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  1. abrade          to rub away by friction; to wear away                                                               The strong wind @d the face of the cliff.                   
  2. anchor          to fix securely; to make firm                                                                       The strongest runner @d the relay team.                     
  3. bemuse          to confuse; to bewilder; to cause to become lost  in thought                                        The child's strange response @d his father.                 
  4. burnish         to polish by friction                                                                               The page @d the knight's armor.                             
  5. chide           to speak reprovingly to; to scold                                                                   The teacher @d the students for their bad work.             
  6. consecrate      to set apart for a sacred use; to dedicate to God                                                   The bishop @d the altar of the new church.                  
  7. decipher        to convert into meaningful form; to puzzle out    something obscure                                 I cannot @ these obscure writings.                          
  8. digress         to turn aside from the main subject                                                                 The English teacher @d into recounting her childhood.       
  9. eavesdrop       to secretly listen to private conversation                                                          The nosy neighbor @d on the private conversation.           
  10. enunciate       to speak clearly; to state with exactness                                                           One must @ clearly in order to be understood.               
  11. facilitate      to make easier or more convenient                                                                   The cease fire @d travel in the war zone.                   
  12. garner          to gather or store; to accumulate                                                                   The businessman was able to @ most of the silver reserves.  
  13. hypothesize     to theorize; to guess at a possible solution                                                        The detective @d as to the identity of the criminal.        
  14. insinuate       to imply subtly or by innuendo; to bring about    gradually                                         The radical group slowly @d itself into the party.          
  15. lacerate        to tear raggedly; to wound; to injure                                                               The blunt knife @d the flesh.                               
  16. meditate        to engage in contemplative thought; to muse                                                         The monk liked to @ alone in his room.                      
  17. nix             to forbid or disagree with                                                                          The father @d the foolhardy plan of his children.           
  18. quaff           to drink copiously or with relish                                                                   The runner @d the juice hurriedly.                          
  19. suffuse         to spread over, as with a vapor or fluid                                                            The gas quickly @d over a large area.                       
  20. vindicate       to clear of accusation; to serve to justify                                                         The not guilty verdict @d the defendant's good name.        