Meeting Pearls 3
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334 lines
** This file generated by localize 2.9 (AmigaDOS 2.1) from unpack.c
* Unpacks the raster data from the packed buffer. This code was
* translated from pktopx.web using an automatic translator, then
* converted for this purpose. This little routine can be very useful
* in other drivers as well.
#include "defines.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "textypes.h"
#include "flmt.h"
#include "new_font.h"
#include "globals.i"
#include "unpack.i"
* Fuer die locale-Library:
* Hier duerfen *nur* die MSG_#? Nummern eingebunden werden!
* Achtung:
* Es muss/sollte 'multiple-include' erlaubt sein!
#include "local.i"
#include "localstr.h"
* external procedures
/* ?? */
extern struct FontMan *FontRoot; /* root structure */
* internal procedures
static shalfword getnyb (void);
static Boolean getbit (void);
static long pkpackednum (void);
#if 0
static void flip (char *s, long howmany);
static long getlong (unsigned char *a);
static void unpack (quarterword *pack, halfword *raster,
halfword cwidth, halfword cheight,
halfword cmd);
* Some statics for use here.
static halfword bitweight ;
static halfword dynf ;
static halfword gpower[17] = { 0 , 1 , 3 , 7 , 15 , 31 , 63 , 127 ,
255 , 511 , 1023 , 2047 , 4095 , 8191 , 16383 , (halfword)32767 , (halfword)65535 } ;
static long repeatcount ;
static quarterword *p ;
#if 0
static halfword bftest = 1 ;
* We need procedures to get a nybble, bit, and packed word from the
* packed data structure.
static shalfword __inline getnyb (void)
if ( bitweight == 0 )
{ bitweight = 16 ;
return (shalfword)(*p++ & 15) ;
} else {
bitweight = 0 ;
return (shalfword)(*p >> 4) ;
static Boolean __inline getbit (void)
bitweight >>= 1 ;
if ( bitweight == 0 )
{ p++ ;
bitweight = 128 ;
return (Boolean)(*p & bitweight) ;
static long pkpackednum (void)
register halfword i;
register long j ;
i = getnyb () ;
if ( i == 0 ) {
do { j = (long)getnyb () ;
i++ ;
} while ( j == 0L ) ;
while ( i != 0 ) {
j = j * 16L + ((long) getnyb ()) ;
i-- ;
return ( j - 15L + ( 13L - dynf ) * 16L + dynf ) ;
else if ( i <= dynf ) return ( (long)i ) ;
else if ( i < 14 ) return ( ( (long)i - (long)dynf - 1L )*16L + (long)getnyb() + (long)dynf + 1L ) ;
else {
if (repeatcount != 0)
repeatcount = 1L ;
if ( i == 14 ) repeatcount = pkpackednum () ;
return ( pkpackednum() ) ;
#if 0
static void flip(char *s, long howmany)
register char t ;
while (howmany > 0) {
t = *s ;
*s = s[1] ;
s[1] = t ;
howmany-- ;
s += 2 ;
* And now we have our main routine.
