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/ modiromppu / modiromppu.iso / OZ / TOBEBRO1.ZIP / TOBEBRO1.S3M (.mp3)
Scream Tracker Module  |  1980-01-04  |  597KB  |  2 channels  |  44,100 sample rate  |  9 minutes, 54 seconds

To Be Broken
s3m (Scream Tracker 3)
Scream Tracker 3.20 S3M
To Be Broken. by Ellipse
& Wolf. This is the first
song Ellipse and I have wo
rked on in a while (not th
at it matters, some even d
oubt the EXISTANCE of Elli
pse *QUAREX*), and I'm ver
y happy with this one, we
tried to make a long, ambi
ent-like song that didn't
get too boring, and I thin
k we did a pretty good job
. There is also a remix o
f this song (file: 2be2.zi
p), so if you like this, p
ick up the remix. This so
ng is released for Alloy,
our most enigmatic band. W
e have already released an
album, entitled "Glycerine
," and it is available on
tape only in Bloomington/
Normal, Illinois (as that
is where we live), so if y
ou want to get in touch wi
th us, e-mail me at "benre
ed@expert.cc.purdue.edu" o
r snailmail: 218 Willard A
ve, Bloomington, IL 61701-
5653. Tapes are a mere $5
+ shipping and all that j
ive, 'cause I really don't
care all that much about a
profit, I just like knowin
g that it's getting out th
ere. I am releasing this
through Defiance, as that
is the major channel I hav
e to release this as a pre
view of our upcoming album
, expected to be released
after summer, '95. We don
't even have a working tit
le, but we had so much fun
making the last album we f
igured we'd do it again.
Now if it starts doing wei
rd things after the 40th p
attern or so, be warned th
at I know this song to onl
y play correctly (but with
out the panning effects) i
n IPlay. DMP and even Scr
eam Tracker shred it once
it gets into the high orde
rs. Thanks for listening.
-Wolf. (aka Ranger Rick)