Labels:text | screenshot | purple | font | violet OCR: ... Adlib Gold Continued * Advanced FM Stereo synthesis chip. Major difference between this chip & SOFTWARE SALE! WALDEN'S ELECTRONIC For additional ETC. AdLib Gold x the SB-Pro FM chip is that this one is a new design with stereo capabilities built in. The SB-Pro chip utilizes two KING'S SoundBlasterPro QUEST SWING = ammar Information, old FM_chips, while the Adlib Pro uses SALE THIL 1 new FM chip. This new chip, besides dlook at the file: [SPECIAL $109.95] `SNDCARDS.TXT providing stereo, allows 20 overall channels capable of producing more realistic sounding instruments than the older AdLib FM chip. Panning and localization of sound is more easily By the time you're reading this, Origin should have re- achieved with this chip. Overall, the leased Wing Commander_][. Computer games prices ...