static void unpack(quarterword *pack, halfword *raster,
halfword cwidth, halfword cheight, halfword cmd)
register integer i, j ;
shalfword wordwidth ;
register halfword word, wordweight ;
shalfword rowsleft ;
Boolean turnon ;
shalfword hbit ;
long count ;
#if 0
halfword *oraster ;
oraster = raster ;
p = pack ;
dynf = cmd / 16 ;
turnon = cmd & 8 ;
wordwidth = (cwidth + 15)/16 ;
if ( dynf == 14 )
{ bitweight = 256 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= cheight ; i ++ )
{ word = 0 ;
wordweight = (halfword)32768 ;
for ( j = 1 ; j <= cwidth ; j ++ )
{ if ( getbit () ) word += wordweight ;
wordweight >>= 1 ;
if ( wordweight == 0 )
{ *raster++ = word ;
word = 0 ;
wordweight = (halfword)32768 ;
if ( wordweight != (halfword)32768 )
*raster++ = word ;
} else {
rowsleft = cheight ;
hbit = cwidth ;
repeatcount = 0 ;
wordweight = 16 ;
word = 0 ;
bitweight = 16 ;
while ( rowsleft > 0 )
{ count = pkpackednum() ;
while ( count != 0 )
{ if ( ( count <= wordweight ) && ( count < hbit ) )
{ if ( turnon ) word += gpower [ wordweight ] - gpower
[ wordweight - count ] ;
hbit -= count ;
wordweight -= count ;
count = 0 ;
else if ( ( count >= hbit ) && ( hbit <= wordweight ) )
{ if ( turnon )
word += gpower[wordweight] - gpower[wordweight-hbit] ;
*raster++ = word ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= repeatcount ; i ++ ) {
for ( j = 1 ; j <= wordwidth ; j ++ ) {
*raster = *(raster - wordwidth) ;
raster++ ;
rowsleft -= repeatcount + 1 ;
repeatcount = 0 ;
word = 0 ;
wordweight = 16 ;
count -= hbit ;
hbit = cwidth ;
{ if ( turnon ) word += gpower [ wordweight ] ;
*raster++ = word ;
word = 0 ;
count -= wordweight ;
hbit -= wordweight ;
wordweight = 16 ;
turnon = ! turnon ;
if ( ( rowsleft != 0 ) || ( hbit != cwidth ) )
#if 0
if (*(char *)&bftest) /* is the hardware LittleEndian? */
flip((char *)oraster, ((cwidth + 15) >> 4) * (long)cheight) ;
/** return(p-pack) ; **/
static long getlong(quarterword *a)
return ((((((a[0] << 8L) + a[1]) << 8L) + a[2]) << 8L) + a[3]) ;
* unpack one character
void unpack_char(struct Font *fnt, short cc)
long i;
halfword cheight, cwidth ;
quarterword *p ;
halfword cmd ;
shalfword xoff, yoff ;
halfword wwidth;
struct Char *unpacked_char;
halfword *bitmap;
if (fnt->common->fnt_status != FNT_LOADED &&
fnt->common->fnt_status != FNT_DEFINED_OLOADED &&
fnt->common->fnt_status != FNT_OLD_LOADED) {
return; /* do nothing (should never occure) */
/* der Fall tritt zur Zeit nicht auf, waere aber zu ueberlegen, ob man */
/* nicht zulassen koennte, einen Font zu verwenden, dessen pk-data nicht */
/* geladen (weil removed) ist. Man muesste den Font nur dann laden, wenn */
/* ein Char gebraucht wird, der noch nicht ausgepackt ist! */
p = (quarterword *)(fnt->common->ch_start_bm + fnt->common->ch[cc].packed_data);
cmd = *p++ ;
if (cmd & 4) {
if ((cmd & 7) == 7) {
cwidth = getlong(p) ;
cheight = getlong(p + 4) ;
xoff = getlong(p + 8) ;
yoff = getlong(p + 12) ;
p += 16 ;
} else {
cwidth = p[0] * 256 + p[1] ;
cheight = p[2] * 256 + p[3] ;
xoff = p[4] * 256 + p[5] ; /* N.B.: xoff, yoff are signed halfwords */
yoff = p[6] * 256 + p[7] ;
p += 8 ;
} else {
cwidth = *p++ ;
cheight = *p++ ;
xoff = *p++ ;
yoff = *p++ ;
if (xoff > 127)
xoff -= 256 ;
if (yoff > 127)
yoff -= 256 ;
wwidth = (cwidth + 15) / 16 ;
i = 2L * (long)cheight * (long)wwidth ;
if (i <= 0) i = 2;
unpacked_char = xmalloc(i + sizeof(struct Char)) ;
bitmap = (halfword *)(unpacked_char + 1); /* bitmap at the end of the structure */
memset(bitmap, 0, i); /* clear the buffer */
unpack(p, (halfword *)bitmap, cwidth, cheight, cmd) ;
unpacked_char->bytes = i + sizeof(struct Char);
FontRoot->unpacked_mem += unpacked_char->bytes;
FontRoot->unpacked_mem += i + sizeof(struct Char);
if (cheight == 0 || cwidth == 0) { /* noetig ?? */
cwidth = 1 ;
cheight = 1 ;
bitmap[0] = 0;
unpacked_char->width = cwidth;
unpacked_char->height = cheight;
unpacked_char->xOffset = xoff;
unpacked_char->yOffset = yoff;
fnt->common->ch[cc].unpacked = unpacked_char;