference
addw2 #256,r6 ;make it positive
movw r6,r2 ;return value to r2
movb r2,(r10)+ ;return sample
movl root,r5 ;point back to root
sobgtr r8,next ;more samples?
ret ;no, return to caller
next: sobgeq r4,lp2 ;more bits in current byte?
sobgtr r9,loop ;no, is there another input byte?
ret ;no, return