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  1. abominate       to dislike strongly; abhor                                                                          The religious man @d all sin.                               
  2. allude          to make indirect or casual reference to                                                             The tactful man subtly @d to the problem.                   
  3. beguile         to deceive; to cheat; to defraud; to charm into   a state of submission                             The gentleman was @d by the lady's charms.                  
  4. bruit           to noise abroad; to talk about                                                                      The children @d loudly and woke the baby.                   
  5. chafe           to make sore through rubbing; to annoy or irritate                                                  The free-spirited man @d under the onerous rules.           
  6. connote         to suggest or imply                                                                                 Does your question @ that you do not believe me?            
  7. decant          to pour off a liquid                                                                                The workers @d the large wine vessel into smaller vessels.  
  8. despise         to regard with contempt and scorn                                                                   People often @ that which they do not understand.           
  9. dominate        to exercise control over; to govern                                                                 NATO is @d by the power of the United States.               
  10. entice          to lure; to attract with the promise of illicit   gains                                             The customers were @d into the store by the sale.           
  11. extricate       to free from entanglement or hindrance                                                              The defendant could not @ himself from his lies.            
  12. gambol          to leap about in play; to frolic                                                                    The playful horse @d in the field.                          
  13. hurtle          to collide or clash; to hurl or throw                                                               The two cars @d toward a head-on collision.                 
  14. inhere          to be a permanent or central part of                                                                Our personalities @ in our souls.                           
  15. juxtapose       to place together; to place side by side, espe-   cially in order to make comparison                The speaker deftly @d the differences in the two ideas.     
  16. maximize        to increase to the greatest possible extent                                                         The company tried to @ profits and minimize expenses.       
  17. negate          to render ineffective; to nullify; to rule out; tocontradict                                        A single sin can @ many years of good works.                
  18. prevaricate     to speak or act in a deceptive manner; lie                                                          We should not @ if we want to be trusted.                   
  19. subjugate       to force to submit to rule; to bring into servi-  tude                                              The Hittites @d many of the surrounding tribes.             
  20. vie             to strive for superiority; to compete                                                               The two brothers @d for the attention of their father.      