Labels:fence | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | vegetarianism | water OCR: abedafghijklmnopq st tuwxyz ABCDEFG JXSLOH M NOPQ-R 0123456780 ~!@#$%^ <.{]{}| ./ The quick brown fox umps ove: the Lazg dog. The quick brown fox jumps OUET the lazy -bop 24 The quick Lrown fox jumps OUEr the Lazy .bop The quick brown fox jumps OUEr the Lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps OUEr the Lazy bop 60 3y quick brown fox jum hs OUE7 the Lazy bop The quick brown fox jum hs OUEr the Lazy bop ABCDEF sIunYZ 0123456789 jump lary Grown OUEN 0UE7